AF15091. Early child care in Switzerland. By Kurt K. Luescher, Verena Bitter 6 Peter Gross. Great Britain. 122 p. (International monograph series on early child care, vol. 1) Appl. au: Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd. Nfl: contents, introd. , foreword £ author's pref. O Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, Ltd.; 18llov7<l (ii> notice: 1973); 4P15091.
4F15577. Der Leib als Instrument der Seele in Gesundheit und Krankheit. By Balther Buehler. Best Germany. 87 p. Verlag Preies Geistesleben, G.B.B.H.; 1Bar62; 4P15577. (5th ed. , 1976, deposited)
AF16023. II novimento punti. By Guido Bazzoli. Italy. 166 p. O 4rnoldo flondadori Editore; 30Say76; 4P16023.
AF16021. Le Vallon/Brs. BacGinty est morte. By Agatha Christie, illus originales de Jessa Darrieuz. Switzerland. 361 p. O on illus.; Ed ito- Service, S.A.; 12Dcc75; AP16024.
AF16a25. Grundlagen der Gasdynamik. By Klaus Oswatitsch. Austria. 725 p. O Springec- Verlaq; 3Dec76; AP16025.
AF46026. 5799-AJY V1L0. Prance. 1 v. Appl. au: IBB Prance. O IBB Corporation; 130ct75; AF16026.
AF16027. 5788-A4D. Prance. 1 v. Appl. au: IBB Prance. IBB Corporation: 30»ov73; AF16027.
AF16028. 5788-G4Z. Prance. 1 v. Appl. au: IBB Italia. O IBB Corporation; 22Jul71 (in notice: 1973); 4P16028.
4Ptt6029. Program number 5788-44H. France. Sheets. Appl. au: IBB France. IBB Corporation; 2&Jun71 (in notice: 1973); 4F16029.
4P16CI30. flethode complete de dulcimer et epinette des vosges. De Jean-Louis Jossic. Prance. 36 p. Appl. au: Bernard Baudriller. NB: music, text, compilation £ arr. Chappell, S.A.; 210ct76; 4P46030.
4F16031. Onderdevelopment in Kenya: the political economy of neo-colonialism, 1961-1971. By Colin Leys. Onited Kingdom. 281 p. O Colin Leys; 16Jan75; AP16031. (Beprint copy, 1976, deposited)
4P16032. Den Onderbara pumpan. Text: Lennart Hellsing, bild: Svend otto. Sweden. 1 v. O Lennalt Hellsing £ Svend Otto; 25Sep75; AP16032.
AP16033. Law, morality, and society: essays in honour of H. L. A. Hart. Edited by Peter Hichael stephan Hacker £ Joseph fiaz. Onited Kingdom. 312 p. Appl. au: G. P. Baker. Appl. states all new except essays by B. S. Summers £ J. Peinberg. O Oxford Oniversity Press; 19Bay77: 4P16033.
AP16031. Phenomenology of spirit. By Georg Hilhelm Priedrich Hegel, translated by Arnold Vincent Biller, with analysis of the text £ foreword by John Niemeyer Pindlay. Onited Kingdom. 595 p. Add. ti: Hegel's Phenomenology of spirit. Translation of Phaenomenologie des Geistes. HB: translation. Q Oxford oniversity Press; 9Jun77; AP16031.
AF16035. It's a funny thing, humour; Inter- national Conference on Humour and Laughter. Edited by Antony J. Chapman £ Hugh C. Foot, illustrated by Boy B. Behrens. Great Britain. 507 p. Proceedings from the International Conference on Humour and Laughter, held in Cardiff, gales, July 13-17, 1976. Appl. au: P. Kline, G. Nerhardt, £ Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editors. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 274pr77; 4P16035.
AF1603e. The Love Shop: gourmet lover's guide and catalogue. Canada. 1 v. O 411-Pharma fiesearcb, Ltd.; 10ct76 (in notice: 1975): 4P16036.
AF16037. The Ratural health book. By Dorothy Hall, illustrated by Bichard Gregory. 4ustralia. 322 p. Dorothy Rail; 250ct76; 4P16037. AF116038. Les Quatre flores de la France. Vol. 1-2. By Paul Fourniej:. 2. ed. France. EditloDS Lechevaller. S.&.B.L. : 30(lar77; AFI46038.
SF46039. Albun Celine. Iconoqraphie reunie & coamentee par Jean-Pierre Dauphin & Jacques Boudillet. France. 287 p. NM: editing. 9 Editions Sallinard; 30llar77; AFlt6039.
AFteOUO. Sancti ThoDae De Aquino opera omnia iussu Leonis 13 P.H. edita. Tomus U3. Prefaces by Antoine Oondaine. Italy. 154 p. Latin 8 French. NM: prefaces. © Saint Thomas Aquinas Foundation; 28Dec76; AP460110.
AFieOII. The Russian Army in Horld Har 1. By Hard Butherford. England. 303 p. NM: text, ezcludinq prev. pub. photos. Q Hard Rutherford: tsep75; AFteOII.
iF'l60t2. The Deathless and the dead. By Anna Clarke. Great Britain. 188 p. S Anna Clarke: 180ct76: AFt60i(2.
AF460113. Proqress in food and nutrition science; the iournal of the International encyclopedia of food and nutrition. Vol. 2, pt. 7. Editor-in-chief: H. H. Sinclair. Great Britain, p. 3C7-356. Appl. au: Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Perqamon Press, Ltd.: 18Apr77; AFIt601|3.
AFaeoti. Gmelin Handbucfa der anorqanischen chemie. System-Nr. 31; Radium. Erqaenzunqsband 2. Von Fritz tfcigel, Bedakteur: Kurt Skars. 8. voelliq neu bearb. Aufl. Mest Germany, p. 132-435. Appl. au: Gaeliu Institut fuer Anor- qanische chemie, employer for hire. O Sprinqer-Verlaq: 30Mar77: iF46044.
AF46045. Gmelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Chemie: Erqaenzunqsuerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 42: Borverbindunqen, T. 11: Carborane 3. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Inqeborq Von Hilucki, fiedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Niedenzu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 207 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. NM: revisions £ new material. S Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Mar77; AP46045.
AF46046. Vascular plants of British Columbia: a descriptive resource inventory. By Roy L. Taylor 6 Bruce HacBryde. Canada. 754 p. e University of British Columbia; 6Hay77; AF4e046.
AF46047. An Arabian portfolio. Photos- by Robert Azzi, introd. by Ahmed Zaki Yamani. Bahrein. 223 p. Photos, req. as K125714. Appl. au: First Azimuth, Ltd. on text; First Azimuth, Ltd.; 15Dec76; AF46047.
AF46048. A Century of chanqe in eastern Africa. Editor: H. Arens. The Setherlands. 309 p. (Eorld anthropology) Appl. au: International Dnion of Anthropological and Ethnoloqical Sciences. 6 nouton and Company: 1Har77 (in notice: 1976); AF4604e.
AF46049. Anthropoloqy and mental health — setting a new course. Editor: Joseph Hestermeyer. The Netherlands. 319 p. (Horld anthropology) Appl. au: International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. © Houton and Company; 1Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46049.
AF46050. The Mutual interaction of people and their built environment: a cross-cultural perspective. Editor: Amos Bapoport. The Netherlands. 505 p. (Sorld anthropology) Appl. au: International Onion of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. ftouton and Company; 1Mar77 (in notice; 1976); AF46050.
AF46051. The Ultimate systea (for winning at the races) By Michael Stone, pseud, of Michael Soos. Canada. 77 p. The Ultimate Edge; 5Jul77; AFa6051.
AF46052. Cayman Islands handbook and busines- sman's guide, 1977. Editor: Jim Graves, associate editor: John Redman. The Cayman Islands, B.B.I. 271 p. Appl. au: The Dorthnester Company, Ltd. 6 The Northwester Company, Ltd. ; 23Jun77; AF46052.
AF46053. Burning secret. By Gordon McDonell. England. 22-« p. 6 Gordon McDonell; 20ct59; AF46053.
AF46054. Regan and the deal of the century- By Ian Kennedy Martin. England. 157 p. e Ian Kennedy Martin; 3Jan77; AF46054-
AF46055. Paul: an illustrated documentary on the life and writings of a key figure in the beqinnings of Christianity. By John H- Drane. Great Britain. 127 p. Lion Publishing; 7Sep76; AF46055.
AF46056. Beyond science. By Denis Alexander. Great Britain. 222 p. S Denis Alexander; 18Sep72; AF46056.
AF46057. The Queen and Lord M. By Jean Plaidy, pseud, of Eleanor Hibbert. England. 268 p. d Jean Plaidy (pen name of Eleanor Hibbert); 29Mar73; AF46057.
AF46058. The Burning of Evelyn Foster. By Jonathan Goodman. England. 152 p. 9 Jonathan Goodman; 26May77; AF46058.
AF46059. Concerto D major; violin 6 piano part. By H. A. Mozart. Japan. 1 v- in 2. (Suzuki violin school, vol. 10) Japanese 5 English. Appl. au: Zen-On Music Publishers Company, Ltd. NM: translation 6 additions. 9 Zen-On Music Publishers Company, Ltd.; 1May77 (in notice: 1976); AF46059.
AF46060. Early Tudor masses: 2. Transcribed 6 edited by John D. Bergsagel. Onited Kingdom. 211 p. (Early English church music, vol. 16) Accompanied by music, reg. EF41704, EF4 1705, EF41706. NM: introd. £ editorial comment. 9 The British Academy; 1Jan76; AF46060.
AF46061. Hostages to fortune. By Joan Liogard. i^ngland. 158 p. Q Joan Lingard; 280ct76; AF46061.
AF46062. The Last of the country house murders. By Emma Tennant. England. 160 p. 9 Emma Tennant; 31Dec74; AF46062.
AF46063. Puritan and cavalier: the English Civil Bar. By James Barbary, pseud, of Jack Beeching. England- 192 p. 9 James Barbary: 24Feb77; AF46063.
AF46064. Flying free. By Dick Cate, illustrated by Trevor Stubley. England. 88 p. 9 on text; Dick Cate; 9Sep75; AF46064.
AF46065. Long-term surgical results in children. Editors: Peter P. Rickham, H. ch. Becker 6 J. Prevot. Best Germany. 322 p. (Progress in pediatric surgery, vol. 10) Summaries in French £ German. @ Urban and Schwarzenberg; 10Jun77; AF46065.
AF46066. ESCO: Piktogramm-Leuchten. Best Germany. 65 p. Add. ti: Piktogram fittings; Enseignes pictogrammes. English, French E German. 9 ERCO- Leuchten, G.M.B.H., a.k.a. S- A. Luminaires EBCO; 2Sep76: AF46066.
AF46067. 5797-NHR. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H,; 15Apr76 (in notice: 1975); AF46067.
AF460e8. 5788-DCQ. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 26Sep75; AF460e8.
AF46069. 5797-NQA. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.M-B-U.; 30Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF46069.
AF46070. 5797-ADX. Best Germany. Printout. 9 IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 18Apr77; AF46070.
AF46071. 5788-DEN. Best Germany. Printout. e IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H. ; 8Jan76 (in notice: 1975); AF46071.
AF46072. ' 5740-XR7 Stairs-DL/1* storage and information retrieval system for DL/1. FE-no. 099002. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM: additions £ revisions. 9 IBM Corporation; 28Peb77 (in notice: 1975. 1976) ; AF46072.
AF46073. African traditional religion. By E. Geoffrey Parrinder. 2nd rev. ed. Great Britain. 156 p- Prev. pab. 1954. 9 Geoffrey Parrinder; 25May62; AF46073- (1968 reprint, deposited)
AF46074. The Gothic revival; an essay in the history of taste. By Kenneth Clark. 3rd ed- Great Britain- 236 p- Prev- pub- 1928 £ 1950- 9 Kenneth Clark; 10ct62; AF46074- (1973 reprint, deposited)
AF46075. Neo-colonialism in west Africa. By Samir Amin, translated by Francis McDonagh. Great Britain. 298 p- Appl. au: Penguin Press. Translation of L" Afrigue de I'ouest bloquee. NM; translation. 9 Francis McDonagh; 15NOV73: AF46075.
AF46076. Mechanisms for the photochemical production of hydrocarbons in gaseous hydrocarbon systems. By G. B. Johnston, D. B. A. Cuff £ D. Price. Great Britain, p. 231-291 (Progress in reaction kinetics, vol. 8, pt. 4. Editors: K. B. Jennings £ R. B. Cundall) Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. 9 Pergamon Press, ltd. ; 23May77; AF46076. AF46077. Conrad and his uorld. By Noman sherry. Enqland. 128 p. C Thames and Hudson, Ltd.: 19Feb73 (in notice: 1972): AF46077.
AF4607B. The Arms bazaar: the coopanies, the dealers, the bribes: from Vickers to Lockheed. By Anthony Sampson. Onited KinqdoB. 310 p. KB: text by Anthony Sampson. O Anthony Sampson: 27Jan77: AF46078.
AFI*6079. Early child care in Hunqary. By Alice Hermann, with Sandor Koalosi. Northern Ireland. 123 p. (International monograph series on early child care, vol. 1) Appl. au: Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd. Pre». pub. in Early child deve- lopment and care, »ol. 1, no. 1. NH: contents, introd. 6 foreword. O Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Ltd.; 23Har73 (in notice: 1972) ; AF116079.
AFteoso. The First European seminar on com- puterised aiial tomoqraphy in clinical practice. Edited by Georqe H. Du Boulay 6 I»an F. Hoseley. Best Germany. 1430 p. Held in London, sprinq 1976. Appl. au: L. E. Claveria. Sprinqer-Verlaq: iJBar77: AF4608a.
AF46081. Turniersport von A bis S: ein Leitfaden fuer zuschauer. By Carl Friedrich Hossdorf. Best Germany. 93 p. e Verlaq Sankt Georq, G.H.B.H.; 130ct76: AF«6081.
AF46082. Barbapapa at the seaside. Enqland. 1 V. ApFl. au: Annette Tison. Annete Tison t. Talus Taylor: 60ct7S: AFU6082.
AF46083. Jesus died in Kashmir: Jesus, Hoses and the ten lost tribes of Israel. By Andreas Faber-Kaiser. Enqland. 18il p. Appl. au: Gordon cremonesi, Ltd. , employer for hire. e on Enqlish translation; Gordon Cremonesi, Ltd.; 1Apr77: AF46083.
JPlt608U. IBH 3740 data entry system special self-check number device custom unit description. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. G819-6 191) Appl. au: IBH Onited Kinqdom, Ltd. NH: revisions & updatinq. © International Business Hachines Corporation a. a.d. : IBH Corporation: 1Jun77; AFKeOBU.
AFU6085. CALL: hiqh resolution plottinq. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN19-6299) Appl. au: IBH United Kinqdom, Ltd. NH: revisions E updatinq. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH corporation: 27Hay77; AF16085.
AFIt6086. IBB 3650 retail store system subsystem definition and proqrammer's quide; ^PQ 7B0239, 7B0210, 7B0350, program no. 5799-WJB (DOS/VS), 5799-BJB (OS/VD). 2nd ed. Denmark. 70 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 3Jun77; AF46086.
APlt6087. IBH 3600 finance communication system operatinq quide for custom features; BPQ 7H0237, BPQ 7H02146, 8PQ 7H02"l7, BPQ 7H024B. 2nd ed. Denmark. 1 v. (Systems) Appl. au: IBK Onited Kinqdom, Ltd. International Business Hachines Corporation; 1Jun77; AF'16087.
AF46088. DB/DC for the DOS/»S user: data base/data communications. Denmark. 17 p 6 sheets (31 p.) Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.k.a. IBH Corporation; 13Jun77; AFlt6088.
AFt6089. IBH 3630 plant communication system for plant monitoring and control; application description. Denmark. 31 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AF«6089.
AF'16090. IBH 3630 plant cofflDunication system for receivinq and inspection; application description. Denmark. 28 p. Appl. au; IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines corporation; 26Hay77; AFH6090.
AFII6091. IBH 3630 plant communication system for flow line control; application desc- ription. Denmark. 35 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AFU6091.
AFt6092. IBH 3630 plant communication system for shipping; application description. Denmark. 25 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AF'16092.
AF'46093. IBH 3630 plant communication system for automatic data acquisition and control of the plant floor; application description. Denmark. 35 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AFit6093.
APa609U. IBH 3630 plant communication system for time and attendance recording; application description. Denmark. 21 p. Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Hachines Corporation; 26Hay77; AFi*609a.
AFU6095. IBB 3630 plant communication system- -maqnetic documents; application description. Denmark. It p. Appl. au; IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines corporation; 26Hay77; AF«6095.
AF1I6096. DB/DC for the DOS/VS user: data base/data communications. Denmark. 31 transparencies £ 17 p. in box. Appl. au: IBH France. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.k.a. IBH Cor- poration; 13Jun77; AFt6096.
AF46097. 5788 DKB. France. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.H.B. H. ; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976) : AF116097.
AFII6098. 3750 switching system. Vol. 3: switching subsystem. Uth ed. Denmark. 1 V. (IBH maintenance library) (3752 network unit theory of operation, book 1) Appi. au: IBH France. International Business Hachines Corporation: 25Hay77; AF«6098.
AF46099. Hedieval music. Edited by S. Thomas Harrocco t Nicholas Sandon. Great Britain. 239 p. (The Oxford anthology of music) English, Greek, Latin 6 other languages. NH: introd., compilation, editinq, translations, revisions 6 additions. O Oxford Bniversity Press; 19Hay77; AFlt6099.
AF46100. Hontgomery of Alam !in. By Alun Chalfont. England. 365 p. Alu Chalfont; 12Apr76; AFl(6100.
AF46101. The Spanish: the intrepid nation. By Alfonso Lowe. England. 225 p. HH: entire text except for prev. pub. illus. e Alfonso Lowe; 10ct75; AF46101.
APU6 102. The Bird man: an autouiuyrapny. By Ian Strange. England. 182 p. O Ian strange; 10ct76; AF146102.
AP1(610 3. Harco Polo*s travels in Xanadu with Kublai Khan. By B. P. Lister. England. 175 p. NH: text except for illus. E excerpts from prev. pub. material. C P. P. Lister; 1Dec76; AFit6103.
AF46iau. The Grand century of the lady. By Arthur Calder-Harshall. England. 164 p. O Arthur Calder-Harshall; 1Nov76; AF46104.
AF46105. Third music writing book. By Freda Dinn. Great Britain. 45 p. NH: compilation 6 text. O Schott and Company, Ltd.; 1Dec76; AF46105.
AF46106. Bennett. By Desmond Cory. England. 191 p. O Desmond Cory; 30Juc77; AF46106.
AF46107. The Bingway virus. By Pussell Foreman. England. 294 p. O Fondation Harus: 26Aug76; AF46107.
AF46108. Bar in the Ancient world: a social history. By Yvon Garlan, translated from the French by Janet Lloyd. Great Britain. 200 p. Appl. au: chatto and Bindus, Ltd. O on translation; Chatto and Bindus, Ltd.; 16JU175; AF46108.
AF46109. In search of the constitution: reflections on state and society in Britain. By Nevil Johnson. Great Britain. 239 p. Nevil Johnson; 18Apr77; AF46109.
AP46110. The New economic systems of Eastern Europe. Editors: Hans-Hermaon Hoehmann, Hichael Kaser 6 Karl C. Thalheim. Jnited Kingdom. 585 p. Appl. au: Bundesinstitut fuer Ostwissenschaf tliche und Inter- nationale Studien, employer for hire of Hichael Kaser, P. Garvie 6 P. Crane. NH: English translation, editorial revision 6 additional text. O Bundesinstitut fuer ostwissenschaf tliche und Internationale Studien; 210ct75; AP46110.
AP46111. Hessiaen. By Bobert Sherlaw Johnson. Onited Kingdom. 221 p. O on text; Bobert Sherlaw Johnson; 23Jun75; AF46111.
AF46 112. Pax Bomana. By Paul Petit, translated by James Hillis. Onited Kingdom. 368 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., employer for hire of James Billis. Prev. pub. in France, 1967 as La Paix romaine. NH: translation. Paul Petit; 24Aug75; AF46112.
AF46113. The Qur'an and its exegesis; selected texts with classical and modern Huslim interpretations. By Helmut Gaet je, translated 6 edited by Alford T. Belch. Onited Kingdom. 313 p. Appl. au: Eoutledge and Kegan Paul, Ltd., employer tor hire of Alford T. Belch. Translation of Koran und Koranexegese. NH: tran AF4ei13 (con.) slation & editorial revision; 6 fioutledqe and Keqan Paul, Ltd.; 2»ov76; »PU6113.
AF4611II. Sibelius. Vol. 1: 1865-1905. By Eric Tauaststierna, translated by Bobert Layton. United Kingdooi. 316 p. Abridged version of vol. 1-2 originally pub. as Jean Sibelius in 1965 & 1967. on Eoqlish rev. ed. & translation; Faber and Faber, Ltd.; 12Jul76: AFiiei14.
AFUSIIS. The Four sergeants. By c. Zeno. England. 256 p. e C. Zeno: 29Jul7e: AFteilS.
AFteiie. The Supernatural short stories of Robert Louis Stevenson. Edited & with an introd. by Hichael Hayes. England. 182 p. MS: introd., compilation & glossary, e Hichael Hayes; 29Apr76; AFiei16.
AF<t6117. Hill Shakespeare. By John Hortiaer. England. 256 p. John Hortiaer; 30Hay77: AF«6117.
AFaeiia. The Naked investor. By Bobert Heller. England. 270 p. e Bobert Heller; 2Sep76; APU6118.
AFa6119. Ednund Kean: fire from heaven. By fiaymund FitzSimons. England. 255 p. Baymund FitzSimons; 25Har76; AFi(6119.
AF1I6120. The Belvedere. By Bonald Pearsall. England. 160 p. C Bonald Pearsall; 16HOV76; AFlt6120.
AF1I6121. Challenge to survival: a philosophy of evolution. By Leonard lilliams, forexord by C. H. Baddington. Great Britain. 316 p. Leonard Hilliaas; 210ct7l; AF'16121.
AFIiel22. Paddington on stage. Adapted by Alfred Bradley & Hichael Bond, with drawings by Peggy Fortnum, pseud, of Peggy Nuttall- Sfflith. Great Britain. 112 p. Based on the play The Adventures of Paddington Bear. NH: adaptation & illus. e Hichael Bqnd e Alfred Bradley; 8Dec7lt; AFa6122.
AFIt6123. 3619 models A01, B01, B02 and B03 administrative terminal printer main- tenance information. 2nd ed. Denmark. 1 V. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au; IBH Germany. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation; 17Jun77; AFU6123.
AFa612<4. INZEA, Integrierte Zeit-Erf assung und Ausuertung; Lizenzproqramm Systenhandbuch Programm-Nr. 57B8-DHX. France. 171 p. (Spezlelles Annendungsprogramm SAP) C IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 180ct76; AF16124.
AF 46125. IHZEA, Integrierte Zeit-Erfassung und Ausvertung: Lizenzprogramm Progranm- /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DHX. France. 83 p. (Spezielles Aniiendun- qsprogramm SAP) 6 IBH Deutschland. G.H.B.B. ; 180ct76; AF46125.
AF46126. 3612 passbook and document printer models 1, 2 and 3 faroe graphics KPQ X44394 maintenance information supplement parts catalog section. Denmark. 2 p. (IBH maintenance library) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 15Jun77; AF46126.
AF46127. IBH 5930 support under CICS/D0S/7S (customer information control system DOS/VS) systems and logic manual programming fitv) ^96303; program no. 5799-AJP. 2nd ed. Denmark. 26 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Dnited Kingdom, Ltd. International Business Hachines Corporation: 22Jun77; AF46127.
AF46128. 3750 Switching system. Volume 1; system, book 1: fundamentals. Denmark. 1 V. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN19-6193) Appl. au: IBH France. NH: revisions .G additions. Q International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. IBH Corporation: 7Jul77; AF46128.
AF46129. 5788-DHX. France. Printout. 6 IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.U. ; 180ct76 (in notice: 1975); AF46129.
AF46130. 3750 switching system. Vol. 3: switching subsystem, book 3: external line attachments, theory-maintenance. 4th ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBH France. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation; 8Jul77: AF46130.
AF46131. The International ffine and Food Society's guide to the wines of Germany. By Heinrich Heinhard. England. 276 p. 9 Estate of Heinrich Heinhard; 20Sep76; AF46131.
AF46132. Taiidevontas — agglia. By Nikoi Kazantzake. 3. ekdose. Greece. 293 p. Greek; title romanized on appl. © Helen N. Kazantzaki: 20Har58; AF46132.
AF46133. Die Liszt-chopinsche Klavierspiel- methode: Philosophie und Klaviertecfanik. By Hans Hisselhorn. Rest Germany. 67 p. O Hans Hisselhorn; 2Nov76; AF46133.
AF46134. Beatrix Potter's Birthday book. Compiled by Enid Linder. Great Britain. 152 p. NH: compilation & some illus. 9 Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd. ; 26Apr74; AP46134. (Eeprint copies deposited)
AF46135. The Tale of Beatrix Potter: a biography. By Harqaret Lane. Great Britain. 174 p. NH: editorial revisions, additional text S pictorial matter. Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 26Sep68; AF46135. (fieprint copies deposited)
AF46136. A History of the writings of Beatrix Potter; including unpub. work. By Leslie Linder. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 446 p. © Frederick Warne and Company, Ltd. ; 27Apr71; AF46136.
AF46137. The Journal of Beatrix Potter, from 1881 to 1897. Transcribed from her code ^ writing by Leslie Linder, with an appreciation by H. L. Cox. Great Britain. 448 p. NH: transcription. O Frederick Uaine and Company, Ltd.; 11Jul66: AP46137.
AF46138. The Art of Beatrix Potter. Kith an appreciation by Anne Carroll Hoore & notes to each section by Enid Linder S Leslie Linder. Great Britain. 406 p. NH: editorial revision & additional pictorial matter. 6 Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 18NOV72; AF46138. (Beprint copies deposited)
AF46139. Hatematica na industria numeros inteiroS. Issued by Petrobras Company, Divisao de Planejamento e Estudos Pedagogicos. Brazil. 46 p. Appl. au: Petrobas (sic) Company. NH: translation of English version. © E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 31Har77; AF46139.
&F46180. The Birth of photography: the story of the formative years 1800-1900. By Brian Coe. England. 144 p. © on text; Brian Coe; 70ct76; AF46140.
AF46141. Hans Andersen: his classic fairy tales. From the new translation by Erik Christian Haugaard, illustrated by Hichael Foreman. England. 185 p. © on illus.; Hichael Foreman; 140ct76; AF46141.
AF46 142. Old wives' lore for gardeners. By Haureen Boland & Bridget Boland. England. 63 p. © Haureen Boland & Bridget Boland; 70ct76; AF46142. (Beprint copy, 5th impression 1977, deposited)
AF46143. FroiD the wilderness. Poems by Alasdair Haclean. Great Britain. 63 p. NH; compilation, additions & revisions. © Alasdair Haclean; 8Nov73; AF46143. (Beprint copy, 2nd impression Hay 1974, deposited)
AF46144. China's African revolution. By Alan Hutchison. Onited Kingdom. 313 p. © Alan Hutchison; 10ct76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF46144.
AF46145. The Homesteaders: how they opened up the Uest. By Barry Broadfoot. Canada. (In The Canadian, Oct. 16, 1976, p. 4, etc.) NH: text. Barry Broadfoot; 160ct76; AF46145.
AF46146. The Pile on the Tsar. By Anthony Summers & Tom Hangold'. Great Britain. 416 p. © Anthony Summers & Tom Hangold; 9Sep76; AP46146.
AF46 147. Progress in phytochemistry. Vol. 4. Edited by Leonora Beinhold, Jeffrey B. Harborne £ T. Swain. Great Britain. 289 p. Appl. au: B. J. Hlflin, E. L. Camm £ Pergamon Press, employer for hire of editors. NH: compilation. 9 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 23Hay77; AF46147.
AF46148. Inhaled particles, 4; proceedings of an international symposium organized by the British Occupational Hygiene Society, Edinburgh, 22-26 Sept. 1975. Pt. 1-2. Edited by W. H. Kalton, assisted by Brenda HcGovern. Great Britain. 2 v. Appl. au: H. HcOermott, T. L. Ogden & Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. NH: compilation. © The British Occu- pational Hygiene Society; 9May77; AF46148.
AF4ei49. Photosynthesis 1: photosynthetic electron transport and photophosphor- ylation. Edited by Achim Irebst C Hordhay Avron. West Germany. 730 p. (Enc- yclopedia of plant physiology, new series, vol. 5) Appl. au: J. Amesz £ B. J. Berzborn. 6 Springer-Verlag; 27Hay77; AF46149.
AF46150. Laundry-linen management control manual. Prepared by John Crysler. Canada. 1 v. O John Crysler; 27Jun77; AF46150. iF<(6151. Saooth sf non-printable datal aanifolds. By iolf Iberkleid S Ted Pettie. Best Geraany. 163 p. (Lecture notes in aatheaatics. vol. 5571 Sprinqer-Verlaq: 29HOV76: JFteiSI.
iP«6 152. DECHEBl-Herkstoff-Tabelle, dritte Bearbeitunq. 3. Erqaenzunqslieferunq der Gruppe cheaische Bestaendiqkeit der Serlcstoffe. Hrsq. ia iuftraq der DECHEBA von Dieter Behrens, Bearbeiter: H. Barkholt, Sedakteur: H. Puschaann. Hest Geraany. 1 v. idd. ti: DECBESi- Serkstof f-Tabeile, 3. Bearbeitunq NH: additions 6 revisions. DECHEBA, Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer cheaiscbes 4pparate«esen, E.7.; 15Har76; AFI16152.
AFI46153. IBB interactive planninq systea extended for systeB/370 (IPSI) ; proqraa desc- ription/operations aanual (PDOM) , SB10-6516. France. 337 p. (Country iapleaented proqraa) Appl. an: IBB Onited Kinqdoa, Ltd. International Business Sachines Corporation: 7Har77; AF16153.
AF«6151t. IPS — spatial interface; systeas quide, proqraa no. 5788-EBC, LBlO-6515. France. 20a p. (Country iapleaented proqraa) Appl. au: IBB Onited Kinqdoa. ltd. International Business Bachines Corporation: 7Bar77: AF«615it.
AFit6155. IBB spatial processinq routines for systeB/370 (SPH) Systeas quide LB10-6513. France. 160 p. (Country iapleaented proqraa) Appl. au: IBB United Kinqdoa, ltd. O International Business Bachines Corporation: 7Bar77: AFit6155.
AF4615e. IBB spatial processinq routines for systea/370 (SPB) Proqraa description 6 operations aanual (PDOH) , 3610-6511. France. 113 p. (Country iapleaented proqraa) Appl. au: IBB Onited Kinqdoa, Ltd. International Business Bachines corporation: 7Bar77: AF16156.
AFlt6157. Schalter-Abwicklunq nit IBB 3600 in Kreditinstitnten; Lizenzproqraaa , Systeahandbuch. Proqraaa-Sr. 578B-DKB. France. 112 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- qsproqraaa SAP) C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H. : 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AFU6157.
AFII6158. Schalter-Abuicklunq ait IBB 3600 in Kreditinstitnten; Lizenzproqraaa, Proqraaa-ZBedienerhandbuch, Proqraaa-Nr. 5788-DKB. France. 20 p. (Spezielles An»endunqsproqraaa SAP) IBB Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 10Jan77 (in notice: 1976): APlt6 158.
AFteisg. 5799-ATJ. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France C IBB Corporation; »Apr77 (in notice: 1976); AF46159.
AFI46160. 5788-EBB. Franc IBB Onited Kinqdoi poration; 7Bar77
AFIt6160. Printout. Appl. Ltd. IBB Cor- (in notice: 1976) ;
AF46161. Bedieval foundations of Eenaissancc liuaanisa. By ialter Ollaann. Great Britain. 212 p. C Ialter Ollaann; 28Jun77: AFit6161.
APlt6162. Bubens and Italy. By aichael Jaffc Great Britain. 1 v. O Phaidon Press Ltd.: 28Jun77; AFU6162.
AF46163. Baiqret's Christaas. By Georqes Siaenon, translated rroa the French by Jean Steuart. Enqiand. 326 p. (Coaplete Baiqret short stories, vol. 1) Translation of On Noel de Baiqret, pub. 1951 6 others. KB: coaprlation. Georqes siaenon: itHov76: AFlt6163.
AFie^l. Haiqret's Christaas. By Georqes Siaenon, translated froa the French by Jean Stewart. Enqiand. 326 p. (Coaplete Baiqret short stories, vol. 1) Translation of On Noel de Baiqret, pub. 1951 6 others. NH: Enqlish translations. e Georqes Siaenon; miov76; AFit6164.
AFteUS. Evolution illustrated by aaterfonl. By David Lack, illus. by Eobert Gillaor. Great Britain. 96 p. O Biacknell scientific Publications; 13Dec7it; AFt6165.
AF«6t66. The Positivist dispute in Geraan socioloqy. By Theodor 8. Adorno 6 others, translated by Glyn Adey S David Frisby. Great Britain. 307 p. Appl. au: Beineaann Educational Books. NH: Enqlish translation 6 introd. to English translation. Heineaann Educational Books; 15Har76; AFit6156.
AFl)6167. Evil and the God of love. By John Hick. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 389 p. C John Hick; 2<tBar77; AFII6167.
AFU6168. Elope to death. By Gordon Ashe, pseud, of John Creasey. Enqiand. 187 p. 6 John Creasey; 2'4Jun59; AF46168.
AF1I6169. Journey throuqh love. By John Hillaby. Enqiand. 269 p. O John Billaby; HOct76; AFII6169.
AFIt6170. Tmo adairals. Author/illustrator: David HcKee. Enqiand. 1 v. David flcKee; 2aay77; AFK6170.
AFlt6171. 5799-AJZ V1L0. France. Jt. Appl. au: IBH France. IBB Corporation; 29JU175; AFU6171.
AFIt6172. Japanese prints and Hestern painters. By Frank ghitford. Enqiand. 26it p. NB: tent 6 coapilation of illus. B Frank Bhitford; 2Bay77: AF46172.
AFI46173. Bechanics of sediment transport. By Behaet Sella Jalin. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 298 p. O H. Sella Yalin; 23Bay77; AFa6173.
AP11617U. Precision, lanquaqe and loqic. By Frank Honyvill Georqe. Great Britain. 216 p. F. H. Georqe; 18Apr77; AF4617I4.
AF46175. The Stationary ark. By Gerald Durrell. Great Britain. 156 p. O Gerald Durrell: 110ct76; AF46175.
AFIt6176. Aaerican overseas quide, 1977/78. Editor: Emin B. Tiebe. 22nd annual ed. Best Geraany. 672 p. Add. ti: Aaerican overseas business and travel quide, 1977/78. Er»in H. Tiebe; 15Jun77; AFlt6176.
AFlt6177. The 19C0S lady. By Kate Caffrey (Kate Caffrey Toller) Enqiand. 176 p. Appl. states all nea except prev. pub. aaterial of Daisy Ashford, Kenneth Grahaae, H. G. lells, George Bernard Sha» £ others S prev. pub. illus. Kate Caffrey Toller; 1JU176; AF't6177.
AF116 178. Haitinq for Thursday. By Haailton Jobson. Great Britain. 196 p. Haailton Jobson; 1itBar77; AF116178.
AFlt6179. Egypt, 1798-1952: her advance towards a aodern identity. By J. C. B. Bichaond. England. 2<*3 p. Appl. states all new except illus. J. C. B. Eichaond; 1I4JU177: AFit6179.
AF16 180. The Bedia are Aaerican: Anglo- Aaerican media in tie world. By Jeremy Tunstall. Enqiand. 352 p. Jeremy Tunstall; 20Jun77; AF16180.
AFU6181. Brs. Christie's farmhouse. By Caroline Browne. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. O Caroline Browne; 31Bay77; AF146181.
AFII6182. Tom Cat. By Susi Bohdal, adapted by Alison Sage, illustrator: Susi Bohdal. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. O on illus.; Susi Bohdal; 30Jun77: AF«6182.
AF46183. Tom Cat. By Susi Bohdal, adapted by Alison Sage, translator: Ernest Benn, Ltd. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. O on translation; Ernest Benn, Ltd.; 30Jun77; AFU6183.
AFoeieu. Teite deutscher Lieder, ein Handbuch. Hrsq. 6 eingeleitet von Dietrich Fischer-Diestau. 3. Aufl. lest Germany. 174 p. O on prev. unpub. aaterial; Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, G.B.B.H. and Co. K.G. ; 190ct68; AFI46181t. (Beprint copy, Oct. 1975, deposited)
AFlt6 185. The Horseaasters notebook. By Bary Bose, foreword by Bichael Sia'ons, illus. by D. Diane Lent. Great Britain. 211 p. e Peter Barker, Ltd.; 8Sep72; AFa6185. (Beprint copy, 1976, deposited)
AFII6186. The Historical supernovae. By David H. Clark 8 Francis Bichard Stephenson. Great Britain. 233 p. D. H. Clark 6 F. B. Stephenson; 9Bay77; AFU6186.
AF1I6 187. Local governaent and strateqic choice; an operational research approach to the processes of public planning. By John Kimball Friend S Billiaa Neil Jessop. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 30it p. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 28Bar77 ; AF<t6187.
AFlt6188. Bepublic of China. Hong Kong. 1 v. (Bundt's Economic trends report, no. 3, Bay 1977) S. J. Bundt and Associates (Asia); 1Jun77; AF<16ie8.
AF»6189. Little girls; social conditioninq and its effects on the stereotyped role of woaen during infancy. By Elena Gianini Belotti, introd. by Bargaret Drabble, translated by Lisa Appignanesi, Amelia Fletcher, Toshiko Shiaura, Sian Billiaas 6 Jeanne gordsworth. England. 158 p. Prev. pub. as Dalla parte delle baabine. Hay 1973. HB: translation. O Briters and Headers Publishing Cooperative; 1Sep75; AF116 189.
