< 1977 Books and Pamphlets July-Dec


AI-16184. Chemical senses and flavor. Vol. 2, no. 1, May 1976. Editors: E. P. Koester £ H. B. Moskowltz. Holland. 136 p. Appl. au: Paul E. Good £ Nori Geary. 3 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 10ct76; AI-16184.

AI-16185. Space science instrumentation. Vol. 2, no. 1-3, Aug. 1976. Editor: J. G. Emming. Holland. 378 p. Special issue: AI-16185 (con.) proceedings of the symposioa on the Techniques of Solar and Cosmic X-ray Spectroscopy, held at Holmbury, England, 22 6 23 Hay 1975, edited by L. U. icton £ J. L. culhane. ippl- au: A. B. C. Balkei Jr. S Anthony Burek. D. Reidel Publishing Coapany: 16Sep76; AI-16185.

AI-16636. Taiwan, Republic of China. 117 p. I-hsiung Ju; [Chid. By I-hsiunq Ju. 10Jun77: Al-16636.

AI-16637. A Collection of 1-hsiunq Jo's landscape paintings. Taiaan, Bepublic of China. 26 p. I-hsianq Ju; 10Jun77 (in notice: 1976): iI-16637.

AI-16639. Topological algebras. By Edward Becltenstein, Lawrence Narici £ Charles Suffel. The Netherlands. 370 p. (Notas de uateiiatica, 60) C North-Holland publishing Company: 1911ay77; AI-16639.

AI-166itO. Baroque. By John Bupert Bartin. Great Britain. 367 p. C John aupert Hartin; 26Hay77: 4I-166U0.

AI-166U1. Eiplicit a priori inequalities with applications to boundary »alue problems. By Vincent George Siqillito. Sreat Britain. 103 p. (Research notes in mathematics, 13) C Vincent George sigillito: 17Jun77: AI-166it1.

AI-166I12. Induced representations and Banach -algebraic bundles. By James (lichael Gardner Fell, with an appendix due to A. Douady S 1. Dal Soglio-Herault. Best Germany. 3tt9 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 582) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 25Apr77: AI-166»2.

AI-16643. Invariant manifolds. By aorris i. Hirsch, Charles C. Puqh E Hichael Shub. West Germany. 119 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 583) S Springer-Verlag ; 26Apr77: AI-166U3.

AI-1661111. The Wonderful pumplcin. By Lennart Hellsing, pictures by Svend otto. Sweden. 1 V. Appl. au: Atheneum Publishers, employer for hire in translation. O on translation: Atheneum Publishers; 25Apr77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 166111.

AI-166it5. Biochemistry of membrane transport. Edited Dy Giorgio Seaenza 6 Ernesto Carafoli. Best Germany. 669 p. (Proceedings of life sciences, PEBS svBPOsiuB, no. «2) Proceedings of the FEBS Symposium on the Biochemistry of Membrane Transport, held at the Swiss Institute of Technology, Zurich. July 18-23, 1976. Appl. au: y. Barenholz 6 a. D. Fran. S Sprinqer-Verlag; ilApr77; AI-166U5.

Al-166146. Structure and bonding. Vol. 32. Editors: J. D. Dunitz 6 other editors. Best Germany- 171 p. Appl. au: J. ». Bilsoa. Springer-Verlaq; 30Bar77; AI- 166116.

A1-16647. The Origins of the cold war in Asia. Edited by Yonosujie Nagai 6 Ajcira Iriye. Japan. 1148 p. University of Tokyo Press; 30Har77: AI-16647.

Bargreth 6 Bobert S. Adelstein. The Netherlands. 360 p. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Contractile Systems in Non-auscle Tissues, held in Bressanone, Italy, Sept. 19-22. 1976. e Elsevier/North-Holland Biosedical Press; 27Dec76; AI- 166118.

AI-166149. Besonauce oscillations in mechanical systems. By B. a. Evan-Iwanows)ii. The Netherlands. 292 p. (5 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 290ec76; AI-166it9.

AI-16650. International organization, national policies and economic development. Editors: Karl Brunner £ Allan H. Beltzer. The Netherlands. 210 p. (Carneqie- Bochester conference series on public policy, a supplementary series to the Journal of monetary economics, vol. 6) O North-Holland Publishing Company: 25nay77; AI-16650.

AI-16651. The Dark tower and other stories. By C. S. Lewis edited by Baiter Hooper. England. 153 p. Portions prev. pub. in The aagazine of fantasy and science fiction £ others. NB: compilation £ p. 7-103. The Trustees of the Estate of C. S. Lewis; 28Feb77; iI-16651.

AI-16652. Aqnolo Gaddi. By Bruce Cole. United Kingdom. 1 v. (Oxford studies in the history of art and architecture) NB: text 6 photos, of the frescoes in the Cappella della Sacra Cintola, Prato, illus. no. 55-78. Q Oxford University Press; 9Jun77; AI-16652.

AI-16653. The Bexican assassin. By Hartshorne, pseud, of Eicnard Blum. England. 350 p. Hartshorne (pseud, for gichard Blum) ; 24Bay77: AI-16653.

AI- 16651. Harmonic analysis on real reductive groups. Edited by V. S. Varadarajan. nest Germany. 521 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 576) O Springer-Verlaq; 10Bay77; AI-16651.

iI-16655. Law, morality, and society: essays in honour of H. L. A. Hart. Edited by Peter aichael Stephan Hacker £ Joseph Baz. United Kingdom. 312 p. Appl. au: a. S. summers £ Joel Feinberg. NB: essays by B. S. Summers 6 J. Feinberg. S Oxford University Press: 19aay77; AI-16655.

41-16656. Phenomenology of spirit. By Georg Bilhela Friedtich Hegel, translated by Arnold Vincent Biller, with analysis of the text £ foreword by John Nieaeyer Findlay. United Kingdom. 595 p. Add. ti: Hegel's Phenoaenology of spirit. Translation of Phaenomenologie des Geistes. NB: analysis of text 6 foreword, e oxford University Press; 9Jun77: AI-16656.

AI- 16657. It's a funny thiuq, humour: Inter- national Conference on Humour and Laughter. Edited by Antony J. Chapman £ Hugh C. Foot, illustrated by Boy B. Behrens. Great Britain. 507 p. Proceedings from the International Conference on Humour and Laughter, held in Cardiff, Bales, July 13-17, 1976. Appl. au: B. F. Fry, B. K. Bothbart £ P. A. acGhee. a Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 27Apr77; AI- 16657.

AI-16658. Plant growth regulation; proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Plant Growth Substances, Lausanne, Aug. 30-Sept. 1, 1976. Edited by Paul Emile Pilet. west Germany. 305 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) proceedings held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland. Appl. au: F. T. Addicott £ P. Albersheim. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 12aay77; Al-16658.

AI-16659. Local service pricing policies and their effect on urban spatial structure. Edited by Paul B. Downing. Canada. 164 p. O The University of British Columbia; 30Bay77; AI-16659.

AI- 16660. The Practical application of economic incentives to the control of pollution: the case of British Columbia. Edited by James B. Stephenson. Canada. 116 p. e The University of British Columbia; 16flay77; iI-16660.

AI-16661. Best buys in Saint Thomas, Bay-July 1977. Cayman Islands, British Best Indies. 27 p. OP and D International £ Virgin Islands Publications; 1Bay77; AI-16661.

AI-16662. Guatemal.la guide. By Paul Glassman. 315 p. e Paul Glassman; 22Jun77; AI-16662.

Al-16618. contractile systeas in non-muscle AI- 16658. tissues. Editors: S. V. Perry, ». Plant gr

AI-16663. Hotel da Praia and other poeas, 1936-1976. By Hilliaa Holloway Boberts. Spain. 69 p. Portion prev. pub. as New Bexican April. NB: revision 6 new poems. e Billiam Holloway Boberts: 30Apr77: AI-16663.

AI-16664. Busica disciplina; a yearbook of the history of music. Vol. 29, 1975. Editor: Armen Carapetyan, assistant editor: Gilbert Beaney. Holland. 207 p. C Armen Carapetyan: 3laar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AI-16661.

AI-16565. Photonuclear reactions 2. Edited by Sergio Costa £ Carlo Schaerf. West Germany. 301 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 62) Proceedings of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Beactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. ippl. au: a. Bertozzi. Springer- Verlag; 26Apr77; AI-16665.

AI- 16666. Ultrashort light pulses: picosecond techniques and applications. Edited by Stanley L. Shapiro, with contributions by D. H. Juston 6 Kenneth B. Eisenthal. Best Germany. 389 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 18) Springer-Verlag; 15Apr77; AI-16666.

AI- 16567. Photonuclear reactions 1. Edited by Sergio Costa 6 Carlo Schaerf. West Germany. 650 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 61) Proceedings of the International School on Electro- and Photonuclear Beactions, Erice, Italy, 1976. ippl. au: Stanley S. Hanna £ Evans Hayward. C sprtnger-Verlag; 26Apr77: AI-16667.

AI-16668. Interactive systems; proceedings, 6th Informatik Symposiua, Bad Hoaburg vor der Hoehe, Sept. 1976. Edited by Albrecht Blaser £ Clemens Hackl. Best Germany. 380 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 49) English 6 German. Appl. au: Allan 1. Schecr £ Bichard P. Kelisky. O Springer-Verlag; 26Apr77; Al-16668. &I-16669. Current topics in pathology- Vol. 6U. Editors: E. Grundmann & H. H. Kirsten* contributors: J. L. Van Lancker 6 E. L. Quiroqa. iest Germany. 228 p. e Sprinqei-Verlaq; 22Apr77; AI-16669.

AI-16670. Carqese lectures in physics. Vol. 7. Edited by Maurice Levy, authors: Bichard Harrus, Haryin Douqlas & others. Great Britain. 500 p. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers* Ltd.; 1UJun77; AI-16670.

AI-16672. The Social production of scientific knoHledqe. Edited by Everett Mendelsohn, Peter Heinqart & Richard O. Shitley. Holland. 2914 p. (Socioloqy of the sciences, vol. 1) Appl. au: Dorothy Nelkin. e D. Seidel Publishinq Company: 51Iay77; AI-16672.

AI-16673. The Inevitability of patriarchy. By Steven Goldberg. Enqland. 224 p. KM: revisions. 6 Steven Goldberg; 3Jul77; AI-16673.

AI- 16674. Hanq me up oetriconverter. Canada. Poster. Appl. au: aerie Archer. e Merle Archer: 1Har77: AI-16674.

AI-16675. MacEoeconofflic policy in a developinq country: the Chilean experience. By Jere B. Behrman. The Netherlands. 340 p. (Contributions to economic analysis, 109) @ North Holland Publishing Company: 27Jun77; Al-16675.

AI-16676. Multivariate analysis, 4; proceedinqs of the Fourth International Symposium on Multivariate Analysis. Edited by Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah. The Netherlands. 549 p. Proceedinqs of the Symposium held at (friqht state Oniversity, Dayton, June 16-21, 1975. e North Holland Publishinq Company; 24Jun77; AI-16676.

AI-16677. Estimatinq electric poller system marginal costs. By Charles E. Scherer- The Netherlands. 338 p. (Contributions to economic analysis, 107) , Q North Holland Publishinq Company: 24Jun77; AI-16677.

AI-16678. Scale models in enqineering: funda- mentals and applications. By Dieterich J. Schurinq. Great Britain. 299 p. e Dieterich J. Schurinq: 4Apr77; AI-16678.

AI-16679. The First European seminar on com- puterised axial tomoqraphy in clinical practice. Edited by Georqe H. Du Boulay £ Ivan F. Moseley. Best Germany. 430 p. Held in London, sprinq 1976. Appl. au: P. A. fioberts 6 I. I. Kricheff. O Sprinqer- Verlaq; 4Bar77: AI-16679.

AI-16680. Violet Trefusis: life and letters. By Philippe Jullian & John Phillips. Enqland. 244 p. O Philippe Jullian 6 John Phillips: 6Sep76 ; AI-16680.

AI-16682. Fluid dynamics. Edited by B. Balian £ J.-L. Peube. Malta, 677 p. (Les Houches, 1973A) Add. ti: Dynamique des fluides. Appl. au: Steven Orszag. 6 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.: 17May77: AI-16682.

AI-16683. Damin to double helix: the biological theme in science fiction. By Leonard Isaacs. England. 64 p. (Science in a social context) © The Siscon Project (Science in a Social Context) : 15Mar77: AI-16683.

AI-16684. Medieval music. Edited by H. Thomas Marrocco & Nicholas Sandon. Great Britain. 239 p. (The Oxford antholoqy of music) Enqlish, Greek, Latin & other languages. NM: introd., compilation, editing, translations, revisions & additions. 3 Oxford Oniversity Press; 19Hay77; AI-16684.

AI-166B5. Bapt meat. By Josepha Gutelius« pseud, of Oebra Lee Gutellus, with collages by the author, photos, by Holf Henri. Vest Germany. 46 p. Back cover in German. (Rlth GeMoehnlicher voqelphantasingsang) HM: Enqlish text. Q Josepha Gutelius; 18Dec76 (in notice: 1977); AI-16685.

AI-16686. ADMEL 2400 Diazo photoprinter; parts catalogue ABI-4015-DZ. Bnited Kingdom. 1 V. © Addressograph-Multigraph Corpo- ration; 20Jun77; AI-16686.

