< A Book of Czech Verse



Dyž sem šel s Mankou z muziky,
lidi huž stávali k práci,
venku se pjekně bryjdilo,
tůlik huž zpívali ptáci.

Já sem je s Mankou poslouchal,
bula to veliká krása,
cítil sem, ve mňe teký tak
něco že zpívá ha jásá.

Manka mňe pádla na prsa,
šáteček muchlala v pěsti,
tichounce, tiše plakala
ze samý lásky ha chčestí.



When I came out with Manka from dancing
The folks were already astir,
The light of the morning was breaking,
And the song of the birds filled the air.

I stood there with Manka and listened,
And great was the beauty we had;
And I felt there was something within me
That sang with the birds and was glad.

Then Manka sank down on my bosom,
And she crumpled her handkerchief tight,
So gently, so quietly weeping,
Out of sheer love and delight.


Tám hu Dobrý vody
v Draženovský hoře
Panynka Marija
hojí každý hoře.

Každýmu pomůže
voda z tý studánky,
jen mňe nepomohla
zapomít tě, Manky.

Zapomít, jak věčnou
slibovala’s lásku,
srce touž mi bolí,
muj zlatyj vobrázku.


At yonder Good Water
On Drazeny hill,
There the good Virgin Mary
She heals every ill.

The well with its water
Has never failed yet.
Only me, Manka, never
It helped to forget.

Forget how you promised
We never should part.
How precious your portrait!
How heavy my heart!

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