AF46 190. The Observer's book of glass. By Bary Payton 6 Geoffrey Payton. England. 192 4Flt6190 (con.) p. e Frederick Warne ana Company, Ltd.; 25Hav76: AFt6190.
&Flt6191. The Observer's book of motorcycles. By Bobert H. Croucher. Enqland. 192 p. e Frederick Rarne and Company, Ltd.; 15&pr76: AFlt6191.
4F116192. The observer's book of tropical fishes. Bv Neil Bainwriqht. Enqland. 160 p. e Frederick Rarne and company, Ltd.; 15NOV76; AFit6192.
AFU6193. The Observer's book of sevinq. By Meriel Tillinq, diaqrams by Barbara Firth. Enqland. 192 p. 6 Frederick Barne and Company, ltd.; 18Apr75: AF116193.
AFi(619il. Electron spectroscopy; theory, techniques and applications. Vol. 1. Edited by C. B. Brundle 6 A. D. Baker. Great Britain. 159 p. Appl. au: E. Heilbconner & H. C. Price. 6 Academic Press, Inc. (London) Ltd.; 15JU177: AF1(6194.
AFa6195. Eecent advances in steroid biochemistry. Vol. 3: proceedinqs of the Third International Symposium of the Journal of Steroid Biochemistry, Helsinki, 7-9 June 1976. Edited by J. E. Pasqualini. Great Britain. p. 869-1211. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium of the Journal of steroid Biochemistry on Becent Advances in steroid Biochemistry. Appl. au: H. adlercreutz, M. K. Birminqham; Perqamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. Pre v. pub. as a special issue of the Journal of steroid biochemistry, vol. 7. no. 11/12. e Perqamon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77: Ar16195.
AF16196. The stones of Green KnOHe. By L. M. Boston, illustrated by Peter Boston. Enqland. 1 1 8 p. 6 on text; L. M. Boston: 6(lay76: AFit6196.
AFI»6197. The Stones of Green Knove. By L. H. Boston, illustrated by Peter Boston. Enqland. 118 p. Appl. au: The Bodley Head, Inc., employer for hire. © on illus.: The Bodley Bead, Ltd.; 6Hay76; AFI46197.
AFit6198. The Fossil snake. By L. M. Boston, illustrated by Peter Boston. Enqland. 52 p. e on text; L. M. Boston; 11Sep75: AFlt619B.
AF116199. The Fossil snake. By L. H. Boston, illustrated by Peter Boston. England. 52 p. e Peter Boston; 11Sep75; AF46199.
AFU6200. The Voice of music. By Eobina Beckles uillson, foreword by Yehudi Henuhin, designed & illustrated by Jeroo Boy, Enqland- 223 p. Nil: text except for Beethoven score, p. 102 S quotation on p. 105. e Bobina Beckles Willson; 28Jun76: AFa6200.
AFI»6201. The Voice of music. By Bobina Beckles Hillson, foreword by lehudi Menuhin, desiqned & illustrated by Jeroo Eoy. Enqland. 223 p. Appl. au: William Heinemann, Ltd. NM: illus. except for drawinqs prew. pub. in Instrumental teachinq on p. 52, 57, 59, 60, 62-63, 67, 71 6 73. e Hilliai Heinemann, Ltd.; 28Jan76: AFa6201.
AF46202. Nobs and snobs. England. 170 p. 1llay76; AF462C2.
AFlt6203. The Long slide. By Catriona Smith 6 Bay Smith. England. 1 v. Catriona Smith 6 Bay Smith; 1Har77; AFH6203.
AFt6204. Europe: hierarchy and revolt, 1320-1150. By George Holmes. Great Britain. 352 p. e George Holmes; 15Sep75; AF16201.
AF16205. A Gift for God: Bother Teresa of Calcutta. Compiled £ introduced by Halcolm Huqgeridge- Great Britain- 87 p. Appl. au: Mother Teresa Hissionaries of Charity. 8 Bother Teresa Missionaries of Charity: 90ct75; AF16205.
AF16206. Their very own and golden city: a play in two acts and twenty-nine scenes- By Arnold Desker- Great Britain- 92 p- e Arnold iesker; 29Sep66; AF16206-
AF16207- The Four seasons: a play in two parts- By Arnold Resker. Great Britain- 60 p- Arnold Resker; 10Feb66; AF16207- (fieprint copy, 1971, deposited)
AF16208. Kissing cousins: an interpretation of British and American culture, 1915-1975. By Daniel Snowman. Great Britain. 312 p- a Daniel Snowman: 7Apr77; AF16208.
AF16209- The Old ones. By Arnold Hesker. Great Britain. 79 p. 6 Arnold Resker; 22Mar73 (in notice: 1972) ; AF16209-
AF16210- The Friends: a play in two acts- By Arnold Resker. Great Britain. 71 p- e Arnold Resker; 9Jul70; AF16210.
AF16211. Come away from the water, Shirley. By John Burningham. Great Britain. 1 v. e John Burningham; 23Jun77; AF16211.
&F16212- 5788-EBC. France- Printout- Appl- au: IBB United Kingdom, Ltd- IBM Cor- poration; 7Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF16212.
AF16213- Principles of water quality control- By T. a. Y- lebbutt. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 201 p. e T. H. Y. Tebbutt; 27Jun77; Arl6213.
AF16211. European social policy, today and tomorrow. By Michael Shanks. Great Britain. 105. p. O Michael Shanks; 27Jun77; AF16211.
AF16215. Food science. By Gordon Gerard Birch, Michael Spencer 6 Allan Gillies Cameron- 2nd ed. Great Britain. 191 p. 6 G. G. Birch, A. G. Cameron 6 a. Spencer; 27Jun77; AF16215.
AF16216. Advances in enzyme regulation. Vol. 15: proceedings of the Fifteenth Symposium on Begulation of Enzyme Activity and Synthesis in Normal and Neoplastic Tissues held at Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana, September 27 and 28, 1976. Edited by George Reber, technical editor: Catherine E. Forrest Reber. Great Britain. 151 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 27jun77; AP16216.
AF16217. The Feasibility of fertility planning: micro perspectives. Edited by T. Scarlett Epstein 6 Darrell Jackson. Great Britain. 211 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. Q Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 23Hay77; AF16217.
AF4621B. Chitin. By Biccardo A. A. Muzzarelli. Great Britain. 309 p- S Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77; AFa6218.
AF16219. Molecular dynamics in biosystems: the kinetics of tracers in intact organisms. By Kenneth H. Norwich- Great Britain- 105 p. e Pergamon Press, Ltd- ; 27Jun77; AF16219.
AF16220. Solar noise storms- By E. Oeystein Elgaroey- Great Britain- 363 p- (International series in natural philosophy, vol- 90) 6 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 13Jun77; AF16220.
AF16221. Studies in the Scottish lateglacial envirojiment- Edited by J- M- Gray & J. J- Lowe- Great Britain- 197 p- Appl- au: Pergamon Press, Ltd-, employer for hire. d Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 13Jun77; AF16221.
AP16 222. Doomsday contract- By Tony Hilliamson. Great Britain. 192 p- 6 Tony Rilliamson Productions, Ltd-; 15Apr77; AF46222.
AF16223- Ihe Man with the President's mind. By Ted Allbeury. Great Britain. 217 p. e Ted Allbeury; 23May77: AF16223.
AF16221. Climats, Bernard Quesnay, suivi de dix nouvelles. By Andre Maurois, introd. generale de Bobert Kanters, illus originales de Philippe Poncet De La Grave. Switzerland. 521 p- 6 on general introd. 6 illus-; Edito-Service, S.A.; 10ct76; AF16 221.
AF16 225. The Milstone pocket guide and planner; a personal guide and permanent record of your trip- Canada. 86 p. Add. ti: The Milstone pocket guide and planner: London- Appl. au: Max Milstone. 6 New Horizons Publishing Company; 1May77; AF16225.
AF16226. Exagon. Mexico. Kit. Appl. au: Hector Bomay. Hector Bomay; 10Jul77; AF16226.
AF16227. Operndichtungen 1. By Hugo Von Hof mannsthal, hrsg- von Hans-Albrecht Koch. Rest Germany. 356 p. (Saemtliche Rerke, kritische Ausg., Bd. 26) 6 S. Fischer Verlag, G.M-B.H-; 210ct76; AF16227-
AF16228. Dramen 8. By Hugo Von Hof mannsthal, hrsg- von Hans-Harro Lendner £ Bans-Georg Dewitz- Rest Germany- 335 p- (Saemtliche Rerke, kritische Ausg-, Bd. 10) e S. Fischer Verlag, G.M.B.H. ; 6Jun77; AF16228.
AF16229. Tauwetter in Hien zur Prosa der oesterreichischen Aufklaerung, 1781-1795. By Leslie Bodi. Best Germany. 511 p. OS. Fischer Verlag, G.H.B.H. ; 21Jun77; AF16229. AF46230. The Canadian yearboolt of international law. Vol. 11, 1976. Editor-in-chief: C, B. Bourne. Canada. 130 p. idd. ti: Annuaire canadien de droit international. Enqlish 6 French. 6 University of British colunbia; 30Bay77: »Ft6230.
6Fit6231. Barbapapa kleurkaarten. Best Germany, ippl. au: Annette Tison. O Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: it»o»7i»: AFI16231.
AFlt6232. Barbapapa en de dieren. The Nether- lands. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. sa: translation. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AFit6232.
iFlt6233. Die Barbapapas und die Tierkinder. Best Geraany. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. a Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 8Sep75: AFt6233.
AFlt623lt. Barbapapa et les bebes animaui. France. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. N8: translation. Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AP»623».
AFit6235. Barbapapa and the baby aniaals. England. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. BH: translation. C Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AFlt6235.
AFa6236. Le Jardin de Barbapapa. France. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor; 15Sep75: AFit6236.
AFK6237. In de tuin van Barbapapa. The Netherlands. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. C Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AF't6237.
AFU623B. Im Garten mit den Barbapapas. Best Geraany. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. Annette Tison 6 Talus Taylor: 8Sep75: AF16238.
AFH6239. Gardening with the Barbapapas. England. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. S Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 15Sep75; AFH6239.
AFii62itO. Der Barbapapa Zircus. iest Gernany. 8 p Appl. au: Annette Tison. C Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 8Sep75; AF«62«0.
AFlt62't1. Le Grand cirque de Barbapapa. France. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AFt62it1.
AF1I62112. Barbapapa' s circus. Netherlands. 8 p. Dutch. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 15Sep75: AFH62U2.
AF<*62a3. Barbapapa' s circus. England. 8 p. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. Annette Tison fi Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AFlt62U3.
AFlt624lt. One Journee chez les Barbapapas. France. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 22Sep75: AFt62lt'l.
AF<t62it5. Een Dag1e bi1 de Barbapapas. The Netherlands. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. NH: translation. O Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 15Sep75; AFit62t5.
AF116246. Ein Tag bei den Barbapapas. Germany. 1 V Appl. au: Annette Tison. Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 8Sep75: AFU62«6.
AFa62U7. Barbapapa at the sports day. England. 1 V. Based on the BBC-T? series Barbapapa. Appl. au: Annette Tison. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 4Auq75; AF1I62U7.
AF«62lt8. Barbapapa annual, 1977. England. 79 p. Based on the BBC TV series Barbapapa. Appl. au: Annette Tison. Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 2Sep76: AFl|62it8.
AF4621t9. Coloured Pig ToMn; a take another look book with a colour uheel. By Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor. England. 1 v. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 10Har75: AF46249.
AF46250. Dyrenes tryllef arver. By Annette Tison E Talus Taylor, paa dansk ved Poul stecnstrup. England. 1 v. Translation of The Animals in color magic. © Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 22Sep75: AP46250.
AF46251. Barbapapa: sticker fun book. The Netherlands. 1 v. Dutch. Appl. au: Annette Tison. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor: 15Sep75; AF46251.
AF46252. Barbapapa; sticker fun book. De Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor. France. 22 p. French. 6 Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 15Sep75: AF46252.
AF46253. Hale und spiele nit Barbapapa. Best Germany. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 2Jun75: AF46253.
AF45254. Barbapapa comics. By Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor, oeversaettning av Carl Hafstroem. Sweden. 1 v. S»edish. C Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 27Feb75; AF46254.
AF46255. Barbapapa stripverhalen. By Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor. The Netherlands. 1 V. NH; translation. O Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 3Jui75; AF46255.
AF46256. Barbapapa colouring book. England. ,. Appl. au: Annette Tison. 6 Annette Tison E Talus Taylor; 2Jun75: AF46256.
AF46257. Barbapapa activity book. England. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. O Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 4Auq75; AF46257.
AF46258. Barbapapa annual, 1976. England. 61 p. Based on the T.V. series Barbapapa. Appl. au- Annette Tison. Annette Tison E Talus Taylor: 1Sep75: AF46258.
AF46259. . . Barbapapa bumper colouring and activity book. England. 1 v. Appl. au: Annette Tison. e Annette Tison £ Talus Taylor; 1Sep75: AF46259.
AF46260. Bhat about tomorrow. By Ivan Southall. England. 139 p. e Ivan Southall; 17Har77: AF46260.
AF46261. Actes de la consultation mondiale sur les panneaui derives du bois; tenue a New Delhi, Inde, fevriet 1975. Belgium. 459 p. NH: translation. S Food and Agriculture organization of the United Nations d.b.a. FAO; 17Hay77 (in notice: 1976) : AF46261.
AF46262. Billiam Carton: a quincentenary biography of England's first printer. By George D. Painter. England. 227 p. NH: text £ compilation of illus. O George D. Painter; 70ct76: AF46262.
AF46263. The Bife. By Judith Burnley. Great Britain. 131 p. Judith Burnley; 15Jan77; AF46263.
AF46264. Tunguska: cauldron of hell. By Jack Stoneley, scientific editor: A. T. Lawton. Great Britain. 198 p. C Jack stoneley; 21Apr77: AF46264.
AF46 26S. Periphere Betina; Deutsche Ophthal- moloqische Gesellschaf t , Bericht ueber die 74. Zusammenkunft in Essen, 1975. Bediqiert von B. Jaeger. Best Germany. 934 p. Verlaq J. F. Bergmann: 14Apr77: AF46265.
AF46266. Die Kompetenzstruktur des lodetnen Bundesstaaies in rechtsvergleichender Sicht. By Hichael Bothe. Best Germany. 350 p. (Beitraege zum auslaendischen oeffentlichen Fecht und Voelkerrecht, Bd. 69) O Hai-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Bissenschaf ten, E.V. to be exercised by Hax-Planck-Institut fuer Auslaendisches Oeffentliches Becht und Voelkerrecht; 25Hay77; AP46266.
AP46267. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer innere Hedizin; 82. Kongress, qehalten zu Biesbaden vom 25.-29. April 1976. T. 1-2. Hrsg. von B. Schlegel. Best Germany. 2 v. J. F. Bergmann- Verlag; 14Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46267.
AF46268. Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis fuer Apotheker, Arzneimittel- hersteller, Aerzte und Bedizinalbeamte. 7. Bd.: Arzneiformen E Hilfsstoffe, T. B: Hilfsstoffe. By Hans Hermann Julius Haqer, begonnen von Balther Kern, hrsg. in Gemeinschaft ait H. J. Roth 6 B. Schaid von Paul Heinz tist £ Ludwig Hoerhammer. Vollstaendiqe 4. neue Ausg. Best Germany. 570 p. O Springer-Verlag; 8Jun77: AF46268.
AF46269. Technik der Hagnetspeicher. Hrsg. von Fritz Binckel. 2. neubearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 402 p. Springer-Verlag; 31Har77: AF46269.
AF46270. Beilsteins Handbuch der orqanischen cheaie; vierte Auflage, drittes £ viertes Erqaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uffifassend. Bd. 19, T. 1. Hrsg. voa Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen cheaie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwirkung von Oskar Beissbach fi others. Best Geraany. 613 p. £ 7 inserts. Appl. au: Beilstein Institut der orqanischen Cheaie, eaployer for hire. O Springer-Verlag; 16flar77; AF46270.
AF46271. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Cheaie; vierte Aufl., viertes Erqaen- zungswerk: die Literatur von 1950 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 4, T. 1. Hrsg. voa AF46271 (COD.) Beilstein-lnstitut fuer Literatur der Orqanischen Chemie« bearb. TOn Hans-G. Boit, unter Mituirkunq von Oskar ieissbach 6 others. Best Germany. 1049 p. 6 sheets (7 p.) Appl. au; Beiistein Institut fuer Orqanischen Chemie, employer for hire. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 16Hay77: iFil6271.
AF116272. Beilsteins Handbuch der orqanischen Chemie; vierte iufl. . drittes 6 viertes ErqaenzanqsHerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 UBfassend. Bd. 19, T. 2. Hrsq. vom Beilstein-lnstitut fuer Literatur der Orqanischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter nitwirkunq von Oskar Heissbach £ others. West Germany. 1551 p. ippl- au: Beiistein Institut fuer Orqanischen Chemie, employer for hire. Sprinqer- Verlaq: 25Spr77: AF116272.
iF"t6273. Chemie der Pf lanzenschutz- und Schaedlinqsbekaempfunqsaittel. Bd. U: Pf lanzenwachstumsrequiatoren, Funqizide, Holzschutz. Hrsq. von Richard Ueqler. Best Germany. 308 p. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 12ipr77; iFlt6273.
&Fl(6 274. Chemie der Pf lanzenschutz- und Schaedlinqsbekaempfunqsmittel. Bd. 5: Herbizide. Hrsq. von Bichard Begler. West Germany. 752 p. Appl. au: L. Eue. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 3Jun77; iFit627a.
AFit6275. Thermochemical properties of inorganic substances; suppl. By Ihsan Barin. ottmar Knacke 6 Oswald Kubascheuski. West Germany. 861 p. Enqlish, French fi German. C Sprinqer-Verlaq S Verlag Stahleisen, a.B.H. : 911ay77: AFa6275.
AF«6276. Diabetes mellitus-B. Hrsq. von Karl Oberdisse. West Germany. 1254 p. (Handbuch der inneren Medizin, Fuenfte Auflaqe, Bd. 7: Stof fwechselkrankheiten, T. 2 B) German. Appl. au: Springer- Verlaq, employer for hire. Sprinqer- Verlaq: 20llay77; AF46276.
&F46277. Ganzkoerper-computer-Tomographie; ein anatomischer Atlas von Serienschnitten durch den menschlichen Koerper— Anatomie, Badioloqie, Scanner. By Joseph Gam- barelli, Gerard Guerinel, Laurent Chevrot 6 Hathieu nattei, unter aitwirkung von E. Galliano fi S. Nazarian, Zeichnungen von J. P. Jacomy, Photoqraphien von D. Amy & H. Soler. West Germany. 285 p. 6 Sprinqer- Verlaq; 25Apr77; AP46277.
AF46278. The Blanket. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 John Burninqham; 26Jun75; AF46278.
AF46279. The Friend. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 John Burninqham; 26Jun75; AF46279.
AF4e2B0. The Dog. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. John Burninqham; 26Jun75: AF46280.
AF1162B1. The Cupboard. By John Burninqham. Great Britain. 1 v. Q John BurDinghan; 26Jun75; AF46281.
AP46282. Hy day on the farm. Japan. 1 v. Japanese. Appl. au: Chiyoko Nakatani, alias T. Nakatani. T. Nakatani: 10Apr75; AF46282.
AF46283. 5797-QHX. Switzerland. Printout. e IBM Schneiz; 15aar77; AF46283. AF46284.
5797-QHY. e IBM SchHe AF46285. 5797-NPF to NPG. Switzerland. Printout. IBM Schweiz; 15llar77; AP46285.
AF4e286. 5797-QHQ, QHK, QBI, QHW. Switzerland. Printout. 6 IBM Schweiz; 15Mar77; AF46286.
AF46287. 5785-EAA. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Netherlands. B IBM Corporation; 27Jun77; AF46287.
AF46288. 5788-ABJ. France. Printout. IBM France; 13Jun77: AF462B8.
AF462B9. 5799-&QH. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM France. 9 IBM Corporation; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46289.
AF46290. Canadian essay and literature index, 1975. Compiled £ edited by Andrew D. Armitaqe £ Nancy Tudor. Canada. 517 p. e University of Toronto press; 23JU177; AF46290.
AF46291. Hepalean PNF calculator. Canada. Add. ti: Calculateur du FNP. Enqlish £ French. O Canada Packers, Ltd.; 150ct75; AF46291.
AF46292. 5799-AQG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM France. IBM Corporation; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46292.
AF46293. The Bodley Head history of Western music. By Christopher Headington. Enqland. 351 p. 6 on text except for musical examples £ compilation of illus. ; Christopher Headington; 11Jul74; AF46293.
AF46294. The Bodley Head history of Western music. By Christopher Headington. Enqland. 351 p. Appl. au: The Bodley Head, Ltd. © on compilation of musical examples; The Bodley Head, Ltd.; 11JU174; AF46294.
AF46295. Modelling and prediction of the upper layers of the ocean. Edited by Eric Bradshaw Kraus. Great Britain. 325 p. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Modelling and Prediction of the Upper Layers of the Ocean, Orbino, Italy, 1975. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., editer for hire. 8 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 18Apr77; AF46295.
4F46296. Sociology in the balance: a critical essay. By Johan Goudsblom. England. 232 p. e Basil Blackwell; 29Apr77; AF46296.
AF46297. The Common Market and how it works. By Anthony J. C. Kerr. Great Britain. 210 p. e Anthony J. C. Kerr; 27Jun77; AF46297.
AP46298. How cities work: an introduction. By Barrie Needham. Great Britain. 185 p. (Orban and regional planning series, vol. 17) Barrie Needham; 27Jun77; AF46298.
AF46299. Les Juliettes; ou, Le Sexameron. By Jean Lecric, pseud, de Paul Claude Innocenzi. France. 188 p. 6 Jean Lecric, pseud, de Paul Claude Innocenzi, & S.E.C.L.E. a.a.d.o. Societe pour 1* Exploitation du Commerce de Librairie et d'Edition; 30Jun76; AP46299.
AF46300. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturgique. No 2: Noel — Epiphanie. By Adrien Nocent. France. 220 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. C Jean- Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 240ct75; AF46300.
iF46301. C3lebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturgigue. No 3: careme. By Adrien Nocent. France. 332 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. 6 Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 9Feb76; AF46301.
AF46 30 2. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: l*aunee liturgique. No 4: les trois jours saints, le temps pascal. By Adrien Nocent. France. 386 p. NM: new text £ com- pilation of texts. © Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 29aar76; AF46302.
AF46 303. Celebrer Jesus-Christ: I'annee liturgigue. No 1: introduction a I'annee liturgique, I'Avent. By Adrien Nocent. France. 257 p. NM: new text E com- pilation of texts. Jean-Pierre Delarge, Editions Oniversitaires; 80ct75; AF46303.
AF46 304. La Bretagne. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Bretagne touristigue. Appl. au: Laurence Bonnet, Pierre Gallerey £ Hichel Laclos. NM: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. © Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46304.
AF4630S. La Cote d'Azur et la haute Provence. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Cote d'Azur, la haute Provence. Appl. au: Ange Bastiani, Pierre Gallerey fi Gilles Lambert. NM: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. a Librairie Larousse; 25Feb77; AF46305.
AF46306. La Corse. France. 1 v. Add. ti: La Corse touristigue. Appl. au: Gerald Pechaeze, Jacgues Nosari fi Rosy Judais Bolelli. NH: new text, illus. £ compilation of illus. Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46306.
AF46307. Polymers for carbon papers and the reprographic industries. By Henry Warson. United Kingdom. 187 p. Henry Warson; 250ct76; AF46307.
AF46308. Jazz people. Text by Dan Morgenstern, photos, by ole Brask, foreword by Dizzy Gillespie, introd. by James Jones. Japan. 300 p. © on illus.; Ole Brask; 20Aug76; AF46 308.
AF46309. Who's who in Saudi Arabia, 1976-77. Editor: M. Samir Sarhan. England. 272 p. © Europa Publications, Ltd. £ lihama; 28JU177; AF46309.
AF46310. Word order, sentence stress and reference in English and Polish. By Alexander J. Szwedek. Canada. 154 p. © Linguistic Besearch, Inc.; 1Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46310. iF»6311. Joyce Grenfell requests the pleasure. Enqiand. 295 p. C Joyce Grenfell; 163ep76; irtejll.
iFil6312. Harcus Clarke. By Harcus indreu Hislop Clarke, selected 6 edited Bith an introd. 6 bibliography by Hichael Sliding, iustralia. 687 p. idd. ti: The Portable Harcus Clarke. C on introd.; aichael fildinq; 30Sep76; iF«6312.
A?il6313. Marcus Clarke. By Harcus Andreii Hislop Clarke, selected E edited with an introd. 6 bibliography by Hichael Bilding. iustralia. 687 p. Add. ti: The Portable Harcus Clarke. on this compilation; Oniyersity of Queensland Press; 30Sep76; AFlt6313.
AF't6311t. Henry Laifson. Selected 6 edited nith an introd. 6 bibliography by Brian Francis Kiernan. Australia. 393 p. Add. ti: The Portable Henry Lanson. C on introd.; Brian Kiernan; 30Sep76; AFit631il.
AF't6315. Henry La»son. selected £ edited Bith an introd. 6 bibliography by Brian Francis Kiernan. Australia. 393 p. Add. ti: The Portable Henry La«son. C on this compilation; Oniyersity of Queensland press: 30Sep76; AFit6315.
AF1(6316. Lntterloh Systeii international. Suppl- no. 116. Sest Germany. 1 v. Appl. au: Maria Aloisia Lotterloh, nee Aiqenberger. O Hodeyerlaq lntterloh; 20Jul77; AF«6316.
AFit6317. Ta'agoy Ben El'azar: Kitab al-Ka»ll. Edited by Nehemya Allony. Israel. 122 p. Hebren 6 Arabic; prefatory material in English. BH: translation, reyision, introd. 6 index. C American Academy for Jewish Research: 15Mar77; AFU6317.
AF46318. Enlarging lens manual: eyerything you want to kno» about lenses for superior enlargements, April 1977. Vom Bild zum Ebenbild — vergroesserungsf ibel. lest Germany. 2 y. English £ German. Optische Berke G. Bodenstock; 6Jun77; AF46318.
»P«6319. Harty Halloo. By Buth Elizabeth Collier, pictures by Hary Ann Karpel. Canada. 21 p. Elizabeth Collier; 230ct76; AFII6319.
AF«6320. Physical distribution guidelines manual: safety in distribution. Canada. 1 y. Appl. au: Du Pont of Canada, Ltd. C E. 1. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 26Bay77; AF116320.
AF»6321. Tango November. England. 268 p. 31Auq76: AFt6321.
AFIt6 322. Inyisible allies: microbes and man's future. By Bernard Dizon. England. 251 p. NH: additional teit 6 revisions. Bernard Dizon; 13Hay76; AFit6322.
AF116323. The Danger tree. By Olivia Banning. England. 196 p. C Olivia Banning: 11Auq77; AFI46323.
319 p. O I. G. Broat; 27May76:
AF«6325. Icebound: journeys to the Northnest Sea. By James Haurice Scott. England. 156 p. NM: text. O J. M. Scott; 21Jul77; AF't6325.
AFl(6326. Black Nile: Hunqo Park and the search for the Niger. By Peter Brent. England. 200 p. NM: text. Peter Brent; 21JU177; AFlt6326.
AF46327. Hister and Mrs. Pig's evening out. By Hary Bayner. England. 1 v. Mary Bayner; 29Apr76; AFU6327. (1977 reprint ed. deposited)
AF1I6328. Alle Jahre »ieder saust der Press- lufthammer nieder; Oder, Die Veraenderung der landschaft. By Joerg Mueller. Switzerland. Sheets (7 p.) in folder. Appl. au: Sauerlaender, A.G., employer for hire. Sauerlaender, A.G. ; 1Apr73; AFU6328.
AF1I6329. Hier faellt ein Haus, dort steht ein Kran und ewiq droht der Baggerzahn; Oder, Die yeraenderunq der stadt. By Joerg Mueller. Switzerland. sheets (8 p.) in folder. Appl. au; Sauerlaender, A.G., employer for hire. sauerlaender, A.G.; 1Aug76; Arlt6329.
AFU6330. The Bodes of modern writing. By David Lodge. Great Britain. 279 p. Appl. states all new except condensation of p. 1-9. O David Lodge; 29Jul77; AF46330.
AF116331. Halt Disney's Donald's camping trip; a mini pop-up book. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: Arnoldo Bondadori Editore, S.P.A. fi Clark, Irwin and Company, Ltd. Bait Disney Productions; 25Jul77; AF46331.
Ar«6332. Bait Disney's Scrooge BcDuck and the vacant lot; a mini pop-up book. Canada. 1 V. Appl. au: Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A. 6 Clark, Irwin and Company, Ltd. Bait Disney Productions; 25JU177; AFit6332.
AFlt6333. Johnny I hardly knew you; a novel. By Edna O'Brien. England. 1«3 p. © Edna O'Brien: 14Jul77; A?ll6333.
AP4633I4. The Enemy. By Desmond Baglcy. England. 322 p. O Literary publications, Ltd.; 25JU177; AFit633a.
AFlt6335. Hannah hereafter. By Elizabeth Sutherland. England. 223 p. Elizabeth Sutherland: 26Jan76: AF1I6335.
AF't6336. A Sea-grape tree. By Bosamond Lehmann. England. 160 p. O Bosamond Lehmann; 280ct76: AFU6336.
AFIt6337. Main trends of research in the social and human sciences. Pt. 1: social sciences. Pref. by Bene Haheu. Great Britain. 819 p. Appl. au: ONESCO. ONESCO; 70ct70; AFt6337.
AFIt6338. The Ancien Begime: French society, 1600-1750. By Pierre Goubert, translated by Steve Cox. Great Britain. 292 p. Appl. au: George Beidenfeld and Nicholson, Ltd. NM: translation 6 foreword to English ed. George VIeidenfeld and Nicolson, Ltd.; 26Apr73; AFlt6338.
AF116339. A Toornier companion. By Paul Toumier. Great Britain. 177 p. Appl. au: SCM Press, Ltd. NM: additional text 6 compilation. O SCM Press, Ltd.; 10ct76; AFK6339.
AF116340. The Operas of Mozart. By Hilliam Mann. Onited Kingdom. 656 p. Billiam Mann; 28Apr77; AF't63a0.
AF'463al. The Human quality. By Aurelio Pecoei. Great Britain. 211 p. O Aurelio Peccei; 2"lMay77; AFa63ai.
AF46342. Sun power: an introduction to the applications of solar energy. By J. C. HCVeigh. Great Britain. 208 p. NM: compilation 6 additional text. 6 J. C. McVeigh; 9May77; AF<163it2.
AFlt63<t3. Fluorine coupling constants. By J. w. Emsley, L. Phillips 6 V. Bray. Great Britain. p. 85-756. (Progress in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, vol. 10, pt. 3-1) e Perqanon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77; AFt63lt3.
AF<te31t<t. The Lancaster at war. By Hike Garbett 6 Brian Goulding. Great Britain. lit p. Hike Garbett S Brian Goulding; 20Sep71; Afii63'l'l. (6th impression, 1975, deposited)
AFil63a5. New york. By Anthony Burgess 6 the editors of Time-Life Books, with photos, by Dan Budnik £ others. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V., employer for hire. Time-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B.V. ; 6Dec76; AF46 3lt5.
AF'I63II6. MOSCOW. By Leo Gruliow 6 the editors of Time-Life Books with photos, by Pete Turner £ Dick Bowan. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V., employer for hire. 6 Time-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B. V. ; 7Feb77; AP«63it6.
AFIl63a7. Tokyo. By Fosco Maraini 6 the editors of Time-Life Books with photos, by Harald Sund. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International (Nederland) B. »., employer for hire. Time-Life International (Nederland) B.?.; i»Oct76; AFii63U7.
AFlt63l48. Popular literature: a history and guide from the beginning of printing to the year 1897. By Victor E. Neuberg. Onited Kingdom. 301 p. NM: all text by Victor E. Neuberg. C Victor E. Neuberg; 26May77; AFIt63»8.
AFI163U9. salammbo. By Gustave Flaubert, translated with an introd. by A. J. Krailsheimer. Onited Kingdom. 282 p. NH: introd. £ translation. O A. J. Krailsheimer; 26Bay77: AF463U9.
AF1163S0. Hallarme: the poems; a bilingual ed. Translated with an introd. by Keith Bosley. Onited Kingdom. 303 p. English £ French. NM: translation, introd., selection £ compilation. Keith Bosley; 26May77; AFI16350. iFil6351. La Bete humalne. By Ealle Zola, translated with an introd- by Leonard H. Taacock. United Kingdom. 365 p. English. NM; introd. e translation. © L. W. Tancock; 26HaT77; AF116351.
SFa6352. The Natural history of Selborne. By Gilbert White, edited «ith an introd. £ notes by fiichard Habey. Onited Kingdom. 262 p. 3 on introd. & notes; Richard Habey; 26Hay77: IF'16352.
4P1(6353. Inflation: a guide to the crisis in economics. By J. A. Trevithick- Onited KingdoB. 131 p. e J. A. Trevithick; 26Hay77; AF46353.
AFU6351I. The Making of an African legend: the Biafra story- By Frederick Forsyth- United Kingdom. 285 p. Prev. pub. as The Biafra story, 1969. NH: additional text 6 revisions. 6 Frederick Forsyth; 30Jun77; AFt635a.
AFlt6355. Greenhouse gardening. By Ronald H. Menage. Onited Kingdom. 251 p. Appl. au: Gunnar Edwards. Prev. pub. abroad 197H. e on illus. ; Gunnar Edwards; 2»Feb77: AF46355.
AFI(6356. Rodney Peppers Puzzle book. Onited Kingdon. 1 v. 6 Rodney Peppe; 26May77: AF16356.
AF116357. Reasons why not to kill creatures and why to be vegetarian. Ed. 1 1/e- Australia. 9 p. Appl. au: Ernest Harold Meermann. & Ernest Harold Meermann; 8Apr76 (in notice: 1958); Ar't6357.
AF'l635e. Canadian mines handbook, 1977-1978; an annual publication, compiled by the editorial staff of The Northern Biner, Canada's national mining newspaper, editor: Alexandra Horobec. Canada. i*12 p. Northern Miner Press, Ltd. ; 28JU177; AF46358.
AFI16359. Code of ethics and professional standards for advertising, product information and advisory services for breast-milk substitutes. Switzerland. 1 V. English, French, German & Spanish. © International Council of Infant Food Industries (ICIFI) ; 1Apr77; AF«6359.
Ara6360. Manual of library economy: a conspectus of professional librarianship for students and practitioners. Edited by Reginald Northwood Lock. Great Britain. 447 p. e Clive Bingley, Ltd.; 12Aug77; AF46360.
AF46361. Cane and rush seating. By Margery Brown. Onited Kingdom. 95 p. © Margery Brown; 8Aug76; BF46361.
AF46362. Tempo. No. 121, June 1977. Editor- in-chief: David Drew, managing editor: Calum HacDonald. Onited Kingdom. 51 p. Appl. au: Boosey and Hawkes Music Publishers, Ltd., employer for hire of the editor, David Drew. © Boosey and Hawkes Music Publishers, Ltd.; 18Jul77; AFIt6352.
AP46363. Mister. By Madeleine Brent, illustrated by McKinley Howell. England. (In Roman, July 16, 1977, p. 43, etc.) 6 Madeleine Brent; 13Jul77; AF46363.
AF46364. Mister. By Madeleine Brent, illustrated by McKinley Howell. England. (In Woman, July 2, 1977, p. 37, etc.) © Madeleine Brent; 29Jun77; AF46364.
AF46365. Mister. By Madeleine Brent, illustrated by McKinley Howell. England. (In Roman, June 25, 1977, p. 32, etc.) © Madeleine Brent; 22Jun77; AF46365.
AF46366. Mister. By Madeleine Brent, illustrated by McKinley Howell. England. (In Neman, June 18, 1977. p. 8, etc.) © Madeleine Brent; 15Jun77; AF46366.
AF46367. Growing for freezing. Author/editor: Renny Harrop. England. 88 p. Appl. au: Marshall Cavendish Publications, Ltd. NM: text & compilation of illus. © Marshall Cavendish Publications, Ltd.; 19Mar76; AF46367.
AF46368. Fellini's Filme; die vierhundert schoensten Bilder aus Federico Fellini's fuenf zehnelnhalb Filmen. Hrsg. von Christian Strich, mit einem Vorwort von Georges Simenon. Switzerland. 340 p. Appl. au: Diogenes Verlag, A.G. NH: photos. © Diogenes Verlag, A.G.; 1Jan76; AF46368.
AF46369. Les Personuages de la Comedie humaine. By Felicien Marceau, pseud, of Louis Carette, illus de Bertall 6 others, iconographie choisie & mise en page par Anne Ackermann. France. 374 p. NM: text & editorial selection of illus. & compilation of texts 6 illus. Editions Gallimard; 24Mar77; AF46369.
AF46370. Parthian art. By Malcolm A. S. Colledge. Great Britain. 200 p. e Malcolm A. R. Colledge; 22Aug77; AP46370.
AF46371. The Silver Falcon. By Evelyn Anthony. England. 303 p. © Anthony Enterprises (OK) Ltd.; 30Aug77; AF46371.
AF46372. Tres noveiitas burguesas. By Jose Donoso. Spain. 274 p. © Jose Donoso; 15May73; AF46372.
AF46373. The Fischer-Dieskau book of lieder. The texts of over 750 songs in German chosen 6 introduced by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, with English translations by George Bird S Richard Stokes. Great Britain. 433 p. German 8 English. © on English tran- slation; George Bird £ Richard Stokes; 70ct76; AF46373.
AF46374. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of ecology. Editor-in-chief: Bernhard Grzimek. England. 705 p. Add. ti: Grizmek's Encyclopedia of ecology Appl. au: Litton llorld Trade Corporation. NM: English translation. © Litton World Trade corporation; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF46374.