AI- 16687. Atmospheric aerosols. By S. Tvorney. The Netherlands. 302 p. (Developments in atmospheric science* 7) © Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company; 15Jul77: AI-16687.

AI-16688. Stratigraphic micropaleontology of Atlantic basin and borderlands. Edited by Frederick Morrill Suain. The Netherlands. 603 p. (Developments in paleontology and stratigraphy, 6) Proceedings of a symposium held at the Oniversity of Delaaare, June 14-16, 1976. © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 2May77; AI-16688.

AI-16689. Transient Haves in visco-elastic media. By Norman Uurd Bicker. The Netherlands. 278 p. (Developments in solid earth geophysics, 10) © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 23May77; AI-16689.

AI-16690. Nonlinear networks. By Vaclav Dolezal. The Netherlands. 156 p. © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company: 4May77; AI-16690.

AI-16691. Styles of folding: mechanics and mechanisms of folding of natural elastic materials. By Arvid M. Johnson. The Netherlands. 406 p. (Developments in geotectonics, 11) © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 20May77; AI-16691.

AI-16692. Leopold 1st of Austria. By John P. Spielman. England. 240 p. (Men in office) O Thames and Hudson, Ltd. ; 14Feb77: Al-16692.

AI-16693. Never to forget. By Helen B. Cadd, artist: Chris Boesel. Philippines. 303 p. © Helen S. Cadd; 29Apr77; Al-16693.

AI- 16694. The Big Thicket of Texas; a compre- hensive annotated bibliography. Compiled by Lois Billiams Parker, photos, by Boy Hamric. India. 225 p. © Sable Publishing Corporation; 30Jun77; AI- 16694.

AI-16695. Ideology and social change in Latin America. Edited by June Nash, Juan Corradi £ Hobart Spalding, Jr. Great Britain. 305 p. © Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 27Jun77; AI-16695.

AI-16696. From nationalism to internationalism: O.s. foreign policy to 1914. By Akira Iriye. England. 368 p. (Foreign policies of the great powers) 3 Akira Iriye; 12May77; AI-16696.

AI- 16697. Alone. Von Lawrence Robert Leritz. Best Germany. Add. ti: Allein. English £ German. (In Ballett-Berkstatt 3, Sonutag, den 27. Maerz 1977) © Lawrence Robert Leritz; 27Mar77: AI- 16697.

AI- 16698. Homage to Irving A. Leonard: essays on Hispanic art, history and literature. ^Edited by Eaguel Chang-Rodriguez £ Donald A. Yates. Spain. 230 p. English £ Spanish. 9 Raquel Chang-Bodriguez £ Donald A. Yates; 25Jul77; AI-16698.

AI- 16699. Portnoye. By Brian Hofmeister, pseud. of George J. Bice. Best Germany. (In The Aschaf fenenburg forum, July 13, 1977) © George J. Bice; 13Jul77; AI- 16699.

AI-16700. A Guide to the Chinese food and restaurants of Taiwan. By Holly Richardson Donovan, peter B. Donovan & Harvey E. Mole. Taiwan. 283 p. Add. ti: A Guide to the Chinese cuisine and restaurants of Taiwan. Chinese £ English. © Peter B. Donovan, Holly Bichardson Donovan £ Harvey E. Mole; 9Jun77; AI-16700.

AI-16701. Bhere do I go from here? A life planning guide. By Billiam T. Hutchinson, illus. by Penny Ogles. Best Germany. 37 p. © Billiam T. Hutchinson; 1Jul77; Al-16701.

AI- 16702. 7 ways to wrap your pareau. Hong Kong. 1 V. Appl. au: Claire Bayburn £ Bichard C. MacDonald. © Pareau International, Inc.; 19JU177: AI- 16702.

AI- 16703. Japanese- trained armies in Southeast Asia: independence and volunteer forces in BorlfJ Bar 2. By Joyce C. Lebra. Hong Kong. 226 p. © Joyce c. Lebra; 1Jal77; AI-16703.

AI- 16704. The Novels of Anthony Trollope. By James fiussell Kincaid. United Kingdom. 302 p. Appl. states all new except for parts of p. 18-24 6 101-113, which were prev. pub. in earlier versions. © Oxford University Press; 23Jun77; AI- 16704.

AI-16705. Physics and chemistry of the Earth. Vol. 10, no. 2. Editors: L. U. Ahrens, Frank Press £ S. K. Runcorn. Great Britain, p. 63-142. © Perganon Press, Ltd.; 5May77; AI-16705.

AI- 16706. Married to genius. By Jeffrey Meyers. Great Britain. 214 p. © Jeffrey Meyers; 23May77; AI-16706.

AI-16707. Selection in one- and two-locus systems. By Thomas Nagylaki. Best Germany. 208 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 15) © Springer- Verlag; 25May77; AI-16707.

AI-16708. A Concurrent Pascal compiler for minicomputers. By Alfred C. Hartmann. Best Germany. 119 p. (Lecture notes in AI-16708 (con.) coBPUter science, »ol. SO) Sprinqer- Verlaq: 15Jun77; »I-16708.

AI-16709. llon-coii»utati»e hacnonic analysis. Edited by Jacques caraona 6 Hiclielc Verqne. Best Gecmany. 2<10 p. (Lecture notes in aatheiatics, vol. 587) ictes du Colloque d" Analyse Barnonique Son- co»«Qtati»e, 2nd. Barseiiie-tuiiny. July 5 au 9, 1976: Enqlisli S French, ippl. au: Herve Jacquet 6 k. Joseph. Sprinqet- Verlaq; 2511ay77: AI-16709.

AI-16710. Electroluminescence. Edited by Jacques I. Panicofe, with contributions by Toon Soo Park 6 others. Uest Gernany- 212 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 17) Sprinqer-yerlaq; 27aay77: AI-16710.

AI-16711. Platelet aqqreqation in the pathogenesis o£ cerebrovascular disorders; proceedings of the round table conference, Boee, Oct. 30-31, 19711. Editors: ilessandro Aqnoli 6 Cornelio Fazio. Best Geraany. 288 p. Appl. au: J. Bucliinqhaa G J. S. Beyer. O sprinqer-yerlaq: 31Hay77; 11-16711.

AI-16712. Stephane Ballarae: twentieth century criticisa (1901-1971) By Dreiiry Baapton lorris 4th. Spain. 208 p. NB: revision '> enlarqeaent. O Boaance Bonoqraphs, inc.; 5JU177: AI-16712.

AI-16713. Androqyne, aon aaour. By lennessee Billiaas (Thoaas Lanier lilliaas) Enqland. French 6 English. (In Aabit, no. 69, p. 2-3) Tennessee lilliaas; 31Jan77: AI-16713.

AI-1671lt. Opera theoretica. »ol. 1. By Johannes Tinctoris, edidit Albert Seay. Holland. 198 p. (Corpus scriptoroa de ausica, 22) Add. ti: Theoretical vorlis: Ten treatises in aanu script sources. English S Latin. SB: editorial revision £ introductory aaterial. Araen Carapetyan: 10Bay76 (in notice: 1975); AI-167111.

AI-16715. Busica disciplina. By Aurelianus Reoaensis, edidit Lawrence Gushee. Holland. 167 p. (Corpus scriptorua de ausica. 21) Enqlish 6 Latin. NH: editorial revision & introductory aaterial. Araen Carapetyan: 2iaay76 (in notice: 1975); AI-1671S.

AI-16716. sixteenth century choirboolts in the Archivio Capitolare at casale Bonfetrato. By David Crawford. Holland. 207 p. (Renaissance aanuscript studies, 2) Add. ti: Choirbooks at Casale Bonfercato. Araen Carapetyan: 1Jon76 (in notice: 1975): AI-16715.

AI-16717. Progress in phytocheaistry. Vol. U, Edited by Leonora Beinhold, Jeffrey B. Harborne E T. Swain. Great Britain. 289 P. Appl. au: D. S. Seigler. G. A. Cordell & E. Heftaann. BB: coapilation. O Pergaaon press, Ltd.; 23Bay77; AI-16717.

AI-16718. Inhaled particles, 1 : proceedings of an international syaposiua organized by the British Occupational Hygiene Society, Edinburgh. 22-26 Sept. 1975. Pt. 1-2. Edited by i. H. Balton. assisted by Brenda BcGovern. Great Britain. 2 v. Appl. au: J. D. Brain, T. A. BcBahon 6 8. L. Harris. NS: coapilation. The British Occu- pational Hygiene Society; 9Bay77; AI-16718.

AI-16719. Photosynthesis 1: photosynthetic electron transport and photophosphor- ylation. Edited by Achia Trebst 6 Bordhay Avron. Best Geraany. 730 p. (Enc- yclopedia of plant physiology, new series, vol. 5) Appl. au: B. S. Alberte 6 D. I. Arnon. Springer-Ver lag ; 27aay77: AI-15719.

AI-16720. Electron spectroscopy: theory, techniques and applications. Vol. 1. Edited by C. a. Brundle £ A. D. Baker. Great Britain. 1)59 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 15Jul77; AI-16720.

AI-16721. scientific aaterialisa in nineteenth century Geraany. By Frederick Gregory. Holland. 279 p. (Studies in the history of aodern science, vol. 1) O D. Bcidel Publishing Coapany: 19Jul77; AI-16721.

AI-16722. Becent advances in steroid biocheaistry. »ol. 3: proceedings of the Third International Syaposiua of the Journal of Steroid Biocheaistry, Helsinki, 7-9 June 1976. Edited by J. E. Pasqualini. Great Britain. p. 869-1211. Proceedings of the Third International Syaposiua of the Journal of Steroid Biocheaistry on Becent Advances in Steroid Biochemistry. Appl. au: J. A. Cidlowski, J. H. Clark £ T^ H. Haailton. Prev. pub. as a special issue of the Journal of steroid biocheaistry, vol. 7, no. 11/12. O Pergaaon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77; AI-16722.

AI-16723. Enterprise: a gaae of business activity. Philippines. Kit. Appl. au: Andrew B. Trice. Andrew a. Trice; 31Dec75; AI-16723.

AI- 1672a. Ellipsoaetry and polarized light. By E. B. A. Azzaa £ B. B. Bashara. The Netherlands. 529 p. O Borth Bolland Publishing Coapany; 23Jun77; AI-1672'l.

AI-16725. Huaan aspects of urban fora: towards a aan-environaent approach to urban fora and design. By Aaos Bapoport. Great Britain. 438 p. (Orbao and regional planning series, vol. 15) Aaos Bapoport; 23Hay77; AI-16725.

AI-16726. Canadian essay and literature index, 1975. coapiled £ edited by Andrew D. Araitage £ Bancy Tudor. Canada. 517 p. O Oniversity of Toronto Press; 23Jul77; AI-15726.

AI- 16727. Creative alternatives to coaaunisa: guidelines for toaorcow*s world- By Donald Bilhela. Enqland. 173 p. O Donald iilhela; 15Jul77; AI-16727.

AI- 16728. Bosoa of the faaily. Pt. 4. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, July 1977, p. 41-48) O Evelyn Barter; 4Jul77; AI-16728.

AI- 16729. Sacred circles: two thousand years of North Aaerican Indian art. Catalogue written by Balph T. Coe, edited by Irena Boare, additional editing by Balph I. Coe. Enqland. 252 p. NH: additions. Nelson Gallery Foundation; 16Apr77; AI-16729.

AI-16730. Bhytha analysis and basic co-ordination. By Edaund L. Thigpen. Denaark. 42 p. O Edmund L. Thigpen (on copy: Ed Thigpen); 28Apr77; Al-16730.

AI-16731. The Self and the other: the irreducible eleaent in aan. Pt. 1: the "crisis of aan. " Edited by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka. Bolland. 186 p. (Analecta Husserliana: the yearbook of phenoaenological research, vol. 6) Papers froa the Fourth Inter- national Phenomenology Conference, held in Fribourq, Switzerland froa 24-28 Jan. 1975. Appl. au: Alphonso Lingis. O D. Heidel Publishing company; 23Jun77; AI-16731.

AI- 16732. The National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints; a cuaulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards fi titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. Vol. 505-509. Coapiled e edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Onion Catalog Subcoaaittee of the Eesources Comaittee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, Aaerican Library Association. Onited Kingdoa. 5 v. Appl. au: The Aaerican Library Association. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints maintained by the Library of Congress in card foro or in any other publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C.18. NB: compilation, abridgment £ editorial revision of entries fi original prefatory materials. The Aaerican Library Association; 30Bay77; AI-16732.

AI-167 33. Docuaented facts and figures on Transylvania. Coapiled by The oanubian Eesearch Center £ The Transylvanian Borld Federation, under the supervision of Albert Bass De Czege. Canada. 79 p. Danubian Press, Inc.; 15Bay77; AI-16733.

AI-16734. Australian external policy under Labor: content, process and the national debate. By Benry S. Albinski. Canada. 373 p. O University of Queensland Press; 4Aug77; AI-16734.

AI-16735. The Rhineland crisis, 7 Barch 1936: a study in multilateral diplomacy. By Jaaes Thoaas Eaaerson. Great Britain. 383 p. Jaaes Thoaas Eaaerson; 15Apr77; AI-16735.

