< A Book of Saints and Wonders

The Irish text of the greater number of the hymns and legends in this book has been published in the Revue Celtique, Irische Texte, Zeitschrift Celtische Phiologie, Eriu, and elsewhere. From this text I have worked, making my own translation as far as my scholarship goes, and when it fails taking the meaning given by better scholars. The Old Woman of Beare and the verses taken from the Hymn of Marbhan differ very slightly from the translations published by Professor Kuno Meyer. I and my readers are indebted to the work of Mr. Whitley Stokes, especially in the Voyage of Maeldune (Revue Celtique) and the Ever-Living Tongue (lately published in full in Eriu). and to Mr. Standish Hayes O'Grady's inexhaustible Silva Gaedelica.

Among other Irish scholars and editors of texts to whom we owe thanks are O'Curry, O'Donovan, Reeves, Todd, Henebry, O'Donoghue, O'Beirne Crowe. Also to M. d'Arbois de Jubainville (Cycle Mythologique), Dr. Atkinson, and Rev. Dr. Bernard (Liber Hymnorum), Mr. Edward Gwynn (The Priest and the Bees), the Rev. M. O'Riordan (Voyage of Brendan), and to An Craoibhin.

I am grateful to these as well as to those men and women I have met in workhouses or on roadsides or by the hearth, who have kept in mind through many years the great wonders done among the children of the Gad.


Almhuin Hill of Allen, co. Kildare.

Ardmacha Armagh.

Beinn Edair Hill of Howth.

Boinne The Boyne.

Beinn Gulbain Near Sligo.

Bregia Bray.

Carraige Luachra Co. Kerry.

Corca Dubhne Corcaguiny, co. Kerry.

Cenacles Kells, co. Meath.

Cluain Eraird Clonard.

Corcomruadh Near Burren, co. Clare.

Cruachan Rathcroghan, co. Roscommon.

Druimcliab Drumcliff, co. Sligo.

Druim Ceta The Mullagh, near Newtownards

Doire Derry.

Hill of Usnach West Meath.

Laighis Leix.

Loch Lene Killarney.

Loch Febhail Lough Foyle.

Loch Neach, Lough Neagh.

Magh Femen Near Sieve-na-Man.

Magh Breg East Meath.

Moen Moone, east of Athy.

Monaster Boite Monasterboice, co. Louth.

Rathboth Between Donegal and Ballyshannon.

Sord Swords.

Sionnan The Shannon.

Tailltin Telltown.

Toraig Tory Island, co. Done

Uaran Garaid River Cruind

Wood of Fochlad North West of Sligo.

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