AF46375. Midwives and medical men; a history of inter-professional rivalries and women's rights. By Jean Donnison. England. 250 p. © Jean Donnison: 14Mar77: AF46375.
AF46376. The Bay of non-attachment; the practice of insight meditation. By V. B. Dhiravamsa. England. 156 p. © V. B. Dhiravamsa; 160ct75; AF46376.
AF46377. Drownproofing: a technigue for water survival. By Michael Bettsworth. England. 55 p. © Michael Bettsworth; 23Peb76; AF46377.
AF46378. Jamaica: Babylon on a thin wire. By Adrian Boot 6 Michael Thomas, photos by Adrian Boot. England. 93 p. 3 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 7Jun76; AP46378.
AF46379. Le Roman de Montague; ou, L'Alpinisme dans le roman. Par Benedicte Adam £ Jean-Michel Adam. France. 191 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. © Libcairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46379.
AF46380. Contes fantastigues de Nodier. Par Jean Luc Galliot. France. 127 p. Add. ti; Contes de Nodier: fantastigues. NM: introd. , text £ editing. © Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46380.
AF46381. La Mare au Oiable. De George Sand, introd. £ edition de Marie-Anne Barberis. France. 127 p. NM: introd. £ editing. Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46381.
AF463B2. La Fete. Par Elisabeth Tardif. France. 143 p. NM: editing. © Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46382.
AF46383. Geographie de I'O.R.S.S. Par Andre Blanc, avec la participation de Suzanne Tercier-Hamant. France. 255 p. © Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; AF46383.
AF463B4. Les Paysans. Par Yvon Kerangueven. France. 175 p. NM: editing. © Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46384.
AF46335. La Famille. Par Jean Guichard. France. 143 p. NM: editing. © Librairie Larousse; 30Mar77; AF46385.
AF46386. Lire en 6e livret methodologique. Par Georges Jean, Monigue Jehan, Remy Martel £ Michel Pierre, pref. de Pierre Emmanuel. France. 12 7 p. NM: new text £ com- pilation of texts. © Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; AF463B6.
AF46 38 7. L'Information. Par Pierre Albert £ others. France. 127 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. © Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; AF46387.
AF 46388. Dictionnaire de I'astrologie. By Jean-Louis Brau. France. 222 p. NM: new text 6 compilation of texts fi illus. © Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; iF46388.
AF46 389. Le Marxisme. Par Samir Amin £ others. France. 255 p. NM: new text £ com- pilation of texts. © Librairie Larousse; 30May77; AF46389.
AF46 390. Histoire des matheaatigues. Par Jacgues Bouveresse, Jean Itard £ Emile Salle. France. 255 p. © Librairie Larousse; 30May77; Ar46390.
AF46 391. Histoire de I'O.R.S.S. Par Jean Elleinstein £ others. France. 255 p. NM: new text £ compilation of texts. © Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; AF46391.
AF46392. La Linguistigue. Par Pierre Causset & AF46392 (con.) others. Prance. 255 p. NH: Den teit 6 compilation of texts. 6 Libraicie Larousse; 30llav77: AF116392.
AFH6393. Education et pedaqoqie. Par Jacques Ardoino 6 others. France. 127 p. NH: new text & coapilatioa of texts. Librairie Larousse; 3aApr77; AFU6393.
AF46 39lt. Dictionnaire du francais acqotique et populaire. By Francois caradec. France. 255 p. e Librairie Larousse; 28Feb77; AFil639it.
APU6395. Obiectif BEPC: pratique du francais ae-3e. Par Nadine Chabaud, flarcel Jarraud, Ooninique Jourdain & Annick Hauffrey. France. 255 p. 6 Librairie Larousse; 30nar77; AFI46395.
AFa6396. 6e qramoaire. By Bene Laqane, Jean Dubois & Danielle Leeoan. France. 159 p. (SaToir le francais) 6 Librairie Larousse; 30aay77; 4Ft6396.
AF1(6397. 6e exercices. By Danielle Leefflan. France. 159 p. (Saioir le francais) e Librairie Larousse; 30Apr77; AF46397.
AF 146398. Obiectif BAC: quide pratique de I'eprenve ecrite de francais. Par aarie-Anne Barberis. France. 319 p. NH: editinq. Librairie Larousse; 30Har77; AFI46398.
AFIt6399. GraoBaice et exercices* preaier cycle. By Danielle Leeaan 6 Jean Dubois. France. 277 p. (Savoir le francais) e Librairie Larousse; 30Har77: AF46399.
AF46400. Encyclopedic de I'ecoloqie, le present en question. Par J. -P. Charbonneau C others, conclusion de B. Duaont. France. 487 p. NH: new text 6 coapilation of texts. O Librairie Larousse: 30Hay77; AFueuoo.
AF1461401. Hilieux, hoDoes et civilisations: histoire, qeoqraphie, econoaie education ci»ique, 6c. Par Hare Guidais t Hichel Pierre, atlas de Gilles AlKan, dessins de Alain Gauthier & Denis Horvath. France. 255 p. Appl. au; Georqes Duby. NH: new text, new illus. & coapilation. Librairie Larousse: 30Har77; AF1»6»01.
AF<t6402. Lire en 6e. Par Honique Jehan« Reay Martel 6 Hichel Pierre. France. 223 p. NH: new text 6 compilation of texts 6 illus. e Librairie Larousse: 30Har77; AF't6402.
AF46a03. L^Occlusion; aspects cliniques, directives therapeutiques. By Jose Abiean, Jean-Harie Korbendau, pref. du Bertrand Kerebel. France. 117 p. O Julien Prelat; 30Har77; AF't6«03.
AFa61t04. Laay social. 1977. Sous la direction de Francois Jullien. France. 1276 p. e Laay, S.A. : 30Har77: AFll6l401t.
AF46405. Laay fiscal. 1977. T. 16 2. Sous la direction de Bobert Bonafoux. France. © Laay, S.A. ; 30Sar77; AF«6«05.
AFII6II06. Laay societes. 1977. Sous la direction de Jean Burqard. France. 1107 p. e Laay. S.A.; 30Har77; AF<t6ll06.
AF46407. Le Perou, la Bolivie — I'Equateur. Collection diriqee par Daniel Horeau. France. 160 p. NH: text 6 coapilation of texts & illus.. soae of which have been prev. pub. d Librairie Larousse; 30Har77; AF461107.
AF4640B. Gorqes et qouffres: beautes de la France. Collection diriqee par Soger Brunei, assiste de Suzanne Aqnely 6 Henri Serres-Cousine. France. 1 ». NH: new text, new illus. 6 compilation of illus., some of which have been prev. pub. e Librairie Larousse; 25Fcb77; AFteuOB.
AFI»6lt09. fiivaqes de la Hediterraoee, France. 1 V. (Decouvrir. Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Anqe Bastiani, Pierre Gallerey C Gilles Laabert. NH: new text £ illus. & coapilation of illus. 6 Librairie Larousse: 300ec76; AFi|6u09.
AFIteUIO. Le Lanquedoc et le Boussillon. France. 1 V. (Decouvrir Beautes de la France) Add. ti: Le Lanquedoc. le Boussillon. Appl. au: Pierre Harchant. Andre Severac 6 Christian Plume. NH: new text £ illus. £ compilation of illus. Librairie Larousse; 30Har77: AF46it10.
AFieitll. L*Auverqne et le Liaousin. France. 1 V. (Decouvrir Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Christian Pluae, Hichel Laclos K Pierre Gallerey. NH: new text £ illus. £ coapilation of illus. O Librairie Larousse; 25Feb77; AFtbUII.
AFU6U12. Chateaux forts. France. 1 v. (Decouvrir Beautes de la France) Appl. au: Ives D. Papin, Hichel Laclos £ Philippe Levantal. NH: new text £ illus. £ compilation of illus. 6 Librairie Larousse; 25Feb77; AFit6t12.
AFH6lt13. Quiet as a nun. By Antonia Fraser. United Kinqdom. 176 p. © Antonia Fraser; 26Hay77; AFit6it13. (Reprint copies, 2Dd impression Hay 1977, deposited)
AF<l641>t. Orawinq the huaan head, including techniques and the anatoay of the head and neck. By Louise Gordon. United Kinqdoa. 120 p. Appl. states all new except for the "Study of the transf iquration" by Baphael, the portrait of Elizabeth Brant by Bubens £ the portrait of Archbishop Uareham by Holbein. Q Louise Gordon: 26Hay77; AF'46lt1K.
AFlt6415. The Secret lemonade drinker. By Guy Bellamy. Enqland. 152 p. Guy Bellaay; 7Feb77; AF'16«15.
AF46l(16. The Golden years. By Hollie Hardwiclt. Enqland. 189 p. (The Duchess of OuKe Street, book 2) Eqret Productions, Ltd.; 2Dec75; AF46U16.
AF'16H17. Aqatha Christie: first lady of crime. Edited by H. a. F. Keating. Enqland. 224 p. Ueidenfeld and Nicolsoo, Ltd.; 28Apr77; AF46417.
AF46418. The Spanish traditional lyric. Edited by John G. Cuaains. Great Britain. 179 p. NH; coapilation £ additional text. O John G. Cummins: 27Jun77: AF46418.
AF46419. New writinq in Israel. Edited by Ezra Spicehandler £ Curtis Arnson. Israel. 224 p. NH: compilation £ notes. O American-Israel Publishinq Company, Ltd. £ Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, Ltd.; 250ct76; AF46419.
AF46420. The flagic pencil. Created by scapa. translated by Caroline Gaeritz. Great Britain. 1 v. O on illus.; Arteais lerlaq; 140ct76; AF46I120.
AF46421. The Hagic pencil. Created by Scapa, translated by Caroline Gueritz. Great Britain. 1 v. on English translation; Caroline Gaeritz; 140ct76; AF46421.
AF46422. Labrador. By Bobert Stewart £ the editors of Tiae-Life Books. Netherlands. 184 p. (The Uorld's wild places) Appl. au: Tiae-Life International. Ltd., employer for hire. O Tiae-Life Inter- national (Nederland) B. V. ; 4Jul77: AF46422.
AF46423. Landscape drawing. By John O'Connor. Onited Kinqdoa. 96 p. NH: text £ coapilation of illus. O John O'Connor; 27Jan77; AF46423.
AF46424. Bister. Illustrated by HcKinley Howell. Enqland. (In Boaan, July 9, 1977, p. 44, etc.) Appl. au: Hadeleine Brent. 6 Hadeleine Brent; 6Jal77; AF46424.
AF46425. The Ginqer tree. By Oswald Uynd. Great Britain. 294 p. Oswald Nynd; 8Aug77; AF46425.
AF46426. Landscape into art. By Kenneth Clark. Great Britain. 248 p. NH: additional text £ illus. Kenneth Clark; 20Hay76; AF46426.
AF46427. Diploaatic relations. A short story by Paul Theroux. Enqland. (In Harpers and queen. Harch 1977, p. 134-136) 6 Paul Theroux: 1Har77; AF46427.
AF46428. Change manageaent/tracking (CH/T) , DP accounting for IHS/VS (DPA) , service level reporter (SLB) prograa reference aanual. Denaark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no SN19-6304) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. Nfl: revisions. O International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBH Corporation; 6Jul77; AF46428.
AF46429. IBH Systea/370 planning, control and decision evaluation systea/in teract ive (PLANCODE/1) prograa reference aanual; prograa product 5740-XX8 (OS/»S) , 5746-XX9 (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denaark. 172 p. (Prograa product) Appl. au: IBH France O International Business Hachines Corporation; 27Jul77; AF46429.
AF46430. Goid^ systeae. prograaae special nuaero: 5788-ABJ; code dispositif 8339. Prance. 27 p. (Proqraaaes speciaux. proqraaae d'aide a 1 * exploitation) English. IBH France; 13Jun77; AF46430.
AF46431. IBH Systea/370. virtual storage personal computing library print prograa (VSPCPBT). prograa description and operations manual; prograa no. 5785-EAA (OS/VS) Denmark. 8 p. (International field prograa) Appl. au: IBH Netherlands O International AF46431 (con.) Business Hacfaines corporation; lUJun??; AF46431.
AF46432. TS personal computinq PL/1 terminal user's qulde; proqram no. 5785-EAB. Denaark. 103 p. (International field proqran) Appl. au: IBH Onited tcinqdom, Ltd. 6 International Business flachines Corporation: 28Jul77; AFt6432.
AF46433. Operations planninq and control-entry (OPC-entry) scheduler's quide; proqraa product 5740-XT7. 2nd ed. Denaark. 200 p. (Installation manaqenent) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. 3 International Business Machines Corporation; 1itJon77; AF46433.
AFi(643it. IBB 2750/3750 switchinq system, 5923 model BOS attendance recordinq terminal reference manual. Denmark. Folder. (IBM technical nensletter, no. GN 19-6305-0) Appl. au: IBM Seraaoy. MM: revisions. 6 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d. ; IBM Corporation; 16Jun77: AFteast.
AF46435. Description de 1 'application et quide de 1' utilisateur: proqramme special no. 5768-ABJ. France. 33 p. (Proqraomes speciaux: proqramme d'aide a I'exploi- tation) Enqlish & French. 6 IBH France; 13Jun77; iF46i»35.
AF«eit36. Chanqe nanaqement/trackinq (CM/T) , DP accountinq for IMS/VS (DPA), service level reporter (SLB) , proqram loqic. Denmark. 230 p. (Installation manaqement) Appl. au: IBM Sveden. @ International Business Machines Corporation; 30Jun77; AFUetse.
AF46437. 3750 svitchinq system: system planninq quide. 6th ed. Denaark. 217 p. Appl. au: IBM France. Q International Business Machines Corporation; 1Auq77; AF»6<I37.
AF<l6i|38. IMS/VS DB/OC information manaqement system/virtual storage data base/data communication system. Denmark. 31 p. & transparencies in portfolio. Appl- au; IBM France. @ -International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation; 13Jun77; AP'I6II38.
AP46439. IBM system/370 online routing user's quide; proqraa no. 5746-XXP. Denmark. 217 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 27Jul77; AF46439.
AF46440. 3750 svitchinq system. Vol. 3: switchinq subsystem, book 2: 3753 line units models 1 & 2, theory of operation. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. SN19-6192) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. G International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d: IBM Cor- poration; 21JU177; AP46440.
AF46441. 3750 switchinq system. Vol. 1: system, book 3: power supplies, theory-main- tenance. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN19-6194) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. 3 International Business Machines Corporation a. a.d.: IBM Corporation; 21Jul77: AF46441.
AF46442. 3750 switchinq system. Vol 1: system, book 4: maintenance. 4th ed. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Appl. au: IBM France. 3 International Business Machines Corporation; 14JU177; AF46442.
AF4e44j. Grzimek's Encyclopedia of ethology. Editor-in-chief; Bernhard Grzimek. England. 705 p. Appl. au: Litton Horld Trade corporation. NM: English tran- slation. 3 Litton Horld Trade Corpo- ration; 1JU177; AF46443.
AF46444. Illustrated dictionary of practical pottery- By fiobert Fournier, photos, by John Anderson, diagrams by Sheila Fournier. England. 256 p. NM: editorial revision. 3 Robert Fournier; 28Feb77; AF46444.
AF46445. The Communist movement from Comintern to Cominform. By Fernando Claudin. Pt. 1 translated by Brian Pearce, pt. 2 translated by Francis ilacDonagh. Great Britain. 830 p. 3 on pt. 1 translation; Brian Pearce; 23Dec75; AF46445.
AF46446. The Communist movement from Comintern to Cominform. By Fernando claudin. Pt. 1 translated by Brian Pearce, pt. 2 translated by Francis MacDonagh. Great Britain. 830 p. 3 on pt. 2 translation; Francis MacDonagh; 23Dec75; AF46446.
AF46447. John Donne and his world. By Derek Parker. Onited Kingdom. 127 p. NM: new text plus selection E compilation of photos. 3 Derek Parker; 4Auq75; AF46447.
AF46448. Becits f antastigues. Par Baymond Boge. France. 160 p. NM: new text 6 com- pilation of texts & illus. 3 Librairie Larousse; 30Dec76; AF46448.
AF46449. Pauliska ; ou. La Perversite moderne. Memoires recents d'une Polonaise- By Beveroni Saint-Cyr, texte etabli 6 presente par Beatrice Didier. France. 203 p- NM: text £ editing. 3 Begine Deforges; 30Dec76: AF46449-
AF46450- Nouvelle encyclopedie autodidactigue Quillet- T. 5-6. Bevue 6 augmentee par Jean Rocaut, christian Bocaut-Quillet £ Guy Rocaut. France. 2 v. NM: revision S additions. 3 Librairie Aristide Quillet; 30May77; AP46450.
AF46451. Nouvelle histoire aondiale de I'a- viation. By Edmond Petit. 3. ed., revue G mise a jour au 1. fevrier 1977. France- 445 p. 3 Librairie Hachette; 30Hay77; AF46451-
AF46452- The Sodbusters: memories of our prairie pioneers- By Barry Broadfoot, illus-: Bruce Johnson- Canada- (In Beader's digest, Nov- 1976, p. 228, etc.) 3 Barry Broadfoot; 2B0ct76: AP46452.
AF46453. Living yoga: the value of yoga in today's life. By Swami Satchidananda £ others. Great Britain. 323 p. (Psychic studies) Appl. au: Sant Keshavadas. 3 Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 11Aug77; AF46453-
AF46454. Medical education and medical care; a Scottish-American symposium. Edited by Gordon HcLachlan. Onited Kingdom. 215 p. Appl. au: Ronald H. Girdwood & Bichard Scott. 3 The Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust; 11Aug77; AF46454.
AF46455. Issues in Canadian nursing. By Betsy LaSor £ Madeleine Buth Elliott. Canada. 205 p. 8 Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd. ; 5 Jul 77; AF46455.
AF464S6. International rivers: the politics of cooperation. By David George LeMarquand. Canada. 143 p. 3 The Hestwater Research Centre; 30Jun77; AF46456.
AF46457. Oedoen Von Horvath: gesammelte Herke. Bd. 4: Fragmente C Varianten, Exposes, Theoretisches, Briefe, Verse. Hrsg. von Traugott Krischke £ Dieter Hlldebrandt. iest Germany. 1 v. 3 on contents of vol. 4; Elisabeth Von Horvath; 140ct71 (in notice: 1970); AF46457.
AF4e458. Two's company. By Joyce Stranger- Great Britain. 190 p. © Joyce Stranger; 22Aug77; AF46458.
AF46459. The International who's who, 1977-78. 41st ed. England. 1916 p. 3 Europa Publications, Ltd.; 20Jul77: AF46459.
AF46460. Duocross; kruiswoordraadsel voor twee! Netherlands. Add. ti: Doublecross: the crossword for two. (In Viva nieuwe styl, Dec. 31, 1976, p. 28-29) Appl. au: J. L. n. Meulendijks £ B. Schuil. 3 J. L. M- Meulendijks £ Bart Schuil (in notice; Jan Meulendijks £ Bart Schuil) ; 310ec7e; AF4646a.
AF46461- Bepeat and answer; etwas fuer das Sprachlabor- Von Alan Stuart Bussell. Hest Germany. 1 v- 3 Alan Stuart Bussell; 12JU177; AP46461.
AF46462. Josguin Des Prez; proceedings of the International Josguin Festival-Conference held at the Juilliard School at Lincoln Center in New York City, 21-25 June 1971. Edited by Edward E. Lovinsky, in collaboration with Bonnie J. Blackburn, Great Britain. 787 p- Accompanied by sound recording, reg- NF1972-NF1974 hox. Appl- au: Jeremy Noble, Winfried Kirsch £ Maria Luisa Gatti Perer. © Oxford Oniversity Press; 31Mar77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46462.
AF4646?. 3750 switching system supervisor's reference: operating instructions- 7th ed- Denmark. 34 p- Appl. au: IBM France- 6 International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBH corporation; 3Aug77; AF46463.
AF46464. 5799-AQK STAIBS/VS thesaurus and linguistic integrated system. Version 01.00. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBM Germany. NM; additional programming. 3 IBM Corporation; 29Nov76 (in notice: 1976, 1977) ; AF46464.
AF46465. 5797-NLI. Austria. Printout. 3 IBM Oesterreich; 23Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF46465.
AF46466. 5797-NBE. Austria. Printout. 3 IBM oesterreich; 23Sep75; AF46466.
AF46467. 5797-NBH. 5797-NNJ. Austria. Printout. © IBH Oesterreich; 12Nov76; AP46467-
AF46468. 5797-NNK. Austria- Printout- 3 IBM Oesterreich; 12Nov76; AF46468 iF46t59. 5799-4PC. Prance. Printout. e IBH DeutschlanS; 27Jun77; SPll6a69.
iFH6a70. Crossfire; a novel of an African coup d'etat. By Niqel Slater. Enqland. 193 p. e Niqel Slater; itJul77; APil6470.
»Fl461t71. » Pay-off in Switzerland. By Robert HacLeod, pseud, of Bill Knox. England. 183 p. O Bill Knox: 15Auq77: »Flt31t71.
AF461172. The Gossaaer thread. By Anne LOHinq. Enqland. 160 p. C Anne Louinq; 2<(Auq72; AFU61172.
AF46473. Mission to circassia. By Kathleen Odell. Great Britain. 2i(9 p. Kathleen Odell; 22Auq77: AF46473.
AF46474. Infants of the snrinq. Enqland. 209 p. (To keep the ball rollinq: the meaiQics of Anthony Powell, »ol. 1) Appl. au: Anthony Powell. C Anthony Powell; 10Apr76; AP46474.
AF46475. Looking at Australia. By U. F. Henderson C a. A. Henderson. (ireat Britain. 6U p. (Lookinq at other countries series) 6 A and C Black, Ltd. ; 27Jan77: AP116I175.
AP461t76. Jane's Pocket book of rifles and light nachine quns. Edited by Denis Archer. Enqland. 231 p. Appl. states all new except 75 illus. C Denis Archer; 21JU177; AP46a76.
k?t6nn. Early experience: ayth and evidence. By Ann H. Clarke S A. D. B. Clarke. England. 3114 p. on pref., chap. 1, 2. 6, 12 6 15 & compilation of balance of material; A. n. Clarke 6 A. D. B. Clarke; 5Aug76; AF1161477.
AFI»6I)78. Early experience; myth and evidence. By Ann n. Clarke S A. D. B. Clarke. Enqland. 311 p. Appl. au: Jarmila Koluchova. on chap. 5; Jarmila Koluchova; 5Aug76; AFI46a78.
APlt6H79. Early experience: myth and evidence. By Ann H. Clarke S A. D. B. Clarke. England. 314 p. Appl. au: Jerome Kagan. on chap. 7; Jerome Kaqan; 5Auq76; AF46lt79.
APieUBO. Casework in context; a basis for practice. By D. E. P. Tiloury. Great Britain. 336 p. (Social work series) e D. E. P. Tilbury; 27Jun77; AFUeUBO.
AFH6D81. iho's who in Canadian sport. By Bob Ferguson. Canada. 310 p. Prentice- Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 23Aug77; APU6H81.
AFlt61t82. Language: its origin and its relation to thought. By F. Bonald H. Englefield. edited by G. A. Uells & D. B. Oppenheiner. United Kingdom. 192 p. O A. 0. Englefield; 20Jan77; AF<i6<l82.
APlt6483. Jane Austen and her world. By Harghanita Laski. anited Kingdom. 143 p. NH: revisions. Harghanita Laski & Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; lJul75; Apiteuej.
AF461|8lt. Jugs: a collector's guide. By James Paton. Onited Kingdom. 144 p. James Paton; 27Hay76; AF46484.
AP46485. George Eliot and her world. By Harghanita Laski. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. (B Harghanita Laski; 14nay73; AP464e5.
AF46486. Contes des tropiques. By Lafcadio Kearn, traduit par Hare Loqe, nouvelle ed. revue b augmentee par fioger Cucchi. Prance. 18 1 p. Nfl: revisions 6 additions. e Annuaire International des Francais d'Outre-Her (Dom. Tom); 30Dec76; AP46486.
AF46487. Etudes de moeurs: scenes de la vie Parisienne. By Balzac, edition publiee sous la direction de Pierre-Georges Castex £ others. Prance. 1577 p. (La Comedie humaine, no. 6) NH: editing. Editions Gallimard; 14Jun77; AF46487.
AF46488. Oeuvres en prose. By Apollinaire« textes etablis, presentes C annotes par Hichel Decaudin. France. 1518 p. NH: editing, pref. G editorial matter. Editions Gallimard; 14tlay77; AF46488.
AF46489. Theatre coiplet. T. 1. By Pirandello, edition publiee sous la direction de Paul Benucci & others. France. 1404 p. NH: French translation G editorial matter. e Editions Gallimard; 30Har77; AP46489.
AF464yO. Apostol y martir. By David Olivares Iriarte. Bolivia. 206 p. O David Olivares Iriarte; 15Auq77; AF46490.
AP46491. Pollution research index; a guide to world research in air, land, marine and freshwater pollution. Guernsey, British Isles. 431 p. Appl. au: Francis Uodqson (F. H. Books, Ltd.) O F. H. Books, Ltd.; 16Jun75; AF46491.
AF46492. Guide to European sources of technical information. Editor: Ann Pernet. 4th ed. Guernsey, British Isles. 4 16 p. Appl. au: Francis Hodgson (F. H. Books, Ltd.) F.H. Books, Ltd.; 15Auq76; AF46492.
AF46493. Industrial research in Britain. Editor: Trevor I. Hilllams, associate editor: Stella E. L. Hheeler. 8th ed. Guernsey, British Isles. 884 p. Appl. au: Francis Hodgson (F.H. Books, Ltd.) C F.H. Books, Ltd.; 15Auq76; AF46493.
AF46494. Our Indian friends. By Gordon Harold Baker, illus. by Pauline Best. Canada. 27 p. O Gordon Harold Baker; 22Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AP45494.
AP46495. Backache: assessment and treatment. By Halter Harrison Fahrni. Canada. 89 p. ». Harry Fahrni; 10ct76; AP46495.
AF46496. Essays on analytical chemistry: in memory of Professor Anders Binqbom. Editor-in-chief: Erkki Haenninen G other editors. Great Britain. 607 p. Add. ti: Analytical chemistry: essays in memory of Anders Binqbom. Appl. au: £. J. Hakoila C H. T. Beck; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. NH: compilation. e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 11Jul77; AF46496.
AF46497. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. Executive editor: Alasdair H. Brecken- ridge. Great Britain. 238 p. (Pharmacology and therapeutics, pt. C, vol. 2, no. 2, 1977) Appl. au: U. K. Ibertson G H. P. Koeniq; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. O Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 13Jun77; AF46497.
AF4649e. Year-book of world problems and human potential, 1975. Compiled by by the Secretariats of Union of International Associations. Belgium. 1 v. O Union of International Associations; 13Jun76; 4F4649a.
AF46499. Babid. By David Anne. England. 249 p. Appl. au: Anthony Fowles. 6 David Anne G Anthony Fowles; 16Har77; AF46499. (Beprint ed., 1977, deposited)
AF46500. The Complete book of sailing. Edited by Peter Cook G Barbara Webb. England. 304 p. Appl. au: Ward Lock, Ltd. , employer for hire. O on all new text, illus., G compilation; Ward Lock, Ltd.; 2ejul77: AF46500.
AF4e501. The Silmarillion. By J. 8. B. Tolkien, author/editor: Christopher Tolkien. England. 365 p. O George Allen and Unwin (Publisners), Ltd.; 9Aug77; AF46501.
AF46502. 5788-DKP. France. Printout. O IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 13Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46502.
AF46503. Winking at the brim. By Gladys Hitchell. Great Britain. 192 p. Gladys Hitchell; 2Sep74; AP46503. (Beprint copies, 2nd impression, Apr. 1975, deposited)
AF46 50«. In gallant company. By Alexander ^e^t, pseud, of Douglas Beeman. England. 287 p. Bolitho Haritime Productions, Ltd.; 13Jun77; AF46504.
AP46505. Australian traditional bush crafts. By Bon Edwards. Australia. 143 p. Bon Edwards; 1Jun75; AP46505.
AF46 506. Spitfire at war. By Alfred Price. Onited Kingdom. 160 p. Alfred Price; 6Dec74; AP46506.
AF46 507. Jerusalem: the torn city. By Heron Benvc iiisti. Israel. 407 p. Heron Benvenisti; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46507.
AF46508. Sicilian Carousel. By Lawrence Durrell. United Kingdom. 223 p. C Lawrence Durrell; 27Jun77; AF46508.
AP46509. Economics of natural and environmental resources. Edited by Vernon L. Smith. Great Britain. 502 p. Appl. au: Neil Tousden G Geoffrey Beal. NH: compilation G abridgment. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Inc.; 21Sep77; AP46509.
AP45510. The Correspondence of Adam Smith. Edited by Ernest Campbell Hossncr G Ian Simpson Boss. United Kingdom. 44 1 p. NH: pref. , compilation G additions. O Oxford University Press; 11Aug77; AP46510.
AP46511. The Cayman Islands holiday guide, 1977; APIt6511 (con.) summer S autumn ed. Manaqinq editor; Jim Graves, associate editor/photoqraphy; John Bedman. The Cayman Islands. 100 p. Appl. au: The Northwester CompanT> Ltd. O The Northwester Company, Ltd.; 23iuq77; 4F46511.
&F1I6512. Jesus the Christ: His second coming, prophecies, visions, visitations. By Brother Aleiander David. Enqland. 211 p. e Brother Alexander David; 8Sep77; AF116512.
AF116513. The Hirror of liqht. From the notebooks of Bodney Collin. Great Britain. 89 p. e Mrs. Bodney Collin Smith; 7llay59 (in notice: 1958); AF16513. (Reprint copy, 2nd impression 1368, deposited)
AFII6514. Picture stories and diaioques. Von Alan Stuart Bussell, unter Hitwirltunq von Ann Baker, G. Russell S den Schuelern der Oxford School, Zeichnunqen von G. Russell, iest Germany. 32 p. Alan Stuart Bussell; 23Bay77; AF46514.
APtesis. A Dialoque between I. Newton and A. Einstein. By Ken Tasuda. Japan. 131 p. Japanese. Ken Tasuda; 1SJul76; AFieSIS.
AF116516. Maneio hiqienico de viveres; manual del estudiante. Version espanola: Maria Cristina Sanqines Franchini, revision; Gabriel Velasco F. Mexico. 15 p. Appl. au: Editorial Limusa, S. A. Translation of Applied foodservice sanitation, student manual. NM: translation. @ National Institute for the Foodservice Industry: 15NOV76; AF16516.
AF16517. Maneio hiqienico de viveres; manual para supervisores en restaurantes, hoteles, instituciones & comedores industriales. Version espanola: Maria Cristina Sanqines Franchini, revision: Gabriel Velasco F. Mexico. 230 p. Appl. au: Editorial Limusa, S.A. Translation of Applied foodservice sanitation. NM: translation. e National Institute for the Foodservice Industry; 30Nov76; AF16517.
AF16518. Mv family roots. Canada. 1 v. Appl. au: Frank Pfendt. 6 Frank Pfendt, sole owner of Formex Systems; 20Jun77; AF165ia.
AF16519. In a dark wood. By Marina Harner. Bnited Kinqdom. 250 p. Marina Harner; 16Jun77; AF16519.
AF16520. The Biq footprints. By Balph Hammond Innes. United Kinqdom. 319 p. @ Hammond Innes; 11Feb77; AF16520.
AP16521. Cavafy: a critical bioqraphy. By' Robert Liddell. Enqland. 222 p. NM: tran- slations 6 additional text, e Robert Liddell: 26Sep71; AF16521.
AFIt6 522. The shores of war: mercenaries today. By Bilfred Burchett 6 Derek Roebuck. Onited Kinqdom. 210 p. 6 iilfred Burchett & Derek Roebuck; 30Jun77; AF16522.
AF16523. Joseph Andrews. By Henry Fielding, edited by B. F. Brissenden. United Kinqdom. 313 p. 6 on introd. £ notes; B. F. Brissenden; 30Jun77: AF16523.
AFH6521. The Major works. By Thomas Browne, edited with an introd. 6 notes by C. A. Patrides. Onited Kinqdom. 558 p. 6 on introd. 6 notes; C. A. Patrides; 30Jun77; AF16521.
AF16525. The Crab-flower club. By Cao Xuegin, translated by David Hawkes. Onited Kinqdom. 601 p. (The Story of the stone, vol. 2) NM: translation, e David Hawkes; 30Jun77; A?16525.
AF16526. Public and private pensions in Canada: an economic analysis. By James E. Pesando & Samuel A. Bea, Jr. Canada. 185 p. © Ontario Economic Council; 11Sep77; AF16526.
AF16527. Der Baer, der ein Baer bleiben wollte. By Joerq Mueller fi Joerq Steiner, aus dem Amerikanischen nach- & umerzaehlt von Joerq Steiner. Switzerland. 1 v. Nach einer Idee von Frank Tashlin. Appl. au: Sauerlaender, A.G., employer for hire. NM: illus. , text 6 adaptation. Sauerlaender, A.G. ; 1Mar76; AF16527.
AF16528. English literary hands from Chaucer to Dryden. By Anthony Gaetauo Petti. Great Britain. 133 p. English 6 Middle English. NM: editorial selection & compilation of prev. pub. mss. plus new text. 9 Anthony G. Petti; 12Jul77; AF16528.
AF16529. Paris. By Budolph chelminski 6 the editors of Time-Life Books, photos, by Raqhubir Singh. The Netherlands. 200 p. (The Great cities) Appl. au: Time-Life International, Ltd., employer for hire. e Time-Life International (Nederland) B.V.; 11Apr77; AF16529.
AP06530. The Owl and the pussy-cat. By Edward Lear, illustrated by Gwen Fulton. Enqland. 1 v. 8 on illus.; Gwen Fulton; 15Sep77; AF16530.
AF16531. One old Oxford ox. By Nicola Bayley. Enqland. 1 v. @ on illus. ; Nicola Bayley; 22Sep77; AF16531.
AF16532. Studies in social and political theory. By Anthony Giddens. England. 116 p. NM: additions 6 minor revisions. Anthony Giddens; 30Auq77; AF16532.
AF16533. The Sunday hangman. By James Mcclure. Great Britain. 251 p. Appl. au: Sabensa Gakulu, Ltd. O Sabensa Gakulu, Ltd.; 21JU177; AF16533.
AF16531. Elementary dressage. By E- L. V. Ffrench Blake, illustrator: Richard scollins. Enqland. 75 p. S B. I. V. Ffrench Blake; 9Dec76; AF16531.
AF16535. ANGRA Berechnung von Anschlussstel- lengradienten; Lizenzprogramm, Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch. Programm-Nr. 5788-DPZ. France, 62 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- qsproqramm SAP) 6 IBM Deutschland, G.M.B. a.; 8Nov76; AF16535.
AF16536. ANGEA Berechnung von Anschlussstel- lengradienten; Lizenzprogramm, System- handbuch. Programm-Sr. 57a8-DFZ. France. 57 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) a IBM Deutschland^ G.M.B. H.; 8l)o»76; AF16536.
AF16537. Combat aircraft of Rorld Rar Two. Compiled by Elke c. Heal, col. plates by John A. Heal, line drawings by Richard F. Barker. England. 238 p. Q Lionel Leventhal, Ltd.; 27Sep77; AF16537.
AF16538. Happy and glorious: six reigns of royal photography. Edited by Colin Ford. England. 136 p. Appl. au: John Hayes. NM: new text G compilation of illus. Q The Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery; 21Mar77; AF46538.
AF16539. The Complete guide to total fitness. By Jan Percival, Lloyd Percival 6 Joe H. Taylor, Illus.: Helen Fox & photography: Harold Uhyte. Canada. 224 p. © Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 8Aug77; AF46539.
AF16540. Knowledge and ignorance in economics. By Terence Hilnot Hutchison. Great Britain. 186 p. S Basil Blackwell; 15Aug77; AF16510.
AF16511. Inflation, exchange rates and the world economy: lectures on international 3ionetary economics. By iarner Max Corden. Great Britain. 160 p. H. M. Corden; 2Aug77; AF46541.
AF46542. Applicational grammar as a semantic theory of natural language. By Sebastian Konstantinovich Shaumyan, translated by J. E. Miller. Great Britain. 181 p. NM: translation. 9 S. K. Shaumyan; 1SAug77; AF16512.
AF16513. Fundamentos christianos. By Gerald B. Stanton, version espanola: Pablo Martinez Vila. Spain. 194 p. Prev. pub. as Christian foundations. NM: Spanish translation. O Outreach, Inc.; 7May77; AF46513.
AF46514. The Biological roles of fluorides: friend or foe. By Brian Joseph Kruger. Australia. 27 p. © Dniversity of Queensland Press; 25Nov76; AF46514.
APIS515, The Burden of the public debt. By Augustus Hilliam Hooke. Australia. 118 p. © Oniversity of Queensland Press; 25NOV76 (in notice: 1975) ; AF16545.
AF46516. The Government of Tasmania. By Bilfred Asquith Townsley. Australia. 169 p. 9 Oniversity of Queensland Press; 18NOV76; AF46516.
AF16517. The Bothie. By Arthur Hugh Clough, the text of 1848 edited by Patrick Greig Scott. Australia. 1 v. 9 on introd. 6 notes; Oniversity of Queensland Press; 27NOV76; AF46547.
AF46548. Sir Matthew Nathan: British colonial governor and civil servant. By Anthony Peter Haydon. Australia. 280 p. 9 Oniversity of Queensland Press; 22NOV76; AF16518.
AF46519. Secrets et vertus des plantes medi- cinales, France. 463 p. © Selection du Bender's Digest, S.A.; 28Feb77; AF46519.
AF16550. Building a bar (and other rec room built-ins) By George Dalgleish. Canada. »P«6550 (con.) 80 p. George Dalgleish Enterprises, Ltd.: Ijun77: »Fa6550.