AI-16736. Vashington Zoo. By Atanas Tasev. Spain. 1 V. Atanas Tasev; 16Dec76; AI-16736.

AI-16737. Aras control and European security: a guide to East-Best negotiations. By Joseph I. Coffey. Enqland. 271 p. The International Institute for strategic Studies; 30Jun77: AI-16737.

AI-16738. The National union catalog: pre-1956 iaprints; a cuaulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. »ol. 510-514. Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Eesources Comaittee of the Eesources and Technical Services Division, Aaerican Library Association. United Kingdoa. Appl. au: The Aaerican Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints, as aaintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the U.S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 U.S.C. 8. NB: new compilation, abridgment E editorial revision of entries £ original AI- 16738 (con.) prefatory materials. 6 The Anerican Library Association; 30Jun77; AI-16738-

Ar-16739. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representinq Library o£ Conqress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 515-519- Compiled S edited vith the cooperation of the Library of Conqress 6 the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association. Onited Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog* pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Conqress in card form or in any publication of the 0. S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 D.S.C. 8. NH: new compilation, abridgment & editorial revision of entries C original prefatory materials. 3 The American Library Association; 5Aug77; AI-16739.

AI- 1671)0. Audio- lectal practice: exercises in simultaneous reading By Adolf Emil Franz Hieke. Hest Germany. 16 p. Adolf E. Hieke; 1Aug77; AI-167110.

AI- 16711. Aleksis. By James L. Heil. Italy. 6 p. Prey. pub. in Sparrou. NH: additional text. James L. Heil ; 28Apr77; AI- 16741.

AI- 16742. The Changing countryside. By Joerq Mueller. Germany. Sheets (7 p. ) in folder. Appl. au; Atheneum Publishers. NM: pref. & captions. Atheneum Publishers: 15Apr77; AI-16742.

AI-16743. The Changing city. By Joerg Mueller. Germany. Sheets (8 p.) in folder. Appl. au: Atheneum Publishers. NM: pref. & captions. 6 Atheneum Publishers; 15Apr77; AI-16743.

AI-16744. Adiuvant therapy of cancer; proceedings of the International Conference on the Adiuvant Therapy of Cancer held in Tucson, AZ, O.S.A., Mar. 2-5, 1977. Editors: Sydney E. Salmon E Stephen E. Jones. The Netherlands. 646 p. Elsevier/North Holland- Biomedical Press; 15Jul77; Ar-16744.

AI-16745. Organometallic chemistry reviews; annual surveys: silicon-tin-lead. Edited by D. Seyferth S R. B. King. The Netherlands. 517 p. (Journal of organometallic chemistry library, 1) © Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 11Aug77; AI-16745.

AI-16746. Byzantine art in the making: main lines of stylistic development in Mediterranean art, 3rd-7th century- By Ernst Kitzinger. Great Britain. 175 p. Ernst Kitzinger; i)Aitg77; AI- 16746.

AI-16747. Seeing through everything: English writers, 1918-1910. By Billiam Harrison Pritchard. Great Britain. 234 p. Billiam H. Pritchard; 2May77j AI-16747.

AI-16748. Formation of synthetic fibers. By Zbigniew K. Halczak. Great Britain. 338 p. Gordon and Breach Science Pub- lishers, Inc.; 27Jun77; AI-16748.

AI-16749. The Disreputable pleasures: crime and deviance in Canada. By John Hagan. Canada. 251 p- McGraw-Hill Hyerson, Ltd.; 15Mar77; AI-16749.

AI-16750. The Versatile satellite. By Richard R. Porter. Onited Kingdom. 173 p. R. B- Porter; 18Auq77; AI-16750.

AI-16751. Fifth International Conference on Birth Defects; abstracts of papers. Editor: John B. Littlefield, co-editors: F. J. G. Ebling 6 I. B. Henderson. The Nether- lands. 130 p. Held in Montreal, Canada, Aug. 21-27, 1977. O Excerpta Hedica; 15Aug77; AI-16751.

AI-16752. Transport in porous catalysts. By Roy Jackson. The Netherlands. 197 p. Q Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company; 1Aug77; AI-16752.

AI-16753. A Life apart: the English working class, 1890-1911. By Standish Meacham. Great Britain. 272 p. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 2Aug77; AI-16753.

AI-16751. The Transiatlantic review index, 1959-1977. Issues 1-60. England. 51 p. S Transatlantic Review, Inc.; 12Jul77; AI-16751.

AI-16755. Brain size, grey matter and race — fact or fiction? A reply to Phillip V. Tobias. By Sandy Gellis (Sander Matthew Gellis) . Scotland. (In The Mankind quarterly, April-June 1977, p. 213-282) 6 Sandy Gellis; 17Jun77; AI-16755.

AI-16756. Anticipate a fortune: guide to sweepstakes, lotteries and contests, American and worldwide. Best Germany. 1 V. Appl. au: Stephen M. Keohane. Stephen M. Keohane (in notice: Keohane): 5May77: AI-16756.

AI-16757. Rater balance in land arthropods. By Eric B. Edney. Rest Germany. 282 p. (Zoophysiology and ecology, vol. 9) a Sprinqer-Verlag; 15Jun77; AI-16757.

AI-16758. Surgery with coefficients. By Gerald A. Anderson. Best Germany. 157 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 591) S Springer-Verlag; 7Jul77; AI-16758.

AI- 16759. Value distribution on parabolic spaces. By Bilhelm stoll. Best Germany. 216 p- (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 600) 9 Springer-Verlag; 18Jul77; AI-16759.

AI-16760. Combinatorial group theory. By Soger C. Lyndon & Paul E. Schupp. Best Germany. 339 p. (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 89) English only, e Springer-Verlag; 18JU177; AI-16760.

AI-16761. Surface chemistry and colloids. Edited by Milton Kerker. England. 269 p- (International review of science. Physical chemistry, series 2, vol. 7) Butterworth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.; 1Sep75; AI-16761.

AI-16762. Steroids. Edited by Billiam Francis Johns. England. 278 p. (International review of science. Organic chemistry, series 2, vol. 8) 6 Butterworth and

AI-16763- Oral microbiology for dental students. Compiled & edited by Maeve Mary Coogan, illustrated by Fiona Ringdahl. South Africa. 365 p- O Maeve Mary Coogan: 26Jun77; AI-16763.

AI-16761. Korea's response to Japan: the colonial period, 1910-1915. Edited by E. I. Eugene Kim e Ooretha E. Hortimore. Korea. 310 p. Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Korea, Nov. 1971. The Center for Korean Studies (in notice: The Center for Korean Studies, Bestern Michigan University) ; 18Apr77: AI-16761.

AI- 16765. Battle on two fronts for a humanist democracy. By Adnan Mazarei 2nd. Iran. 257 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1971. NM: translation. Q Adnan Mazarei 2nd; 20Jun77: AI-16765.

AI-16766. Liberation without violence: a third-party approach. Edited by A. Paul Hare S Herbert B. Blumberg. England. 368 p. A. Paul Hare e, Herbert H. Blumberg; 8Jul77; AI-16766.

AI-16767. Tycoon: the international shipping game. Singapore. Kit. Appl. au: Billiam Jackson Pearson. Q Billiam Jackson Pearson; 20Nov76; AI-16767.

AI-16768. Diagnostic reading program. By Michael Howard ticKiernan, edited by Leland Farley. Best Germany. 47 p. M. H. HcKiernan; 1Apr77; AI-16768.

AI-16769. New mathematics for chemical engineers. By Ning Hsing Chen. Taiwan. 550 p. e Ning Hsing Chen; 25Mar77; AI-16769.

AI- 16770. lou will predict the stock market. By Ted Gaily (Alvin T. M. Gaily) Best Germany. 12 p. 6 Ted Gaily: 1Sep77; AI-16770.

AI-16771. Techniques of human andrology. Editor: £. s. 2. Hafez. The Netherlands. 536 p. Q Elsevier/North Holland Biomedical Press; 1Aug77; AI-16771.

AI-16772. Global dialogue: the new international economic order. By Bhaskar P. Menon. Great Britain. 110 p. 6 Centre for Economic and Social Information, the Onited Nations; 11Jul77; AI-16772.

AI-16773. Quintain; a novel. England. 215 p. C 13Jun77: AI-16773. By B. £. Harrington. . E. Harrington;

AI-16774. 3601 keyboard display models 2, 3 and 1 maintenance information for 2100 BPS remote loop (fiPC 7F0036) Japan. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Add. ti: IBM 3601 keyboard display models 2, 3 and 1 maintenance information for 2100 BPS remote loop (RPQ 7F0036) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.; IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 28Apr77: AI-16774.

AI-16775. Inorganic biochemistry 2. By Kenneth Kustin, Guy C. McLeod 6 others. Best Germany. 201 p. (Topics in current AI-16775 (con.) cheiiistrvr, 69) C Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29JU177; SI-16775.

41-15776. structaral and Kinetic Approach to Plasna Heabrane Functions; proceedings of a aeetinq held on Sept. 6-9, 1976 in Griqnon, France. Edited by Claude Nicolau 6 &lain Paraf. Best GernanT- 204 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Appl. au: D. P. a. Wallach. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 26JU177: XI-16776.

41-16777. Dfnanics of solids and liquids by neutron scattering. Edited by Stephen H. Lovesey 6 Tasso Springer. Best Germany. 379 p. (Topics in current physics, vol. 3) 4ppl. au: Baymond D. Hountain £ Harold G. Saith. Springer- Verlag; 30Jun77; 41-16777.

il- 16778. Living yoga: the value of yoga in today's life. By Svani Satchidananda £ others. Great Britain. 323 p. (Psychic studies) ippl. au: Joseph Gelbernan. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.: 11»uq77: 41-16778.

41-16779. Hedical education and nedical care; a Scottish-4«erican syiposiuB. Edited by Gordon HcLachlan. Onited Kingdoa. 215 p. 4ppl. au: John Z. Bo»ers, Jaclc B. Cole 6 Boseaary Stevens. O The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust; 114ug77: 41-16779.

41-16780. Issues in Canadian nursing. By Betsy LaSor £ aadeieine Buth Elliott. Canada. 20 5 p. O Prentice-Hall o£ Canada, Ltd.; 5Jul77: 41-16780.

41-16781. Josquin Des Prez; proceedings of the International Josquin Festival-Conference held at the Juilliard School at Lincoln center in Hen York City. 21-25 June 1971. Edited by Edward E. Loninsky, in collaboration with Bonnie J. Blacltburn. Great Britain. 787 p. 4ccoapanied by sound recording, reg. BF 1972-NF1 97tl, in boi. 4ppl. au: Lewis Lockwood £ Don Uarran. Oxford University Press; 31Har77 (in notice: 1976); 41-16781.

41-16782. Essays on analytical chemistry: in memory of Prof'essor 4nders Binqboa. Editor-in-chief: Erkki Baenninen £ other editors. Great Britain. 607 p. Add. ti: Analytical chemistry: essays in memory of Anders Binqboa. Appl. au: I. H. Kolthoff, B. G. Bates £ J. E. Sarneski. NH: compilation. Pergamon Press, Ltd. ; 11JU177: AI-16782.

AI-16783. IBM 3613 desk terminal printer operator's guide. Japan. 1 v. (Systems) International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. : IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Corporation): 27Hay77; AI-16783.

41-16781. 3601 finance communication controller, models 1, 24. 2B. 34, and 3B maintenance information for 2400 BPS remote loop (BPQ 7F0035) Japan. 1 v. (IBH maintenance library) 4dd. ti: IBH 3501 finance communication controller, models 1, 24, 28, 34, and 3B maintenance information for 2U00 BPS remote loop (RPQ 7F0035) O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 284pr77: 41-16784.

41-16785. IBH 3613 desk terainal printer component description. 2ad ed. Japan. 1 v. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation (in notice; International Business Hachines Corporation) ; 27Hay77; 41-16785.

AI-16786. Vascular surgery. Edited by Charles Bob. 3rd ed. England. 354 p. (Operative surgery; fundamental inter- national techniques) O Buttemorth and Company (Publishers) Ltd.; 15Dec76; AI- 16785.

AI-16787. The Biofeedback guide: affiliating with excellence. By Dorelle Markley Heisel, photos, by Connie Sullivan. Great Britain. 269 p. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 19Sep77: AI-16787.

41-16788. Nonlinear diffusion. By Billiam Edward Fitzqibbon 3rd £ Homer Franklin Balker. Great Britain. 232 p. (Besearch notes in mathematics. 14) Billiam E. Fitzqibbon 3rd £ Homer F. Balker; 27Sep77; 41-16788.

41-16789. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Executive editor; 41asdair H. Brecken- ridge. Great Britain. 238 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C, vol. 2, no. 2, 1977) Appl. au: B. H. Singh, J. B. Stanbury £ 4. J. Van Hcrle. 4ppl. states any portion of this work written by an employee of the O.S. Govt, was done so outside the scope of his employment. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 13Jun77; 41-16789.

AI-16790. Automata, languages and proqraaming; Fourth Colloquium, Oniversity of Turku, Finland, July 18-22, 1977. Edited by Arto Salomaa £ Haqnus Steinby. Best Germany. 569 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 52) Proceedinqs of the Fourth Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming. 4ppl. au: Donald 4. 41ton £ Ronald V. Book. Springer- Verlag; 11Jul77; AI-16790.

41-16791. Artaud at Bodez. By Charles Harowitz. England. 112 p. Portions prev. pub. abroad in La Tour de feu — Antonin Artaud, ou La Sante des poetes, Dec. 1959. Charles Harowitz; 29Auq77; AI-16791.

Al-16792. Come into my mind. By Jean Fox Holland, artists: Abel Laxamana £ Butch Espinosa. The Philippines. 1 v. Jean Fox Holland; 21Jun77; 41-16792.

AI-16793. Bosom of the family. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, Aug. 1977, p. 41-50) Evelyn Barter; 54aq77: AI-16793.

A1-15794. 4H 20S sorter; operating instructions. United Kingdom. 20 p. Prev. pub. June 1976. NH: editorial revisions E additions. 4ddressograph-Hultigraph Corporation; 20Jul77; A1-15794.

41-16795. Speculation and monopoly in urban development: analytical foundations with evidence for Toronto. By James a. Harkusen £ David T. Scheffaan. Canada. 165 p. O Ontario Econoaic Council: 304og77; 41-16795.

41-16796. Dislocated: an 4merican carnival. By John Kevin Newman. Great Britain. 165 p. John Kevin Newman; 8Sep77: 41-16796.

41-16797. 4dvisoc-in-traininq: a manual for Jewish youth directors £ advisors. Britten £ compiled by 41an Teperow, edited by Louis N. Garber. Canada. 69 p. O The Jewish youth Directors Association; 25Jul77; 41-16797.

AI-16798. Needs assessment goal-setting project, Colegio Nueva Granada, Bogota, Colombia, 1976-1977. Colombia. 1 v. Appl. au: Frank B. Barkus, Phyllis Mullenax £ Davis L. Losk. Frank H. Harkus £ Phyllis Hullenax; 284pr77; 41-16798.

41-16799. Dengue viruses. By Bobert Baiter Schlesinger. Austria. 132 p. (Virology Bonographs, vol. 16) Springer-Veriag; 26Auq77; AI-15799.

AI-15800. Economics of natural and environaental resources. Edited by Vernon L. Smith. Great Britain. 502 p. Appl. au: Bonald G. Cumaings. NH: compilation £ abrid- gment. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 21Sep77; AI-16800.

Al-16801. The Correspondence of Adam Smith. Edited by Ernest Campbell Hossner £ Ian Simpson Boss. Onited Kingdom. 441 p. NH: pref . , compilation £ additions. O oxford Oniversity Press; 11Aug77; AI-15801.

AI- 16802. Singular perturbations and boundary layer theory. Edited by Claude-Hichel Braunec, Bernard Gay £ Jean Hathieu. Best Germany. 532 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 594) Proceedings of the Symposium on Singular Perturbations and Boundary Layer Theory, held at the Ecoie Centrale de Lyon, Dec. 8-10, 1976; English £ French. Appl. au: B. Nicolaenko £ Noam Gordon. Springer-Verlag; 15Jul77; AI- 16802.

AI- 16803. Geometry and topology 3: Latin Aaericcin School of Hathematics; proceedings of the School held at the Instituto de Hatematica Pura e Aplicada, CNPq, Rio de Janeiro, July 1975. Edited by Jacob Palis fi Hanfredo Do Carmo. Best Germany. 856 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 597) Appl. au: Thomas Banchoff £ Clint HcCrory. O Springer-Verlag; 18Jul77; AI-15803.

41-16804. Invisible green: a Thackeray Phin mystery. By John Sladek. England. 186 p. John Sladek; 21Jul77; 41-16804.

41-16805. The Onspoilt valais: our 4merican correspondent writes of a part of Switzerland which should be better- known to visitors. By Lloyd HcCune. Portugal. (In The 4nglo- Portuguese news, Honte Estoril, Portugal, July 15, 1977, p. 1-2) e Lloyd HcCune; 15Jul77; 41-15805.

41-16805. Beport from Borne. By Lloyd HcCune. Portugal. (In The 4nglo-Port uguese news, Honte Estoril, Portugal, June 17, 1977, p. 8) O Lloyd HcCune; 17Jun77: 41-16806.

AI-16807. The Bear who wanted to be a bear. From an idea by Frank Tashlin, adapted by Joerg Steiner, illustrated by Joerg Hueller. Switzerland. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Atheneum AI- 16807 (con.) Publishers. Q on translation; Atheneum PBblishers, Inc.; 154pr77: Al- 16807.

AI- 16808. Optimal policies, control theory and technology exports. EditoEs: Karl Brunner e Allan B. Heltzer. The Netherlands. 238 p. (Cacneqie-Bochester conference series on public policy, vol. 7) Horth-Holland Publishing Conpany; 15Sep77: AI-16808.

iI-16809. Elements of nuclear reactor design. Edited by Joel Beisaan. The Netherlands. U66 p. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Conpany; 61lay77: AI- 16809.

41-16810. Cerebral vascular disease; proceedings of the 8th International Salzburg Conference, September 22-25, 1976. Editor: John Stirling Heyer £ other editors. The Netherlands. 281 p. Proceedings of the 8th International Salzburg Conference on Cerebrovascular Disease, Austria. 1976. Excerpta Hedica; 16Sep77; AI-16810.

AI-16B11. Frontiers of quantitative economics; papers invited for presentation at the Econometric Society Third Horld Congress, Toronto, 1975. Vol. 3B. Edited by Michael D. Intriligator. The Netherlands. P. 387-845. (Contributions to economic analysis, vol. 106) O North-Holland Publishing Company; 6Sep77; AI-16811.

AI-16812. State, law and family: family law in transition in the Onited States and lestern Europe. By Hary Ann Glendon. The Netherlands. 347 p. North-Holland Publishing Company; 2Sep77; AI-16812.

AI-16813. Handbook of institutional arbitration in international trade; facts, figures and rules. Edited by Ernest Joseph Cohn, Martin Domke & Frederic Eisemann. The Netherlands. 301 p. North-Holland Publishing company; 8Sep77; AI-16813.

AI-16814. Frontiers of quantitative economics; papers invited for presentation at the Econometric Society Third Horld Congress, Toronto, 1975. Vol. 3A. Edited by Michael D. Intriligator. The Netherlands. 1 V. (Contril>utions to economic analysis, vol. 105) North-Holland Publishing Company: 6Sep77; 41-16814.

41-16815. The Physics of gas lasers. By Uilliam Balph Bennett. Jr. Great Britain. 214 p. (Documents on modern physics) NH: additional text, revisions e corrections- Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 7Sep77; AI-16815.

AI-16816. Trollope and politics: a study of the Pallisers and others. By John Halperin. Great Britain. 318 p. John Halperin; 14Jal77; AI-16816.

AI-16817. Public and private pensions in Canada: an economic analysis. By James E. Pesando fi Samuel A. Bea. Jr. Canada. 185 p. O Ontario Economic Council; 145ep77; 41-16817.

AI- 16818. Methods in subnuclear physics. Vol. 5. pt. 2. Edited by M. Nikolic, East Germany. 364 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, Yugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: R. F. Fry. Gordon and Breach Ltd.; 84ug77;

41-16819. Methods in subnuclear physics. Vol. 5. pt. 1. Edited by H. Nikolic. East Germany. 496 p. Proceedings of the 5th International School of Elementary Particle Physics, held in Herceg-Novi, lugoslavia on Sept. 15-28, 1969. Appl. au: B. J. Glauber e R. B. Fretter. Q Gordon and Breach Science Publishers. Ltd.; 8Aug77; AI-16819.

AI-16820. The Sisterhood. By Betty Black, pseud, of Betty Schwartz & Casey Bishop, pseud, of Buth Brown. Great Britain. 160 p. e Betty Black & Henry J. Brown; 14ug77; 41-16820.

AI- 16821. Tukjinede nan ajiri in Marshall. Written by Baynard H. Gideon & Jerre Hayne Bennett, illustrated by Iso Laninbelik, Balph Haltz e Jerre Bayne Bennett, edited by Baynard H. Gideon. Marshall Islands (Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands) . 128 p. O Marshall Islands Department of Education; 28May76; 41-16821.

41-16822. Myocardial failure. Editors: G. Eiecker & other editors. Best Germany. 374 p. (International Boehrinqer Mannheim symposia) Appl. au: B. T. Bulloch 6 N. Briggs. Q Springer-Verlag; 11Jul77: 41-16822.

AI- 16823. Fiber bundle techniques in gauge theories. By Bolfgang Drechsler & Meinhard Edwin Mayer. Best Germany. 248 p. (Lecture notes in physics, vol. 6 7) e Springer-Verlag; 27Jul77; AI-16823.

AI-16824. Lipids and lipid polymers in higher plants. Edited by Manfred Tevini & Hartmut K. Lichtenthaler, contributors: P. E. Kolattukudy, P. K. Stnmpf & Others. Best Germany. 306 p. Proceedings of a symposium on Lipids and Lipid Polymers in Hiqher Plants, held in July 1976 at the Botanical Institute of the University of Karlsruhe. Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; AI-16824.

AI-16825. Modular functions of one variable V; proceedinqs international conference, Dniversity of Bonn, Sonderforschunq- sbereich theoretische Mathematik. July 2-14. 1976. Edited by Jean-Pierre Serre 6 Don Bernard Zagier. Best Germany. 294 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 601) English e French. Appl. au: N. Katz 6 K. Bibet. e Springer-Verlag; 27Jul77; AI- 16825.

AI-16826. Plant tissue culture and its bio- technological application. Edited by Bolfgang Barz, Ernst Beinhard & M. B. Zenk. Best Germany. 419 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Medicinal Plant Besearch, Section B, held at the Dniversity of Munich. Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: D. K. Dougall 6 St. Nickel, e Springer-Verlag; 30Jun77; 41-16826.

AI- 16827. Selective heat sensitivity of cancer cells. Edited by Alessandro Bossi-Fanelli 6 others. Best Germany. 189 p. (Becent results in cancer research, 59) Appl. au: A. F. Anderson & B. C. Giovanella. e Springer-Verlag; 7Jul77; 41-16827.

d'ete de probabilites de Saint-Flour 6-1976. By J. Hoffaann- Joergensen, Thomas Milton Liggett B Jacques Neveu. edite par P.-L. Henneguin. Best Germany. 447 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 598) English & French. e Springer-Verlag; 15Jal77; Al-16828.

AI- 16829. Pathogenesis of human muscular dystrophies; proceedinqs of the fifth international scientific conference of the Muscular Dystrophy Association, Durango, CO, June 21-25, 1976. Editor: Lewis p. Bowland. The Netherlands. 895 p. e Excerpta Medica; 16Sep77; AI-16829.

AI-16830. Harmonic analysis on compact solv- manifolds. By Jonathan Paul Brezin. Best Germany. 177 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 602) Q Springer-Verlag; 29JU177; AI-16830.

AI-16831. Matrix Eigensystem routines — EISPACK guide extension. By Burton S. Garbow. J. M. Boyle, J. J. Oongarra e C. B. Moler. Nest Germany. 343 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 51) Q Springer- Verlag; 27JU177; 41-16831.

41-16832. Complex analysis; proceedings of the conference held at the Dniversity of Kentucky. May 18-22, 1976. Edited by James D. Buckholtz & Teddy J. Suffridge. Best Germany. 159 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 599) 4dd. ti: Complex analysis. Kentucky, 1976. Proceedings of the Conference on Complex Analysis. Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; AI-16832.

AI- 16833. Multiple primary malignant neoplasms: the Connecticut experience, 1935-1964. By Bruce S. Schoenl>erg, in collaboration with Barbara B. Christine, Joseph F. Fraumeni. Jr. , Bichard A. Greenberg & Devera G. Schoenberg. Best Germany. 173 p. (Recent results in cancer research, 58) e Springer-Verlag; 29Jul77; AI-16833.

AI- 16834. Shakespeare by Hilliard: a portrait deciphered. By Leslie Hotson. Great Britain. 210 p. 6 Leslie Hotson; 1Sep77; AI-16834.

AI-16835. How you can be a disciple. By Billiam G. Chipman & Monty J. Chipman. South Africa. 96 p. (Discipleship for boys emd girls, pt. 1) NM: revisions & additions. O Billiam Chipman; 11Attg77; AI-16835.

AI- 16836. Arachne rising: the thirteenth sign of the Zodiac. By James Vogh, pseud, of John Sladek. England. 202 p. 6 James Vogh (pseud, for John Sladek) ; 30Aug77; Al-16836.

AI-16837. Love that land. By Lillian Goldberg. Israel. 69 p. 6 Lilliam Goldberg (in notice: Goldberg) ; 15Sep77; AI-16837.

AI-16838. The Poisoned life of Mrs. Maybrick. By Bernard Byan with Michael Havers, foreword by Lord Bussell. England. 292 p. e Bernard Byan; 20Jun77; AI-16838.

AI-16839. Evangelical perfection: an historical examination of the concept in the early Franciscan sources. By Duane V. Lapsanski. translated by the author. Italy. 302 p. (Franciscan Institute publications, theology series, no. 7. Edited by George Marcil) First pub. in 1974 under the title Perfectio Evangelica: eine begrif fsgeschichtliche Untersuchung AI-16839 (con.) in f riiehf raQZiskanischen Schrifttua. O The Franciscan Institute of Saint Bonaventure University; 27Jun77: 41-16839.

iI-16B40. Albuoin structure, function and uses. Edited by Victor a. fiosenoer« Hurray Oratz 6 Harcus Adolphus Bothschild. Great Britain. 397 p. Appl. au: B. S. Baliga, J. B. Brown £ J. Foster. Pergaaon Press, Inc.: 11Jul77; AI-16840.