4P46551. Buildinc a rec room. By George Dalgleish. 2Dd ed. Canada. 80 p. George Dalgleish Enterprises, Ltd. & George Dalgleish: 120ct76: AF465S1.
iF46552. Javaharlal Nehru: a biography. Vol. 1: 1889-1917. By Sarvepalli Gopal. Great Britain. 398 p. C Sarvepalli Gopal; 19Rar76 (in notice: 197S): AF46552.
»FI)6553. Operating procedures guide: IBH 3774 and 3775, BPQ 7S0119 and BPQ 7S0148, 1017 paper tape reader attachnent to 3774. Denaark. Folder. (IBM technical neHsletter. no. GN19-6308) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. Nfl: revisions to update. International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH Corporation: 10»ug77; »F46553.
»F46S54. Operating procedures guide: IBH 3774 and 3775, coBmunication terninals, HPQs 7S0147 and 7S0148. 1018 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 3 p. (IBH technical neHsletter. no. GN 19-6307) Appl. au: IBH Sveden. NH: revisions to update. International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH Corporation; 10iug77; »F46554.
iF46555. IBH 3750 snitching systea supervisor's reference aanual. Denmarlc. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN 11-8234) tppl. au: IBH France. NH: revisions to update. International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH Corporation: 3iug77: »F46555.
iF46556. IBH systeB/32 Icelandic keyboard display operator's guide HPQ 8T0177. Denaark. 11 p. »dd. ti: IBH system/32 RPQ BT0177, operating information. Appl. au: IBH Canada. Ltd. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 24Jun77; AF46556.
iF46557. CICS DOS/VS Bestart-Boutinen und Standards; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Hr. 5788-DKP. Prance. 48 p. (Spezielles Anvendungsprograma SAP) O IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 13Jun77; AF46557.
AF46558. Das Autoaatlsche Archiv Siaultanes Datentraeger-steuerprograaa; Lizenz- programa Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DaL. France. 62 p. (Spezielles Anvendungsprograam SAP) IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.: 20Jun77 (in notice: 19761; AF46558.
AF46559. Das Autoaatlsche Archiv Siaultanes Datentraeger-steuerprograaa; Lizenz- programm Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Prograam-Nr. 57e8-DHL. France. 83 p. (Spezielles Anvendungsprograam SAP) NH: revisions to update. IBH Deutschland. G.H.B.H. : 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF46559.
AF46560. CICS DOS/VS Bestart-Boutinen und Standards; Lizenzprograam Prograaa- /Bedienerhandbuch Programa-Nr. 5788-DKP. Prance. 140 p. (Spezielles Anvendun- gsprograaa SAP) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 13Jun77; AF46560.
AF46561. IBH planning, control and decision evaluation systea (PLANCODE) PLANCO- DE/standard prograa product, 5740-119 (OS/VS) 5746-IXA (DOS/VS) ; education guide. Denaark. 206 p. Add. ti: IBH PLANCODE/s education guide. Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation; 5Aug77: AF46561.
AP46562. People of the valley. By George J. Bullied. Canada. 230 p. George J. Bullied: 1Dec76: AF46562.
AF46563. Tibetan sacred art; the heritage of Tantra. By Detief Ingo Lauf. translated into English by Evald Osers, pref. by Hichael A. F. Halcolm. Great Britain. 228 p. Appl. au: Herbert V. Guenther. originally pub. in German. NH: tran- slation !, introd. Shanbhala Publi- cations, Inc.; 1Nov76; AP46563.
AF46564. From pasta to pavlova: a comparative study of Italian settlers in Sydney and Griffith. By Bina Buber. Australia. 270 p. (Studies in society and culture) University of Queensland Press; 25Apr77: AF46564.
iF46565. Delinguency in Australia: a critical appraisal. Edited by Paul fiichard iilson. Australia. 259 p. O University of Queensland Press; 25Apr77; AF46565.
AF46566. Germany in the Pacific and Far East, 1870-1914. Edited by John Anthony Hoses 6 Paul Michael Kennedy. Australia. 417 p. University of Queensland Press; 28Feb77; AF46566.
AF46567. Australians in America, 1876-1976. Edited with an introd. by John Bammond Hoore. Australia. 331 p. University of Queensland Press; 21Har77; AF46567.
AF46568. Indonesia: selected documents on colonialisB and nationalism. 1830-1942. Edited 6 translated by Christiaan Lambert Haria Fenders. Australia. 367 p. christiaan Lambert Haria Penders; 21Har77; 4P46568.
AF46569. Identifying grasses: data, methods and illustrations. By Harold Trevor Clifford & Leslie Uatson. Australia. 146 p. O University of Queensland Press; 28Har77; AF45569.
AF46570. tiater purification in the EEC: a state-of-the-art review. A report prepared for the Directorate-General for Besearch, Science and Education & the Environment and Consumer Protection Service of the Commission of the European Communities by the Hater Besearch Centre. Great Britain. 467 p. Appl. au: J. Hallopeau, S. Hyers & Pergamon Press, Ltd., eaployer for hire of editor. European Coal and Steel Coamunity, European Economic Coaaunity & European Atoaic Energy Community (in notice; ^CSC. EEC, 6 EAEC) ; 8Aug77; AF46570.
AP46571. Housekeeping management control aanual. Prepared by John Crysler. Canada. 1 v. John Crysler; 8Har76; AF46S71.
AF46572. The Realm of the extra-human: ideas and actions. Editor: Agehananda Bharati. The Netherlands. 521 p. (Norld anthropology) Appl. au: Ninth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company: 150ec76; AF46572.
AF46 573. The aealm of the extra-human: agents and audiences. Editor: Agehananda Bharati. The Netherlands. 556 p. (Borld anthropology) Appl. au: Ninth Inter- national Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company; 15Dec76; AF46573.
AP46574. Popular participation in social change: cooperatives, collectives and nationalized industry. Editors: June Nash, Jorge Dandier 6 Nicholas s. Hopkins. The Netherlands. 621 p. (Borld anthropology) Appl. an: Ninth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Houton and Company; 150ec76; AF46574.
AF46 575. Origins of African plant domestication. Editors: Jack B. Barlan, Jan H. J. De let e Ann B. L. Stealer. The Netherlands. 498 p. (Borld anthropology) Appl. au: Ninth International Congress of Ant- hropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company; 6Jan77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46575.
AF46575. Bestern expansion and indigenous peoples; the heritage of Las Casas. Editor: Ellas Sevilla-Casas. The Netherlands. 307 p. (Borld anthropology) Appl. au: Ninth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company; 21Har77: AF46S76.
AF46577. Changing identities in modern Southeast Asia. Editor: David J. Banks. The Netherlands. 357 p. (Borld anthropology) Appl. au: Ninth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company; 21Har77 (in notice: 1976); AF46577.
AF46578. Orofacial growth and development. Editors: Albert A. Oahlberg G Thomas H. Graber. The Netherlands. 354 p. (Borld anthropology) Appl. au; Ninth Inter- national Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. O Houton and Company: 21Har77; AF46578.
AF46579. Godard: three film scripts. By Jean-Luc Godard, introd. by Alistair Bhyte. Great Britain. 192 p. Appl. au: Lorrimer Publishing, Ltd. original screenplays entitled: Deux ou trois choses gue je sais d'elle, pub. 19616 6 others. NH: introd., compilation of photos. & translation. O Lorriaer Publishing, Ltd.; 25Jul75; AF45579.
AF465S0. Tanaquil; or. The Hardest thing of all. By Donald Hindham. Italy. 305 p. O Donald Bindham; 310ct72: AFU6580.
AF46581. IBH 3770 data communication system, system components BPQs 7S0147 and 750148, 1013 paper tape punch attachment to 3774. Denmark. 3 p. (IBH technical newsletter, no. GN 19-6309) Appl. au: IBH Sweden. NH: revisions E updating. O International Business Hachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachines Cor- poration) ; 10Aug77; AF45581.
AF465e2. IBH 1255/1270 HICB/OCB reader/sorter BPQ 7B0268 attachment to the IBH 3602 finance coBBunication controller operating guide; prograa no. 5799-HKC (DOS/VS) , 5799-BKD (OS/VS) Denmark. 27 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. O International Business Hachines Corporation; 3Aug77; AF46582. &Flt6583. Terminal business systea/»S to IHS/VS conversion quide. Denmark. 43 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBB Dnited Kingdom, Ltd. e International Business Hachines Corporation; 5Auq77 ; &FI46583.
iFiesait. IBH sTstem/370 online routing logic manual: program no. 5746-XXP. Denmark. 107 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. International Business Machines Corporation: 27Jul77; AFit658H.
AFI»6585. IBM 3600 finance communication system multiple language display BPQ 7B0040 for 361U consumer transaction facility reference manual; program no. 5799 WKF DOS/VS, 5799 HJZ OS/VS, 36 It with controller data version 3, 3600 host support IB 2.0 £ IB 3.0. 2nd ed. Denmark. 37 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. 6 International Business Machines Corporation; 22Jul77: &Fit6585.
AFit6586. IBH system/370 planning, control, and decision evaluation system/standard (PLANCODE/S) program reference manual; program no. 57U0-XX9 (OS/VS), 57«6-XXA (DOS/VS) Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. S1119-1087) Appl. au: liM France. NB: revisions 6 updating, e International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 15JU177; AFa6586.
&Flt6587. IBM 3600 finance communication system: 5926-B03 optical scanner reference manual; BPQs 7B0215 E 7B018i». Denmark. 15 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBH Germany. © International Business Machines Corporation: 2»Jun77; AFH65B7.
AF116588. 3602 finance communication controller models 1A and IB maintenance information supplement for 2400 BPS remote loop (BPQ 7F0035) Japan. 1 v. (IBM maintenance library) Add. ti: IBM 3602 finance communication controller models 1A and IB maintenance information supplement for 2400 BPS remote loop (BPQ 7F0035) 6 IBM Japan, Ltd.: 30Jun77: AF46588.
AFII6589. IBM system/32 Hebren keyboard display operator's guide BPQ 8T0173. Denmark. 11 p. Add. tl: IBH system/32 BPQ 8T0173 operating information. Appl- au: IBM Canada, Ltd. 6 International Business Hachines corporation; 23Jun77; iF46589.
AF46590. IBM 3770 data communication system, system components BPQ 7S0119 and BPQ 7S0148, 1017 paper tape reader attachment to 3774. Denmark. 7 p. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN19-6310) Appl. au: IBM Sweden. NH: revisions 6 updating, e International Business Machines corporation: 10Aug77: AF46S90.
AF46591. VS personal computing PL/1 language reference manual: program no. 5785-EAB. Denmark. 170 p. (International field program) Appl. au: IBH Onited Kingdom, Ltd. e International Business Hachines corporation; 8Jul77; AF46591.
AF46592. Jane's adventures in a balloon. By Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy, illustrated by Nicolas Hill. Great Britain. 224 p. e on text; Jonathan Gathorne-Hardy; 6Mar75; AF46592.
AF46593. A Picture guide to chess. By Paul Langfield. Great Britain. 48 p. 6 Paul langfield: 210ct76; AF46593.
AF46594. Adult education ii> developing countries. BY Edwin Keith Townsend Coles. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 199 p. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 27Jun77; AF46594.
AF46595. Citizen participaton in planning. By Michael Fagence. Great Britain. 379 p. Michael Fagence: 27Jun77; AF46595.
AF46596. Elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication; SI ed. By D. Dowson, G. E. Higginson, chap. 9 8 10 by J. F. Archard £ A. ». Crook. Great Britain. 235 p. (International series on materials science and technology, vol. 23) NB: additions, e Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 7JU177; AF46596.
AF46597. Planning and the rural environment. By Joan Davidson 6 Gerald P. Bibberley. Great Britain. 227 p. 8 J. Davidson E G. p. Hibberley; 27Jun77; AF46597.
AF46598. Guided weapon control systems. By P. Garnell £ D. J. East. Great Britain. 282 p. e P. Garnell E D. J. East; 11Jun77; AF46598.
AF46599. Ihinklab 2. By K. J. Heber, line drawings by Lubomir Fiser, illus. by Derek Carter. Canada. Kit. 9 Science Besearch Associates (Canada) Ltd.; 15Aug77; AP46599.
AF46600. Austerlitz 1805. By Christopher Duffy. Great Britain. 194 p. 9 Christopher Duffy; 12Sep77; AF46600.
AF46601. 'Boney' Fuller: the intellectual general, 1878-1966. By Anthony John Trythail. Great Britain. 314 p. e Anthony John Trythail; 28Jul77; AF46601.
AF46&02. Congenital malformations of the heart and great vessels: synopsis of pathology, embryology and natural history. By Bans Bankl. Best Germany. 263 p. Orban and Schwarzenberg, Inc.; 15Aug77; AF46602.
AF46603. The Diplomats: the Foreign Office today. By Geoffrey Hoorhouse. Great Britain. 405 p. Geoffrey Hoorhouse; 26May77; AF46603.
AF466a4. Structure reports: 60-year structure index, 1913-1973. A.: metals and inorganic compounds. Edited by J. Trotter with the assistance of C. A. Bear, J. M. Bree fi S. J. Bettig. The Netherlands. 229 p. e International Onion of Crystallography; 30Sep76; iF46604.
&F46605. Handbuch des Geigenunterrichts. By Otto Szende mit einem Vorwort von Mai Bostal. Best Germany. 269 p. O Institute of Stringed Instruments Guitar and Lute; 15Jan77; AF46605.
AF466a6. HiPi of Switzerland. Switzerland. 1 v. German. Appl. au: Lenco, A.G. Lenco; 1Sep77; AF46606.
AF46607. Journey of a lifetime. By Bob Langley (Eobert Langley) Great Britain. (In The Sunday express, London, August 28, 1977, p. 7-9) e Bob Langley; 28Aug77; AF46607.
AF46608. The Angry tide; a novel of Cornwall, 1798-9. By Binston Graham. England. 508 p. e Winston Graham; 29Sep77; AF46608.
aF46609. The Night before Christmas. By clement Clarke Hoore, illustrated by Elisa Trimby. England. 1 v. O on illus; Elisa Trimby; 30Sep77; AF46609.
AF46610. Bhat-a-mess. By Prank Huir, illustrated by Joseph Bright. England. 30 p. O on text; Frank Huir; 30Sep77; AF46610.
AF46611. Bhat-a-mess. By Frank Huir, • illustrated by Joseph Bright. England. 30 p. on illus.; Joseph Bright; 30Sep77; AF46611.
AF46612. 3750 switching system operational program logic. Denmark. 1 v. (IBH technical newsletter, no. SN1 1-8237) Appl. au: IBH France. NH: revisions. & International Business Hachines Corporation a.d.: IBB Corporation; 18JU177; AF46612.
AF46613. IBH 3600 finance communication system multiple language display BPQ 7B0040 for 3614 consumer transaction facility programmer's guide supplement; 3614 with controller data version 3, 3600 host support IE2.0 and IE3. 0, program no. 5799 BKF DOS/VS, 5799 BJZ OS/VS. 2nd ed. Denmark. 11 p. (Systems) Appl. au: IBM Germany. 6 International Business Hachines Corporation; 22Jul77; AF46613.
AF46614. IBB system/370 online routing; general information manual, program no. 5746-XXP. Denmark. 37 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH Germany. S International Business Machines Corporation; 27Jul77; AF46614.
AF46615. 3750 switching system; installation manual, physical planning. 7th ed. Denmark. 1 v. Appl. au: IBH France. e International Business Machines Corporation; 20Jul77; AFa6615.
AF46616. IBH system/370 DOS/VS strategy evaluator and planning system-production (steps- -production; operations guide, program no. 5746-XX2. 2nd ed. Denmark. 86 p. (Program product) Appl. au: IBH France. © International Business Hachines Corporation; 15Jun77; AF46616.
AF46617. Programmerstellung und -pflege mit Datensichtgeraet IBM 3270 am IBM system /3; Lizenzprogramm Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DHC. West Germany. 33 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) e IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Dec76; &F46617.
AF46618. BEFA Berkstattfakturierung im Kfz- Betrieb mit dem System IBH 3740; Lizenzprogramm Proqramm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DCQ. Best Germany. 123 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) e IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Bar75; &F46618.
AF46619. /3 Class; Lizenzprogramm Programm- /Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788t-DBP. Best Germany. 91 p. (Spezielles iF46619 (con.) »a»endQnqsproqraiiiiii SAP) e IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 150ct75: iPU6619.
AFlt6620. Proqranoerstellunq und -pfleqe lit Datensichtqeraet IBS 3270 am IBS Systea /3; Lizenzproqramn ProqraBB-/Bed iener- handbuch ProqraBm-Nc. 57BB-DHC. Sest Gernanv. 105 p. (Spezielles Annen- dunqsproqraBB SAP) © IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 15Dec76; AFlt6620.
AFU6621. IBH 3600 finance coBiunication systen 3619 adBinistrative terninal printer models A01, B01, B02, and B03 BPQ reference manual; proqram no. 5799-BKP <DOS/VS) , 5799-iKF (OS/VS) . 3rd ed. DenBark. 76 p. (SysteBS) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. O International Business Machines Corporation; 12»uq77: AF«6621.
AFlt6622. IBS system /370 coBBUnication oriented messaqe system (Coraes) ; qeneral inforBation manual, proqram no. 57t6-XXH. Denmarll. 31 p. (Proqram product) Appl. an: IBB Germany. C International Business Sachines Corporation; 1 1Auq77; AFt6622.
AFlt6623. IBS system/370 planninq. control, and decision eyaluation systeB (Plancode) ; qeneral information manual, proqram product 5740-IX8 (Plancode/I OS/VS), 57U6-XI9 (Plancode/I DOS/VS) , 5710-1X9 (Plancode/S OS/VS, 57U6-XXA (Plancode/S DOS/VS). nth ed. Denmarlt. 52 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB France. 6 International Business Bachines corporation: 17Jun77; APlt6623.
AF<t662U. IBB system /370 communication oriented messaqe system (Cormes) ; user's guides, proqram no. 5716-XXB. DenBarfc. 109 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB GerBany. © International Business Bachines Corporation: 11Auq77: AF»662it.
AFIt6625. 5230 data collection systeB in/out clockinq RPQ X95797: user's quide. Denmark. 6 p. Appl. au: IBB Sweden. e International Business Bachines Corporat 16Jun77: AFIt6625.
6FU6626. IMS/7S DB/DC information manaqement system/virtual storaqe data base/data communication system. Denmark. 32 p. S sheets (33 p.) Appl. au: IBB France. e International Business Bachines Corporation a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation) : 13Jun77: AFit6626.
AFH6627. IBM system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant schedulinq system (CPPS-DOS/VS) ; proqram reference manual, proqramainq KPQ 7S-0 150, proqram no. 5799-AIIJ. Denmark. 1 V. (IBB technical newsletter, no. SN 19-1090) Appl. au: IBB France. NB: reyisions. C International Business Bachines Corporation a.d.: IBB Corpo- ration; 8Auq77; AFlt6627.
AFI46628. IBM systeB/370 strateqy evaluator and planning system- production (steps- production): proqraB reference aanual, proqram no. 57t6-XX2 (DOS/VS) , 57U0-XXB (OS/VS). Denaark. 1 ». (IBH technical newsletter, no. sm9-1089) Appl. au: IBB France. NB: reyisions. © International Business Bachines Corporation a.d.: IBS corporation: 8Auq77: AF46628.
AF1I6629. IBB system/370 coamunication oriented messaqe systea (Cormes) ; proqram reference manual, proqram no. 57it6-XXa. Denmark. 11(1 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBS Germany. S International Business Bachines Corporation; 11Auq77: AFH6629.
AFlt6630. 5986-B03 document inscriber adapter BPQ 7B0U1'I maintenance information. 2nd ed. Denmark. 1 v. Appl. au: IBB Geraany. O International Business Bachines corporation; 17Auq77; AF46630.
AFlt6631. Heredity and environaent. Edited by A. H. Halsey. Enqland. 337 p. KB: introd. t compilation. Methuen and Company, Ltd.; 9Jun77; AF46631.
AF16633. The Royal road of the Inca. By Victor Rolfqanq Von Haqen. Enqland. 200 p. Appl. states entire contents new excluding quotations from primary sources £ pictorial matter. O Victor B. Von Haqen; 1Sep76; AFlt6633.
AF1663U. Source proqram maintenance — online, version 2 (SPH 2) slide presentation script. Denmark. 10 p. £ 11 slides in box. Add. ti: Slide set presentation. Appl. au: IBB France. © International Business Bachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH corporation; 12Aug77; AF4663a.
AFU6635. Time sharing option (TSO) slide presentation script. Denmark. 22 p. £ 20 slides in box. Add. ti: Slide set presentation. Appl. au: IBH France. © International Business Machines Corporation alternate designation: IBH Corporation: 12Aug77: AF46635.
AFlt6636. Vfl/370 conversational monitor system (CHS) slide presentation script. Denmark. 18 p. £ 20 slides in box. Add. ti: Slide set presentation. Appl. au: IBH France. © International Business Bachines Corporation alternate designation: IBB Corporation: 12Aug77; AFit6636.
AFa6637. APL — a productivity tool; slide presentation script. Denaark- 26 p. £ 20 slides in box. Add. ti: slide set presentation. Appl. au: IBH France. © International Business Bachines Corporation alternate designation: IBH corporation; 12Auq77; AF46637.
4Flt6638. Interactive computing: slide presen- tation script. Denmaclc. 23 p. 8 20 slides in box. Add. ti: Slide set presentation. Appl. au: IBH France, e International Business Bachines corporation alternate designation: IBM Corporation; 12Aug77; AF16638.
AF«6639. Eendezvous with danger. By Bargaret Pemberton, edited by Lesley Saxby. England. 164 p. © Margaret Pemberton; 23Jan7lt; AF1I6639.
AF4 6640. Pireplay. By Hillram iingate, pseud, of Eonald Grbich. England. 238 p. © lilliam Hinqate (Ronald Grbich) ; 11JU177: AF45640.
AF46641. Rover's regatta day. By Sam Smith. Enqland. 30 p. © Sam Smith; 30Sep77; AF46641.
AF46642. The Penguin dictionary of decorative arts. By John Pleminq £ Huqh Honour. Great Britain. 896 p. © John Fleming £ Huqh Honour; 2Jun77; ir»6642.
AF46643. Dual-carrier families re-examined: new integrations of work and faaily. By Bhona Rapoport £ Robert N. Rapoport. Great Britain. 382 p. Bhona Bapoport 6 Robert H. Rapoport; 280ct76; AF46643.
AF46644. Reason, ridicule and religion: the age of enlightenaent in England, 1660-1750. By John Alan Redwood. Great Britain. 287 p. © Thaaes and Hudson; 27Sep76; AF46644.
AF46645. The Duchess of Duke Street. Book 1: The Bay up. By Bollie Bardwick. England. 186 p. Based on the 1st 5 episodes of the BBC Television series. NB: novelization. © Sollie Bardwick; 16Sep76; AP46645.
AF46646. Lord President of the council and leader of the House of Coamons, 1966-68. By Richard Howard Stafford crossman. England. 851 p. (The Diaries of a cabinet minister, vol. 2) © Estate of R. H. S. Crossman; 1Nov76; AF46646.
AF46647. Schnittstelle KDBS-IBS/VS; Lizenz- programa Systeahandbuch Prograaa-Nr- 5788-DKT. France. 20 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsprograam SAP) © IBM Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AP46647.
AF46648. IFB-Systemprogramm: das On-line- Systeaprograam der IFB; Lizenzprograaa Systeahandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DLH. France. 9 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- gsprogramm SAP) © IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H. ; 20Jun77; AP46648.
AF46649. IFB-SysteaprograBB: das On-line- Systemprogramm der IFB; Lizenzprogramm ProqraBB-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DLH. France. 16 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBS Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 20Jun.77: AF46649.
AF46650. Schnittstelle KDBS-IHS/VS; Lizenz- prograaa PrograoB-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKT. France. 43 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) © IBH Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46650.
AF46651. Exciting things to do with colour. Britten £ illustrated by Janet Allen. Great Britain. 45 p. (Boodpecker craft-books, 3) © Harshall Cavendish, Ltd.; 4Bar77; AF46651.
AF46652. Exciting things to make with paper. Editor: Ruth Thomson, illustrated by Carol Lawson. Great Britain. 45 p. (Boodpecker craft-books, 1) © Sarshall Cavendish, Ltd.; 4Har77; AF46652.
AF46653. Exciting things to make with wool, string and thread. Text: Bosalind Bay 6 Sheila Brull, illustrated by Victoria Drew. Great Britain. 45 p. (Boodpecker craft-books, 2) © Marshall Cavendish, Ltd.; 4Bar77; AP46653.
AF46654. Exciting things to do with nature. Britten by Judy Allen, illustrated by Barbara Firth. Great Britain. 43 p. (Boodpecker craft-books, 4) Sarsnall Cavendish, Ltd.; 4Sar77; AF46654. SF»6655. Kenya: a holiday guide. By Michael Tomkinson. Dnited KingdoB. 96 p. Add. ti: Kenya: a vacation guide. S Michael ToBkinson: 26Jul72 (in notice: 1973) ; AFteeSS.
AF46e56. The coapanion guide to London. By David Piper. Dnited Kingdom. 478 p. 6 David Piper: 23NOV64: AF46656.
AF116657. Stickereien in Bauernstuben: alte Kreuzstichmuster aus Bauernhaeusern und Museen. By Irmqard Gierl. West GerBany. 162 p. e Eosenheiaer Verlagshaus, Alfred Foerg: 31Dec73: AF16657.
AP46658. Bemessungsverf ahren und besondere Baueweisen. Hrsq. von Bruno Hehner, peter Siedek 6 Karl-Heinz Schulze. Best Germany. 398 p. (Handbuch des Stras- senbaus, Bd. 3) Appl. an: Alois Althaamer. Springer- Verlag; 16Jnn77; AF4e6S8.
AFt6659. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. B. 45.: Borverbindunqen. T. 14: Bor-Basserstof f-verbindungen 1. Eedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Niedenzu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 310 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische chemie, employer for hire, e Springer-verlag; 8Jul77; AF46659.
AF4e6eO. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie: achte Aufl. und Erqaenzungsiierk. Index, foraula index, vol. 6: C13-C23. Hauptredakteur: Rudolf iarncke, Bear- beiter: Eamona Becker, Helga Hartniq, Herbert Koeppe, Hans Tanecek, Paul Velic, Rudolf Bamcke 6 Anna Zelle. Best Germany. 282 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. Springer-Verlaq; 31May77; AF46660.
AF46661. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd.44: Borverbindungen. T. 13: Bor- sauerstof f-Verbindunqen 1. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Gert Heller 6 Anton Heller, Bedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Biedeazu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Geraany. 239 p. Appl. an: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische chemie, employer for hire. 9 Springei^Verlag; 31Bay77: AF46661.
AF46662. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 43: Borverbindunqen. T. 12: carborane 4. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Ingeborg Von Uilucki, Bedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Niedenzu 6 Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 306 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire, e Springer-verlag; 29Apr77: AP46662.
AF46663. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie: achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Hr. 55: Oran, Erqaenzungsband. T. CI. Hauptredakteur: Budolf Keim 6 other editors. Best Germany. 206 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions e additional material. e Sprinqei^verlag; 29Jul77; AF46663.
AF46664. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie: achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Mr. 51: Protactinium, Erqaen- zungsband 1. Hedakteur: Karl-Christian Buschbeck. Bit 108 Figuren, 9 Farbtafeln S eineo Farbbild von Cornelius Keller. Best Germany. 297 p. English 6 German. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NM: editorial revisions C additional material. e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 2»Jun77; AF46664.
AF46665. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie: achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Nr. 56: Mangan. T. C4: Verbin- dungen des Manqans mit Fluor. Haup- tredakteur: Hartmut Katscher 6 other editors. Best Germany. 273 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. NH: editorial revisions G additional material, e Sprinqer-Verlaq; 30Jun77; AF46665.
AF46666. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie. System Nr. 14: Kohlenstoff. T. D5. Chief editor: Dieter Koschel 6 other editors. 8. voellig neu bearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 237 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische chemie, employer for hire. 6 Springer-Terlag; 18JU177: AF46666.
AF46667. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie. System Nr. 46: Zinn. T. C5. chief editor: Edith Schleitzer-Eust, editors: Helga Demmer 8 Edith Schleitzer- Rust. 8. voellig neu bearb. Aufl. Best Germany. 246 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. S Springer-verlag; 29JU177: AF46667.
AF46668. Haqers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis fuer Apotheker, Arzneioittel- hersteller, Aerzte und Medizinalbeamte. 6. Bd. : Chemikalien und Droqen. T. A. Beqonnen von Balther Kern, hrsq. in Gemeinscbaft mit H. J. Both 6 B. Schmid von Paul Heinz List 6 Ludwiq Hoerhammer. Volstaendiqe (4.) Neuausqabe. Best Germany. 1024 p. Appl. au: Brigitte Buehlenbruch. 6 Springer-Verlaq; 15Aug77: AF46668.
&F46669. Baqnetische Eiqenschaf ten freier Badikale. T. A. By C. Daul 6 others, Herausqeber: H. Fischer 6 K.-H. Hellwege. Best Germany. 339 p. (Landolt-Boernstein numerical data and functional relation- ships in science and technoloqy, new ser. , group 2, vol. 9) (Landolt-Boernstein Zahleniierte und Funktionen aus Natur- Hissenschaften und Technik, neue ser., Gruppe 2, Bd. 9) Add. ti: Magnetic properties of free radicals. German S English. Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlaq, employer for hire. O Springer-Verlaq; 15JU177; AF46669.
AF46670. 1066: the year of the conquest. By David Howarth, illus. to chapter headings by Gareth Floyd. United Kingdom. 207 p. NM: all text by David Howarth. 6 David Howarth; 1Sep77; AF46670.
AF46671. Mirror, mirror. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. 6 on text; Leon Garfield: 24!lay76: AF46671.
AF46672. Mirror, mirror. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. on illus.; Antony Maitland; 24May76; AF46672.
AF46673. MOSS and Blister. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jagues. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. 6 on text; Leon Garfield; 15Nov76; AF46673.
AF46674. Moss and Blister. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jagues. Onited Kinqdom. 47 p. on illus.; Faith Jaques; 15Nov76; AF46674.
AF46675. The Cloak. By Leon Garfield, illus- trated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. e on text; Leon Garfield; 15NOV76; AF46675.
AF46676. The Cloak. By Leon Garfield, illus- trated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kinqdom. 46 p. e on illus.; Faith Jaques; 15NOV76; AP46676.
AF46677. The Valentine. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jagues. Onited Kinqdom. 46 p. © on text; Leon Garfield; 18Apr77; AF46677.
AF46678. The Valentine. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. e on illus.; Faith Jaques; 18Apr77; AF46678.
AF46679. Labour in vain. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. e on text; Leon Garfield: 18Apr77; AF46679.
AF46680. Labour in vain. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. O on illus. ; Faith Jaques; 18Apr77; AF46680.
AF46681. Blue blood will out. By Tim HeSld. England. 205 p. O Tim Heald; 19Aug74: AF46681.
AF46682. Instead of the trees: a final chapter of autobiography. By J. B. Priestley England. 151 p. J. B. Priestley; 3NOV76 (in notice: 1977) ; AF46682.
AF46683. Book auction records. Vol. 73, Aug. 1975-July 1976. Editor: Bendy Y. Heath. England. 421 p. 6 Billiam Dawson and Sons. Ltd.; 19JU177; AF46683.
AF46684. Kinetics of drug action. Editor: Jacques a. Van Bossum. Best Germany. 436 p. (Handbook of experimental pharma- coloqy, vol. 47) (Handbuch der expe- rimentellen Pharmakoloqie, vol. 47) Appl. au: Sprinqer-Verlaq. employer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 29Jul77; AF46684.
AF46685. Thermische Turbomaschinen. Bd. 1: thermodynamisch-stroemungstechnische Berechnung. By Baiter Iraupel. 3., neubearb. 6 emeiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 579 p. Springer-Verlaq; 3Aug77; AF46685.
AF46686. Second homes: curse or blessing? Edited by John Terence Coppock. Great Britain. 229 p. Appl. au: B. I. Wolfe £ C. L. Bielckus; Perqamon Press, employer for hire of editor. NM: compilation. 6 J. T. coppock; 22Aug77;. AF46686.
AF46687. A History of the principles of librarianship. By James Thompson. Great Britain. 236 p. James Thompson; 12Sep77; AF46687.
APO6688 Electronica biometrica. By Bruno Galli. AF46688 (con.) Italy. 279 p. e Ess ti Editori; 2iFeb77: AFiteeas.
AF146689. Fracoes. Onidade 3. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Nemours and CoDpany, Applied Technology Dlyision £ Ser»ico de Pessoal, Dlvisao de Planeianento e EstQdos Pedaqoqicos. Brazil. 31 p. (Kateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coipany. NH: translation of English version. O E. X. DuPont De Neaours and COupany; 31llar77; AF46689.
AFU6690. Fracoes. Onidade t. Issued b y E. I. DuFoDt De Nemours and COBpany, Applied Technology Division £ Servico de Fessoal, Divisao de Planelanento e Estudos Pedaqoqicos. Brazil. 33 p. (Hateaatica na industria. pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coapanv. MB: tranlsation of English verson. C E. I. DuPont De Menours and CoBpany; 31Har77: AFU6690.
AF116691. Fracoes. Unidade 1. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Neoours and Cospany, Applied Techaoloqy Dlyision 6 Servico de Pessoal, Divisao de Planelanento e Estudos Pedaqogicos. Brazil. «8 p. (Hateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coapany. NH: translation of English version. E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany; 31Har77; AFlt6691.
AF46692. Fracoes, paineis. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany, Applied Technology Division 6 Servico de Pessoal, Divisao de Plane-jaaento e Estudos Pedaqoqicos. Brazil. 1 v. (Hateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Coipany. NH: translation of English version. 6 E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany; 31Har77: AFit6692.
AF46693. Fracoes teste. Issued by E. I. DuPont De Nemours and Company, Applied Technology Division £ Servico de Pessoal, Divisao de Planelanento e Estudos Pedagogicos. Brazil. 1 V. (Hateaatica na industria, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras Company. NH: translation of English version. E. I. DuPont De Neaours and Coapany; 31Har77; AP46693.
AFa6£9l4. Fracoes. DuPont De I Technology Divisao de Pedaqoqico: ndust: na CoBpa Company; idade 2. Issued by E. I. urs and Coapany, Applied ision £ Servico de Pessoal, Planeiaaento e Estudos s. Brazil. 31 p. (Hatematica ia, pt. 2) Appl. au: Petrobras NH: translation of English E. I. DuPont De Neaours and 31Har77: AFa6694.
AFII6695. Berlin's keep. By Hadeleine Brent. England. 368 p. NH: additional text. Souvenir Press, accepted forB of Souvenir Press, Ltd.; 60ct77; AF'45695.
AFII6696. The Suaaer of the Spanish voBan. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberg) England, nnt p. Catherine Gaskin cornberg; 100ct77: AFU6696.
AFlt6697. Babi ?ar; a docuaent in the fora of a novel. By A. Anatoli (Kaznetzov) , translated by David Floyd. England. it7 p. Add. ti: The Coaplete, uncensored Ba Yar. Appl. au: Jonathan Cape, Ltd., employer for hire of David Floyd. Prev. pub. in censored form in Tunost, 1966. NH: translation. Jonathan Cape, Ltd.; 26NOV70: AFU6697.
AFU6698. The Diary of Virginia Uoolf. Vol. 1: 1915-1919. Introduced by Quentin Bell, edited by Anne Olivier Bell. England. 356 p. 6 oo pref. £ editorial notes; Anne Olivier Bell; 26Hay77: AFi|6698.
AF't6699. The Diary of Virginia iloolf. Vol. 1: 1915-1919. Introduced by Quentin Bell, edited by Anne Olivier Bell. England. 356 p. e on introd. ; Quentin Bell; 26nay77; AFlt6699.
AFa6700. The Diary of Virginia Woolf. Vol. 1: 1915-1919. Introduced by Quentin Bell, edited by Anne Olivier Bell. England. 356 p. on diary; Quentin Bell & Angelica Gacnett; 26ilay77: Af<t6700. Green aagic: flowers, plants and herbs in lore and legend. By Lesley Gordon. Onited Kingdom. 200 p. NH: all text by Lesley Gordon, selection £ coapilation of illus. £ photos. Hebb and Bover, Ltd.; 10Oct77: AFl»6701.
AFa6702. Second time round. By Edward H. Kyall, with au introd. £ appendix by Ian Stevenson. Great Britain. 215 p. on text, soae photos. £ some maps; Edward Eyall; 20Har75 (in notice: 197«) ; AP«6702.
AFlt6703. The Best of friends. By John Aspinall. Great Britain. 159 p. O John Aspinall; 280ct76; AF1I6703.
AF46701t. The Lore of arms. By uilliam Beid. Great Britain. 280 p. Appl. au: AB Nordbok. 6 AB Nordbok; 22Sep76; »F4670lt.
AF't6705. 5788-DHL. France. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1975); APU6705.
AF46706. Family life (1855-1883) By Yvonne Kapp. Great Britain. 319 p. (Eleanor Ban, vol. 1) e Yvonne Kapp; 29Hay72; AFlt6706.
AF<t6707. Emmas foersta dag paa dagis. By Gunilla Nolde. Sweden. 1 v. Gunilla Rolde; 20Hay76; AF"16707.
AF"(6708. Emmas Lillebror aer sjuk. By Gunilla Uolde. Sweden. 1 v. Gunilla iolde; 20Hay76; AF45708.
AF«6709. Eaaa and the aeasles. By Gunilla Rolde, English text: Alison uinn. England. 1 v. O on English language translation; Alison Uinn; 28Jun76; AF'»5709.
AF46710. Eaaa's first day at nursery school. By Gunilla Rolde, English text: Alison Rinn. England. 1 v. O on English language translation; Alison Rinn; 28Jun76; APit6710.
AF146711. The Afternoon cat. Hritten E illus- trated by Pierre Le-Tan. Canada. 1 v. e Pierre Le-Tan; 7Sep77; AF«6711.