41-16811. New trends in British politics: issues foe research. Edited by Dennis Kavanagh & Bichard Bose for the British Politics Croup. England. 2Si4 p. O Sage Publications, Ltd.; 15Sep77; AI- 168111.

AI-15842. Water purification in the EEC: a state-of-the-art re»ieii. A report prepared for the Directorate-General for Besearch, Science and Education 6 the Environaent and Consuaer Protection Service of the Coanission of the European Coaaunities by the Hater Besearch Centre. Great Britain. 467 p. Appl. au: G. Bobeck £ B. C. Hoodward. European Coal and Steel Coaaunity, European Economic Comauaity e European Atoaic Energy Coamunity (in notice: ECSC, EEC 6 EAEC) ; 8Aug77: AI- 16812.

AI-16843. The National union catalog: pre- 1956 iaprints; a cunulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other Aaerican libraries. Vol. 520-521. Coapiled 6 edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress & the National Onion Catalog Subcoaaittee of the Besources Coaaittee of the Besources and Technical Services Division, Aaerican Library Association. United Kingdoa. Appl. au: The Aaerican Library Asso- ciation. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 iaprints, as aaintained in the Library of Congress in card fora or in any publication of the U.S. Govt. nithin the aeaning of Title 17 O.S.C. 8. NH: new coapilation, abridqaent e editorial revision of entries fi original prefatory materials. The Aaerican Library Association; 7Sep77: AI-16813.

AI-16811. laage of adoration: section of a cycle. By Peter Heehs. India. 71 p. Text £ translation of Sri Aurobind and the mother. Peter Heehs; 30Apr77: AI-16811.

Al-16815. Books and portraits: some further selections froa the literary and biographical writings of Virginia Hoolf. Edited by Hary Lyon. England. 221 p. Add. ti: Books and portraits: literary and biographical writings. on selection G pref.: Hary Lyon: 2SAug77; AI-16815.

AI-16816. Inference, method and decision: towards a Bayesian philosophy of science- By Boqer D. Bosenkrantz. Holland. 1 v. (Synthese library, vol. 115) D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77: AI-16816.

AI-16817. Philosophical medical ethics: its nature and significance; proceedings of the Third Trans-Disciplinary Symposium on Philosophy and Hedicine. held at Farmiiigton, CT, Dec. 11-13, 1975. Edited by Stuart F. Spicker £ Hugo Tristram Engelhardt, Jr. Holland. 252 p. (Philosophy and medicine, vol. 3) Held at the Oniversity of Connecticut

41-16818. No jail for thought. By Lev Kopclev, translated £ edited by Anthony Austin, foreword by Heinrich Boell, afterword by Bobert G. Kaiser. England. 267 p. Prev. pub. as Khranit* vechno. O on tran- slation; Anthony Austin; 13Jun77; AI-16818.

41-16819. No iail for thought. By Lev Kopelev, translated £ edited by 4nthonv 4ustin, foreword by Heinrich Boell, afterword by Bobert G. Kaiser. England. 267 p. Prev. pub. as Khranit* vechno. on afterword; Bobert G. Kaiser; 13Jun77; AI-16819.

AI- 16850. The Structure of appearance. By Nelson Goodman, with an introd. by Geoffrey Uellaan. 3rd ed. Holland. 285 p. (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 53.) (Synthese Library, vol. 107) O D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77: AI-16850.

AI-16851. Hodels of discovery and other topics in the methods of science. By Herbert Alexander Simon. Holland. 156 p. (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 51.) (Synthese Library, vol. Ill) D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77; AI-16851.

AI- 16852. Design and impleaentation of programming languages; proceedings of a DOD sponsored workshop, Ithaca, October 1976. Edited by John H. Uilliams £ David A. Fisher. Uest Germany. 196 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 51) Appl. au: Charles N. Fischer £ Bichard J. LeBlanc. O Springer-Verlag; 26Aug77; AI-16852.

AI-16853. New natural products and plant drugs with pharmacological, biological, or therapeutical activity. Edited by Hildebert Hagner £ Peter Haria Hollf. Uest Germany. 286 p. (Proceedings in life sciences) Proceedings of the First International Congress on Hedicinal Plant Besearch. Section A, held at the Oniversity of Munich, Germany, Sept. 6-10, 1976. Appl. au: A. S. Bingel £ G. A. Cordell. e Springer-Verlag; 264ug77; 41-16853.

AI-16851. Hathematical aspects of finite element methods; proceedings of the conference held in Borne, Dec. 10-12, 1975. Edited by Ilio Galligani £ Enrico Hagenes. Uest Germany. 362 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 606) Proceedings of the Meeting on Hathematical Aspects of Finite Element Hethods, held at the Consiglio Naziooale delle Bicerche; French £ English. Appl. au: Jim Douglas, Jr. £ J. T. oden. O Springer-Verlag; 16Aug77; AI-16851.

AI-16855. Classification theory of Biemannian manifolds; harmonic, quasiharmonic £ biharmonic functions. By Leo Sario, Hitsuru Nakai, Cecilia Hang £ Lung Ock Chung. Vest Germany. 198 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, 605) Springer- Verlag; 16Aug77; AI-16855.

41-16856. Second homes: curse or blessing? Edited by John Terence Coppock. Great Britain. 229 p. Appl. au: B. L. Bagatz. NH: compilation. J. T. Coppock; 22Auq77; AI-16856.

41-16857. Nubia: corridor to Africa. By Hilliam Y. Adams. Great Britain. 797 p. O Billiam Y. Adams; 21Jun77; AI-16857.

AI-16858. From Sabbath to Sunday: a historical Investigation of the rise of Sunday observance in early Christianity. By Samuele Bacchiocchi. Italy. 372 p. Samuele Bacchiocchi; 22Jul77; Al-16858.

AI-16859. ABC magazine international. Vol. 6, no. 1, flay 1977. Editors: Theresa aitan 6 Gloria Freund, literary editor: Hoses Badash, photographers: Joe Clark £ Bob Kunz, illus.: Isam Hillis. art director: Hezi Hor, layout: Jim Tesner. Israel. 66 p. Appl. au: Dorothy Johnson Kelly, John Gorman £ Joseph tlhite. on p. 7-10 £ 58-66; Hidwest News Service, Inc.; 1Hay77; AI-16859.

41-16860. Virginia in the 4merican fievolution; a collection of essays. No. 1. Edited by Bichard 4. Butyna £ Peter C. Stewart. Scotland. 92 p. Bichard A. Butyna £ Peter C. Stewart; 15Aug77; AI-16860.

AI-16861. Columbia cruises south; circumnavigating the south Island of New Zealand. By Balph S. Von Kohorn. New Zealand. 117 p. e Balph S. Von Kohorn; 10Jul77; AI-16861.

AI- 16862. The Holecular biology of the mammalian genetic apparatus. Vol. 2. Edited by Paul On Pong Ts'o. The Netherlands. 333 p. Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press; 30Sep77; AI-16862.

41-16863. Liberal Party politics in Britain. By Arthur I. Cyr, with a foreword by Hichael Steed. United Kingdom. 318 p. O Arthur cyr; 30Jun77; 41-16863. (Beprint copy, bearing U.S. imprint, deposited)

41-16861. Emotion, thought and therapy; a study of Hume and Spinoza and the relationship of philosophical theories of the emotions to psychological theories of therapy. By Jerome Neu. Great Britain. 191 p. Jerome Neu; 10ct77; AI-16851.

AI-16865. Vets might fly, and other titles. Canada. 575 p. (Beader's digest condensed books) Appl. au: The Beader's Digest Association, Inc. NH: compilation, condensation, additional material £ pictorial material. O The Beader's Digest Association (Canada) Ltd.; 7Sep77; AI-16865.

AI-16866. Kerygma resource book. Kerygma leader's guide. Author: James Halther. Canada. 2 V. (Kerygma Bible study in depth) O Gordon J. Freer; 15aay77; AI-16866.

AI-16867. Study guide for Sifrou la-student ('alef, bet) By Frank Talaage, Chaim Babin £ Libby Garshowitz. 2nd ed. Canada. 178 p. O Oniversity of Toronto Press; 150ct77; AI-16867.

AI- 16868. Saint Croix Valley. HE and Canada, international telephone directory. Canada. Appl. au: Dan Bollingdale. DB tradename of copyright owner Dan Bollingdale; 250ct77; 41-16868.

AI- 16869. The Shrine, and other stories. By Hary AI- 16869 (con.) LaTin. Eoqland. 156 p. HO: conpllatioo. Mary Lavln: 30Ha777; AI-16869.

»I-16870. Crocus. By Boqer Davoisln. Onited KinqdOD. 31 p. Q Boqer DuToisin; 9Jun77: Al-16870.

AI-16a71. The Leqendary sources of Flaubert's saint Julien. By Beolanin F. Bait e Robert Francis cook. Canada. 203 p. 6 University of Toronto Press; 220ct77; AI- 16871.

AI- 16872. Imperfect pitch; sonqs without notes. By Sandra Keatinq (Sandra Keating Vos) Denmarlc. 15 p. 3 Sandra Keatinq Vos (in notice: Sandra Keatinq); 7Jul77; AI- 16872.

AI-16873. Hendes 2nd. By Herman Oe tteulenaere & Pierre A. IlacKay« edited by Emma Swan Hall S Bernard V. Bothmer. Enqland. 1 v. Enqlish, French & German. HSz compi- lation. 6 Brooklyn Institute of Arts and sciences, the Brooklyn Huseum; 2'«llar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AI-16873.

AI- 168711. A Structural, stratiqraphic and petroloqic study of anorthosites, ecloqites, and ultramafic rocks and their country rocks, Tafjord area, western south Norway. By Hannes K. Brueckner, Norway. 53 p. (Norqes Geoloqiske Ondersokelse, nr. 332, bulletin i)1) O Dniversitet- sforlaqet 6 Norqes Geoloqiske Onder- sokelse; 23iuq77; AI-1687a.

AI-16875. Property riqhts: philosophic foun- dations. By Lawrence Caclyle Becker. Enqland. 135 p. 6 Lawrence C. Becker; 270ct77; AI-16875.

41-16876. The Book of Luelen. By Luelen Bernart, translated 6 edited by John L. Fischer. Saul H. Biesenberq C Harjorie Grant Hhitinq. Australia. 193 p. (Pacific history series, no. 8) John L. Fischer, Saul H. Biesenberq & Harjorie Grant Ihitinq; 190ct77; AI-16876,

Al-16877. structural theory of orqanic chemistry. By Nicolaos D. Epiotis, Hilliam B. Cherry, Sasou Shaik. Sonald L. lates & Fernando Bernardi. Hest Germany. 250 p. (Topics in current chemistry, 70) 9 Sprinqer- Verlaq; 23Auq77; AI-16877.

AI-16878. Chemical relaxation in molecular bioloqy. Edited by Israel Pecht & Rudolf fiiqler. Hest Gernany. 416 p. (Molecular bioloqy, biochemistry and biophysics, 24) Appl. au: D. Haqde. 3 Springer-Verlag; 16Auq77: AI-16878.

AI-16879. Structure and function of haemocyanin. Edited by Joe V. Bannister. Best Germany. 295 p. ( Proceed inqs in life sciences) Appl. au; Celia Bonaventura & Joe Bonaventura. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 22Auq77; AI-16879.

AI-16880. fiathematxcal foundations of computer science, 1977; proceedings, 6th symposium, Tatranska Lomnica, Sept. 5-9, 1977. Edited by Jozef Gruska. iest Germany. 595 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, vol. 53) Papers presented at 6th Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, held at Tatranska Lomnica, Czechoslovakia. Appl. au: Calvin C. Elqot 6 F. P. Preparata. e Sprinqer- Verlaq; 8Auq77; AI-16880.

AI- 16881. Burne flosgarth's The Golden age of Tarzan, 1939-1942. By Edgar Eice Burroughs, editor: Maurice Horn, with introductory essays by Burne Hogarth 6 Maurice Born. Japan. 154 p. in box. Appl. au: Edgar fiice Burroughs, Inc. NM: introductory material, essays £ com- pilation. 6 Edgar Bice Burroughs, Inc. ; 1Nov77; AI-16881.

Al-16882. Franciscan studies. Vol. 35. annual 13, 1975. Editor: Conrad L. Harkins e other editors. Italy. 275 p. Latin 6 English. 3 The Franciscan Institute of Saint Bonaventure Bniversity; 17May77 (in notice: 1976); AI- 16882.

AI-16683. The Legacy of Che Guevara; a documentary study. By Donald C. Hodges, documents translated by Ernest C. Behder S Donald c. Hodges. United Kingdom. 216 p. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 14Nov77: AI- 16883.

AI-16884. Population: un choix international; approche multilaterale au probleme demographigue. Par Bafael M. Salas, traduit de I'anqlais par £. McMorran. Great Britain. 173 p. 3 Bafael H. Salas; 27JU177; AI-16884.