AFlt6712. Gaaaa's girl. By Lucy Ralker, pseud, of Dorothy Sanders. Great Britain. 220 p. Dorothy Sanders (pseud.: Lucy Ralker); 3QHay77; APlt6712.
APIt5713. Rilliaa Horr tionary. By E KingdoB. 825 coapilation & SI coaantic to revolu- P. Thompson. Dnited on new text, evision; B. P. Thoapson; (in notice: 1955, 1977) ;
APU67KI. The Crowded years (1884-1898) By Yvonne Kapp. Great Britain. 775 p. (Eleanor Haci, vol. 2) Yvonne Kapp; 16Dec76; APU6714.
21Apr77; By Rilliaa Bcllvanney. Great 224 p. O Rilliaa Bcllvanney; AP46715.
AP46716. Ralk rabbit walk. Story by Colin HcNaughton £ Elizabeth Attenborough, pictures by Colin HcNaughton. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. 6 on text £ illus.; Colin HcNaughton; 16aay77; AF46716.
AF46717. The Canterbury tales. By Geoffrey Chaucer, rendered into modern English by Nevill coghill. United Kingdom. 373 p. This translation first pub. 1960 £ others. NB: coapilation of English language translation £ compilation of illus. Nevill Coghill; 24Bar77; AF46717.
AP46718. Doppelf inten. Texte £ Zeichnungeo von Gabriel Lajb £ Hans-Georg Bauch. Rest Germany. 92 p. O Sowohlt laschenbuch Verlag, G.H.B.H.; 310ct75; AF46718.
3d F. Langer £ English £ r; 11Jun77; AF46719. Peter and Hanako. By Be Kiaiko Sato. Japan. 1 v. Japanese. Q Bernd P. Langer; AF46719.
AP46720. Africa south of the Sahara, 7th ed. England. 1183 p. S Publications, Ltd.; 25Aug77;
AP46721. Years of sorrow, years of shame: "remember, we were Canadian citizens." By Barry Broadfoot. Canada. (In The Canadian, Oct. 1, 1977, p. 1-7) e Barry Broadfoot; 10ct77; AF46721.
AF46722. IBH 3790 SNA users reference card. Denmark. Folder. Appl. au: IBH France. NH: translation. O International Business Hacbines Corporation (in notice: International Business Hachioes) ; lHay77; AP46722.
AP46723. Tte Rild ass's skin. By Honore De Balzac, translated £ with an introd. by Herbert J. Hunt. United Kingdoa. 284 p. Add. ti: La Peau de chagrin. NH: translation £ introd. O The Estate of the late Herbert J. Hunt; 30Jun77; AP46723.
AP46724. North wall. By Boger Uubank. United Kingdon. 190 p. Boger Hubank; 15Aug77; AF46724.
AP46725. The Laapligbter 's funeral. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. United Kingdoa. 46 p. NB: text. Leon Garfield; 2«Hay76; AF46725.
AF46726. The Laaplighter's funeral. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Antony Haitland. Onited Kingdom. 46 p. O on illus. ; Antony Haitland; 24Hay76; AF46726. AF46727. Rosy starlinq. By Leon Garfield* illustrated by Faith Jaqaes. United Kinqdom. 17 p. NH: text. Leon Garfield: 18Jul77; AF46727.
&rll6728. Hosy starlinq. By Leon Garfield, Illustrated by Faith Jaques. United Kinqdom. 17 p. 6 on illus. ; Faith Jaques: 18JU177: AFit6728.
iF46729. The Pool. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Qnited Kinqdom. 46 p. NM: text. e Leon Garfield; 18Jul77; AFt6729.
SFH6730. The Fool. By Leon Garfield, illustrated by Faith Jaques. Dnited Kinqdom. 46 p. e on illus.: Faith Jaques: 18Jul77: AF46730.
AF"(6731. Great ascents: a narrative history of mountaineerinq. By Eric Neuby. Onited Kinqdom. 208 p. NM: text by Eric NeKby, selection 5 compilation of photos. O Eric Neuby; 15Sep77: AF46731.
&Flt6732. The Story of the ileasel. By Carolyn Slaughter, pseud, of Carolyn Cromer. Enqland. 255 p. The American ed. is entitled Belations. Carolyn Slaughter; 2911ar76: APll6732.
AF46733. Bali; the official guide to the island of Bali. Text: Star Black 6 David Stuart-Fox, photography: ierner Hahn C Hans Hoefer. 5th ed. Honq Kong. 279 p. £ 2 inserts. (ApaPhotoGuides) Q Apa Productions (HK) , Ltd. (in notice: Apa Productions) ; aAuq77; AF46733.
AFU6734. The Cheerful recorder; soprano/descant, an elementary method. Book 1. By Ephraim Marcus, drauinqs by Kaete Ephraim-Marcus, photos- by Yoab Marom-Marcus. Israel. 30 p. e Ephraim Marcus; 20Auq77: AF11673U.
AFlt6737. Larousse animal portraits. By P. P. Grasse, translated by John Bailie. Onited Kingdom. 174 p. Prev. pub. in France under the title Le Plus beau bestia^re du monde. KM: translation. C The Hamlyn Publishinq Group, Ltd.; 30Sep77; AF46737.
AF46738. Individual proqrams for players and coaches. Graphics by Bene Hacabante & Carol Head. Canada. 1 v. Add. ti: Soccer school: individual proqrams for players and coaches. Appl. au; Bill Thomson. Bill Thomson; 26Auq77: AF46738.
AF46739. Study quide for sifron la-student Calef, bet) By Frank Talmaqe, Chaim Rabin & Libby Garshovitz. 2nd ed. Canada. 178 p. Oniversity of Toronto Press; 150ct77: AF46739.
AF46740. Tutti qli uoaini dell*antilope. By Maurizio De Luca, Paolo Gambescia & Fabio Isman, prefazione de stefano Bodota. Italy. 212 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 28Feb77: AF46740.
AF46741. La Lucia dei qiardini; tre racconti. By Alberto vigevani. Italy- 171 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Har77; AF46741.
AF46742. E le ceneri al vento; racconti. By Perruccio Olivi. Italy. 166 p. e Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30llar77; AF46742.
AF46743. La Biscoperta del cielo. A cura di Livio Gratton. Italy. 275 p. 6 Arnoldo Hondadori Editore, S.P.A.; 30Sov76; &P46743.
AF46744. Studies in library management. Vol. 4. Edited by Gileon Holroyd.. Great Britain. 178 p. e Clive Bingley, Ltd.; 40ct77; iF46744.
AF46745. Trelawny: the incurable romancer. By Billiam Saint Clair. Great Britain. 235 p. 9 iilliaa Saint Clair; 60ct77; AF46745.
Af46746. Indian artists at work. By Olli Steltzer. Canada. 163 p. 6 Olli Steltzer; 26Sov76; AF46746.
AF46747. 5785-AAA. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. 6 IBM Corporation; 19Sep77: AF46747.
AF46748. 5788-DKG. France. Printout. O IBM Deutschland, G.a.B. B.; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF46748.
AF46749. 5788-DGA. France. Printout. NM: additional programming. @ IBM Deut- schland, G.B.B. H. ; 23May77 (in notice: 1975); AF46749.
AF46750. Beader's diqest qrote vereld atlas. The Netherlands. 219 p. NM: translation. 3 Oitgeversmaatschappi j the. Beader's Digest, N.V. 6 N. V. Beader's Digest, S.A.; 18NOV76; AF46750.
AF46751. Roger Dean, 1977. Great Britain. Add. ti: Boqer Dean calendar, 1977. Portions prev. pub. in Vie¥s, 1975. NM: picture compilation & incorporation of calendar. Soger Dean; 15Aug76; AF46751.
AF46752. Aristocracy in Greek society- By M- T. H. Arnheim. United Kingdom. 221 p- e Thames and Hudson, Ltd-; 14Nov77; AF46752.
AP46753. The Normans and their myth- By B- B- c. Davis- Onited Kinqdom- 144 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd. ; 16Peb76i AF46753.
AF46754. Enter a qoldfish: memoirs of an Irish actor, young and old- By Micheal Mac Liammoir. United Kingdom. 192 p. S Thames and Hudson, Ltd- ; 29Aug77: AF46754-
AF46755. The Gardens of Mughul India; a history and a guide. By Sylvia Crowe, Sheila Haywood, Susan Jellicoe & Gordon Patterson. Onited Kingdom. 200 p. i) Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 6Nov72; AF46755.
AF46756. The silbury treasure: the great Goddess rediscovered. By Michael Dames. United Kingdom. 192 p. e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 23Auq76; AF46756.
AF46757. The British Army; a concise history. By Jock Haswell. United Kingdom- 192 p- e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 21Jul7S; AP46757.
AF46758. The British Navy; a concise history- By Oliver Narner- Onited Kingdom- 191 p- e Thames and Hudson, Ltd-; 17Nov75; AP46758-
AP46759- Cybele and Attis: the myth and the colt- By Maarten J. Vernaseren, translated from the Dutch by A. M. H. Lemmers. United Kingdom. 224 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 14NOV77; AF46759.
AF46760. Castles of Ireland. By Brian De Breffny, photos, by George Mott. .United Kingdom. 208 p. 6 Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 29Aug77; AF46760-
AP46761. On Hadrian's wall, Vindolanda: Roman fort and settlement. By Bobin Dicley. United Kingdom. 184 p- O Thames and Hudson, ltd-: 14NOV77: iF46761.
AF46762. On eagle's wings. By iilliam Martin Alleyne Cecil- England. 186 p- Martin Cecil; 28Jun77; AF46762.
AP46763. For most conspicuous bravery: a biography of Bajor-General George E. Pearkes, V.C. , through two Horld Hars. By Beginald H. Boy. Canada. 388 p. e The Oniversity of British Columbia; 1Sep77; AF46763.
AF46764- Canadian foreign policy and the law of the sea- Edited by Barbara Johnson £ Mark R. Zacher- Canada. 387 p- Q The Oniversity of British Columbia; 15Sep77; AF46764.
AF46765- Dictionary of literary pseudonyms; a selection of popular modern writers in English. By Frank Atkinson. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 248 p. Prev. pub. 1975 as Dictionary of pseudonyms and pennames. e Frank Atkinson; 8Jul77; AF46765.
AF46766. Area E volume de figuras comuns. Brazil. 45 p. Appl. au: Petrobras Company. @ E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 30Jun77; AF46766-
AF46767. Hendes 2nd. By Herman De Htulenaere f- Pierre MacKay, edited by Emma Swan Hall & Bernard V- Bothaer- Great Britain. 1 v- English, French 6 German. NM: compi- lation. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Science, the Brooklyn Museum (in notice; The Brooklyn Museum, a department of the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences) ; 24Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF46767.
AP46768. IBM system/370 planning, control and decision evaluation system/interactive (PLANCODE/I) reference card; program product 5740-XX8 (OS/VS) 5746-1X9 (DOS/VS) Denmark. Folder (17 p.) Appl. au: IBM France. 6 International Business Machines Corporation: 30Sep77; AF46768.
AF46769. IBH system/370 DOS/VS continuous process plant scheduling system (CPPS-DOS/VS) ; programming fiPQ 7S-0150, program no. 5799-ANJ. Denmark. Folder. Appl. an: IBH France. @ International Business Machines Corporation, alternate desig- nation: IBM corporation; 15Sep77; AF46769. »PI»6770. IBB 3872 OC pcoblea deteriination procedures: PBQ Y98U26, BPQ T966 10. 3rd ed. Denaark. 19 p. (Systeas) »ppl. ao: IBH Prance. O International Business Machines Corporation; 22Sep77: »pi46770.
iPi(6771. IBB sTSteB/370 DOS/VS prolect analysis and control systea (PB0J4CS) operations auide; proqraa product 57i»6-IP1. 3rd ed. Denaark. U5 p. (Proqraa product) ippl. au: IBB Prance. International Business Bachines corporation; 120ct77: ipil6771.
iP46772. IBB syste«/370 OS/VS prolect analysis and control systea (PBOJiCS) operations quide; proqraa product 571IO-XP1. 3rd ed. Denaark. tl p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB France, e International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; »Fit6772.
»P116773. IBB systea/370 planninq, control and decision e»aluation systea/interactive (PLiBCODE/I) -OS/»S operations quide; proqraa nuaber 57U0-IX8. 2nd ed. Denaark. SI p. (Proqraa product) Appl- au: IBB Prance- International Business Bachines Corporation; 15Sep77; »Fii6773.
1FV677«. IBB systea/370 interactive personnel systea qeneral inforaation aanual; proqraa no.: 5740-1B4 (iaS/»S. CICS/OS/VS) 57tt6-iH1 (CICS/DOS/VS) Denaark. 53 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 30Sep77; iFil677ii.
1FU6775. IBB 3270 inforaation display systea: 591U docuoent inscriber user's quide; BPQ: a7«il85 Bodel 001, 700007 aodel 002. Denaark. 17 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB seraany. O International Business Bachines Corporation; 30Sep77; AF46775.
AFII6776. Fertiqunqsauftraeqe und lerkstatt- steuerunq IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Proqraa a- /Be diener hand buch, Prograaa-Nr. 5788-DLB. lest Geraany. 1 ». (Spezielles Annendunqsproqraam SAP) IBB Deutschland. G.B.B.H.: 15Jun77; AFit6776.
AF116777. Laqerbestandsf uehrunq und Bestell- rechnunq IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Proqraaa-ZBedienerhandbuch, Proqraaa-Nr. 5788-DLB. Best Geraany. 1 ». (Spezielles AnaendunqsproqraBB SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 15Jun77; AF46777.
AFU6778. IBB systeB/370 pro-|ect analysis and control systea (PBOJACS) cost evaluation processor loqic aanual; proqraa product 5746-XP1 (DOS/VS) 57aO-XP1 (OS/TS) 3rd ed. Denaark. 13 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB France. C International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AFI46778.
AFl»6779. IBB systea/370 interactive financial systea 1 operations quide; proqraa no. 57I16-F52 (DOS/ys) 2nd ed. Denaark. 211 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF16779.
AFH6780. 3750 svitchinq systea, diaqnostic and utility proqraas. 7th ed. Denaark. 537 p. Appl. au: IBB Prance. International Business Bachines Corporation; 1itsep77; AFH6780.
AF1I6781. Operations planninq and control — entry (OPC — entry) installation and proqraa loqic; proqraa product 5740-117. 2nd ed. Denaark. 69 p. (Installation aanaqeaent) Appl. au: IBB Sweden. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF'16781.
AFlt6782. IBB 3B00 plottinq proqraa, proqraa description and operations aanual; proqram no. 5785-AAA. Denaark. H3 p. (International field proqraa) Appl. au: IBB Netherlands International Business Bachines Corporation; 1itSep77; Af'(6782.
AP«6783. IBB systea/370 planninq, control and decision evaluation systea/standard (PLAHCODE/S) proqraa reference aanual; proqraa no. 57»0-XX9 (OS/»S) 5746-IXA (DOS/VS) 3rd ed. Denaark. 26U p. Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Bachines Corporation; 23Sep77; AFit6783.
AFll6781t. VS personal coaputinq PL/1 proqraa loqic aanual; proqraa no. 5785-EAB. Denaark. 210 p. (International field proqraa) Appl. au: IBB United Kinqdoa, Ltd. International Business Bachines corporation; 29Sep77; kflblBH.
AFit6785. IBB systea/370 interactive financial systea 1 proqraa reference aanual; proqraa no. 5746-P52 (DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denaark. 199 p. (Proqraa product) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF't6785.
AFII6786. IBB systeB/370 direct S.K.I.F.T. link — custoaer inforaation control systea/virtual storaqe, proqraaaing BPQ P71 038 description and operations aanual: proqraa no. 5799-APA (CICS/DOS/VS) 2nd ed. Denaark. U59 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AF16786.
AFlt6787. IBB systel/370 prolect analysis and control systea (PBOJACS) proqraa reference aanual; proqraa product 57«6-XP1 (DOS/VS) 57itO-XP1 (OS/VS) Denaark. 1 v. (IBB technical newsletter, no. SN19-1098) Appl. au: IBB France. HB: revisions 6 updatinq. O International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AP'16787.
AF46788. Fertiqunqsauftraeqe und Icrkstatt- steuerunq IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Systeahandbuch Proqraam-«r. 5788-DLB. Best Geraany. 1 v. (Spezielles Anaendunqsproqraaa SAP) IBB Deut- schland, G.a.B.H.; 15Jun77; AF116788.
AFa6789. IBB 3872 OC user's quide reaote loop 2«00 bps CCITT-V2lt interface; BPQ I98U26, BPQ 196610. 2nd ed. Denaark. 7 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Bachines Corporation; 22Sep77; AFU6789.
AF't6790. IBB systea/370 direct S.H.I.P.T. link (DSL) application proqraaaer's quide (CICS/DOS/VS) proqraaaing BPQ P71 03,8; proqraa no. 5799-APA. Denaark. 109 p. (Systeas) Appl. au: IBB Geraany. International Business Bachines Corporation; 120ct77; AFit6790.
AF1I6791. Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnung ait dea IBB Systea/3; Lizenzproqraaa Proqraaa- /Bedienerhandbuch, Proqra«a-Hr. 5788-DLD. Best Geraany. 269 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsproqraaa SAP) IBB Deut- schland, G.B.B.a.; 15JU177; AFlt6791.
AF<t6792. 5788-LAG. France. Printout. IBB (Schweiz) ; 26Sep77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF't6792.
AF46793. 5799-APB. France. Printout. NB: revisions. O IBB Deutschland; 13Jun77; AP't6793.
AF4679«. 5785-DAA. Netherlands. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Netherlands. IBB Corporation; 29Auq77; AF«679U.
AF'*6795. 5797-ABF. Bexico. Printout. O I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15Bar76 (in notice: 1975); AFU6795.
AFII6796. 5797-NBA. Bexico. Printout. I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15Bar76 (in notice: 1975); AF«6796.
AFl»6797. 5797-ABD. Bexico. Printout. I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A.; 15aar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AFII6797.
AFIt6798. 5797-ABE. Bexico. Printout. O I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15Har76 (in notice: 1975) ; AFit6798.
AFa6799. 5797-ABB. Bexico. Printout. O I.B.B. de Bexico, S. A. ; 15flar76 (in notice: 1975) ; AFI16799.
AFU6800. 5799-AJP. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB OK, Ltd. IBB Corporation; i»Jul77 (in notice: 1971) ; APteSOO.
AFit6801. IFB-Systeaprogcaaa. Autor: Ekhard Schuaann. France. Printout. Add. ti: 5788-DLH. Appl. au: IBB Deutschland, G.a.B.B. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.B.; 20Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF46801.
AF46802. 5788-DKT. France. Printout. O IBS Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 6Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF't6802.
AFU6803. 5788-DPZ. Prance. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 8Nov76 (in notice: 1975); APil6803.
AFV680U. 57i»6-XXB. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB Geraany. IBB Borld Trade Cor- poration; 15Auq77; AF46804.
AFII6805. 5785-EAB. France. Printout E folder. Appl. au: IBB Netherlands. IBB Corporation; 15Auq77: AF«6805.
AFl«6806. 5797-NXK. 5797-NXli. 5797-NXH. Best Geraany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H. ; 3NOV77; AFU6806.
AFU6807. 5797-HXB, S797-NIK, 5797-NXN, 5797-HXL. Best Geraany. Printout. O I BB Deut- schland, G.B.B.a.; 30ct77; AF46807.
AFU6808. 5797-HIJ. Best Geraany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 3llov77; AF46808.
AFV6809. 5797-BLZ. Best Geraany. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 27Jun77 (it notice: 1976); AF't6809. 4FII6810. 578B-DIP. Sest Gemany. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.n.B.H.; 1SJun77: 4Flt6810.
AFteSII. 5788-DLR. West Geraany. Printout. e IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Jun77; AF1I6811.
iPlt6812. 5788-DLD. Hest Germany. Printout, e IBH Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15JU177; 6F46812.
AFII6813. Psalms for worship; Psalms 73-150. By E. a. Blaiklock. Great Britain. lUM p. (Commentary on the Psalms, vol. 2) e Scripture Onion; 1Jul77; ftFtSBIB.
AP4681lt. Psalms for livinq: Psalms 1-72. By E. a. Blaiklock. Great Britain. 156 p. (Commentary on the Psalms, vol. 1) e Scripture Onion; 1Jul77; JFUeaiU.
4F116815. Blitzkrieg of bombs — then the final shoot-out. By John Ellison & Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) 4dapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 28, 1977, p. 18-19) e Jillian Becker; 28Mar77; 4Flt6815.
4F46816. When the myth of Heinhof's murder forged an international brotherhood of assassins. By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 29, 1977, p. 16-17) e Jillian Becker; 29[lar77; 4Ft6816.
AF46817. The Clash; mother love or revolutionary zeal? By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, ilar. 25, 1977, p. 19-21) Jillian Becker; 25Bar77; AF116817.
AF46818. The Crazy gang «ho murdered for a cure. By John Ellison S Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 26, 1977, p. 17, etc.) e Jillian Becker; 26Har77: AFa6818.
AFH6819. To blazes nith pigs! »hen the guerrillas lit their flame of revolt. By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike: the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 2t, 1977, p. 19-21) e Jillian Becker; 2itHar77; 4Fit6819.
4F46820. The First "martyr" dies--and everything changes. By John Ellison B Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express, London, Har. 23, 1977, p. 19-21) e Jillian Becker: 23Mar77; AFU6820.
AF1I6821. Hurder in an embassy under siege. By John Ellison & Geoffrey l^evy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jillian Becker. (In Daily express. London, Har. 21, 1977, p. 17-20) Jillian Becker; 21aar77; 4Fi(6821.
AFU6822. The Frustrated love that turned to hate: orphaned then deserted, she sought vengeance. By John Ellison 6 Geoffrey Levy. England. (Olrike; the passionate terrorist) Adapted from the book. Hitler's children, by Jilliaji Becker. (In Daily express, London, Mar. 22, 1977, p. 17-19) e Jillian Becker; 22Har77: 4Flt6822.
4F«6823. Colliers Sou. By Jan Webster. Great Britain. 276 p. S Jan Webster; 1itaar77; 4F46823.
4Fl(682lt. 4nnerton Pit. By Peter DickinsoD. England. 175 p. Peter Dickinson; 2<)Mar77; AFU6824.
AfH6825. Kith. By P. H. Neirby. England. 12U p. © P. H. Neiiby; ilApr77; AF'(6825.
AF46826. The Adventures of God in his search for the black girl. By Brigid Brophy. England. 223 p. Portions prev. pub. in The 4tlantic monthly £ others. 6 Brigid Brophy; 250ct73; AF46826.
4FIJ6B27. The Bigger light. By Austin Ches- terfield Clarke. Canada. 288 p. •S Austin C. Clarke; 8Jan75; AF1(6827.
APH6828. Clarinet. By Jack Brymer. England. 259 p. (Yehudi Henuhin music guides) Appl. au; Yehudi Henuhin. 6 Jack Brymer; 30Jun76; AF'i6828.
AFt6829. Blockbuster. By Stephen Barlay- Great Britain. 330 p. 6 Stephen Barlay; 1«0ct76; Afit6829.
AFa5830. Ransome revisited. By Elisabeth Mace. Great Britain. 139 p. 9 Elisabeth Mace- 26Jan75; AFI16830.
AF146831. Staying on; a novel. By Paul Scott, Great Britain. 215 p. Paul Scott; iaHar77; AFt6831.
AFK6832. The Book of cats. Edited by George MacEeth 6 Martin Booth. Great Britain. 288 p. © on selection of works; George HacBeth; 291(ov76; AF46832.
AFa6833. El Gimmick; espanol hablado. Por Adrienne, pseud, of Adrienne Penner, adapted by Catherine Audousset. Great Britain. 162 p. English & Spanish. NH: adaptation. & Adrienne Penner; 2May77; AF116833.
AF16831*. Der Gimmick; gesprochenes Dcutsch. Von Adrienne, pseud, of Adrienne Penner, adapted by Michele Tavernier with assistance from Handa Bortel & Orsel Baehr. Great Britain. 161 p. English 6 German. NH; adaptation. Adrienne Penner; 2Hay77; AF'4683t.
4FH6835. Human memory; theory, research and individual differences. By Bichael R. Eysenck. Great Britain. 366 p. e Michael W. Eysenck; 25Jul77; AF46835.
4F46836. Heritage of Britain. By A. L. Bovse. England. 181 p. NH: text 6 compilation 4. L. Bovse; 30ct77;
4Flt6837. Fellini's films. Edited by Christian Strich with a foreword by Georges Simenon. Canada. 340 p. 4ppl. am Diogenes Verlag, 4.G., employer for hire. Prev. pub. in German as Fellini's Filme. KM: translation. Diogenes Teriag, A.G.; 280ct77; Af't6837.
4F46838. Nicola Bayley's Book of nursery rhymes. Illustrator: Nicola Bayley. Great Britain. 1 v. 6 on illus. ; Nicola Bayley; 20ct75; AF46838.
4Fa6839. Light on yoga: yoga dipika. By B. K. S. Iyengar, foreword by Yehudi Henuhin. England. 54<l p. Prev. pub. 1974 & others. NH; revisions. Q George Allen and Onwin, Ltd. (in notice; George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.); 27May76; AF46839.
4F46840. The Observer's book of automobiles. Compiled by The olyslager Organisation, edited by Michael Turner. 20th ed. Onited Kingdom. 177 p. e Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 22Mar77; 4F46840.
AF46841. The Observer's book of aircraft. Compiled by William Green with silhouettes by Dennis Punnett. 26th ed. Onited Kingdom. 254 p. C Frederick Warne and Company, Ltd.; 22Mar77; AF46841.
4F46842. The Observer's book of manned spa- ceflight. By Reginald Turnill. 2nd ed. Onited Kingdom. 192 p. Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 20Jun75; AF46842.
AF46843. Designs for wood. By Alonzo W. P. Kettless. Onited Kingdom. 128 p. O Alonzo W. P. Kettless; 19May75: AF46843.
AF46844. The Ice is coming. Nrightson. England. Wrightson; 11JU177; By Patricia 222 p. O Pati AF46844.
AF46845. Silas and Con. By A. C. Stewart. Scotland. 119 p. A. c. Stewart; 23aar77; AF46845.
AP46846. Kaievala; heroic tales from Finland. By Ursula Synge. England. 221 p. NH: prose adaptation of a translation in verse of traditional Finnish songs £ tales, e Orsula Synge; 200ct77; AF46846.
AF46847. airiam Stoppard's Book of babycare. England. 160 p. Appl. states all new except pictures. 6 Miriam Stoppard; 9Jun77; 4F46847.
4F468IJ8. Freud and the dilemmas of psychology. By Marie Jahoda. England. 186 p. e Marie Jahoda; 144pr77; 4F46e48.
4F46849. Nature poetry. By H. C. Chang. Scotland. 124 p. (Chinese literature, 2) H. C. Chang; 23Aug77; 4F46849.
AF46850. The Anarchical society; a study of order in world politics. By Hedley Bull. England. 335 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 4 £ 8 which have been revised from earlier pub. versions. O Hedley Bull; 24Feb77; 4F46850. AFtessi. Hodern Uuuqarian poetry. Edited t vith an introd. by Hiklos Va1da. forenord by llilliaui Jay Smith. Hungary. 286 p. NH: foreword* introd., bioqcaphicai notes 6 index. O Hiklos »a1da; 30aaT77; Apaeasi.
SPl(6852. FroD viiiaqe to eapire; an introd. to Near Eastern archaeology. By Charles Burney. Great Britain. 224 p. Phaidon Press. Ltd.; 18Auq77; »Fa6852.
AFte8S3. splendid lives. Stories by Penelope Gilliatt. England. 117 p. Host stories prey, appeared in Net* Yorker £ others. MH: additional text e coapilation. O Penelope Gilliatt; 25Jul77: AP46853.
AP«6B5a. The Duchess o£ Duke Street entertains. Edited by Michael Siith, line dranings by Kate Sinunek £ Nicholas Price. England. 255 p. Based on the television series The Duchess o£ Duke Street created 6 produced by John Hawkesnorth. Appl. au: Egret Productions, Ltd., employer for hire. NH: teit. Hichael Smith £ Egret Produc- tions, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AFieSSU.
AP16855. The Duchess of Duke Street entertains. Edited by Hichael Smith, line dranings by Kate Simunek £ Nicholas Price. England. 255 p. Based on the television series The Duchess of Duke Street created fi produced by John Hankesworth. Appl. au: H. H. Allen and Company, Ltd., employer for hire. on line dranings; ». H. Allen and Company, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AFUeBSS. AFU6856.
The Duchess of Duke street entertains. Edited by Hichael Smith, line dranings by Kate simunek E Nicholas price. England. 255 p. Based on the television series The Duchess of Duke Street created £ produced by John HavkesBOrth. Appl. au: Hichael Smith, employer for hire. O on illus. on p. 139, 172, C 201: Hichael Smith; 19Sep77: AF«685b.
APU6857. The pive-minute marriage. By Joan Aiken. England. 264 p. Joan Aiken Enterprises. Ltd.; 270ct77; AF46857.
Aru6R5a. T.G. and Hoonie move out of tovn. Story told by Fay Haschler, illustrated by Sylvic Selig. England. 1 v. O on text; Fay Haschler; 15Sep77; AF46858.
AP46859. T.G. and Hoonie move out of town. Story told by Fay Haschler, illustrated by Sylvie Selig. England. 1 v. on illus.; Sylvie Selig; 15Sep77; AF46859.
AF46860. The Tali stones. By Hoyra Caldecott. England. 234 p. C Boyra Caldecott: 21Apr77; AP46860.
AF46861. La Voie Jackson; roman. By Gerard Herzoq. France. 304 p. Librairie Arthaud; 21Jun76; AF46861.
AF46862. Idle Jack. Retold £ illustrated by Antony Haitland. Britain. 1 v. Antony Maitland; 25Aug77: AF46862.
AF46863. The Widower's son. By Alan Sillitoe. Great Britain. 288 p. Alan Sillitoe; 22NOV76; «P46863.
Continental Europe, 1850-1914. By Alan S. Hilward £ S. B. Saul. Great Britain. 555 p. O George Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd.; 28Sep77; AF46864.
AF46865. Conflict through consensus; Onited Nations approaches to aggression. By Julius stone. Australia. 234 p. O Julius Stone; 27Sep77; »F4b865.
AF46866. Langenscheidts Grosses Schulwoerterbuch Englisch-Deutsch. Von Heinz Hessinger £ Uerner Buedenberq. Best Germany. 1439 p. Add. ti; Englisch-Deutsch Langenscheidts Grosses Schul'joer terbuch. NH: additions. Lanqenscheidt, K.G., Verlagsbuchhandlung (in notice: Langeascheidt , K.G.); 18Apr77; AP46866.
AF46867. Langenscheidts Grosses Schulwoerterbuch Deutsch-Engiisch. Von Heini Hessinger. nest Germany. 1328 p. Add. ti: Deutsch-Engiisch Langenscheidts Grosses Schulwoerterbuch. NH: revisions E additions. O Langenscheidt, K.G., Veriagsbuchhandlung (in notice: Langenscheidt, K.G.); 18Apr77; AF46867.
AP46868. Titles of English books (and of foreign books printed in England) ; an alphabetical findiug-list by title of books pub. under the author's name, pseud, or initials. Vol. 2: 1641-1700. By Antony Francis Allison £ Valentine Peroande Goldsmith. Great Britain. 3 18 p. O Hilliam Dawson and Sons, Ltd.; 10Aug77; AF46868.
AP46869. Sport-Billys Lustige Abenteuer in Aller Belt. Bd. 1. Best Germany. 48 p. a Sport-Billy Verwertungsgesellschaft; 30JU177; AF46869.
AP46870. Hark! hark! the dogs do bark and other rhymes about dogs. Chosen by Lenore Blegvad, illustrated by Erik Bleqvad. Great Britain. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in The Hogarth book of Scottish nursery rhymes £ others. on illus.; Erik Blegvad: 30Oct75: AF46870.
AF46871. An Illustrated encyclopedia of mysticism and the mystery religions. By John Ferguson. Great Britain. 228 p. O Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 3Hay76; AF46871.
AFU6872. Le Chevalier, la mort et le diable. By Jean Cau. France. 173 p. O Editions de la Table Sonde; 30Har77; AF46872.
AF46873. Autreaent, ailleurs. 11 serigraphies originales a la gouache de Sobert Viel, poemes de Catherine Bihoit. France. Portfolio in box. e aobert viel fi Catherine Bihoit; 29Jul77; AF46873.
AF46874. Vieai pressoirs sans frontieres. By lavier Humbel, pref. de Bene Engel, illus de Jacqueline Le Page. France. 269 p. NH: new text, illus. £ compilation, e Librairie Guenegaud; 30Dec76; AF46874.
AF46875. Les Celtes. By Paul-Marie Duval. Prance. 324 p. Appl. au: Andre Halraux £ Andre Parnot. NH: new text 6 compilation of text £ illus. O Editions Gallimard; 30Bar77; AF46875.
AF46876. 30 bois graves pour illustrer 30 poemes des Fleurs du mal de Baudelaire. By Fraus
AF46877. Hilton and the English revolution. By Christopher Hill. Onited Kingdom. 541 p. NH: all text by Christopher Hill. Christopher Hill; 30ct77; AF46877.
AF46878. Fair as china dishes: English delftware from the collection of 8rs. Harion Horgau and Brian Horgan. Introd. by Hichael Archer, catalogue by Brian Horgan. England. 128 p. O The International Exhibitions Foundation; 10Nov77; AF46878.
AF46B79. Super power embouchure. By Alexander Albert Adam. Canada. 44 p. Alexander Albert Adam; 21Sep77; AF46879.
AF46880. Creation, Christ and culture; studies in honour of T. F. Torrance. Edited by Richard B. A. HcKinney. Onited Kingdom. 321 p. T. and T. Clark, Ltd.; 24Hay76; AF468B0.
AF46881. The Bisdom of the Spanish mystics. Compiled by Stephen Clissold. England. 88 p. NH: introd., compilation £ translations. O Stephen Clissold; 26Hay77; AF46881.
AF468e2. The Bisdom of the early Buddhists. Compiled by Geoffrey Parrinder. England. 87 p. NH: introd. £ compilation. O Geoffrey Parrinder; 24Har77; AF46882.
AF46383. Septimus and the stone of offering. By Stephen Chance, pseud, pf Philip Turner. Eqgland. 158 p. C Stephen Chance; 21NOV7&; AF46a83.
AF46884. Time tangle. By Frances Eagar. England. 125 p. Frances Eagar; 25flar76; AF46884.
Ar46885. Liddell Hart: a study of his military thought. By Brian Bond. Great Britain. 289 p. Appl. states all new except chap. 8, including a revised version of chap. 9. Chap. 9 prev. pub. in condensed version in e.U.S. I. journal, June 1976 £ chap. 8 prev. pub. in Hilitary affairs, Feb. 1977. Brian Bond; 25Aug77; AF46885.
AF468e6. Karl Barth: his life from letters and autobiographical texts. By Eberhard Busch, translated by Joha Bowden. England. 569 p. Translation of Karl Earths Lebenslauf, nach seinen Briefen und autobiographischen Texten, 2nd rev. ed. , 1976. NH: translation. SCH Press, Ltd. £ Fortress Press; 28Dec76; AF46886.
AF46887. Numbers of life. By Hark Gruner £ Christopher Keith Brown. Australia. 120 p. Add. ti: Hark Gruner's Numbers of life. Christopher Keith Brown fi Hark Gruner; 19Sep77; AF46887.
AF46888. Flow of fluids through valves, fittings, and pipe. Technical paper no. 4 10. By the Engineering Division, Crane Company. Onited Kingdom. 1 v. Appl. au: Crane, Ltd. NH: editorial revisions. 6 Crane company; 16Hay77 (in notice: 1976); AF46888.
AF46889. Reader's digest handboek praktisch tuinieren. Deze uitgave werd samengesteld AF46889 (con.) ondec leiding van Rot Hay, Kenneth &. Beckett S Jaap Baqe. Ihe Netherlands. 575 p. Add. ti: Handbook to practical qardeniDq. Appl. au: oitqeversnaat- schappii The Header's Diqest, N. V. NM: translation. 3 Oitqevecsmaatschappii The fieader's Diqest, N.7. B N. T. fieader's Diqest. S.i. : 15Feb77: AF116889.
AP46890. International journal of clinical pharoiacoloqy and biopharmacr. Vol. 15, no. 10, Oct. 1977. Editor-in-chief: H. P. Kueomerle & other editors. Hest Germany, p. 41I9-4 96. Appl, au: G. Hitzenberqer 6 T. K. Shibuya. Orban and Schvarzenberg, Inc.: 140ct77: AF16890.
AF«6 891. The Finalists. By Russell Braddon. Enqland. 224 p. C Russell Braddon; 13Jun77: AF46891.
AF46892. Bear. By Harian Enqel. Marian Enqel; 10Ilar76:
AF46893. I should haie died. By Philip Deane, pseud, of Philippe Dean Giqantes. Enqland. 182 p. Appl. au: Graphon, Inc., employer for hire. NH; text, excluding appendices. 3 Graphon, Inc. ; 13Hay76; AF46893.
AF46894. The Cool web: the pattern of children's readinq. By Uarqaret Heek, Aidan Harlov & Griselda Barton. Enqland. 427 p. HD: introd. , biblioqraphy, additions 6 compilation. 6 Marqaret Heek, Aidan Harlow £ Griselda Barton; 20Jan77; AP46894.
AF46 895. The Rinter beat. By Buth Craft, illustrated by Erik Blegvad. England. 1 V. 8 on text; Ruth Craft; 16Sep74; AF46895.
AP46896. The Winter bear. By Ruth Craft, illustrated by Erik Bleqvad. England. 1 V. 3 on illus.; Erik Bleqvad; 16Sep74; AF46896.
AF46897. Lookinq at Canada. By Josephine Earn. Enqland. 60 p. NH; text & compilation, e A. and C. Black, Ltd.; 19Auq76; AF46897.