AI- 16885. Casals and the art of interpretation. By David Blum. Enqland. 223 p. C David Blum: 15Aug77; AI-16885.

AI-16686. City-systems in advanced economics: past growth, present processes and future development options. By Allan B. Pred. Enqland. 256 p. Allan fi. Pred; 15Aug77; AI- 16886.

AI- 16887. Hords and words and words; 11th C 12th grades. By Nathalie Barker Baldwin. Philippine Islands. 65 p. 6 Nathalie Baldwin: 1Jul77 (in notice: 1976): AI- 16887.

AI- 16888. Uords and words and words; 7th & 8th grades. By Nathalie Barker Baldwin. Philippine Islands. 1 v. 6 Nathalie Barker Baldwin: 1Jul77 (in notice: 1976): AI-16888.

AI-16889. English excellence (English as a second language) By Nathalie Barker Baldwin. Philippine Islands. 1 v. 3 Nathalie Barker Baldwin; 1Jui77; Al-16889.

AI-16890. Business cycles: a game of business strategy. Philippines. Kit. Appl. au: Andrew a. Trice. 8 Andrew H. Trice; 14Jun77; AI-16890.

AI-16891. Bosom of the family. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, Sept. 1977, p. 35, etc.) e Evelyn Barter; 6Sep77: AI-16891.

AI- 16892. International journal of clinical pharmacology and biopharmacy. Vol. 15, no. 10, Oct. 1977. Editor-in-chief: H. P. Kuemmerle & other editors. Best Germany, p. 449-496. Appl. au: Y. B. Cho 6 H. A. Bitschel. 3 Urban and Schwarzenberg, Inc.; 140ct77; AI- 16892.

AI- 16893. The National union catalog: pre-1956 imprints; a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries. Vol. 525-529- Compiled £ edited with the cooperation of the Library of Congress £ the National Union Catalog Subcommittee of the Besources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division. American Library Association. United Kingdom. Appl. au: The American Library Association. Appl. states copyright not claimed in the original National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, as maintained in the Library of Congress in card form or in any publication of the 0. S. Govt, within the meaning of Title 17 D.S.C. 8. NM: new compilation, abridgment E editorial revision of entries £ original prefatory materials. 3 The American Library Association; 170ct77; AI- 16893.

AI- 16894. A Field guide to the little people. By Nancy Arrowsmith with George Moorse. illustrated by Heinz Edelmann, calligraphy by Kevin Eeilly. England. 2 96 p. 3 on text; Nancy Arrowsmith; 1Sep77: AI- 16894.

AI- 16895. Curriculum evaluation for lifelong education: developing criteria £ procedures for the evaluation of school curricula in the perspective of lifelong education; a multinational study. Edited by Bodney B. Skager £ B. B. Dave, with contributions by Kenneth Girdwood Robinson. Great Britain. 140 p. 3 Dnesco Institute of Education; 30Aug77; AI- 16895.

AI-16896. Behavioral treatments of obesity. Edited by John Paul Foreyt. Great Britain. 512 p. Appl. au: E. E. Abramson, S. B. Baker £ J. L. Bernard. NM: compilation. 3 Pergamon Press. Ltd.; 11JU177; AI-16896.

AI-16897. The Evaluation of toxicological data for the protection of public health: proceedings of the international colloquium. Luxembourg. December 1976. Editors: B. J. Hunter £ J. G. P. M. Smeets. Great Britain. 427 p. English, French £ Italian; proceedings of the International colloquium on the Evaluation of Toxicological Data for the Protection of Public Health. Appl. au: F. Coulston, £. M. Mrak £ A. H. Uolff. 3 European Coal and steel Community. European Economic Community £ European Atomic Energy Community (in notice: ECSC, EEC, EAEC) ; 30Aug77: AI-16897.

AI- 16898. The Many facets of human settlements: science and society; papers prepared for AAAS activities in connection with Habitat: the O.N. Conference on Human Settlements. Editors: Irene Tinker £ Mayra Buvinic. Great Britain. 405 p. Appl. au: J. P. Eberhard, P. C. Goldaark £ B. C. Harkness. 6 on this compilation; American Association for the Advancement of Science (in notice: AAAS) ; 30Aug77: AI- 16898.

AI-16899. Central actions of angiotensin and related hormones. Editors: Joseph P. Buckley £ Carlos M. Ferrario, associate editor: Mustafa F. Lokhandwala. Great Britain. 606 p. Appl. au: J. Ackerly. G. Berti £ J. Buggy. 3 Perganon Press. Inc.; 25JU177; AI-16899.

AI- 16900. Biology of benthic organisms; 11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Galway. October 1976. Edited by Brendon F. Keegan. P. o. Ceidigb £ P. J. S. AI-16900 (con.) Boaden. Great Britain. 630 p. English 6 French. ippl. aa: J. Grassic, i. D. Huaaon t, J. Lee. HH: coapilation. Perqaaon Press, ltd.; 12Scp77; AI-16900.

AI-16901. Prescriptive aodels of ozrqanizations. Edited by Paul C. Nystroa £ Billiaa B. Starbuck. The sctheriands. 189 p. (TIBS stadies in the aanaqeaent sciences* vol. 5) north Bolland Publishing Coapany: 29JU177: AI-16901.

AI- 16902. Oynaaic aspects of cell surface organization. Edited by George Poste £ Garth L. Sicolson. The Hetherlands. 7i»5 p. (Cell surface reviews, vol. 3| Elsevier/Horth Holland Bioaedical Press; 2liov77: AI- 16902.

AI-16903. Outcaste: Jewish life in southern Iran. By Laurence D. Loeb. Great Britain. 328 p. Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Inc.; 8Nov77; AI-16903.

AI-169011. Disabling professions. By Ivan Illich. England. (In Disabling professions, p. 11-39) Ivan Illich; 12Sep77: AI-1590a.

AI-16905. Cancer aetastasis: approaches to the aechanisa, prevention and treataent. Edited by Philip G. Stansly £ Haruo Sato. Japan. 247 p. Appl. au: Leonard ieiss £ Hobert Pollack. University of Tokyo Press; 150ct77; AI-16905.

AI-16906. Shining clarity: God and aan in the works of Eobinson Jeffers. By Harlan Beilke, illustrated by Kenneth Jack £ Luair Sindelar. Australia. 291 p. Harlan Beilke; 70ct77 ; AI-16906.

AI-16907. Ad Exaaination of the Italian glass industry and its influence on native stained and painted glass. By Louis Byron Goldich. Canada. 135 p. Louis Byron Goldich; 5Jui77; AI-16907.

AI-16908. A Guide to trekking in Nepal. By Stephen Anthony Bezruchka. foreword: Edaund Biliary. 3rd ed. Nepal. 229 p. Prev. pub. 1972 fi 1974. Stephen Anthony Bezruchka; 1Jun77: AI-16908.

AI-16909. AB 8120 labeller; service aanaal. No. ABI-2017-AB. Onited Kingdoa. 13 p. Addressograph-Bultigrapb Corporation; 110ct77; AI-16909.

AI-16910. Proceedings of the International Syaposiua on Plasaa Ball Interaction. Great Britain. 750 p. field 18-22 Oct. 1976, Juelich, Best Geraany. Appl. au: J. 0. Callen, B. B. Griea £ B. Beiland. O European Coal and Steel Coaaunity, European Econoaic Coaaunity £ European Atoaic Energy Coaaunity (£CSC, EEC, EAEC) ; 8Aug77; AI-16910.

AI-16911. Life sciences and space research. yol- 15. Scientific editor: H. Bolaquist, executive editor: A. C. Stickland. Great Britain. 316 p. Proceedings of the open aeeting of the Borking Group on Space Biology of the nineteenth plenary aeeting of Cospar, Philadelphia, June 8-19, 1975. Appl. au: B. C. Booley, T. H. Jukes £ G. ?. Levin. O Cospar; 8Aug77; AI-16911.

AI-16912. Contributions to aedical psychology. Vol. 1. Edited by Stanley Sachaan. Great Britain. 243 p. Appl. au: B. Belaaed, B. T. Engel £ L. Tasto. O Fergaaon Press, Ltd.: BAug77; AI-16912.

AI- 16913. Oiaensional instability, an intro- duction. By Charles Baiter Barschall £ Bobert Edward Baringer. Great Britain. 323 p. O C. B. Barschall £ B. E. Bacinger: 25Sep77; AI-16913.

AI-16914. Fundaaentals of coaputation theory: proceedings of the 1977 International PCT-Conf erence, Poznan-Kornik, Poland, Sept. 19-23, 1977. Edited by Barek Karpinski. Best Geraany. 542 p. (Lecture notes in coaputer science, 56) Proceedings of the 1977 International Conference on Fundaaentals of Coaputation Theory. Appl. au: B. A. Arbib £ E. G. Banes. O Springer-»erlag; 12Sep77; AI-16914.

AI-16915. Notes on English teaching aethods used at Taipei Language Institute. Taiwan (Bepublic of China). 14 p. Appl. au: Collin F. Baker 3rd. O Collin F. Baker 3rd; 1Sep77; AI-16915.

AI- 15916. Virtues in conflict: tradition and the Korean wooan today. Edited by Sandra Hattielli. Korea. 214 p. Sandra Battiellii 240ct77; AI- 16916.

AI-16917. Haydn: the late years, 1801-1809. By Howard Chandler Bobbins Landon. England. 495 p. (Haydn: chronicle and works, vol. 5) H. C. Bobbins Landon; 31Aug77; AI-16917.

AI-16918. The Bayward leaves. By Billiaa Aaes Le Grande 2nd. India. 210 p. O Billiaa Aaes Le Grande 2nd; 17Jun77; AI-16918.

AI-15919. BosoB of the faaily. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, Oct. 1977, p. 35, etc.) O Evelyn Barter; 50ct77; AI- 16919.

AI- 16920. Huaan resource aanageaent in the aultinational coapany. By Bobert L. Desatnick £ Hargo L. Bennett, edited by Bayaond Haddison. Onited Kingdoa. 411 p. Bobert L. Desatnick £ Hargo L. Bennett; 15JU177; AI-16920.

AI-16921. Principles and applications of ferroelectrics and related aaterials. By Balcola E. Lines £ A. H. Glass. Onited Kingdoa. 680 p. O Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.; 60ct77; AI-16921.

AI-169 22. Bilbert space aethods for partial differential equations. By fialph Edwin Shoaalter. Great Britain. 196 p. (Honographs and studies in aatheaatics, 1) O Balph Edwin Showalter; 15Nov77; AI-16922.

AI- 16923. Bights and persons. By A. I. Belden. Great Britain. 263 p. A. I. Heiden; 1NOV77; AI-16923.

AI- 16924. Progress in energy and coaiiustion science; an international review journal. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1977. Editor: N. A. Chigier. Great Britain. 71 p. Appl. au: S. Lederaan. O Pergaaon Press, Ltd.; 25JU177; AI-16924.

AI- 16925. Pharaacology and therapeutics. Vol. 1, no. 3, pt. A, 1977. Executive editor: A. c. Sartorelli. Great Britain. 348 p. Appl. au: B. A. carter £ B. I. Hilavetz. O pergaaon Press, Ltd.; 25Jui77; AI-16925.

AI- 16926. Pathophysiology of carcinogenesis in digestive organs; proceedings of the 7th international syaposiua of the Princess Takaaatsu Cancer Besearch Fund, Tokyo, 1976. Edited by Eaaanuel Farber fi other editors. Japan. 441 p. (Princess Takaaatsu syaposia, 7) Appl. au: John B. Beisburger, J. E. Berk fi P. Correa. O Oniversity of Tokyo Press; 15Nov77; AI- 16926.

AI-16927. Beabrane alterations as basis of liver injury. Edited by Hans philipp Popper, Leonardo Bianchi fi Berner Beutter. Onited Kingdoa. 384 p. (Falk syaposiua, 22) Appl. au: E. Baraona £ S. A. Borowsky. HIP Press, Ltd.; 260ct77; AI-16927.

AI-16928. origin of the Buaanians: Tlach origin, aigration and infiltration to Trans- ylvania. By Endre Haraszti. Canada. 76 p. Danubian Press, Inc.; 150ct77; AI-16928.

AI- 16929. Tine and English fiction. By David Leon Higdon. England. 168 p. David Leon Higdon; 17Nov77; AI-16929.

AI- 16930. Essa of Dubai. Britten by John Louis Dragonetti, illustrated by Susan Dragonetti, translation by Bahaoud Farrag. Onited Arab Eairates. 1 v. English 6 Arabic. John Dragonetti; 17Nov77; AI-16930.

AI-15931. Borld naphtha survey, 1977; world suaaary 6 regional analysis. Switzerland. 2 V. Appl. au: Dewitt and coapany. Inc. £ parpinelli Tecnon. S.B.L. e Hyplan, A.G. ; 310ct77; AI-16931.

AI- 16932. Borld naphtha survey capacity tables, 1977; petrocheaical plants £ refineries. Switzerland. 2 v. Appl. au: Dewitt and coapany. Inc. fi Parpinelli Tecnon, S.B.L. Hyplan, A.G. ; 31Bay77; AI-16932.

AI-15933. Biblical sites in Turkey. By Everett C. Blake £ Anna G. Edaonds, maps by cezibe Hosqoren. Turkey. 170 p. Bedhouse Press; 30Sep77; AI-16933.

Al-16934. Backpacking in Peru and Bolivia: a guide to the ancient ways and Inca roads. By Hilary J. Bradt fi George N. Bradt. 2nd rev. ed. Great Britain. S4 p. O Hilary J. Bradt £ George N. Bradt; 1Jul77; AI- 16934.

AI-16935. Backpacker's Africa: 17 walks off the Cape Town-Cairo route. By Hilary J. Bradt 6 George N. Bradt. Great Britain. 98 p. O Hilary J. Bradt £ George N. Bradt; lJul77; AI-16935.

AI- 15936. The Baltic: origin of the Indo-European languages and peoples; an inquiry into the history of aankind and its languages. By Andis Kaulins. Best Geraany. 98 p. O Andis Kaulins; 25Jun77; AI-16936. &I-16937. Official rules for qolf dart qane. Canada. 1 p. Appl. au: Jerald S. Bccarthy. S Jerald S. McCarthy; 150ct75; iI-16937.

AI-16938. Official hockey darts instructions. Canada. 1 p. Add. ti: Bules for hockey dart qame. Appl. au: Jerald S. HcCarthy. Jerald S. McCarthy; 150ct75; AI-16938.

AI-16939. Uinninq the qanes people play: hoH to master the art of chanqinq people's behavior. By Nathan B. Hiron. Hong Kong. 247 p. e Hathan B. Hiron; 150ct77: AI-16939.

AI- 16940. Chuckles behind the door: Lillian Dickson's personal letter. Edited by Marilyn Buth Dickson Tank. Taivan. 1 v- Marilyn Euth Dickson Tank; 250ct77; AI-16940.

AI-16942. Fiqhtinq gliders of Uorld Har 2. By James E. Mrazek. Great Britain. 207 p. 3 on new text* compilation, silhouettes & translations; James E. Mrazek: 19May77; AI-16912.

AI-169it3. Island heritaqe: a Baptist view of t history of San Andres and Providencia. br Loren C. Turnaqe. Colombia. 138 p. Q Historical Commission of the Colombia Baptist Mission: 15Auq77; AI-16943.

AI-16914. Behavior modification and "punishment" of the inhocent: towards a iustif icatiou of the institution of legal punishment. By George Ediiard Schedler. The Net- herlands. 110 p. e Seocqe Schedler £, B. fi. Gruener Publishinq Company; 270ct77; AI-169414.

AI-16945. The Physiology and biochemistry of seed dormancy and germination. Editor: Anvar Ahmad Khan. The Netherlands. 447 p. @ Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press; 23Noy77: AI-16945.

AI-16946. Plato's moral theory: the early and middle dialogues. By Terrence Imin. Onited Kingdom. 376 p. 6 Oxford Oniversity Press: 270ct77: AI- 16946.

AI-16947. Decision making and change in human affairs: proceedings of the Fifth Research Conference on Subiectlve Probability, Utility, and Decision Making, Darmstadt, Sept. 1-4. 1975. Edited by Helmut Junqermann C Gerard De Zeeuu. Holland. 527 p. Appl. au: Sobert E. iinkler e James A. Uise. Appl. states copyright not claimed on article, p. 7-36. D. Beidel Publishinq Company; 30Aug77; Al-16947.

AI-16948. Badio astronomy and cosmology. Symposium no. 74. Edited by David L. Jauncey. Holland. 398 p. Held at Cambridge, Enqland, Aug. 16-20, 1976. Appl. au: James N. Douglas 6 Frank N. Bash. 6 The International Astronomical anion; 23Auq77: iI-15948.

AI- 16949. The Lanquaqe of philosophy; Freud and Hittgenstein. By Morris Lazeroaitz. Holland. 209 p. (Synthese library, vol. 117) (Boston studies in the philosophy of science, vol. 55) D. Beidel Publishing Company; 9Sep77; AI-16949.

uls. By Alexander Ai tablian. Lebanon. 215 p. Q Alexander Aintablian; 30May77; AI-16950.

AI-16951. Topics in iutsrstellar matter; invited reviews given foo: Commission 34 (in- terstellai: matxjrj of the International Astronomical anion, at the sixteenth general assembly of lau, Grenoble, Aug. 1976. Edited by Hugo Tan Hoerden. Holland. 295 p. (Astrophysics and space science library, vol. 70) Appl. au: Edward B. Jenkins & Donald P. Cox. D. Beidel Publishing Company; 9Sep77;

AI-16951. Al-16952. Systems: approaches, theories, applications; including the proceedings of the Eighth George Hudson Symposium held at Plattsburgh, NY, Apr. 11-12, 1975. Edited by gilliam E. Hartnett. Holland. 202 p. Appl. au: Michael A. Arbib. Q D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77; AI-16952.

AI-16953. Kidney hormones. Vol. 2: erythro- poietin. Edited by J. U. Fisher. Great Britain. 601 p. Q Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 8Dec77: AI-16953.

AI- 16954. Elements of the behavioral code. By Francis T. DeFeudis & Patricia A. F. OeFeudis. Great Britain. 389 p. Q Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 8Dec77; AI-16954.

AI-16955. Analysis, manifolds and physics. By Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat, Cecile Deuitt- Morette 6 Margaret Diliard-Bleick. Netherlands. 544 p. S North Holland Publishing Company; 8Dec77; AI-16955.

AI- 16956. Beligion and scientific method. By George Schlesinger. Holland. 203 p. (Philosophical studies series in philosophy, vol. 10) 3 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77: Al-16956.

AI- 16957. Reason and action. By Bruce Aune. Holland. 206 p. (Philosophical studies series in philosophy, vol. 9) 6 D. Beidel Publishing Company; 5Sep77; AI-16957.

AI-16958. Transition metals in biochemistry. By Arthur S. Brill. Vest Germany. 186 p. (Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, 26) 6 Springer-Verlag; 170ct77; AI-16958.

AI-16959. Optics and lasers: an engineering physics approach. By Matt Young. Hest Germany. 207 p. (Springer series in optical sciences, vol. 5) Q Springer- Verlag; 130ct77; AI-16959.

AI-16960. A New era in space transportation; proceedings of the 27th International Astronautical Congress, Anaheim, 10-16 Oct. 1976. Edited by Luigi G. Napolitano. Great Britain. 451 p. Appl. au: C. T. Bussell, E. C. Levinthal & F. H. Esch. Q Perqamon Press, Ltd. ; 26Sep77; AI-16960. AI-16961. Microsomes and drug oxidations; proceedings of the third international symposium, Berlin, July 1976. Editor: Volker Ollrich & other editors. Great Britain. 768 p. Papers of the Third International Symposium on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations, held on July 21-24, 1976; pub. as a suppl. to Biochemical phar- macology. Appl. au: H. Agosin, A. Alvares & H. J. Coon. NM: compilation.

AI- 16962. Dye lasers. Edited by Fritz Peter Schaefer. 2nd rev. ed. Nest Germany. 299 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 1) Appl. au: Karl B. Drexhage 6 Theodor g. Haens<-h " Jp-iager-Verlag; 27Sep77; AI-16962.

AI- 16963. Optical and infrared detectors. Edited by Robert J. Keyes. Hest Germany. 305 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 19) Appl. au: Paul R. Kruse. 6 Springer- Verlag; 29Aug77; AI- 16963.

AI- 16964. current topics in microbiology and immunology. Vol. 77. Edited by H. Arber 6 others. Hest Germany. 168 p. Appl. au: Byron E. Butterworth G Kyoichi Kano. e Springer-Verlag; 130ct77; AI-16964.

AI-16965. Current concepts in pediatric radiology. Edited by ole Ekloef. Hest Germany. 150 p. (Current diagnostic pediatrics, vol. 1) Appl. au: B. R. Girdany £ G. B. C. Harris. Springer-Verlag; 180ct77; AI-16965.

AI- 16966. Structure and bonding. Vol. 33. Editors: J. D. Dunitz e others. Rest Germany. 214 p. Appl. au: R. E. Rallace & S. G. Sankar. 6 Springer-Verlag; 30ct77; AI-16966.

AI-16967. Current topics in pathology, 65. Editors: E. Grundmann 6 R. H. Kirsten. Rest Germany. 203 p. Appl. au: J. Schwarz. 6 Springer-Verlag; 30Sep77; AI-16967.

AI-16968. Brain and heart infarct. Editors: Klaus Joachim Zuelch & others. Hest Germany. 349 p. Appl. au: H. E. Doherty S Benate Fischer. Springer-Verlag; 5Sep77; AI-16968.

AI- 16969. Inorganic chemistry metal carbonyl chemistry. Rest Germany. 190 p. (Topics in current chemistry, vol. 71) Appl. au: Sidney F. A. Kettle 6 Rilliam L. Jolly, e Springer-Verlag; 180ct77; AI-16969.

AI-16970. Bosom of the family. Pt. 3. By Evelyn Barter (Evelyn Barter Glick) India. (In Journal of the Indian housewife, June 1977, p. 53-57) 6 Evelyn Barter; 6Jun77; AI-16970.

AI-16971. Geneva direct; or. The Skrank material; an American comedy. By Rodger Goodson. Switzerland. 185 p. O The American College of Switzerland Press; 2Dec77; AI-16971.

AI- 169 72. Letters of James Taylor, Jr. Vol. 3. Editor: James Taylor 3rd. Onited Kingdom. 356 p. James Taylor 3rd; 9Nov77; AI-16972.

AI-16973. The Glory hole. By I. Jeff Rilliams. Onited Kingdom. 285 p. T. Jeff Rilliams; 26Jun77; AI-16973.

AI- 16974. The CIA at work. By Lauran Paine. Great Britain. 192 p. O Robert Bale, Ltd.; 3NOV77; Al-16974.

Al-16975. Resource management at the international AI- 16975 (con.) level: the case of the North Pacific. By Ocaa E. Youoq. Onited KinqdOB. 252 p. e Orao TouDq; 1Sep77; AI-16975.

AI-16976. The Best things in life. Bv Lloyd HcCune. Portuqal. (In The Anqlo- Poctuquese news, Honte Estoril, Poctaqal. Sov. It, 1977, p. 81 Lloyd McCune; 4BOV77: 41-16976.

AI-16977. Le Feste del caiendario. By Plavio Trettel £ Lillian Iraa Dannenberq. Italy. 59 p. Italia aia; 9Sep77: AI-16977.

Al-16978. Hou to read — vhat to read when. By Arna Peretz 6 Cynthia Codish. Israel. 331 p. NH: adaptations, coapilation & additions. O Arna Peretz 6 Cynthia Codish; 300ct77; AI-16978.

AI-16979. HoH to Icnoii what you like: a Philis- tine's quide to the National Gallery. By Thogas H. Disch. Enqiand. (In Bananas, spring 1977, p. 33-36) O Thomas U. Disch; 15Feb77; Al-16979.

AI-16980. The Future of John sladek. By John Sladek. Enqiand. (In Bananas, sprinq 1977, p. 30-31) e John Sladek; 15Feb77; AI-16980.

AI- 16981. The Late Diddle Aqes: art and arc- hitecture from 1350 to the advent of the Benaissance. By Him Saaan, vith photos, by the author. Great Britain. 232 p. O Paul Elek. Ltd.; 10Noy77: iI-16981.

AI-16982. Special topics in electrochemistry. Edited by Peter A. Bock. The Netherlands. 22U p. Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company: 1Nov77; AI-16982.

AI-16983. Fundamentals of marine acoustics. By Jerald ». Caruthers. The Netherlands. 153 p. (Elsevier oceanoqraphy series, 18) O Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company: 11iov77: AI-16983.

AI-16984. Introduction to the mathematics of inversion in remote sensinq and indirect measurements. By S. Tvomey. The Netherlands. 243 p. (Developments in qeomathematics, 3) Elsevier Scientific Publishinq Company: 18Nov77; A1-16984.

AI-16985. leats and maqic: the earlier nocks. By Hary Catherine Flannery. Great Britain. 165 p. Colin Smythe, Ltd.; 15Dec77; AI-16985.

AI-16986. 5799-AEF. France. Printout. IBB iorld Trade Corporation; 12Sep77; AI-16986.

AI-16987. Inteqrodif ferential equations and delay models in population dynamics. By Jim H. Cushinq. Uest Germany. 196 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, 20) Sprinqer- Verlaq; 310ct77: 41-16987.

41-16988. Principles of electrolocation and iamminq avoidance in electric fish: a neuroetholoqical approach. By Halter Beiliqenberq . Nest Germany. 85 p. (Studies of brain function, vol. 1) O Sprinqec-Verlaq; 29Sep77; 41-16988.

at oceanic lithosphere? By fiobert Griffin Coleman. Hest Germany. 229 p. minerals and rocks, 12) Sprinqer-Verlaq; 19Auq77; 41-16989.

AI-16990. Biqher order contact of submanifolds of homogeneous spaces. By Gary B. Jensen. Hest Germany. 154 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 610) 6 Sprinqer-Veclaq; 7Sep77; 41-16990.

41-16991. Banach spaces of analytic functions; proceedings of the Pelczynski Conference held at Kent State Oniversity, July 12-16, 1976. Edited by J. Baker, C. Cleaver 6 J. Diestel. Hest Germany. 14 1 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 604) O springer- yerlaq; 164uq77; 41-16991.