AF46898. Shipwreck. Text by John Foules, photoqraphy by The Gibsons of Scllly, photos. : Frank Gibson. Enqland. 1 v. NH: compilation. Jonathan Cape, Ltd.; 71IOV74: AP46898.
AF46999. Shipwreck. Text by John Fowles, photoqraphy by The Gibsons of Scilly. Enqland. 1 v. 8 on text; Earth Resources Research, Ltd. ; 7Nov74; AF46899.
AF46900. The Hind eye. By Robert Hestall. Great Britain. 212 p. 3 Robert Hestall; 210ct76: AF46900.
AF46901. Bilqewater. By Jane Gardau. Great Britain. 200 p. 8 Jane Gardam; 140ct7e; AF46901.
AF46902. Puss in boots. Illus. by Nicola Eayley, story told by Christopher Loque. Great Britain. 1 v. 8 on illus. 6 retold story; Jonathan Cape, Ltd.; 210ct76; AF46902.
AF46903. Group theory for social workers; an introd. By Ken Heap. Great Britain. 252 p. (Social work series) Translation of Gruppeteori for sosialairbeidere — en innfoerinq. 8 on translation; Oniversitetsf orlaget/Yrkesopplaerin- gsraadet for Haandverk og Industri; 12Sep77; AF46903.
AF46904. Spain: a brief history. By Pierre Vilar, translated by Brian Tate. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 140 p. This work is based on the 6th French ed. of Histoire de I'Espagne. 8 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 12Sep77: AF46904.
AP46905. Lifelong education: a psychological analysis. By A. J. Cropley. Great Britain. 196 p. Onesco Institute of Education; 30Aug77: AF46905.
AF46906. Concept formation. By Neil Bolton. Great Britain. 163 p. @ Neil Bolton; 30Aug77; AF46906.
AF46907. The Heasurement of air flow. By Ernest ower e R. C. Pankhurst. 5th ed. (in SI units) . Great Britain. 362 p. E. Ower 6 R. C. Pankhurst; 22Aug77; AFU6907.
AF46908. Housing for special groups; proceedings of an international seminar organized by the Committee on Housing, Building and Planning of the Onited Nations Economic Commission for Europe, and held in the Hague, at the invitation of the Government of the Netherlands, 8-13 Nov. 1976. Great Britain. 182 p. A suppl. to the international journal Habitat. Appl. au: G. yogelaar, L. Nemethy, Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of compilers. 8 Dnited Nations; 22Auq77; AF46908.
AF46909. Adolescent girls at risk. By Harold J. Harchant 6 Helen H. Smith. Great Britain. 103 p. (Social work series) 3 Harold Uarchact 6 Helen H. Smith; 22Aug77; AF46909.
AF46910. The Treatment of phobic and obsessive compulsive disorders; selected papers from the 6th annual meeting of the European Association of Behaviour Therapy, Spetsae, Greece, Sept. 1976. Edited by John C. Boulougouris & Andreas D. Rabavilas. Great Britain. 147 p. Appl. au; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. 3 Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 8Aug77; AF46910.
AF46911. Biological oceanographic processes. By Timothy Richard Parsons, Hasayuki Takahashi 6 Barry Hargrave. and ed. Great Britain. 332 p. 8 T. R. Parsons, H. Takahashi & B. Hargrave (in notice: Parsons, Takahashi & ; 12Sep77; AF46911.
AF46912. Coherent non-linear interaction of waves in plasmas. By Jan C. Heilaud & Hans HilhelmssoQ. Great Britain. 353 p. (International series in natural philosophy, vol. 88) 8 J. C. Beiland G H. Rilhelmsson; 22Aug77; AP46912.
AP46913. Angeiigue and the ghosts. By Sergeanne Solon, translated from the French by Marguerite Barnett. England. 331 p. First pub. under the ti. Angeiigue et le complot des ombres. Appl. au: Hilliam Heinemann, Ltd., employer for hire. 8 on English translation from the original
AP46914. The Queen's husband. By Jean Plaidy, pseud, of Eleanor Hibbert. England. 382 p. 8 Jean Plaidy (pen name of Eleanor Hibbert); 20Sep73; AF46914.
AP46915. Ihe Killing of Julia Wallace. By Jonathan Goodman, with a foreword by Edgar Lustgarten. United Kingdom. 323 p. Jonathan Goodman; 20(lar69; AP46915. (Reprint ed. 1976, deposited.)
AF46916. Causing death and saving lives. By Jonathan Glover. United Kingdom. 327 p. Nil: all text by Jonathan Glover. 3 Jonathan Glover; 28Jul77; AP46916.
AF46917. A Field guide to the-little people. By Nancy Arrowsmith with George Hoorse, illustrated by Heinz Edelmann, calligraphy by Kevin Beilly. England. 296 p. 3 on illus.; Heinz Edelmann; 1Sep77: AP46917.
AP46918. Curriculum evaluation for lifelong education; developing criteria & procedures for the evaluation of school curricula in the perspective of lifelong education: a multinational study. Edited by Rodney H. Skager £ R. fi. Dave, with contributions by Kenneth Girdwood Robinson. Great Britain. 140 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editors. 8 Unesco Institute of Education; 30Aug77; AF46918.
AP46919. Behavioral treatments of obesity. Edited by John Paul Foreyt. Great Britain. 512 p. Appl. au; Pergamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor, P. T. Brown G D. Castell. NM: compi- lation. € Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 11Jul77; AF46919.
AF46920. The Evaluation of toxicological data for the protection of public health; proceedings of the international colloquium, Luxembourg, December 1976. Editors: H. J. Hunter 6 J. G. P. B. Smeets. Great Britain. 427 p. English, French £ Italian; proceedings of the International Colloquium on the Evaluation of Toxicological Data for the Protection of Public Health. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor, J. Snelson £ P. Bruaux. 3 European Coal and Steel Community, European Economic Community G European Atomic Energy Community (in notice: ECSC, EEC, EAEC) ; 30Aug77; AF46920.
AF46921. The Many facets of human settlements: science and society; papers prepared for AAAS activities in connection with Habitat: the D.N. Conference on Human Settlements. Editors; Irene Tinker & Mayra Buvlnic. Great Britain. 405 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, employer for hire of editors, £ A. A. Laguian. 8 on this compilation; American Association for the Advancement of Science (in notice; AAAS);. 30Aug77; AP46921.
AF46922. Central actions of angiotensin and related hormones. Editors: Joseph P. Buckley fi Carlos M. Ferrario, associate editor: Mustafa P. Lokhandwala. Great Britain. 606 p. Appl. au: Pergamon Press, employer for hire of editors, H. Aars £ B. Andersson. 3 Pergamon Press, Inc. ; 25JU177; AF46922. »FI16923. Bioloqv of benthic orqaDisns; 11th European sraposlun on Marine Biology, Gaiwav, October 1976. Edited by Brendon P. Keeqan, P. 0. Ceidiqb 5 P. J. S. Boadeo. Great Britain. 630 p. Euqlish 6 French. »ppl. au: Perqa»on Press, Ltd., e«ployer for hire of editors, G. Aneer 6 T. Belscher. NM: compilation. Perqamon Press. Ltd.: 12Sep77: AFlt6923-
AF1I6921. Tiberius the politician. By Barbara Levick. United Kinqdoo. 328 p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 31Auq76: AFU692II.
AFi*6925. Philip 2nd and (Macedonian irperialiso. By J. B. Ellis. United Kinqdoii. 312 p. e Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 9Aaq76; AF45925.
AF46926. Birds in Greek life and myth. By John Pollard. Onited Kinqdom. 22i» p. Thames and Hudson, Ltd.; 1'tNo»77; AF46926.
AFI16927. Talkut HeAm loez. Israel. 17 v. HebreH; title roaanized on appl. Appl. au: Shmuel Kreuzer (pseud.: Shauel terushalmil 6 Chanokh gaqshal; 20Jan67; AFit6927.
AF»6928. 5797-NXP, 5797-NIQ. Mest Germany. Printout. IBM Deutschland. G. M.B.a. ; 19JU177; AFU6928.
AFU6929. 5797-NZK, 5797-NXN, 5797-NXB, 5797-SXT. Uest Germany. Printout. O IBM Deut- schland, G.a.B.H.: 'tJun77; AFI*6929.
AF46930. Cancer metastasis: approaches to the mechanism, prevention and treatment. Edited by Philip G. Stansly 6 Baruo Sato. Japan. 2i)7 p. Appl. au: Juneli Khato 6 Toshio Sato. O Dni»ersity of Tokyo Press; 150ct77; AF116930.
AFi*6931. The Lion at sea. By Man Hennessy, pseud, of John Harris. Enqland. 31U p. d John Harris, iihose pseud, is Max Hennessy: 270ct77; AFit6931.
AFit6932. Year Kinq. By Penelope Farmer. Enqland. 232 p. Appl. states all neii except excerpt from A Bedtime story by Ted Huqhes £ excerpt from Thief's journal by Genet. Penelope Farmer; 25Auq77; APU6932.
AFU6933. There and back aqain. By Harold Jones. Enqland. 1 ». C Harold Jones; 31io»77: AFa6933.
AF<t693U. Scott of the Antarctic. By Elspeth Huxley. Enqland. 303 p. O on text; Elspeth Huxley; 7Nov77; AF«693>1.
AFU6935. April. June and Sovember. By Frederick Baphael. Great Britain. 5U 1 p. © Volatic, Ltd.; 1Jul72: AFit6935.
AFI46936. Broken barriers. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 205 p. on editing, revisions S additions; Barbara Cartland; 1Nov76: AFU6936.
AFH6937. The Adventurer. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 208 p. on editing, revisions & additions; Barbara Cartland; 10ct77: K?H6937.
AF1I6938. This time it's love. By Barbara cartland. United Kingdom. 190 p. 6 on editing, revisions Z additions; Barbara Cartland; 1Auq77; AFlt6938.
AFU6939. Barbara Cartland's Health food cookery book. Drawings by Francis Marshall. United Kinqdom. 22U p. 6 on text; Barbara Cartland; 1JaD71; AF16939.
AFU69itO. Love to the rescue. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 205 p. Barbara Cartland; 1May57; AFU69U0.
AFt69lt1. A Kiss of silk. By Barbara McCor- quodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdom. 222 p. O Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara cartland.; 1May59; AF469i»1.
AFIt69lt2. Sweet enchantress. By Barbara acCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 22H p. Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 10ct58; AFlt69l42.
AF14691I3. Escape from passion. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 22 1 p. on editing, revisions S additions; Barbara Cartland; 2Jan76: AF169lt3.
AF't69l4t. Theft of a heart. By Barbara HcCor- quodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 191 p. O Barbara HcCorquodale (pseud, of Barbara Cartland) ; 24Feb66: AF1169lllt.
AFlt691l5. The private life of Elizabeth, Empress o£ Austria. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 2itU p. Barbara Cartland; 11May59; AFU69(t5. (Eeprint conv. 1967, deposited)
AF1169lt6. Woman — the enigma. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdom. 208 p. Barbara Cartland; 22Nov65; AFit6916.
AFU69U7. Josephine, Empress of France. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 190 p. e Barbara Cartland; 10Apr61; AF<t69it7.
AF4691I8. country life in classical times. By K. 0. Unite. Great Britain. 138 p. NH: compilation, pref., introd., appendix, indexes 6 translations. e K. D. Bhite; 10NOV77; AFlt69a8.
APt69"l9. White holes: cosmic qushers in the universe. By John Gribbin. Enqland. 200 p. NH: text. e John Gribbin; 7Jul77; AF1169U9.
AF16950. Khrushchev, Castro, Kennedy and me. Canada. (In Weekend magazine (The Vancouver (Canada) sun, Oct. 23, 1977, p. 22-25) Appl. au: Thant. O Byint-O, as executor of the Estate of Thant; 220ct77; 4PK6950.
AP46951. A Collection of lessons for the harpsichord; a facsimile reproduction of the original edition. Composed by Maurice Greene, with an introd. by Davitt Morooey. Onited Kingdom. 73 p. NM; introd. Stainer and Bell, Ltd.; 1Apr77;
AFt6951. Jonathan Gash. Great Britain. 210 p. e Jonathan Gash (legal name: John Grant) ;
100ct77; APl|6952. The Pontana dictionary of modern thought. Edited by Alan Bullock £ Oliver Stallybrass. Great Britain. 681 p. Alan Bullock £ Oliver Stallybrass; 310ct77: AP«6953.
aFU6954. The Complete outdoocsman's guide to birds of eastern North America. By John P. S. Mackenzie, illustrated by Terence Shortt. Canada. 240 p. O Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 15Jun76; APi46954.
AFH6955. Birds in peril; a guide to the endangered birds of Canada and the United States. By John P. S. Mackenzie, illustrated by Terence Shortt. Canada. 191 p. Pagurian Press, Ltd.; 15Jun77: API46955.
APlt6956. Power of three. By Diana Wynne Jones. Great Britain. 254 p. 6 Diana Wynne Jones; 25May76; APt6956.
AFI16957. Le Gimmick: francais parle. Par Adrienne, pseud, of Adrienne Penner. Great Britain. 185 p. NB: rev. adaptation from French ed. for English speaking readers. Adrienne Penner; 2May77; AFlt6957.
AF«5958. Noise, buildings and people. By Derek J. croome. Great Britain. 613 p. (International series in heating, ventilation and refrigeration, vol. 11) e D. J. Croome; 27Jul77; APlt6958.
AF"t6959. Chemicals for crop protection and pest constrol. By Maurice Berkeley Green, Gilbert Spencer Hartley E Trustham Frederick West. Great Britain. 291 p. A rev. ed. of Chemicals for pest control. NH: general revision, updating £ new material. Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 26Sep77; AP46959.
AFl(6960. The Lil Atlantic England. 280ct76; rs: a history of the Nc rossing. By Terry cole 231 p. e Terry Coleman APIt6960.
APa6961. Friedrichs Theaterlexikon von A^Z. By Karl Groening £ Werner Kliess, hrsg. von Henning Bischbieter. Best Germany. t52 p. i Friedrich Vcrlag; 310ct69; AP46961.
AP46962. The Death of classical paganism. By John Holland Smith. Onited Kingdom. 280 p. e John Holland Smith; 24Har77 (in notice: 1976) ; AFI46962.
AF46963. Jahrbnch der Hafenbautechnischen Gesellschaft. 35. Bd. 1975/76. Best Germany. 377 p. Appl. au: Hafenbautechn. Gesellschaft, employer for hire. O Springer-yerlag; 18aay77; AF'16963.
AF4e96Il. One half of Bobertson Davies: pro- vocative pronouncements on a wide range of topics. By Bobertson Davies. Canada. 286 p. Bobertson Davies; 150ct77; AF46964.
AF46965. Proceedings of the International Symposium on plasma Wall Interaction. Great Britain. 750 p. Held 18-22 Oct. iF46965 (con.) 1976, Juelich, Rest Sermanr. Appl. au: A. Aq & K- Akaisbi; Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor- 3 European coal and Steel Community, European Economic Communitv & European Atomic Energy Community (ECSC, EEC, EAEC) ; 8Auq77: AF16965.
AF 116966. Life sciences and space research. Vol- 15. Scientific editori H. Holmquist, executive editor: A. C. Stickland. Great Britain- 316 p. Proceedinqs of the open meetinq of the Uorkinq Group on Space Bioloqy of the nineteenth plenary meetinq of Cospar, Philadelphia, June 8-19, 1976- Appl. au: A- A- Imshenetsky £ E- Schopper; Perqamon Press, Ltd-, employer for hire of editor- 9 Cospar: aAuq77: AF46966-
AFU6967- Cotttributions to medical psychology- Vol- 1. Edited by Stanley Bachman. Great Britain. 2U3 p. Appl. au: P. Ley £ C. Philips; Perqamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Perqamon Press, Ltd. : 8Auq77: AF116967.
A'Fll6968. The Bride of Alderburn. By Marquerite Neilson. Enqland. 253 p. 9 Harquerite Neilson; 1Jul76; AFI|6968.
AFlt6969. Ett barn blir till; en bildskildrinq av barnets till blivelse, foere foedelsen ocb praktiska raad naer man vaentar barn. Foto: Lennart Nilsson, teit: Mir-jam Furuhnelm, Axel Inqeiman-Sundberg fi Claes Hirsen, teckninqar: Bernt Forsblad. Sweden. 160 p. Add. ti: A Child is born. NB: photos, illus. 6 revision of text. © Lennart Nilsson, fliriam Furuhielm, Axel Xnqelman-Sundberq 6 Claes iJirsen; 2Dec76; AFteges.
AFa6970. Dylan Thomas. By Paul Ferris. Enqland- 399 p- © Paul Ferris; 18Apr77; AFa6970-
AFIt6971- The Spider-orchid- By Celia Fremlin. Enqland. 174 p- © Celia Fremlin; 18Auq77: AFU6971-
AFU6972- spanish woman. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberq) Enqland. (In Boman, Oct- 1, 1977, p. 45, etc.) e Catherine Gaskin; 28Sep77: &F1(6972.
AF46973. Spanish woman. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberq) Enqland. (In Noman, Sept. 24, 1977, p. 53, etc.) e Catherine Gaskin; 21Sep77; AF46973.
4F46974- Spanish woman. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberq) Enqland- (In Homan. Sept- 17, 1977, p. 51, etc.) e Catherine Gaskin; 14Sep77: AF46974.
AP46975. Spanish woman. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberq) England. (In Soman, Oct. 8. 1977, p. 51. etc.) © Catherine Gaskin; 50ct77: &F46975.
AF46976. Spanish woman. By Catherine Gaskin (Catherine Gaskin Cornberq) England. ' (In Homan. Sept. 10. 1977, p. 20, etc.) Catherine Gaskin: 7Sep77; AF46976-
AF46977. The Aqe of the masses: ideas and society in Europe since 1870- By Hichael D. Biddiss. Great- Britain. 379 p. (The Pelican history of European thouqht, vol- 6) © Hichael D- Biddiss; 26Hay77; AF46977-
AF46978- The Governance of Britain. By Harold Wilson. Great Britain. 219 p- © Harold Hilson; 210ct76; AF46978-
AF46979. How we live. By Anita Harper, with pictures by Christine Boche. Great Britain. 1 v. © on text; Anita Harper; 29Sep77; AF46979.
AF46980. How we live. By Anita Harper with pictures by Christine Roche. Great Britain. 1 v. © on illus.; Christine aoche; 29Sep77; AF46980.
AF46981. How we work. By Anita Harper with pictures by Christine Boche. Great Britain. 1 v- © on text; Anita Harper; 29Sep77; AF46981-
AF46982. How we work. By Anita Harper with pictures by Christine Boche- Great Britain- 1 v- © on illus. ; Christine Boche; 29Sep77 ; AF46982.
AF46983. Gelignite; a Yellowthread street mystery. By Hilliam L. Marshall. England. 186 p. © Hilliam L. Marshall; 70ct76; AF46983.
AF46984. The Honey spinner: Monte Carlo Casino. By Xan Fielding. England. 205 p. © Xan Fielding; 14Apr77; AF46984.
Af46985. Burqlar Bill. By Janet Ahlberg £ Allan Ahlberq. Great Britain. 1 v. © Allan Ahlberq £ Janet Ahlberq; 21Feb77; AF46985.
AF46986. The Sesame Street little library. By Kay Hood- Canada- 4 v- in box- Appl- au: Claude Martinot, © on text, artwork £ desiqn;' Children's Television Horkshop; 50ct77; AF46986.
AF46987. The Sesame Street little library. By Kay Hood. Canada. 4 v. in tioi. Appl. au: Claude Martinot. © on depiction of the Muppet characters; Huppets, Inc. ; 50ct77; AF46987.
AF46988. Anna et son orchestre. By Joseph Joffo. France- 250 p- © Editions J.-c. Lattes; 4Apr75; AF46988.
AF46989. Juliette; ou, L 'Insolation. 3y Pierre Viallet. France. 271 p. © Editions de la Table Bonde; 26Jul74: AF46989.
AF46990. Everest: the" hard way. By Chris Boninqton. Great Britain. 238 p. Part of chap. 15 appeared in a different form in Mountain life, Dec. -Jan- 1976. © on new text £ prev- unpub- photos- ; British Everest Expedition 1975/Barclays Bank International; 23Sep76; AF46990. (Reprint copy, 3rd impression, 1977, deposited)
AF46991- Go for beginners. By Iwamoto Kaoru. Japan. 151 p. © The Ishi Press; 1Jul72; AF46991-
AF46992. Sink-hole. By Bill Leiqh. Onited Kingdom. 142 p. © Bill Leigh; 24Mar77; AF46992.
AF4b993. A Horkshop proqram to improve return on investment. By Ronald William Glover. Hong Kong. 122 p. Add. ti; Managing for productivity improvement. © Bonald Hilliam Glover; 2Apr77; AF46993.
AF46994. The Son of God; the origin of chris- tology £ the history of Jewish-Hellenistic religion- By Martin Hengel, translator: John Bowden. England. 100 p- Translation of Der Sohn Gottes. die Enstehung der Christologie und die juedisch-hellenistische Religionsges- chichte, pub- 1975. NM: translation. © SCM Press, Ltd.; 22Apr77: AF46994.
AF46995. Beading through Romans- By C- K. Barrett. England. 85 p. Prev. pub. 1963. © C- K. Barrett; 22Apr77; AF46995.
AF46996. Vega and other poems. By Lawrence Durrell. Great Britain. 54 p- Appl. states all new except for the prev. pub. poems on p. 9-31. © Lawrence Durrell; 21May73; AF46996.
AF46997. Triumph of the nomads: a history of ancient Australia. By Geoffrey Nornan Blainey. Australia. 285 p- © on text £ maps; Geoffrey Blainey; 26Sep75; AF46997.
AF46998. Flight without end. By Joseph Roth, translated by David Le Vay in colla- boration with Beatrice Musgrave- Great Britain- 144 p. Appl. au: Peter Owen, Ltd. , employer for hire of David Le Vay £ Beatrice Musgrave. Translation of Flucht ohne Ende. © on English translation; Peter Owen, Ltd.; 24Bar77; AF46998.
AF46999- Collision course. By Nigel Hinton. England- 144 p- © Nigel Hinton; 18NOV76; AF46999-
AF47000. Principles of Christian faith. By Charles P. Price- India- 305 p. Appl. au: Islam and Modern Age Society, employer for hire. © Islam and Modern Age Society (in notice: Islam and the Modern Age Society) ; 15Aug77; AP47000.
AF47001. Cooking and eating; a pictorial history with recipes. By Katie Stewart in collaboration with Pamela Michael £ Maurice Michael. Great Britain. 288 p- O Pamela Hichael £ Maurice Hichael: 26Aug75; AF47001-
AF47002- Victorian townscape; the work of Samael Smith- By Michael Hillward £ Brian Coe. Great Britain. 120 p. Appl. au: Hard Lock, Ltd., employer for hire- NM: text by Michael Millward £ Brian Coe. © Hard Lock, Ltd.; 29Jnl74; AF47002.
AF47003, Frederick the Great of Prussia: absolutism and administration. By Halter Uubatsch, translated from the German by Patrick Ooran. Onited Kingdom. 303 p. NM: translation- O Thames and Hudson, Ltd-: 10NOV75: AF47003.
AF4700 4. Means and ends: reflections on the history of fresco painting. By E- H. Gombrich. Onited Kingdom. 72 p. O E. H. Gombrich; 31Jan77 (in notice: 1S76) ; AF4700 4-
AF47005- Charles 5th: elected emperor and hereditary ruler. By Manuel Fernandez AF47005 (con.) AlTacez, translated fco« the Spanish by J. i. Lalaquna. Onited Klnqdoi. 220 p. NH: translation. 6 Thaaes and Badson. Ltd.; 26Jan76 (in notice: 1975>: Apil7005.
AF47006. The Tounq Hazarin. By Georqes Dethan, translated froii the French by Stanley Baron. United Kinqdoi. 199 p. Translation o£ Hazarin et ses axis. on translation; Thaaes and Hudson* Ltd.; 2«lct77: AF47006.
AF47007. Psycholoqy of the house. By Oliver Hare, translated froa the French by Jessie icod. United Kinqdoa. 14i| p. Translation of Psychanalyse de la aaisou. on Enqlish translation; Thaaes and Hudson, Ltd.; 29Auq77; AF47007.
AF47008. The Uars of the Boses; a concise history. By Charles Boss. United Kinqdoa. 190 p. C Charles Boss; 21Jun76: ipii700B.
AP«7009. The Cult of Elizabeth: Elizabethan portraiture and paqeantry. By Soy Stronq. United Kinqdoa. 227 p. 6 Boy Stronq: 19Sep77; AFa7009.
AF17010. Braaante. By Arnaldo Bruschi, foreword by Peter Hurray, translator: Isabel Quiqley. United Kinqdoa. 206 p. KB: translation. Thaaes and Hudson, Ltd.; 29Auq77; AFa7010.
AFlt7011. Creation ayths: aan*s introduction to the world. By David Haclaqan. United Kinqdoa. 96 p. (Art and iaaqination) O David Haclaqan; 26Sep77; AF'17011.
AP47012. Spies and spyaasters; a concise history of intelliqence. By Jock Haswell (C. J. D. Baswelll United Kinqdoa. 176 p. Jock Haswell (in notice: c. J. D. Haswell) : 2Hay77; AF<t7012.
AFU7013. Diaqraa: the instruaent of thouqht. By Keith Albarn e Jenny Hiall-Saith. United Kinqdoa. 144 p. C Keith Albarn C Jenny Hiall-Saith; 26Sep77; AF<t7013.
AF'17014. The Roaen painters of Hithila. By Yves Tequaud. translated froa the French by Georqe Bobinson, photos, in the introd.' by Edouard Boubat. United Kinqdoa. 112 p. Translation of L*Art du Hithila. MH: translation. Thaaes and Hudson, Ltd.; 2l»Oct77: AF«701».
AF47015. Subtle body: essence and shadow. By David V. Tansley. Onited Kinqdoa. 96 p. (Art and iaaqination) C David V. Tansley; 18Apr77; AF'(7015.
AF<i7ai6. Zen ic the art of helpinq. By David Brandon. Bnqland. 124 p. David Brandon: 16Dec76; AF47016.
AP47017. The Gasliqht boy. By Hichael 6 Hollie Rardwick. Enqland. 191 p. A novel based on Yorkshire television's series, Dickens of London. C Hichael £ Hillie flardwick (in notice: Hichael £ Hollie Hardwick) ; 23HOV76; AF47017.
AF4701B. Path to the silent country: Charlotte Bronte* s years of faae. By Lynne Beid Banks. Enqland. 208 p. A sequel to Dark quartet. Lynne Eeid Banks; 'tAuq77; AF47018.
AF47019. Alice i Underlandet. »v Lewis Carroll, pseud, of Charles Lutwidqe Dodqson, i oeversaettninq av Ake Bunnquist. aed illustrationer av Tove Jansson. Sweden- Ill p. Appl. au: Albert Bonniers Forlaq, A.B., eaployer for hire. O Albert Bonniers Forlaq, A.B.; 1iK)ct66: AF47019.
AF47020. The Nureyev Valentino: portrait of a fila. By Alexander Bland. Enqland. 124 p. »H: text 6 coapilation of photos. O Alexander Bland; 213ep77; AF47020.
AF47021. Hitchrock. By Bill Knox. Enqland. 183 p. Bill Knox; 1'mov77; AF47021.
AF47022. Everyday life of the Haya. By Balph (hitlock, drawinqs by Eva Bilsoo. Enqland. 173 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., eaployer for hire of Eva Hilson. O on text; Balph Hhitlock; 10ct76; AF47022.
AF47023. Everyday life of the Haya. By Balph Hhitlock, drawinqs by Eva Silson. Enqland. 173 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., eaployer for hire of Eva Hilson. O on illus., drawinqs £ coapilation of other illus. ; B. T. Batsford, Ltd.; 10ct76; AF47023.
AF47024. Everyday life in the Boaan Eapire. By Joan Liversidqe, drawinqs by Eva Rilson. Enqland. 239 p. on text; Joan Liversidqe; 1Hov76; AF47024.
AF47025. Everyday life in the Boaan Eapire. By Joan Liversidqe, drawings by Eva iilson- Enqland. 239 p. Appl. au: B. T. Batsford, Ltd., eaployer for hire of Eva Hilson. e on drawinqs; B. T. Batsford, Ltd.; 1IIOV76: AF47025.
AF47026. Jean Pierre Baynaud. By Eaay De Hartelaere. Belqiua. 1 v. French. NH: new text, illus. £ coapilation of illus. O E.H.A. a.a.d.o. Editions et Bultiples d'Art; 30Hay75; AF47026.
AF47027. Ethics: inventinq riqht and wronq. By J. L. Hackie. Onited Kinqdoa. 249 p. O J. L. Hackie; 25Auq77; AF47027.
AF47028. 5786-ABC. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBH France. O IBH Corporation; 100ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF47028.
AF47029. Lohn- und Gehaltsabrechnunq ait dea IBH SysteB/3 ; Lizenzprograaa-ZSysteahandbuch. Proqraaa Hr. 578B-DLD. Hest Geraany. Sheets (145 p.) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H. ; 15JU177; AF47029.
AF47030. IBM Systea/? TP-Bonitor Koaaunikations- Steuerproqraaa fuer IBH Systea/7; Li zenz proqraaa Proqraaa-ZBedienerhandbuch. Proqraaa Hr. 5797-ADH. Hest Geraany. 1 V. (Branchen-Auwendunqsproqraaa BAP) e IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Jun76; AF47030.
AF47031. IBH SyEtea/7 TP-Honitor Koaaunikations- Steuerproqraaa fuer IBB SysteB/7; Lizenzproqiaaa Systeahandbuch. Proqraaa Hr. 5797-ADH. Hest Geraany. 1 v. (Branchen-Anwendunqsproqraaa BAP) IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 15Jun76; AF47C31.
AF47032. 5788-DKB. France. Printout. O IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 100ct77 (in notice: 1976); AF47032.
AF47033. 5797-NIF. Hest Geraany. Printout. Add. ti: 5725-F12. IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 30JU177; AF47033.
AF47034. 5797-NNA. Best Geraany. Printout. IBH Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Dec76; AF47034.
AF47035. Bethodes alqebriques dans la theorie qlobale des espaccs coaplexes. Vol. 1-2. By C. Banica fi o. stanasila, pref. de Henri Caltan, ed. francaise de J.-L. Verley. France. Translation of Hetode algebrice in teoria globala a spatiilor coaplexe. NB: translation, e Bordas; 30Bar77; AF47035.
AF47036. Laay transport: aarchandises dange- reuses. Par Yves De Boutray £ J. C. Cordier. 3. ed. France. 478 p. Add. ti: Harchandises danqereuses — Laay transport, 1977. Laay, S.A.; 30Jun77; AF47036.
AF47037. Dictionnaire encyclopedigue Quillet. France. 10 v. Appl. au: Jean Bocaut, Christian Bocaut fi Guy Bocaut. O Librairie Aristide Quillet; 30Sep77; AF47037.
AF47038. Estrangeaent, alienation and exploi- tation: a sociological approach to historical aaterialisa. By John Torrance. England. 374 p. C John Torrance; 270ct77; AF47038.
AF47Q39. The Battle of the Atlantic. By John costello £ Terry Hughes. England. 314 p. NH: text 6 coapilation of photos. Terry Hughes £ John Costello; 30Sep77; AF47039.
AF47040. Burders anonyaous. By Elizabeth Ferrars. pseud, of B. D. Brown. England. 195 p. O H. D. Brown; 28Hov77; AF47040.
AF47041. ordinary Jack. By Helen Cressweli (Helen Cressweli Bowe) , illustrated by Jill Bennett. England. 191 p. O on text; Helen Cressweli, pseud, of Helen Cressweli Bowe; 30ct77; AF4704 1.
AF47042. Ordinary Jack. By Helen Cressweli (Helen Cressweli Bowe) , illustrated by Jill Bennett. Enqland. 191 p. O on illus.; Faber and Faber; 30ct77; AF47042.
AF47043. Dickens of London. By Holf Hankowitz. England. 252 p. HH: text £ coapilation 3f illus. Heidenfeld and Nicolson; 9Sep76; AF47043.
AF47044. Soccer. By Georges Schwartz, photos.: Daniel Fontigny, illus.: Joan Affleck. Canada. 144 p. Adapted froa Le Soccer. NH: translation 6 adaptation of text. O Collier Hacaillan Canada, Ltd. ; 130ct76; AF47044.
AF47045. Qualitaet der Uawelt und Eisen-und Stahlindustrie: Ergebnisse und Aussichten; Bericht ueber eine von der Koaaission der Europaeischen Geaeinschaf ten, General-direktion "Soziale Angelegenheiten," AF47045 (con.) veranstaltete Konferenz, Luzeoburq, 2t-26 September 1971. Great Britain. 838 p. &ppi. au: D. Beier 6 R. Smith; Pergaaon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © European Coal acd steel CommuDity* European Economic Community, European Atomic Energy Community (in notice: ECSC, EEC, EAECl: 6Jan77; AF«70I45.
AF47046. aaster ana man and other stories. By Count Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, translated £ »ith an introd. by Paul Foote, Onited Kingdom. 271 p. NM: English translation £ introd. Paul Foote; 25Aug77; AF«701t6.
AFa70147. Progress in energy and combustion science; an international review journal. Vol. 3, no. 1, 1977. Editor: N. A. Chigier. Great Britain. 71 p. Appl. au: K. Littlenood; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hire of editor. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25Jul77; APU70U7.
AF17048. Pharmacology and therapeutics. Vol. 1, no. 3, pt. A, 1977. Executive editor: A. C. Sartorelli. Great Britain. 3U8 p. Appl. au: P. Chandra £ I. Blorkhem; Pergamon Press, Ltd., employer for hiri. of editor. © Pergamon Press, Ltd.; 25J(> iF17048.
AFl»701t9. Pathophysiology of carcinogenesis in digestive organs: proceedings of the 7th international symposium of the Princess Talcamatsu cancer Besearch Fund, Tokyo, 1976. Edited by Emmanuel Farber 6 other editors. Japan. i»41 p. (Princess lakamatsu symposia, 7) Appl. au: Takashi Kanachi £ Takeo Nagayo. O Oniversity of Tokyo Press; 15Nov77: AFit70i(9.
AFlt7050. Membrane alterations as basis of liver iniury. Edited by Hans Philipp Popper, Leonardo Bianchi fi Kerne r Eeutter. Onited Kingdom. 384 p. (Falk symposiam, 22) Appl. au: A. C. Allison. © HTP Press, Ltd.; 260ct77; AF47050.
AF47051. J + B touring telex; Jaeger * Haldmann international guide for business £ holiday trips. 9th ed. Rest Germany. 444 p. Add. ti: Jaeger ♦ Waldmann touring telex. German, French, fi English. Telex-Veriaq Jaeger ♦ Haldmann; 30Har77; AP47051.
AF47052. Victorian country parsons. By firenda Colloms. England. 288 p. © Brenda colloms; 100ct77; AF47052.
AF47053. The World of medieval and renaissance musical instruments. By Jeremy P. S. Montagu. Great Britain. 136 p. © Jeremy P. S. Montagu; 30Sep76; AF47053-
AF47054. Teletracer K8 communication and information system. Netherlands. 31 p- O NISA International, B. V. ; 7Sep77; Ar47054.
AF47055. Decimals percentagem; teste. Issued by E. I. Du Pont De Bemours and Company, Applied Technology Division. Brazil. 19 p. (Natematica na industria, pt. 3) Add. ti; Decimals e percentagem. Appl. au: E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company. NM: translation. © E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company: 31Mar77; AF47055.
AF47056. Decimals percentagem; caderno de paineis. Issued by E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company, Applied Technology Division. Brazil. 31 p. (Matematica na industria, pt. 3) Add. ti: Decimals e percentagem. Appl. au: E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Conp^ny. NM: translation. E. I. Du Pont D.' uemours and Conpany; 31Mar77; AF47056.
AF47057. Decimals percentagem; unidade 2. Issued by E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and company. Applied Technology Division. Brazil. 67 p. (Matematica na industria, pt. 3) Add. ti: Decimals e percentagem. Appl- au: E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company. NM: translation. O E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 31Mar77; AF47057.
AF47058. Decioais percentagem; unidade 1- Issued by E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company, Applied Technology Division. Brazil. 50 p. (Matematica na industria, pt. 3) Appl. au: £. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company. NM: translation. © E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 31Mar77; AF47058.
AF47059. Decimals percentagem; unidade 3. Issued by E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company, Applied Technology Division. Brazil. 50 p. (Matematica na industria, pt. 3) Add. ti: Decimals e percentagem. Appl- au: E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company. NM: translation. © E. I. Du Pont De Nemours and Company; 31Har77; AF47059.
AP47060. 5788-DLE. France. Printout. O IBM Deutschland, G. M. B. H. ; 5Sep77; AF47060.
AF47061. 5788-DJQ. France. Printout. © IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 10Oct77 (in notice: 1976); AF47061.
AF47062. Systefflhandbuch Krankenhausverwaltung; Programm-Nuamer 5797-NTF. Mest Germany. 342 p. O IBM Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); AF47062.
AF47063. Bediener Handbuch Krankenhausverwaltung; Programm-Nummer 5797-STF. lest Germany. 2 V. © IBM Deutschland, G.M-B.B.; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); &F47063.
AF47064. Ein Menscl. fiiegt zu einem Stern; iTnd findet dort ein Menschengeschlecht vor. By Ephraim Pistiner. Israel. 112 p. 9 Ephraim Pistiner; 15Jan65; AF47064.
AF47065. The Ultimate transformation; talks at Aniuna Beach, Goa. By B. P. Kaushik. India. 181 p. © Darshan Yoga Sansthan; 20Jun74; AF47065.
AP47066. The Art of Stephen Lone, 1938-1975. By Eunice Love. Canada. 1 v. © Stephen LoBe Art Gallery, Ltd.; 18Aug77; AF47066.