41-16992. Turbulence Seminar, Berkeley, 1976/77. Edited by Peter Bernard S, Tudor Satiu. Best Germany. 155 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 615) 6 Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77: 41-16992.

41-16993. Extreme eigen values of Toeplitz operators. By I. I. Birschman, Jr. 6 Daniel E. Hughes. Hest Germany. 145 p. (Lecture notes id mathematics, vol. 618) O Springer-Verlag; 7Nov77; 41-16993.

41-16994. 4belian group theory: proceedings of the 2nd Ne« Heiico State Oniversity con- ference, held at Las Cruces, New ijexico, December 9-12, 1976. Edited by David B. 4rnold, fioger B. Hunter C Elbert 4. Halker. Hest Germany. 423 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 616) O Springer- Veriaq; 100ct77; 41-16994.

41-16995. Infinitary combinatorics and the axiom of determinateness. By Eugene B. Kleinberg. Hest Germany. 150 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 612) Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; 41-16995.

41-16996. General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra 4; proceedings of the fourth Prague topological symposium, 1976. Pt. 4: invited papers. Edited by Josef Novak. Hest Germany. 225 p. (Lecture notes in mathematics, vol. 609) Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on General Topology and Its Helations to Bodern 4nalysis and Algebra. 4ppl. au: H. H. Comfort £ D. Baharam. O Springer- Verlag; 7Sep77; 41-16996.

41-16997. Gesource allocation and division of space; proceedings of an international symposium held at Toba near Nagoya, Japan, 14-17 December 1975. Edited by Takashi Fujii £ Gyuzo Sato. Hest Germany. 184 p. (Lecture notes in economics and mat- hematical systems, vol. 147) 4ppl. au: Akira Takayama. Springer-Verlag; 28Sep77; AI-16997.

AI- 16998. Portability of numerical software; workshop. Oak Brook, Illinois, June 21-23, 1976. Edited by Hayne Coiiell. Best Germany. 539 p. (Lecture notes in computer science, 57) Papers based on oral presentations at the Horkshop on the Portability of Numerical Software. 4ppl. au: T. J. 4ird fi James B. Boyle. Springer-Verlag; 310ct77; 41-16998.

41-16999. Measuring selection in natural populations. Edited by Freddy B. Christiansen £ Tom H. Fenchel. Hest Germany. 564 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 19) Proceedings of the Symposium: Beasuring Selection in Natural Populations held in southern Jutland, Denmark, Bay 10-14, 1976. 4ppl. au: B. H. 411ard £ 4. L. Kahler. O Springer-Verlag: 9Sep77: 41-16999.

41-17000. flathematics and the Life Sciences; selected lectures, Canadian Bathematical Congress, 4ugust 1975. Edited by David L. Batthews. Hest Germany. 385 p. (Lecture notes in biomathematics, vol. 18) Selected lectures presented at the 15th biennial seminar of the Canadian Bathematical Congress entitled flathematics and the Life Sciences, held at the Universite de Sberbrooke, Canada. 4ppl. au: fi. Levins £ A. E. B. Hoodcock. ©Springer-Verlag; 9Sep77; 41-17000.

41-17001. 4dvances in biochemical engineering. Vol. 6: New substrates. Editors: T. K. Ghose, A. Fiechter £ N. Blakebrough. Best Germany. 127 p. 4ppl. au: Arpad £. Toma (i.e. Torma) Springer-Verlag: 30Sep77; AI-17001.

41-17002. Boron and refractory borides. Edited by Vlado I. Batkovich. Hest Germany. 656 p. Appl. au: K. B. J. Buchow £ a. E. Dahl. O Springer-Verlag: 23Sep77; 41-17002.

41-17003. Advanced methods in protein sequence determination. Edited by Saul Ben Needleman. Best Germany. 189 p. (Molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics, 25) Appl. au: Bussell P. Doolittle. O Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; AI-17003.

AI- 17004. Synergetics: a workshop; proceedings of the International Horkshop on Synergetics at Schloss Elmau, Bavaria, Bay 2-7, 1977. Edited by Hermann Haken. Hest Germany. 274 p. Appl. au: B. Buckley £ P. B. Fenstermacher. Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; AI-17004.

AI-17005. Current topics in microbiology and immunology, 76. Edited by B. Arber £ others. Hest Germany. 214 p. Appl. au: H. a. Kuehl 6 P. Spears. O Springer- Verlag; 5Sep77; 41-17005.

41-17006. Biochemical differentiation in insect glands. Edited by Uolfgang Beermann. Hest Germany. 215 p. (Besults and problems in cell differentiation, vol. 8) 4ppl. au: B. K. Baker £ H. H. Blau. O Springer-Verlag; 30ct77; 41-17006.

AI- 17007. Beviews of physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology, 79. Editors: B. H. Adrian £ others. Hest Germany. 180 p. 4ppl. au: J. H. Hitchie £ B. B. G. Bogart. Formerly Ergebnisse der Physiologic, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie. Springer-Verlag: 20Sep77; 41-17007.

41-17008. The Bajor histocompatibility system in man and animals. Editor: Dietrich Goetze. Hest Germany. 404 p. 4ppl. au: N. Cohen £ N. H. Collins. Springer-Verlag; 284ug77: 41-17008.

41-17009. Hatashitachi no nippon go (rokunen) Japan. 144 p. Japanese; title romanized on appl. O The California Association of Japanese Language Schools, Inc.; 15Sep77; 41-17009.

AI-17010. Economic forecasting — models or markets? By James B. Bamsey, with a sceptical view of forecasting in Britain by Balph Harris. AI-17010 (con.) Great Britalo. lOit p. The Institote of Econoaic Affairs; 15Sep77: AI-17010.

AI-17011. Boson of tiie family. By Evelyn Barter. India. (In Journal of the Indian house»ife. Sov. 1977, p. 35-42) © Evelyn Barter: 5Nov77; 41-17011.

AI-17012. The ionder of the aqe: the Edison invention of the phonograph. By Baymond fi. Bile. Scotland. (In Phonographs and qraoophones: Edison phonograph centenary STaposluii, p. 9-11) Baymond B. Bile; 2Jal77: AI-17012.

AI-17013. Bstruaate cloprostenol for controlled breeding of dairy and beef cattle. Canada. Folder. C ICI Americas Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17013.

41-17011. The Anti-democratic sources of elite theory: Pareto, Hosca, Hichels. By Bobert A. Nye. England. SB p. 6 Sage Publications, ltd.; 12Dec77; 41-17011.

41-17015. Japanese electoral behavior: social cleavages, social networks and parti- sanship. By Scott C. Flanagan & Bradley H. Bichardson. England. 93 p. e Sage publications, Ltd.; 12Dec77; 41-17015.

41-17016. Phase transfer catalysis on organic synthesis. By Hilliam P. Heber & George H. Gokel. Best Germany. 280 p. (Beactivity and structure concepts in organic chemistry, vol. 1) 6 Springer- Verlag; 9liov77; 41-17016.

AI-17017. Excited states in organic chemistry and biochemistry; proceedings of the Tenth Jerusalem Symposium on Quantum Chemistry and Biochemistry, held in Jerusalem, Israel, Bar. 28-31, 1977. Edited by Bernard Pullman & Hatan Goldblum. Holland. 118 p. (The Jerusalem symposia on quantum chemistry and biochemistry, vol. 10) Appl. au: Hichael D. Sevilla £ Bonald O. Eaho. D. Beidel Publishing Company: 50ct77: AI-17017.

41-17018. Solid electrolytes. Edited by Seymour Geller. Best Germany. 229 p. (Topics in applied physics, vol. 21) Appl. au: John a. Kenedy. C Sprinqer-Verlag: 8Hov77; AI-17018.

41-17019. Laser spectroscopy 3; proceedings of the Third International Conference, Jackson Lake Lodge, Byomiug, July 1-8, 1977. Editors: John L. Hall e John L. Carlsten. Best Germany. 168 p. (Springer series in optical sciences, vol. 7) Proceedings of the Third International Conference on laser spectroscopy. 4ppl. au: A. L. Betz 6 E. C. Sutton. @ Springer-Verlag: 210ct77: AI-17019.

AI-17020. Groundless belief: an essay on the possibility of epistemology. By Hichael Billiaas. Great Britain. 181 p. Basil Blackwell; 21Sep77; AI-17020.

AI-17021. Fifteen Greek recipes suitable for framing. Compiled & edited by Nancy Hano & Herrit r. Hann. Greece. Cards in folder. NH: compilation 6 editing. llerritt F. Hann £ Nancy Hann; 25Apr76; 41-17021.

AI- 17022. Ouconsummated union: Britain, Bhodesia and South 4frica, 1900-15. By Hartin Chanock. England. 289 p. e Hartin Chanock; 11Jul77: 41-17022.

41-17023. The Family, sex and marriage, in England 1500-1800. By Laurence Stone. Great Britain. 800 p. 6 Lawrence Stone; 1Sep77; AI-17023.

AI-17021. One-two-three: a parent/teacher guide to mathematics. Britten by Barren Allen Stewart, edited by Elsie S- Smith. Korea. Sheets, e Barren Allen Stewart; 291lov77; AI-17021.

41-17025. The Balance of economic power: north-south confrontation on raw materials. By Enver H. Koury. Lebanon. 125 p. e Institute of Hiddle Eastern and North 4frican 4ffairs, Inc.; 20Nov77; 41-17025.

41-17026. Images and policies in Senate debates on Hiddle Eastern issues. By Jamil £. Jreisat. Lebanon. 37 p. 6 Institute of Hiddle Eastern and North 4frican 4ffairs, Inc.; 154ug77 (in notice: 1976J ; 41-17026.

41-17027. Inflation: the disease and the remedy. By Carl E. Pope. Canada. 100 p. Carl E. Pope; 20Jun77; 41-17027.

41-17028. Haterials and energy: selected topics. Edited by J. H. Bernick. Netherlands. 212 p. fieprinted from Journal of crystal growth, 39, 1977. O North-Holland Publishing Company; 7Dec77; AI-17028.

AI-17029. Self-management and political par- ticipation in Peru, 1969-1975: the corporatist illusion. By Cynthia Hcclintock. England. 63 p. (Contem- porary political sociology series, no. 06-022, vol. 2) e Sage Publications, Ltd.; 12Dec77: AI-17029.

AI-17030. Andre Halraux's Espoir: the propa- ganda/art film and the Spanish Civil Bar. By John J. Hichalczyk. Spain. 185 p. 6 Bomance Honographs, Inc.; 1Dec77; Al- 17030.

AI-17031. Racine's theatre: the politics of love. By Billiam J. Cloonan. Spain. 119 p. @ Romance Honographs, Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17031.

AI- 17032. Send for the Saint. By Leslie Charteris. England. 191 p. NH: foreword. Leslie Charteris; 2eMov77; AI-17032.

AI-17033. Spring: an annual of archetypal psychology and Jungian thought, 1977. Editor: James Billman, manuscript editor: Patricia Berry. Switzerland. 222 p. Appl. au: Hurray Stein, Bussell Lockhart & Charles Boer. 6 Analytical Psychology Club of New York, Inc.; 28Jul77; 41-17033.

AI-17031. The Hoving finger writes. By Jacgues Barzun. Great Britain. (In Black paper, 1977, p. 19-51) e Jacgues Barzun: 21Har77; 41-17031.

41-17035. A Survey of Tibetan pigments. By Janice Jackson & David Jackson. Nepal. (In Kailash: a journal of Himalayan studies, vol. 1, no. 3, 1976, p. 273-291) O Janice Jackson & David Jackson; 3aAug76; 41-17035.

41-17036. "Gone away" with the Binmills: the story of an 4merican family from 1881 to 1975. By Virginia Binmill Livingstone 4rmstrong. United Kingdom. 386 p. @ Virginia Binmill Livingstone 4rfflStrong; 1Nov77; 41-17036.

AI-17037. Cudjoe the Haroon. By Hilton C. HcFarlane. England. Ill p. Q Hilton C. HcFarlane; 25Aug77; AI-17037.

AI-17038. Estrumate cloprostenol prostaglandin for cattle: a technical report to the veterinarian. Canada. 20 p. 6 ICI Americas, Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17038.

41-17039. Estrumate cloprostenol injectable prostaglandin analogue for cattle for treatment of conditions which delay productive breeding. Canada. Folder. ICI 4mericas, Inc.; 1Dec77; 41-17039.

41-17010. Estrumate cloprostenol for controlled breeding of dairy and beef cattle. Canada. 15 p. S ICI Americas, Inc.; 1Dec77; AI-17010.

41-17011. 4 Sheep's skeleton and rocks. By Geoffrey Hendricks. Italy. 6 p. 8 Geoffrey Hendricks; 20Oct77; 41-17011.

41-17012. European crowns, 1181-1600. By John S. Davenport, Best Germany. 330 p. Q Numismatischer Verlag P. N. Schulten; 10NOV77; 41-17012.

41-17013. 4 Harriage of true minds: an intimate portrait of Leonard and Virginia Boolf. By George Spater E Ian Parsons- England. 210 p. Q George Spater & Ian Parsons; 270ct77; 41-17013.

AI- 17011. Hurder, murder, little star. By Harian Babson, pseud, of Buth Stenstreem. Onited Kingdom. 177 p. Billiam Collins Sons and company, Ltd.; 29Sep77; AI-17011.

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