AF47067. Three centuries of nursery rhymes and poetry for children. Presented by lona Opie fi Peter Opie. 2nd ed. , rev. £ expanded. Great Britain. 115 p. 1st pub. in 1973. © lona £ Peter Opie; 9Jun77; AF47067.
AF47068. Ecology and behaviour of nocturnal primates: prosimians of equatorial «est Africa. By Pierre Charles-Dominique, translated by F. D. Martin. England. 277 p. Appl. au; Gerald Duckworth and Company, Ltd. © on English translation; Gerald Duckworth and Company, Ltd.; 28Bar77; AF47068.
AF47069. The Dutch revolt. By Geoffrey Parker. Great Britain. 327 p. Geoffrey Parker; 11Aug77; AF47069.
AF47070 Honey ^^^ -h* s haven. By Michael Innes, pseud, of J. I. B. Stewart. England. 191 p. © J. I. M. Stewart (pen name: Michael Innes) ; 270ct77; AF47070.
AF47071. My wilderness wildcats. By Mike Tomkies. England. 187 p. Mike Tomkies; 310ct77; AF47071.
Ar47072. Hinqs of the Luftwaffe: flying German aircraft of the Second Horld Bar. By Eric Brown, edited by Billiam Green £ Gordon Swanborough, illus. by John Heal. Enqland. 176 p. © Pilot Press, Ltd.; 19May77; AF47072.
Af47073. The Color treasury of eighteenth century porcelain. Text by Sieqfried Ducret, photos, by Michael Nolgensinger, translated by Christine Friedlander. Great Britain. 138 p. Appl. au: Phaidon Press, Ltd, Publishers, employer for hire. Originally pub. as Porzellan des 18. Jahrhunderts. NM: on translation; e Thomas T. Crowell Company, Inc.; 200ct76; AF47G73.
AF47074. Cathedrals of Europe. Text by Josef Gruenenfelder, photos, by Michael nolgensinger, translated by David Lawrence Grambs. Great Britain. 128 p. Appl. au: PhaidoD press, Ltd., Publishers, employer for hire. Originally pub. as Kathedralen. © on translation; Thomas Y. Crowell company. Inc.; 200ct76; AF47074.
AF47075. Description de I'application et guide de l*utilisateur; programme special numero 5786-AHC. France. 17 p. (Programmes speciaux) © IBM France; 10oct77; AF47075.
AF47076. BAP Prozeduren-/und Programm-Handbuch Geraetemietenabrechnung fuer Bauwir- tschaft. Hest Germany. 200 p. © IBM Deutschland, G.M.B.H.; 15Mar77; AFa7076.
AF47077. Crime in England, 1550-1800. Edited by J. S. Cockburn. England. 364 p. 6 J. S. Cockburn; 25Aug77; AF47077.
AF47078. Gokhale: the Indian Moderates and the British Kaj. By B. H. Nanda. India. 520 p. © oxford Oniversity Press; 5May77; AF47078.
AF47079. Daughter of Vdldoro. By Evelyn Stewart Armstrong. Great Britain. 260 p. Evelyn Stewart Armstrong; 30Sep74; AF47079.
AF47081. Threats of revolution in Britain: 1789-1848. By Malcolm I. Thomis £ Peter Holt, Great Britain. 147 p. © Malcolm I. Thomis 6 Peter Holt; 40ct77; AF47081.
AF47082. Mozart's Don Giovanni. By Hermann Abert, translated by Peter Gellhorn. Great Britain. 138 p. originally pub. in German. © Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd. : 31Dec76; AP47082. AF47083. Dipole moneots in organic cheaistry. By otto Gxnec. Hest Geraany. 156 p. e Georq Thieoe Verlaq; 13Nov75; lFit7083.
»F1708U. The Cheoistry of the suifenic acids. By Enaelbert Kuehle. Hest Gecaaoy. 163 p. C Georq Thieae Verlaq: 10Hay73: AFUTOBU.
iFa708S. Dvnaaic stereocheaistry of pentaco- ordinated phosphorus and related eleaents. By Heiner Luckenbach. Hest Geraany. 259 p. O Georq Thiene Verlaq: 1'*Sep73; AP'47085.
6Flt7086. Poraation of C-C bonds. Vol. 1: Introduction of a functional carbon atoa. By Jean aathieu Jean Heill-Baynal. pref. by D. u. B. Barton. Hest Geraany. <t95 p. e Georq Thieae Verlaq: 2Auq73: AFi|7086.
AF17087. Foraation of C-C bonds. Vol. 2: Introduction of a carbon chain or an aroaatic rinq. By Jean Hathieu € Jean Heill-Baynal, pref. by D. H. B. Barton. Hest Geraany. 639 p. e Georq Thieae Verlaq; 11Sep75; AF470B7.
AF1I7088. The New Testaaent vheel. aexico. 3 p. Appl. au: Araando Orteqa data. Araando Orteqa Bata: 3Sep77; AF47088.
AFU7089. An Intelliqent aan*s quide to the art of coition. By Ibn Falita Ahaad Ibn Huhaaaad. edited £ annotated by Salah Addin Khawwaa, translated by *Adnan Jarkas S Salah Addin Khawnaa. Canada. 177 p. Nn: translation. C aisbah Khavvan c.o.b. Aleppo Publishinq; 13Jan77; APU7089.
AFIt7090. Encyclopedia of pleasure. By Abul Hasan
- AlL Ibn Masr al Katib, edited £ annotated
by Salah Addin Khamiaa, translated by Adnan Jarkas £ Salah Addin Khauwaa. Canada. 386 p. Nfl: translation. Q Hisbah Khavvaa c.o.b. Aleppo Publishinq: 13Jan77; AF117090.
AF't7091. The Pious aqent. By John Braine. Enqland. 252 p. C John Braine (Binqley) Ltd.: 5Jun75: AFI47091.
SFH7092. Airscreaa. By John Bruce. New Zealand. 348 p. John Bruce; 19Sep77 (in notice: 1977, on copies: first pub. 1978) ; AFU7092.
AF"t7093. Garth Piq and the icecreaa lady. By Hary Bayner. Enqland. 1 v. O Hary Bayner; 17llov77; AFlt7093.
AFlt709M. Goodbye California. By Alistaic nacLean. Enqland. 318 p. C Alistair /lacleao: 270ct77: AFll709«.
AFII7095. Tell ae no», and aqain. By Bichard Llewellyn. Enqland. 284 p. C Bichard Llewellyn; 170ct77; AF47095.
AF'»7096. Pendulua: the psi connection. By John Francis Hitching. Enqland. 25U p. e Francis Hitchinq; 15Sep77: AF17096.
AF47097. laaqe. ausic, text. By Boland Barthes, essays selected 6 translated by Stephen Heath. Enqland. 220 p. O on Enqlish translation: Stephen Heath: 170ct77: AF117097.
AFIt7098. Thirteen. By E»a Jones. Great Britain. 162 p. Eva Jones: 130ct76; AFi|7098.
AF«7099. Kinq Georqe 6th and Queen Elizabeth. By Frances Donaldson. Great Britain. 127 p. e Prances Donaldson: 25Auq77: AF't7099.
AFa7100. He three kings. By Janet McNeill. Enqland. 160 p. O Janet McNeill; 22Apr7U; AF47100.
AF47101. Gcorqes Cleaenceau: a political bioqraphy. By David Bobin Hatson. Great Britain. 463 p. David Bobin Hatson: 21tlar74: AF47101.
AF47102. The JoJce shop. By D. J. Enrlght. Enqland. 124 p. 6 D. J. Enright; 70ct76; AF47102.
AP47103. Victoire et la Florentine. By Solanqe Fasquelle. France. 315 p. © Presses de la Cite: 15Sar74; AF47103.
AF47104. Victoire et la fiile de barbe-bleae. By Solanqe Fasguelle. Prance. 318 p. e Presses de la cite; 15oct74; AP47104.
AF47105. Love letters. An anthology chosen by Antonia Eraser, illus. by Janes Hut- chinson. United Kinqdoa. 247 p. C on revision, additional text 6 coapilatlon* Antonia Fraser; 11ilov76; AF47105. (Beprint copy, Jan. 1977, deposited)
AP47106. Oraens aegq. By Inqaar Bergaan. Sweden. 129 p. C Inqaar Bergaan; 310ct77: AP47106.
AP47107. Pbenoaena: a book of wonders. By John Mitchell £ Bobert J. M. Bickard. Dnited Kinqdoa. 128 p. Q on text, coapilation* editing, revisions 6 prev. unpub. photos.; Thaaas ahd Hudson, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AF47107.
AF47103. Hoaoseiuality re-exaained. By D. J. Hest. 4th ed., rev. 6 auqaented. Enqland. 359 p. Original ed. pub. as HoBOsexuality. D. J. Hest; 29Jul77; AF47108.
AF471I0. Hater oil and gas flow in a porous systea. Vol. 1: linear steady state flow. By J. Vuckovic. Australia. 323 p. ^ Petroleua Beservoir Enqineering Laboratory, Pty. Ltd.; 28Dec76: Ar47110.
AF47111. The Cranberry connection. Coapiied by Beatrice Boss Buszek. Canada. 222 p. e Beatrice Boss Buszek; 25Sep77: AF47111.
AF47112. Coaparative aniaal cytology and histology. By Olrich Helsch 6 Volker Storch. United Kinqdoa. 343 p. Original ti. : Einfuehrung in Cytologie und Histologic der Tiere. NH: translation, revisions £ updating. Olrich Helsch € Volker Storch; 15Jun75: AF47112.
AF47113. Saorqsbord (sic) carousel. By Donald M. Christie. Canada. 3 p. O Donald M. Christie: 7May77; AF47113.
AF47114. Voices calendar, 1978. By Gary Allan Silverman. Great Britain. Gary Allan Silberman; 19Jul77; AF47114
AF47115. Buttercups and daisy. By Elizabeth Craqoe. England. 167 p. e Elizabeth Cragoe; 29Jul76; AF47115. (Beprint copy, 2nd iapression, Sept. 1976 deposited)
AF47116. El Gran robo del tren, and other titles. Spain. 477 p. (Biblioteca de selec- ciones) Add. ti: Libros condensados por Selecciones del Beader's Digest. Prev. pub. in. U.S. editions of Beader's Digest condensed books. NM: translation e additional aaterial. O Selecciones del Header's Digest (Iberia), S.A.; 7Apr77: AF47116.
AF47117. Se ha posado el Aguila, and other titles. Spain. 475 p. (Biblioteca de selecciones) Add. ti; Libros condensados por Selecciones del Beader's Digest - Prev. pub. in U.S. editions of Header's Digest condensed t>ooks. NM: translation. O Selecciones del Beader's Digest (Iberia), S.A. ; 14Feb77; AF47117.
AP47118. John Stuart Mill in love. By Josephine Kaaa. England. 253 p. Josephine Kaaa; 26Sep77; AF47118.
AF47119. Essays in social theory. By Steven Lukes. England. 227 p. NM: coapilation, front aatter, chap. 1, notes & references. O Steven Lukes; 7Jui77; AF47119.
AF47 120. Europe 2000. Edited by Peter Hall. England. 274 p. The European Cultural Foundation; 17Nov77; AF47120.
iF47121. George Sand and the Victorians: her influence and reputation in nineteenth- century England. By Patricia Thoason. England. 283 p. Appl. states all new except for chap. 1, J, 5 6 9. O Patricia Thoason; 5Sep77; AF47121.
AF47122. The Later Ghaznavids: splendour and decay: the dynasty in Afghanistan and northern India, 1040-1186. By Clifford Edaund Bosworth. Scotland. 196 p. O C. E. Bosworth; 30Sep77; AF47122.
AF47123. The iars. By Tiaothy Pindley. Canada. 226 p. O Timothy Findley; 130ct77; AF47123.
AF47124. Lovers and heretics. By John Hale. England. 160 p. John Bale; 18Nov76: AF47124.
AF47125. Halt Disney's Hords that tell you about things. United Kingdoa. 159 p. Appl. au: Purnell and Sons, Ltd. Halt Disney Productions; 2J0ct76: AF47125.
AF47127. Halt Disney's Hords that naae things. United Kingdoa. 159 p. Appl. au: Purnell and Sons, Ltd. O Halt Disney Productions; 230ct76; AF47127.
AF47 128. Halt Disney's Hords that do things. United Kingdoa. 159 p. Appl. au: Purnell and Sons, Ltd. O Halt Disney Productions; 230ct76; AF47128.
AF47129 Mallowan's Memoirs.. By Max Mallowan. 4F47 129 (con.) Enqland. 32 p. e tlax HaXIouan ; 15Sep77; AP47129.
AFII7130. Sexismus: Oeber die Abtreibanq dec Fuauenfraqe. By Harielouise Janssen- Jurreit. Geroany. 755 p. 6 Carl Hanser yerlaq: 15Sep76; AF47130.
4P47131. HalllHell's Filmqoer's coopauion. 6th ed. Britain. 825 p. © Leslie Halli«ell: 240ct77: AF47131.
AF47132. Part of ay life. By A. J. Ayer. Enqland. 318 p. e A. J. Ayec; 13Jun77: AF47132.
AF47133. A Boy in your situation. By Charles fiannam. Great Britain. 215 p. 6 Charles Hannaa; 21Apr77; AF47133.
AF4713a. Land policy and urban growth. By Halm Darin-Drabkin. Great Britain. 444 p. a. Darin-Drabkin: 26Sep77: AF47134.
AF47135. Pensions and industrial relations; a practical quide for all involved in pensions. By Harry 0. Lucas. Great Britain. 191 p. 6 Harry 8. Lucas; 23Sep77: AF47135.
AF47136. The British Labour Party: a functioninq participatory democracy. By Harry B. Cole. Great Britain. 9 p. 3 Perqaoon Press. Ltd.; 8Auq77: AF47136.
AP47137. Point mappinq stability. By Jacques Bernussou. vith the collaboration of J. L. Abatut, J. P. Babary. A. Giraud, Lui Hsu & F. Eoubellat. Great Britain. 103 p. e J. Bernussou: 26Sep77: AF47137.
AF47138. Pollution control costs in industry; an economic study. By a. H. Atkins G J. F. Love. Great Britain. 166 p. Q Perqamon Press. Ltd.; 12Sep77: AF47138.
AF47139. Pr<^blems in metallurqical therodynasics and kinetics.. By G. s. Opadhyaya & R. K. Dube. Great Britain. 252 p. (Inter- national series on materials science and technoloqy. vol. 25) 9 G. S. Opadhyaya « K. Pube 26Sep77; &F47139.
AF47140. A Heu era in space transportation; proceedinqs of the 27th International Astronaurical Congress. Anaheim. 10-16 Oct. 1976. Edited by luiqi G. Hapolitano. Great Britain. 451 p. Appl. au: 0. E. Page 6 P. J. Conchie; Perqamon Press, Ltd. , employer for hire of editor. e Perqamon Press. Ltd.; 26Sep77; AF47140.
AF47141. microsomes and drug oxidations; proceedings of the third international symposium. Berlin. July 1976. Editor: Volker Ollrich 6 other editors. Great Britain. 76 8 p. Papers of the Third International Symposium on microsomes and Drug Oxidations, held on July 21-24, 1976; pub. as a suppl. to Biochemical phar- macology. Appl. au: A. Berg 6 K. H. Bock; Perqamon Press. Ltd.. employer for hire of editors. NH: compilation. © Perqamon Press. Ltd.; 12Sep77: AP47141.
AP47142. Behaviour and misbehaviour: explanations and non-explanations. By Kiqel Halker. Enqland. 154 p. Add. ti: Behavior and misbehavior: explanations and non- explanations. 3 Basil Blackvell; 2May77; AF47142.
AF47143. Fathers, mothers and others: tovards new alliances. By Rhona Rapoport. Robert Norman Bapoport & ziona Strelitz. with. Stephen Kew. England. 421 p. Prev. pub. in the U.S. as Fathers, mothers and society: towards new alliances. © Institute of Family and Environmental Research; 28Apr77; AF47143.
AP47144. Bussla*s political hospitals: the abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Onion. By Sidney Bloch & Peter Beddaway. Great Britain. 510 p. Appl. states all new except appendices 3. 6, 8, 9 £ 10. Prev. pub. in the U.S. as Psychiatric terror: how soviet psychiatry is used to suppress dissent. © Sidney Bloch 6 Peter Beddaway; 21JU177; AF47144.
AF47145. The Drawings of Goya: the sketches, studies and individual drawings. By Pierre Gassier, translated by James Emmons. Great Britain. 581 p. Appl. au: office du Livre. Translation of Les Dessins de Goya, tome 2. on text £ compilation of drawings; Office du Livre; 11Feb75; AF47145.
AP47146. The Bar lords; military commanders of the twentieth century. Edited by Hichael Carver. England. 624 p. © George Heidenfeld and Micolson, Ltd.; 15Jun76; AF47146.
AF47147. Horld armaments and disarmament: SIPBI yearbook, 1977. Sweden. 421 p. Appl. au: Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPHI) © SIPRI; 29Jun77; AP47147.
AF47148. The Comic theatre of Greece and Rome. By F. H. Sandbach. Great Britain. 168 p. (Ancient culture and society) © F. H. Sandbach; 26Sep77; AF47148.
AF47149. The Observer's book of European costume. By Geoffrey Sguire £ Pauline Baynes. Onited Kingdom. 192 p. © Frederick Harne and Company. Ltd.; 20Jun75; AF47149.
AF47150. The Observer's book of zoo animals. By Jan Uatley. United Kingdom. 193 p. S Frederick Rajrne and Company, Ltd.; 18Hay72; AF47150.
AP47151. The Observer's book of motor sport. By Graham Hacbeth. Dnited Kingdom. 192 p. S Frederick Barne and company. Ltd. ; 1SNOV75: AF47151.
AF47152. The Observer's book of lichens. By Kenneth L. Alvin, col. £ line drawings by Claire Dalby £ K. A. Kershaw, photos, by the author. Onited Kingdom. 188 p. © Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd. ; 17Jun77; AF47152.
AF47153. The Observer's book of show jumping and eventing. By Tivien Batchelor with 44 line drawings by Christine Bousfield fi 27 black £ white photos, by Leslie Lane. Onited Kingdom. 192 p. © Frederick iarne and Company, Ltd.; 15Apr76; AF47153.
AF47154. The Observer's book of unmanned spaceflight. By Reginald Tnrnill. Unite Kingdom. 191 p. © Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 1Jul74; AF47154.
AF47155. The Observer's book of coins. By Howard Linecar. United Kingdom. 152 p. O Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd. ; 17Jun77; AF47155.
AF47156. The Observer's book of seashells of the British Isles. By Nora F. Mcilillan with 195 line drawings by Bridget Finlow 6 8 col. plates by John Clegg. United Kingdom. 158 p. © Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd.; 17Jun77; AF47156.
AP47I57. The Observer's book of golf. By Tom Scott. United Kingdom. 192 p. © Frederick Harne and Company, Ltd. ; 15NOV75; 4F47157.
AF47158. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie; vierte Auflage, Gesamtregister fuer das Hauptwerk £ die Ergaenzungswerk 1, 2, 3 £ 4, Sachregister fuer die Baende 17 £ 18: die Literatur bis 1959 umfassend. T. 1-2. Ersg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie. Best Germany. 2 v. © Springer-Verlag; 26Sep77; AF47158.
AF47159. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen chemie; vierte Auflage, drittes £ viertes Ergaenzungswerk die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 umfassend. Bd. 19, I. 5. Hrsg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Bolt, unter nitwirkung von Oskar Reissbach £ others. Best Germany, p. 3449-4705. O Springer-Verlag; 12Sep77; 4P47159.
AF47160. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen chemie; Ergaenzungswerk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 46; Borverbindungen, T. 15: Amin- borane £ vervandte Verbindungen. Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Karl Beeker, Urinal K. Das, Lydia M. Frenzel £ Bruce R. Gragg, Bedakteure dieses Bandes: Kurt Hiedenzu £ Katl-Christian Buschbeck. Best Germany. 170 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. © Springer-Verlag; 30Sep77; AF47160.
AF47161. Kristallstrukturdaten anorganischer Verbindungen. T. F. Herausgeber: K.-H. Hellwege £ A. H. Hellwege. Best Germany. 778 p. (Landolt Boernstein: Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaf ten und Technik, neue Ser., Gruppe 3, Bd. 7) Add. ti: Crystal structure data of inorganic compounds. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. 3 Springer-Verlag; 27Sep77; AF47161.
AF47162. II Pastor fido. By Battista Guarini, translated by Richard Fanshawe. edited, with introd.. by John Humphreys Hhitfield. Scotland. 413 p. (Edinburgh bilingual library, 11) Add. ti: The Faithful shepherd. Italian & English. NH: introd. 3 John Humphreys Hhitfield; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF47162.
4F47163. Ausias Harcb: selected poems. Edited £ translated by Arthur Terry. Scotland. 144 p. (Edinburgh bilingual library, 12) Catalan £ English. NN: introd., notes e translation. 3 Arthur Terry; 1Feb77 (in notice: 1976); AF47163.
AF47164. SI.GE. CO. sistema gestione concate- namenti sisteoa/3 (5788 GBN) guida applicativa. Italy. 7Cf p. (Programmi AFU7164 (con.) speciali) e IBB Itali AFlt7164. S.P.i.; 2Hay77;
1PH7165. SI-GE.CO. sistema qesf.ione concate- na»en*i sisteoa/3 (5788 GBH) quida operativa. Italy. 13* p. (Proqraumi speciali) O IBB Italia, S.P.».: 2Bay77: »FI47165.
AFlt7166. DateabaDk £uer Online- Beschaffunq; LizenzproqcaBm Systemhandbuch Pr oqram-llr. 5788-DKB. 2. iusq. France. 68 p. (Spezielles SnwendunqsproqramB SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.fl.B.H.; 100ct77: AFlt7166.
AFlt7167. Datenerfassunq und Kontrolle nit den KOBBUni)tationssysteii IBB 3600; Lizen- zproqramn proqra«ti-/Bedienerhandbuch ProgcaiJlD-Ni:. 5788-DLE. France. 58 p. (Spezielles Anxendunqsproqraniii SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.: 25Suq77; APlt7167.
AFini68. Datenerfassunq und Kontrolle mit den Koamunikationssysteii IBB 3600; Lizen- zproqraDn Systemhandbuch Proqraan-hr. 5788-DLE. France. 131 p. (Spezielles An»endunqsproqraliBi SAP) IBB Deut- schland. G.H.B.H.: 25Auq77; AF'l71b8.
AFU7169. Datenbank fuer Online- Beschaffunq; LizenzproqraBn ProqramB-/Bedienerhandbuch ProqraBB-Ur. 5788-DKB. France. 258 p. (Spezielles AnvendunqsproqraBB SAP) e IBB Deutschland. G.B.B.H.: 10Oct77: AF117169.
AF'47170. IBB svsteB/370 interactive financial systeu 3 proqrai reference and operations Banual; proqraB no. 57H6-F51 (DOS/VS) Denitar)!. 89 p. (ProqraB product) Appl. au- IBB GerBany. C International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77; AFI47170.
AF117171. COBBunications architecture, systeB definition, data processinq quide. DenBarJt. 80 p. Appl. au: IBB Germany. International Business Bachines Corporation: 1»0ct77: AF47 171.
iFll7172. IBB svsteB/370 interactive financial system u proqraB reference and operations manual: proqram no. 57K6-F55 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 86 p. (Proqram product) Appl. a»: IBB Germany. 6 International Business Bachines Corporation: 2?Oct77: AFt7172.
AP47173. Time-consistent busy-hour analysis proqram AF operatinq quide. Denmar)l. 1 V. (3750 svitchinq system) Appl. au: IBB France. C International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77: AF47173.
AF47174. IBB S7stem/370 interactive financial system 1-U proqram nessaqes; proqram no. 57(t6-F52 (IPS 1 DOS/VS) 6 others. 2nd ed. Denmark. 10 5 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au- IBB Germany. C International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77: AF47174.
AF47175. SBA-Oeberqanqshilfe; Lizenzproqraam Systemhandbuch Proqramm- Nr. 5788-DLY. France. 51 p. (Spezielles Anwendun- qsproqramm SSP) IBB Deutschland, G.M.B.H.: 310ct77: AFU7175.
AF^7176. IBB systeB/370 interactive financial system 2 proqram reference and operations manual: proqram no. 5746-F53 (DOS/VS) Denmark. 7« p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB Germany. C International Business Bachines Corporation; 270ct77; AF17176,
AF07177. CICS/vs and complementary products custoner inforoation control systei- /virtual storaqe. Denmark. 28 p. 6 sheets («0 p.) Appl. au: IBB France, e International Business Bachines Corporation a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation); 2No"77; AFit7177.
AF"t7178. SNA-Oeberqanqshilfe; LizenzproqramB Proqramm-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm- Nr. 5788-DLY. France. 69 p. (Spezielles AnnendunqsproqraBB SAP) IBB Deut' schland. G.B.B.H. ; 310ct77: AF«7178.
AF"t7179. IBB systeB/370 interactive financial svstem l-H application user's quide; proqram no. 5746-P52 (IFS 1 DOS/VS) S others. Denmark. 197 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB Germany. O International Business Bachines Corporation: 270ct77; AFH7179.
4F117180. IBB system/370 project analysis and control system (PROJACS) qeneral information: proqram no. 57it6-XP1 (DOS/VS) 57itO-XP1 (OS/VS) 3rd ed. Denmark. 58 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBB France. O International Business Bachines Corporation; 140ct77; AFt7ieO.
AFa7181. TCSS-CICS-Vertraeqlichkeit; Lizen- zproqramB Systemhandbuch Proqramo-Nr. 5788-DJC. France. 2't p. (Spezielles Anvendunqsproqramm SAP) IBB Deut- schland. G.B.B.H.; 310ct77; AFU7181.
AF«7102. TCSS-CICS-Vertraeqlichkeit; Lizen- zproqramB ProqramB-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Hr. 5788-DJC. France. 15 p. (Spezielles Annendunqsprogramm SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 310ct77: AFlt7182.
AF«7ie3. DITTO/3790, description de 1 'application et quide de 1' utilisateur : proqraBBe special no 5788-ABG. France. 58 p. (ProqraBBes speciaux) NB: editorial revision. O Compaqnie IBB France; 7KOV77; AFU7183.
AF«718ll. CICS/VS and complementary products customer information control system- /virtual storaqe. Denmark. 28 p. 6 40 transparencies in box. Appl. au: IBB France. International Business Bachines corporation a.d.: IBB corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 2Nov77; AF<t718it.
AF47185. Online- Bar ene in qanqssteuerunq; Lizenzproqramm Systemhandbuch Proqraam-Nr. 5788-DJQ. France. 2»0 p. (Spezielles An«endunqsproqraam SAP) 6 IBB Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 100ct77; AP47185.
AF47186. Online- Bareneinqanqssteuerunq; LizenzproqramB PioqraBa-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Nr. 5788-DJQ. France. lUU p. (Spezielles Aniiendunqsproqramm SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 100ct77; AF47186.
AFlt7187. Lohn-und Gehaltsabrechnunq fuer die Industrie (LGI) mit dem IBB System/3; LizenzproqramB PrograBB-/Bedienerhandbuch ProqraBB-Nr. 5788-DCE. 2. Ausq. Sest GerBany. 261 p. (Spezielles Anven- dunqsproqraBB SAP) « IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 30Jun75; AFU7187.
AF«7ie8. IBB teachware 0S/VS1 Systea-Konsol- Bedienunq; Lizenzproqramm Proqramm- /Bedienerhandbuch Progtamm-Nr. 5788-DEJ. 2. Ausq., Oct. 1975. Best Germany. 103 p. (Spezielles AnwendunqsproqraBB SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 22Bar7b; AF'l7 108.
AF47189. IBB SvsteB/32 Bediener-Handbuch Anqebots-Kalkulation (5797-NLZ) Best Geraany. 163 p. C IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 27Jun77 (in notice: 1976); AF47189.
AF47190. 5786-GAE. Italy. Printout. Appl. att: IBB Italia, S.P.A. SPEDASS; 30Jun77; AF47190.
AF47191. 5788-DLY. France. Printout. IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 310ct77; AF47191.
AF47192. 5788-DJC. France. Printout. O IBB Deutschland, G.B.B.H.; 310ct77; AF47192.
AF47193. 5788-ABG. France. Printout. Appl. au: IBB France. 6 IBB Corporation; 7Nov77 (in notice: 1976); AFH7193.
AF4719I4. Love is contraband. By Barbara Cartland. Dnited Kingdoa. 191 p. © Barbara cartland; 18Bar68; AFU719it.
AFU7195. Bessenger of love. By Barbara Cartland. Dnited Kingdoa. 192 p. O Barbara cartland; 2*Jul61; AFit7195.
AF47196. Love under fire. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kingdom. 190 p. Barbara cartland; 5Dec60; AF17196.
AFt7197. The Onknovn heart. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Klnqdom. 215 p. C Barbara Cartland; 2Jun69; AFH7197.
AF<t7198. The Kings of love. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 191 p. Barbara Cartland; 9Apr62; AF<t7198.
AFU7199. A Light to the heart. By Barbara BcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. Barbara BcCorquodale (pseud, of Barbara Cartland) ; 1Bay62; AFit7199.
APU7200. Love on the run. By Barbara BcCor- quodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. C Barbara BcCorquodale (psend. of Barbara Cartland) ; 1Jun65; AF17200.
AFII7201. The Enchanting evil. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 183 p. e Barbara Cartland: 9Sep6e; AF47201.
AFU720 2. Betternich: the passionate diploBat. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 159 p. O Barbara cartland; «Aug6«; AF«7202.
AF47203. The Beluctant bride. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 222 p. Barbara Cartland; 120ct70; AF47203.
AF47204. The Secret fear. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kingdom. 205 p. C Barbara Cartland; 16Feb70; AP47204. AFa7205 (con.) anited Kinqdom. 207 p. e Barbara cartland: 304uii66: SFit7205.
SFlt7206. Nobody's fault. By Mervyn Jones. England. 197 p. 6 Hervyn Jones: 29Mar77; iFl(7206.
SFlt7207. Tbe Biq day. By Barry Onsworth. Enqland. 181 p. 6 Barry Dnsnorth: 110ct76: kFUllOl.
iFlt7208. Sobre una plantacion experimental de la Camellia sinensis L. en la zona climatica del Bio de la Plata (B.0.0.) y sus perspectivas para un posible eapleo cooo planta medicinal. Oruquay. 15 p. tppl. au: ileno Pontvik. a &leio Pontvik; 70ct77: 4F47208.
JFlt7209. The Primal economy; discourse on the subiect of God*s nanaqeoent of the universe- By Robert Leslie Nash. Australia. 95 p. Incorporating A Theory of social history 6 A Bodern theory of knowledge. 6 Robert Leslie Nash: 51io¥76; AFlt7209.
AFU7210. British folk art. By James Ayres. United Kingdom. lUI p. Appl. au: Carter Nash Cameron, Ltd., employer for hire. Na: text. O Carter Nash Cameron, Ltd.; 3may77: AFit7210.
AFil7211. Classical terracotta figures. By James chesterman. with a foreword by R. A. Biggins. Great Britain. 99 p. Appl. au: James Chesterman, employer for hire of E. A. Higqins. Appl. States all new teit except for foreword. © James Chesterman; 29JU17U; AFa7211.
AFlt7212. Preaching the prophetic message in the "hour of iudgment." By Johannes Maqer. Great Britain. 1 v. C General Conference of Se»enth-day Adventists; 7Auq77; AFlt7212.
AP117213. Iconography of religions; an introd. By Albert C. Boore. England. 337 p. NH: compilation £ maiority of textual material is new. 6 SCM Press, Ltd. 6 Fortress Press: 31Auq77: AF47213.
AFlt7 214. Torath aachatos and Torath Haoshom. By Samson Heller £ David Heller. Israel. 1 V. Hebrew, title romanized on appl. NM: compilation, editorial revision 6 additional text. C Samson (Shimshon) Heller 6 David Heller: 1Dec77; AFit7214.
AFa7215. A Handful of dark blue fur. By Joan Aiken, illustrated by Richard Kennedy. Great Britain. (In Puffin. post, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 9-12) Joan Aiken; 1Apr73 (in notice: 1972): AFii7215.
AFit7216. The Doge's ring. By Joan Aiken, drawings by Pat Harriott, Great Britain. (In The First Puffin's pleasure, p 36-38) e Joan Aiken Enterprises, Ltd.: 1Sav76: AFK7216.
AFIt7217. Tbe Faithless lollybird. Story by Joan Aiken, illus. by Krystyna Turska. Great Britain- Jin Puffin annual, no. 1, p. 6-16) e Joan, Aiken: 1Nov74: APi»7217.
AFi»7218. Pigeons and doves of the world. By Derek Goodwin, illus. by Robert Gillmor. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 446 p. © Trustees of the British Huseum (Natural History); 1Dec70; AF472ia.
AF47219. Daughter of darkness. By Miranda Seymour (Hiranda Seymour Sinclair) Enqland. 255 p. © Miranda Seyiour (whose full legal name is Hiranda Seymour Sinclair) ; 11Jul77; AF47219.
AF47220. Memoirs of the devil. By Roger Vadim, translated by Peter Beglan. England. 192 p. © on translation: Hutchinson; 20Sep76; AF47220.
AF47221. The Haunted sisters. By Jean Plaidy, pseud, of Eleanor Hibbert. England. 317 p. © Jean Plaidy, pen name of Eleanor Hibbert.; 4Hay66; AF47221.
AF47222. Pets and pet care. Edited by Hilary Lloyd Jones. Emgland. 253 p. Appl. au: orbis Publishing, Ltd. 6 Artus Publishing company, Ltd., employers for hire. NH: text, photos. 6 compilation. © Orbis Publishing, Ltd. 6 Artus Publishing company, Ltd.; 15Nov77; AF47222.
AF47223. Stromrichterschaltunqen; Einfuehrnng in die Schaltungen netzgef uehrter Strom- richter. By Baiter Hartel. Hest Germany. 434 p. © Springer-Verlaq; 22Sep77; AF47223.
AF47224. Beilsteins Handbuch der organischen Chemie; vierte Auflage. 4. Ergaenzun- qswerk, die Literatur von 1950 bis 1959 umfassend. 3. Bd., 1. I. Hrsg. vom Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Bolt, unter Mitwirkunq von Oskar )jeissbach, Friedo Giese, Richard Meister, Adolf Fahrmeir, Bruno Langhammer 6 Josef Sunkel. West Germany. 567 p. Add. ti: Beilstein viertes Ergaenzungswerk, Band 3/1. Appl. au: Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, employer for hire. Springer-Verlag; 30Jun77; AF47224.
AF47225. Gmelin Handbuch der anorganischen Chemie; achte voellig neu bearb. Aufl. System-Nr. 39: Seltenerdelemente. T. C5: Sc, Y, La und Lanthanide. Hauptredakteur: Hartmut Bergmann, Bedakteur: Drsula Vetter, wissenschaf tlicher Mitarbeiter: Erich Best. Hest Germany. 259 p. Appl. au; Gmelin Institut fuer Anorganische Chemie, employer for hire. © Springer- Verlag; 22Auq77; AF47225.
AF47226. Ultrasonic testing of materials. By Josef Krautkraemer 6 Herbert Krautkraemer, translated by 3. H- Zenzinger. 2lld ed. Best Germany. 667 p. Translation of Herkstoff pruef ung mit Oltraschall. e Springer-Verlag; 28Jun77: AF47226.
AF47227. Transplantation. Edited by Johann Hilhelm Masshoff. Best Germany. 1070 p. (Handbuch der allgemeinen Pathologie, 6. Bd., 8. I.) Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. Springer-Verlaq; 30ct77; AF47227.
&F47228. Manual der Osteosynthese, AO lechnik. By Maurice E. Mueller, Hartin Allgoewer, B. Schneider 6 H. Billenegger. 2. neubearbeitete £ erweiterte Aufl. Hest Germany. 409 p. £ 2 transparencies. © Springer-Verlag: 70ct77; AF47228.
AF47229. Erfahrungen mit Grundbauwerken. By Arnold Agatz £ Erich Lackner. Best Germany. 616 p. Prev. pub. as Der Kampf des Ingenieurs gegen Erde und Wasser in Grundbau, 1936. NM: enlargement £ revisions. Springer-Verlag; 23Hay77; AF47229.
AFU7 230. Bone tumors. Edited by K. Eanniger. Hest Germany. 825 p. (Encyclopedia of medical radiology, vol. 5, pt. 6) (Handbuch der Medizinischen Radiologie, bd. 5, t. 6) Appl. au; Springer-Verlag, employer for hire. Springer-Verlag; 30Sep77; AF47230.
AF47231. Le Monde des mammiferes. Par Les Line £ Edward Ricciuti, traduction de Rosine Fitzgerald. France. 290 p. original ti. The Audubon Society book of wild animals. © on translation; Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AF47231.
AF47232. Belles demeures de Paris, 16e-19e siecle. Pref. de Jacgues Hilhelm, texte de Claude Fregnac. France. 279 p. NM: text 6 compilation of texts £ illus. e Librairie Hachette; 30Sep77; AF47232.
AF47233. Le Pouvoir des plantes. By Brendan Lehane, pref. de Rene Dumont, traduction £ adaptation de Nina De Voogd £ Raymond Olcina, realisation artistique: Emil Buehrer E Robert Tobler. Prance. 283 p. Original ti. : The Power of plants. NH: translation £ adaptation- © Hachette; 30Sep77; AF47233.
AF47234- IBB 3790 SNA users reference card- Denmark. Folder- Appl. au; IBM Prance- NH: revisions, updating £ translation- International Business Machines corporation (in notice: International Business Machines) ; 30Sep77; iF47234.
AF47235. Video image decompression program; program no. 5788-EBG, program descrip- tion/operations manual. Prance. 12 p- Appl- au: IBM Onited Kingdom, Itd- e International Business Machines Corporation; 24Sep75; AF47235-
AF47236. 5797-NQZ. Italy. Printout- IBM Italia; 29Jul77; AF47236.
AF47 237. 5788-DJB- Prance. Printout- IBM Deutschland, G-M-B.H-; 29Aug77 (in notice; 1976); AF47237-
AF47 238. 5788-DJT. France. Printout- IBM Deutschland. G-M.B.H.; 12Sep77 (in notice: 1976); AF47238.
AF47239. 5799-SPA. France. Printout- NM: additions. O IBM Deutschland, G-M.B.H.; 240ct77; AP47239.
AF47240- Ihe Irresistible Buck. By Barbara Cartland- United Kingdom. 191 p. © Barbara Cartland; 4Sep72; AF47240. (Reprint ed-, pub- 1975. deposited)
AF47241- A Halo for the Devil- By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 255 p. C Barbara cartland; 6Mar72; AF47241-
AF47242. Love on the run- By Barbara Cartiand- Bnited Kingdom- 191 p. Prev. pub. 1965. O on new cover art £ revisions; Barbara AP47242 (con. I Cartlan(»: 1Jane9: lF<t72it2. (Beprint ed., pab. 1971. deposited)
AFi472it3. Love is danqerous. By Barbaca Cartiaad. Onited Kincidom. 191 p. Pre». pub. 1963. O on nev cover art t revisions; Barbara Cartland: 1Feb69: APU72I43.
AFI472ll<t. Lights of love. 87 Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdo*. 255 p. Prev. pub. 1958. on nev cover art & revisions: Barbara cartland; 1Feb69: JF472«it. IBeprint ed., pub. 1975, deposited}
AF1172«5. A Heart is broken. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. 285 p. Originally called Yet she follows written in 19il2. SB: abridqenents. re-paragraphing, revisions & additions. C Barbara Cartland; 20Sep72: AF«72il5. (Beprint ed. , pub. 1975. deposited)
AF«72»6. Dance on ay heart. By Barbara Cartland. onited Kingdom. 190 p. Barbara cartland: iaApr77: AFii72«6.
AFIt72U7. Elizabethan lover. By Barbara Cartland. Onited KinqdoB. 254 p. NH: abr idqeaents, re-paraqraphinq, revisions 6 additions. Barbara Cartland; 1Feb70: AF472U7. (Beprint ed. , pub. 1975, deposited)
AF472II8. Love at forty. By Barbara cartland. United Kingdoii. 203 p. O Barbara Cartland: 1Hay77; AP't7248.
AF1172U9. The Bitter winds of love. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 159 p. Barbara Cartland; 1Jul76: AF47249.
AF117250. The Little pretender. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art 6 additions. C Barbara Cartland; 1Apr68: AP47250. (Beprint ed. , pub, 1976, deposited)
AFlt7251. Love is Bine. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art. abridgeaents, re- paragraphing, revisions & additions. Barbara Cartland; 1Jun70; AFit7251. (Beprint ed. , 1975, deposited)
AP1I7252. Love is an eaqle. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art, abridgeaents, re-pacagraphing, revisions & additions. Barbara Cartland; 8Aug69; AF47252. (Beprint ed. , 1975, deposited)
AF47253. A Shost in Honte Carlo. By Barbara Cartiaad. Onited Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art & additions. Barbara cartland: 19JU165: AFit7253. (Beprint ed., 1976, deposited)
AP117254. The Scandalous life of King Carol; his loves and passions. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 203 p. NH: cover art C additions. C Barbara Cartland; 2Jan76 (in notice: 1957. Corgi ed. pub. 197i|) ; API4725*.
AFI1725S. The Enchanted waltz. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 190 p. NH: abridgeaents, re-paragraphing, revisions £ additions. C Barbara Cartland; 6Hay65: AP47255. (Beprint ed. , 1972, deposited)
AF117256. Love in hiding. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 191 p. O on new cover art fi revisions; Barbara Cartland; 1Hay67: APil7256.
AF47257. A Virgin in Hayfaxr. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 191 p. O Barbara Cartland; 3Hay76: AF47257.
AF47258. The Thief of love. By Barbara HcCorguodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdoa. 190 p. Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 27Sep57; AF47258. (Beprint ed. 1967, deposited)
AF47259. The Unpredictable bride. By Barbara cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 191 p. Barbara Cartland; 7Dec64; AF47259. (Beprint ed. 1973, deposited)
AF47260. The Odious duke. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 253 p. O Barbara Cartland; 5Peb73; AF47260. (Beprint ed. 1974, deposited)
AF47261. The Bidden evil. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdoa. 191 p. O Barbara Cartland; 14Jan63; iP47261. (Beprint ed. 1968, deposited)
AP47262. The Audacious adventuress. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdoa. 215 p. Barbara Cartland; 24Jan72 (in notice: 1971); AF't7262. (Beprint ed. 1973, deposited)
AF47263. Love is the eneay. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 255 p. NH: cover art 6 other new aatter. C Barbara Cartland; 1Hay63; AP47263.
AF47264. The Golden gondola. By Barbara Cartland. Onited KingdOB. 255 p. NH: revisions C other new aatter. Barbara Cartiaad; 1Sep70; AP47264. (Beprinted. 1977, deposited)
AP47265. The Smuggled heart. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 191 p. O on cover art, additions & revisions; Barbara Cartland; 13ilar67; AF47265.
AP47266. The Haqic of honey. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 140 p. O on revisions & other new matter; Barbara Cartland; 2Jan76; AF47266.
AF47267. Love in pity. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdoa. 207 p. Barbara Cartland: 1Peb77; AF47267.
AF47268. Love and Linda. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdoa. 207 p. Barbara Cartland; 1Sep76; AF47268.
iF47269. A Baiubow to heaven. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 160 p. Barbara Cartland; 7Jun76; AF47269.
AF47270. The Complacent wife. By Barbaca Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 255 p. O Barbara Cartland; 11Dec72; AF47270. (Beprint ed. 1974, deposited)
AF47271. Stars in ay heart. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 191 p. Barbara Cartland: 11Feb57: AP47271. (Beprint ed. 1976, deposited)
AF47272. Lost enchantment. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 223 p. O Barbara Cartland: 3Jul72; Ar47272. (Beprint ed. 1975, deposited)
AF47273. The Defence of British trade, 1689-1815. By PatricJt Crowhurst. England. 281 p. O Patrick Crowhurst; 2asep77: AF47273.
AF47274. The 0olf children. By Charles fiaclean. Britain. 324 p. O Charles Haclean; 270ct77; AF47274.
AF47275. Sculpture: processes and principles. By Budolf Bittkower, foreword: Harqot Kittkower. Great Britain. 288 p. Harqot Bittkower; 25Auq77: AF47275.
AF47276. Solutions to the problems in Cheaical engineering, volume 1. By J. B. 3ac)Uiurst e J. H. Barker. Great Britain. 207 p. (Chemical engineering, vol. 4) O J. B. Backhurst J. H. Barker; 12Sep77; AF47276.
AF47277. Hosaic Baking techniques. By Belen Button. Onited Kingdom. 138 p. SB: 4 pages, 20 photos., 2 drawings & editorial revision. O Helen Button; 28»pr77; AF47277.
AP47278. Terhandlungsbericht der Deutschen Gesellschaft fuer Orologie; 28. Tagung vom 27. September bis 1. Oktober 1976 in Innsbruck. Tagungsleitung: H. Harberger, redigiert: K. P. Albrecht. Best Germany. 548 p. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, employer for hire of H. Harberger. O Springer-Verlag; 20Jun77; AF47278.
AF47279. Beilsteins Handbucfa der organischen Cheaie; vierte Auflage. drittes und viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 19, T. 4. Brsq. VOB Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Chemie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwickung von Oskar Ueissbach 6 others. Best Geraany. p. 2491-3446. Appl. au: Beilstein Institut fuer Organischen Cheaie, eaployer for hire. NH: new material. Springer- Verlag: 27JU177; AF47279.
lP472e0. Beilsteins Handbnch der organischen Cheaie; vierte Auflage, drittes und viertes Ergaenzungswerk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 19, T. 3. Hrsg. VOB Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Organischen Cheaie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwirkung von oskar Beissbach 6 others. Best Geraany. p. 1555-2487. Appl. au: Beilstein Institut fuer Organischen Cheaie, eaployer for hire. NH: new material. Springer- Verlag; 15Jun77; AF47280.
AF47281. Bioaecanique de la hanche saine et pathologique: principes, technique et resuitats d*une therapeutique causaie; un atlas. By Priedrich Pauwels, traduit par Paul G. J. Haquet. Best Geraany. 276 p. Appl. au: Springer-Verlag, eaployer for hire. Translation of the Geraan ed., 1973: Atlas zur Biomechanik der gesunden und kranken Huefte: Prinzipien, Technik und Besultate einer kausalen Therapie, translation of the Geraan ed. to English, 1976: Biomechanics of the noraal and diseased hip: theoretical foundation, technique and results of treataent. NH; French translation of Geraan ed. Springer-Verlag; 200ct77; AF47281. AFI»7282. The Countess of Pembroice's Arcadia. By Sir Philip Sidney, edited with an introd- 6 notes by Baurice Evans. Dnited Kinqdom. 869 p. on iotrod. & notes; Maurice Evans: 29Sep77: SP47282.
llFlt7283. Aspects of antiquity: discoveries and controversies. By M. I. Finley. 2nd ed. United Kinqdom. 216 p. S tl. I. Finley: 2UNOV77: AF1(7283.
AFt72B"t. Orlando furioso. Pt. 2. By Ludovico Ariosto, translated with an introd. by Barbara Seynolds. United Kinqdom. 7911 p. Add. ti: The Frenzy of Orlando. NH: translation, introd. S notes. Barbara Seynolds; 29Sep77: AF472ei.
AFt7285. Professinq poetry. By John Uaiu. United Kinqdom. 396 p. NM: all text by John Nain. John Hain; 17Nov77; AFU7285.
AF47286. The Rockinq horse secret. By Burner Godden, illustrated by Juliet Stanwell Smith. United Kinqdom. 87 p. NM: text. Ruser Godden; 2itNov77; SFU7286.
AFU7287. The Rockinq horse secret. By Burner Godden, illustrated by Juliet Stannell Smith. United Kinqdom. 87 p. on illus.: Juliet Stanwell Smith; 2«Nov77; AFIt7287.
AFIt7268. The Stranqe ride of Rudyard Kiplinq: his life and works. By Anqns Hilson. United Kinqdom. 370 p. NM: all text by Anqus Wilson. C Anqus Wilson; 7Nov77 ; AF't7288.
AP1(7289. Schoolhouse Mathematics 3. Illus- trators: Roy Condy, Tibor Kovalik, James Loates, Frank Miller, Don Morrison 6 Nancy Lou Seynolds. Canada. Kit. Appl. au: Ellen wernecke 6 Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd. Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd- ; 15Mav77; AFU7289.
AF47290. Schoolhouse word attacit 1C, By Muriel Clarke 6 Fleur Barsden. Canada. Kit. O Science Research Associates (Canada) Ltd.: 120ct77: AF'l7290.
AF117291. Notenbeispiele aus der Musikli teratur mit Kommentar. By gilhelm Maler. 3. Aufl. West Germany. 120 p. (Beitraq zur Durmolltonalen Harmonielehre, Bd. 2) F. E. C. Leuckart; 17JU175; AF1(7291.
AFlt7292. Lehrbuch. By Wilhelm Maler. 8. Aufl. Uest Germany. 95 p. (Beitraq zur Duraolitonalsn Harmonielehre, Bd. 1) O F. E. C. Leuckart; 27Mar75; &Fi(7292.
AF117293. In a dark wood. By Marina Warner. United Kinqdom. 250 p. 6 on all new text, compilation £ revisions; Marina Warner; 16Jun77; AF'47293.
AF117291(. Justus Lieblqs Annalen der Chemie. Bd. 566. Hrsq. von Heinrich wieland, Adolf Windaus S Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 2«<l p. Veriaq Chemie. G.M.B.H.; 3Sar50: AFU729it. (1962 print, deposited)
APM7295. Justus Liebiqs Annalen der Chenie. Bd. 569. Hrsq. von Heinrich Wieland. Adolf Bindaus 6 Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 216 p. Verlag Chemie, G.H.B.H.; 15Sep50; APit7295. (1962 print, deposited)
AFa7296. Justus Liebiqs Annalen der Chemie. Bd. 568. Hrsq. von Heinrich Wieland, Adolf windaus & Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 239 p. Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H.; 3aJua50; AFit7296. (1962 print, deposited)
AFlt7297. Justus Liebiqs Annalen der Chenie. Bd. 567. Hrsq. von Heinrich wieland, Adolf Bindaus 6 Richard Kuhn. West Germany. 225 p'. Veriaq Chemie,; 4Apr50; AFlt7297. (1961 print, deposited)
AFI47298. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 1. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte, 83. Jahrq., p. 1-128) e Veriaq Chemie, G.H.B.H.; lOPebSO; AF1)7298. (1961 print, deposited)
AF147299. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 2. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Hedaktlon: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte, 83. Jahrq.. p- I-lXVIIl 6 129-212) e Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H.; 20Apr50; AF'(7299. (1961 print, deposited)
AFU7300. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrg. , Nr. 3. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Sedaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrg.. p. 213-316) Verlag Chemie, G.M.B.H. ; 17May50; SF47300. (1961 print. deposited)
AFI4 7301. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 1. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq.. p. 317-411) Verlag Chemie. G.B.B.H.; 11JU150; AF17301. (1961 print, deposited)
AF17302. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 5. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrg., p- 115-500) e Veriaq Chemie, G.M.B.H.; 30Auq50; AF17302. (1961 print. deposited)
AP17303. Chemische Berichte. 83. Jahrq., Nr. 6. Hrsq. von Clemens Schoepf, Redaktion: Albert Ellmer. West Germany. (In Chemische Berichte, 83. Jahrg.. p. XIX-LXXVI 6 501-618) O Verlag Chemie. G.M.B.H.; llOctSO; AF17303. (1961 print, deposited)
AF17301. Tisch-PussDallspiel; Wuerfelspiel. West Germany. 1 p. Add. ti: lisch-Fubal- Ispiel. Appl. au: Harald Raden. Harald Raden; 10Oct77; AP17301.
AF17305. Huppertaler Medaillen. By Wolfgang Schulten, mit einem Anhang von Horst Kimpcl. West Germany. 261 p. a Numismatischer Verlag, P. N. Schulten; 7Nov77; AF17305. '
AF17306. Tommy Brayshaw: the ardent angler- artist. By Stanley E. Read, with a foreword by Lee straight G a tribute by Roderick L. Haig- Brown. Canada. 91 p. The University of British Columbia; 16NOV77; AF17306.
AF17307. Early Indian village churches; wooden frontier architecture in British Columbia. By John Veillette 6 Gary Nicholson white, commentaries by Harold Kalman, Robin Fisher 6 Warren Sommer. Canada. 195 p. O The University of British Columbia; 22NOV77; AF17307.
AF17308. Tenant of Chesdene Manor. By Alice Chetwynd Ley. England, 221 p. Alice Chetwynd Ley; 11Mar71; AF17308.
AF17309. A Transatlantic origin for the Zodiac? By vera Jane Gilbert. Brazil. 37 p. a Vera Jane Gilbert; 2Sep76; Afl7309.
AF17310. Tesouros artisticos de Portugal. Orientador 6 coordenador: Jose Antonio Ferreira De Almeida. Portugal. 667 p. Add. ti; Treasures of Portugal. Portuguese translation based on book pub. in Great Britain in 1969. Appl. au: Seleccocs do Reader's Digest (Portugal) S.A.E.L. NM: Portuguese translation. & Seleccoes do Header's Digest (Portugal) S.A.E.L. ; 17NOV76; AF17310.
AF17311. Simple thoughts for a lousy world from shortcut (a simple poet) Mexico. 20 p. Appl. au: Sergio Bihailide. O Sergio Mihailide; 150ct77; AF17311.
AF17312. The Linguistic atlas of Scotland. Scots section, vol. 2. Edited with an introd- by J. Y. Mather 6 H. H. Speitei, cartography by G. w. Leslie. Great Britain. 292 p. J. Y. Bather, H. H. Speitei C G. W. Leslie; 15Jul77; AP17312.
AF17313. The Observer's book of flags. By I. 0- EV(ins. United Kingdom. 191 p. NM: compilation, revision £ additional text. Frederick Warne and Company. Ltd.; 26Feb75; &F17313.
AF17311. Companion guide to Venice. By Hugh Honour. Great Britain. 287 p. e Hugh Honour; 9Aug65; AF17311. (Reprint copy, 2nd ed.. 1977, deposited.)
AF17315. Archives administration: a manual for intermediate and smaller organizations and for local government. By Michael Cook. England. 258 p. 6 Michael Cook; 27Sep77; AF17315.
AF17316. The British coalmining industry, 1870-1916: a political and economic history. By B. W. Kirby. Great Britain. 278 p. O B. ». Kirby; 5Dec77; AP17316.
AF17317. George Gissing: a biography. By Michael Collie. Great Britain. 189 p. C Michael Collie; 5Dec77; 4F17317.
AP17318. The Magic of honey- By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdom. 160 p. Barbara Cartland; 1Feb70; AF17318. (1972 reprint ed. . deposited)
AF17319. Lights of love. By Barbara BcCor- quodale. pseud, of Barbara Cartland. United Kingdo«i. Sheets (253 p.) O Barbara BcCorguodale. pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 23May58; AP17319. (Photocopy, deposited)
AF17320. Blue heather. By Barbara Cartland. AF47320 (con. I United Kinqdoa. 255 p. HH: cover act 6 other new Batter. G Barbara Cartlaad: 1Jul69 (in notice: 1st pub. 1953, atrow ed. 1969, 2od iipression 1969, 3rd impression 1973, this ed. 197H); JP47320. (1974 reprint, deposited)
AF47321. The Pretty horse-breakers. By Barbara Cartland. Dr.ited Kinqdoi. 255 p. O Barbara Cartland; 20Sep71: APit7321.
AF47322. Love holds the cards. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoi. 205 p. Barbara Cartland; 31Auq65; liFit7322.
AF47323. The Price is love. By Barbara HcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. sheets (220 p.) O Barbara dcCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 20Say60; AF<17323. (Photocopy, deposited)
AF47324. The fiunavay heart. By Barbara McCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdon. Sheets (206 p.) Barbara acCorquodaie, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 12llay61: AP<4732K. (Photocopy, deposited)
AF47325. Sueet adventure. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. Sheets (208 p.) O Barbara Cartland; HIOct57; APil7325. (Photocopy, deposited)
AF47326. Love is danqerous. By Barbara Hccorquodale. pseud, of Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdom. Sheets (188 p.) O Barbara HcCorq uodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland; 111ay63; AP'17326. (Photocopy, deposited)
AF47327. Love in hidinq. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdon. Sheets (199 p.) Barbara Cartland; 23Feb59: API«7327. (Photocopy, deposited)
AF47328. Sylvaoo Bussotti e il sue teatro. A cura di Francesco Deqrada. Italy. 59 p. Add. ti: Oqqetto aiiato, Notteteapo. NH: editorial revision. G. fiicordi e COBPaqnia, S.P.A.: 23Har76; AF4732B.
AF47329. One hundred years of science fiction illustration, 1840-1940. By Anthony Freain. Bnqland. 128 p. NH: text. O Jupiter Books (London) Ltd.; 15Nov74; AF47329.
AF47330. Claire and Eaaa. By Diana Peter, photos, by Jereny Finlay. Great Britain. 1 V. A and C Black, Ltd.; 20Bay76; AP47330.
AF47331. Total enerqy; proceedinqs of the first international Total Enerqy Congress, Copenhaqen, Oct. 4-8, 1976. Edited by Eric J. Jeffs. Enqland. 882 p. niller Freeaan Publications, Inc.; 19Sep77; AF47331.
AF47332. Introducinq science concepts in the laboratory. Editors: Hanfred C. Schcid C naureen aurphy. 2nd ed. Canada. 352 p. O Prentice-Hall of Canada, Ltd.; 8llov77: AF47332.
AF47333. The BacBillan atlas of the oceans. Editor: Hartyn Braanell B others. Australia. 208 p. Appl. au: Bitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd. O Bitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd.; 170ct77; AF47333.
AF47334. Beilsteins Handbuch der orqanischen Cheaie; vierte Auflaqe, viertes Erqaen- zunqsverk: die Literatur von 1930 bis 1959 uafassend. Bd. 19, T. 6. Hrsq. vob Beilstein-Institut fuer Literatur der Orqanischen Cheaie, bearb. von Hans-G. Boit, unter Hitwirkunq von Oskar ueissbach 6 others. aest Geraany. p. 4709-5636. Appl. au: Beilstein-Institut fuer Orqanischen Chenie, employer for hire. O Sprinqer-Verlaq; 260ct77; iF4733ii.
AF47335. Gaelin Handbuch der anorqaniscben Cheaie; Erqaenzunqserk zur achten Aufl. Bd. 47: BisBut-orqanische Verbindunqen. Von Sarkus Uieber, Bearbeiter dieses Bandes: Harkus Hieber, Bedakteur dieses Bandes: Hubert Bitterer. Uest Geraany. 173 p. Appl. au: Gaelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Cheaie, eaployer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 310ct77; AF47335.
AF47336. Gaelin Handbuch del anorqanischen Cheaie; achte voeiiiq neu bearb. Aufi. System-Nr. 47: Blei. T. A2b. Baup- tredakteur: Isa Kubach, Bearbeiter: Uinfried Hoffmann, Isa Kubach, Uolfqanq nueller, Peter Schubert 6 Wolfqanq Toepper, Bedakteure: Isa Kubach, Bolfqanq aueller 6 Bolfqanq Toepper. Best Geraany. 276 p. Appl. au: Gmelin Institut fuer Anorqanische Cheaie, eaployer for hire. BH: revisions 6 additions. Sprinqer- Verlaq; 310ct77; AF47336.
AF47337. Gaelin Handbuch der anorqanischen Cheaie; achte voelliq neu bearb. Aufl. System-Nr. 53: aolybdaen. T. A1. Von Friedrich Benesovsky, Bearbeiter: Friedrich Benesovsky, Sedakteur: Kurt Saars. Best Geraany. 207 p. Appl. au: Gaelin-Institut fuer Anorqanische Chemie, employer for hire. Sprinqer-Verlaq; 280ct77; AF47337.
iF47338. Bon chien, mon aoi. By Hay D'Alencon, illus de Harcel Loiseau. France. 144 p. O Les Editions Haqnard; 30Har77; AF47338.
AF47339. Les Vacances Marseillaises de Pistou. By Suzanne Pulicani, illus de Patrice Harispe. France. 183 p. Les Editions Haqcard; 30Har77: AF47339.
AF47340. Piccolo polio de Napoli. By Luce Filiol, illus de Harie-Noelle Cadiau. France. 179 p. Les Editions Hagnard; 30Jun76; AF47340.
AF4734t. Les Contes de la lune rousse. By Micheie Anqot, illus de Barie Chartrain. France. 151 p. Les Editions Hagnard; 30Dec76; AF47341.
AF47342. Cher monsieur Beqonia. By Anne Pieriean, pseud, of Marie-Louise Granqeon, illus de Barbara Huquet-Haupt. France. 161 p. O Les Editions Haqnard; 30Jun76: AF47342.
AF47343. Hineral leasing as an instruaent of public policy. Edited by Hichael Croamelin Andrev B. Thoapson. Canada. 267 p. O The University of British Columbia; 12Dec77: AF47343. 1977-78. 24th ed. England. 936 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 190ct77; AF47344.
AF47345. The Far East and Australasia, 1977-78; a survey and directory of Asia and the Pacific. 9th ed. England. 1251 p. O Europa Publications, Ltd.; 11Hov77; AF47345.
AF47 346. Hoderne el-orqeiskole ; for selvstudiua oq under visuing. Del 2; viderekoane. Av Bjoern Strender. Bomay. 164 p. NM: nev text, arr. G ausic. Norsk Husikforlag A/S; nHO¥77: »rit7346.
AF47347. Festival infantil aundial de la cancion y del interprete. Guatemala. 1 v. Appl. au: Otto Buben Coronado Lopez. O Otto Buben Coronado Lopez; 16Dec77; AFi(7347.
AF47 348. Notches of all kinds: a book of tiaber joinery. By Bernard Allan Hackie. Canada. 91 p. Canadian Log House Publishing Company, Ltd. (in notice: The Canadian Log House); t5Aug77: AF47348.
AF47349. Far ausica insieae; testo di educazione Busicale per la scuola aedia con antologia di brani vocali e strumentali. Ol Biccardo Allorto e Hirka Hartini. Italy. 339 p. NB: text 6 editing. C G. Eicocdl e Coapaqnia, S.P.A.; 9Hay77; AF47349.
AF47350. II Libro ueqii accordi per chitarra. By Aldo Bossi f' Gianpietro Harazza. Italy. 36 p. G. Bicordi e Coapagnia, S.P.A.; 15Apr77; AF47350.
AF47351. Binclla: la aoderna tecnica del suono appoggiato e delle scale per chitarra. Italy. 23 p. Add. ti: The Modern technique of the rest stroke and of the scales for guitar. Italian £ English. Appl. au: Aldo Hinella. O G. Bicordi e Coapagnia, S.P.A.; 31Dec74; AF47351.
AF47352. Lectures on the theory of production. By Luiqi Lodovico Pasinetti. England. 285 p. Prev. pub. as Lezioni di teoria della produzione. NH: English tran- slation. C Luigi L. Pasinetti; 14Nov77; AF47352.
JIF47353. Gardener* s aagic and other old wives' lore. By Bridget Boland. Great Britain. 63 p. O Bridget Boland; 60ct77; AF47353.
AF47354. Petrella at Q. By Hichael Francis Gilbert. Great Britain. 222 p. HB: coapilation £ additional text. Hichael Gilbert; 30Hay77; AF47354.
AF47355. Die Biene Haja. Best Geraany. 8 p. Appl. au: Cineoatograf ische Coamerz Anstalt. ZU130 Eizo-Apollo Film; 5Jan76; AF47355.
AF47356. Linda's pictures: a collection of photographs. Photos. £ Mords by J.inda BcCartney, revie»ed by Paul BcCactney. Great Biitain. 148 p. Appl. au: HPl communications, Ltd. O on compilation, editing, text C new prev. unpub. photos.; MPL communications, Ltd.; 270ct75; AF47356.
AF47357. Escape into daylight. By Geoffrey AFt7357 (con.) Household. Enqland. 138 p. Geoffrey Household: 26Feb76; AF<I7357.
APM7358. Escape into darlllht. Bv Geoffrey Household. Enqland. 138 p. tppl. an: The Bodley Head, eaployer for hire. O on map: The Bodley Head; 26Feb76: AFU73S8.
AF47359. A Han and his sountain: the life of Cezanne. By Huqh HcLeave. Enqland. 32U p. Huqh Mcleaye: 5Sep77; AFa7359.
AFa7360. The Case of the invisible doq; a ncGurk mystery. By E. N. Hildick, illustrated by Val Biro. Enqland. 86 p. O on text; B. W. Hildick: 19Sep77: AF<t7360.
AFI47361. The Case of the invisible doq; a McGurk mystery. By E. «. Hildick, illustrated by Val Biro. Enqland. 86 p. O on illus. ; Hodder and Stouqhton, Ltd.; 19Sep77; AFl)7361.
AFU7362. A Savaqe war of peace:- Alqeria 1954-1962. By Alistair Home. Onited Klnqdom. 6014 p. NH: text. Alistair Home; 200ct77: AF47362.
AF47363. The Genoa ferry. By Ronald Hamood. Enqland. 216 p. C fionald Harwood; 180ct76: AF<t7363.
AF4736lt. The Tempestuous petticoat. By Hary Ann Gibbs, pseud, of Hariory E. S. Biduell. Enqland. 184 p. C Mary Ann Gibbs (Gibbs is a pseud., real nane is Hariory E. S. Biduell): 31Jan77; AF't736lt.
AF47365. The Sonqs of ttobert Schunann. By Eric Sams, foreuord by Gerald Hoore. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 292 p. Eric Saas; 1«Nov75; »Fi|7365.
AFU7366. The Long silence. By Alan Nhite. Enqland. 188 p. C Alan Hhite; 12Feb76: AF117366.
AF47367. The Reluctant kinq: Joseph Bonaparte, Kinq of the two Sicilies and Spain. By Michael Ross. Enqland. 302 p. Michael Boss: 30Sep76; AF47367.
AFlt7368. Private life. By Janice Elliott. Great Britain. 254 p. C Janice Elliott; 230ct72: AF47368.
AF47369. Heaven on Earth. By Janice Elliott. Great Britain. 191 p. Janice Elliott: 3Mar75: AF47369.
AF47370. The Birthday onicoru. By Janice Elliott, illus. by Michael Foreman. Great Britain. 79 p. C Janice Elliott; 4Jan70; AF47370.
AF47371. Alexander in the land of Hoq. By Janice Elliott, illustrated by Michael Foreaan £ Friere Briqht. Great Britain. 95 p. on text; Janice Elliott; 4Jun73; AF47371.
AF47372. A Dictionary of architecture- By Nikolaus Pevsner, John Fleminq & Huqh Honour. Great Britain. 554 p. Prev. pub. as The Penquin dictionary of architecture. NM: revisions, additions S new illus. Huqh Honour, John Fleminq £ Nikolaus Pevsner: 16Jun75: AF47372.
AF47373. A Bioqraphical study of the father of railways: Georqe Stephenson. By Hunter Davies. Great Britain. 337 p. Hunter Davies; 10Jul7S; AF47373.
AF47374. The Nerve. By Melvyn Braqq- Great Britain. 189 p. Melvyn Braqq; 27Sep71: AF47374.
AF47375. A Book of five rinqs. By Miyamoto Musashi, translated by Victor Harris. Great Britain. 95 p. C on translation; Victor Harris; 5Aug74: AF47375. (1977 reprint copy, deposited)
AF47376. Shelter, siqn and symbol. Introd. fi editing by Paul Oliver. Great Britain. 228 p. Appl. au: Barrie and Jenkins, Ltd., employer for hire. NM: introd. £ editinq. Barrie and Jenkins, Ltd.; 24Apr75; AF47376.
AF47377. Orqelkurs fuer Alle. Bd. 5. By Willi Naqel. Uest Germany. 47 p. HH: compilation. O Musikverlaq Hans Sikorski; 31Dec76; AF47377.
AF47378. Die Ohren von A. Lange und Soehne, Glashuette/Sachsen. By Martin Joseph Michael Huber. 2. erweiterte Aufl. Best Germany. 85 p. Firma Andreas Huber; 15Feb77; AF47378.
AF47379. The Diaension lumber grading rule. By J. C. Convertors. Canada. Appl. au: Joseph David Kohlen. O J. c. Convertors; 30Mar77; AF47379.
AF473B0. An EconoBic history of modern Scotland, 1660-1976. By Bruce Lenman. Great Britain. 288 p. Bruce Lenman; 5Dec77; AF473a0.
AF47381. Zoological illustration; an essay towards a history of printed zoological pictures. By David Knight. Great Britain. 204 p. O David Knight; 16Dec77; AF47381.
AF47382. Pseudonyms. By Joseph F. Clarke. England. 252 p. Joseph F. Clarke; 28Feb77; AF47382.
AF47383. Carbon sulfides and their inorganic and complex chemistry. By Gerhard Gattov £ Werner Behrendt. West Germany. 261 p. (Topics in sulfur chemistry, vol- 2, Editor: A. Senning) Georg Thieae Verlaq; 14Jan77: AF47383.
AF47384. Tools for thought. By C. H. taddington. Great Britain- 250 p. O Mrs. Justin Naddinqton, personal representative of the Estate of the late C. H. Uaddinqton £ lolanda Sonnabend (in notice; The Estate of the late C. H. Haddington £ Yolanda Sonnabend): 17Mar77: AF47384.
AF47385. IBM series/1 4979 display station and attachment feature theory diagrams. Denmark. 1 v. Add. ti: 4979 display theory. Appl. au: IBS Italia, S.P.A. O International Business Machines Corporation; 16Nov77; AF47385-
AF47386. The Mitchell Beazley atlas of the body and mind. Contributing editor: Claire fiayner £ other editors. Onited Kingdom. 208 p. O Mitchell Beazley Publishers, Ltd.; 26Aug76; AP47386.
AF47 367. Art in society. By Ken Baynes, pref. by Hilton Glaser. Great Britain. 288 p. Appl. au: Arts Council of Great Britain, employer for hire of Milton Glaser. NM: pref. £ text. O Arts Council of Great Britain fi Ken Baynes; 30ct75; AF47387.
AP47 388. Encyclopedia Canadiana. Vol. 1-10. Editor-in-chief: Kenneth fl. Pearson £ other editors, art director: Kenneth L- Brown. Canada. NM: revision. Grolier, Ltd.; 12May77; AF47388.
AF47389. On the duties of brotherhood. By al-Ghazali, translated from the classical Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Great Britain. 94 p. NM: translation, foreword fi introd.; O Muhtar Holland; 20Jun75; AF47389.
AF47390- The Last summer of the men shortage. By Geraldine Halls. Great Britain. 211 p. Geraldine Halls; 24May76; AF47390.
AF47391. Extra-sensory powers: a century of psychical research. By Alfred Douglas. Great Britain. 392 p. 6 Alfred Douglas: 26Aug76; AF47391.
AF47392. Spielraum fuer Kinder: von der Sandkiste zum Abenteuer-Spielpiatz. By Marguerite Bouard £ Jacques Simon, uebersetzung ins Deutsche: Antje Pehnt. Best Germany. 155 p. Appl. au: Verlag Gerd Hatje (Pehnt) NM: German text fi new photos- O Verlaq Gerd Hatje; 23Jul76; AF47392-
AF47393. Fifteen ways of looking at a TomlinsoL. By Frederick Busch. Great Britain. (In PN review, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 46) O Frederick Busch; 310ct77; AF47393.
AF47 394. The Liars. By Peter Hill. England. 185 p. e Peter Hill; 2May77; AF47394.
AF47395. Rush and leafcraft. By Germaine Brotherton. England. 80 p. O Germaine Brotherton; 26May77; iF47395.
AF47396. Decorating, a realistic guide. By Mary Giiiiatt, photos by Michael Dunne. Canada. 268 p. on text, editinq, compilation^ revisions G prev. uupub. photos.; Mary Giiiiatt; 14Sep77; AF4739 6.
6F47397. Halls. By Deidi Von Schaewen. Canada. 142 p. Originally pub. in Holland as Muren fi others. O on text, compilation, editing, prev. unpub. photos. ; Deidi Von Schaewen: 28Sep77: AF47397-
AF47398. Literature in the marketplace- By Per Gedin, translation from the original Swedish text by George Bisset- Great Britain. 211 p. Translation of Litteraturen i verkiigheten, pub. 1975. on translation: George Bisset; 27Jun77; AF47398.
AF47399. Russian Blue. By Helen Griffiths, illustrated by Victor Afflbrus. England. 150 p. e on text; Helen Griffiths; 24Apr73; AF47399. APlt7l<00. Just a doq. By Helen GriffitJis, illustrated by Victoc iBbcus. Enqland. 159 p. O on text; Helen Griffiths; 15Jul7»; 4Pit7ilOO.
APitTUOI. Pablo. By Helen Griffiths, illustrated by Victor Ambrus. Enqland. 191 p. O on text; Helen Griffiths: 30Auq77; APU7U01.
AP«7lt02. Kitch fear. By Helen Griffiths, illustrated by Victor Anbrus. Enqland. 159 p. O on text; Helen Griffiths; 15Sep75: APa7'402.
AP«7t03. The Everlastinq cat. By Hildred Kirk. Great Britain. 207 p. Bildred Kirk: 27Jun77; APt7U03.
AP<l7ltO<t. El Oso y la aplicacion de los siobolos de la soldadura al arco y a flaaa. Por Buben F. Isunza. Mexico. 169 p. O Buben P. Isunza; 2itOct76: Apil7»0U.
AFit7il05. The Thousand and one aorninqs. By Colette, translated fro« the French by Harqaret crosland 6 David Le Vay , and nith an Introd. by Harqaret Crosland. Enqland. 155 p. Appl. au: Peter 0»en, Ltd., enplover for hire of translation. Translation of Contes des aille et un natins. C on Enqlish translation: Peter 0»en, a.a.d.o. Peter 0«en Ltd.; 29Jan73; APll7lt05.
APIt7U0e. Baissa's Journal. Presented by Jacques naritain. translator 6 author; pref. by Bene Voillauae. Bcpublic of Ireland. tOU p. Translation of Journal de Baissa. HM: translation, revised foreword fi additions. Baqi Books. Inc.; 13Sep7«; AF'i7«06.
APII7I407. Kevin Boche, John Dinkeloo and associates, 1962-1975. Pref.; J. Imin Hiller, introd.: Henry-Busscll Hitchcock, conception et photos: lukio Futaqava, traduction francaise: Bernard Stephanus, traduction alleaande: Office du Livrc. Japan. 235 p. French, Geraan £ Enqlish. O A. D. A. Edita Tokyo Coopany, Ltd.; 1Apr75: »pit7it07.
APIt7lt0e. Desperate defiance. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 190 p. O Barbara Cartland: 2Jan76 (in notice: 1975): AF«7't08.
AF'17409. The Leapinq flaae. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 25U p. NS: abridqaents S revisions. C Barbara Cartland; 1[lar73 (in notice: 19142, 19721 ; AF<47it09.
AP'47U10. Sweet adventure. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 188 p. C on the new cover art, revisions & chanqes in the text: Barbara Cartland: lJul76 (id notice: 1957, on copy; 1975): tr17H^0.
APU7lt11. The Price is love. By Barbara ncCorquodale, pseud, of Barbara Cartland United Kinqdoa. 189 p. on the new cover art. revisions 6 chanqes in the text: Barbara HcCorquodale (pseod. of Barbara Cartland): 1Sep67; AFit7<t11. (1972 reprint, deposited)
AFU7II12. »c danced all niqht. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kinqdoa. 311 p. Barbara Cartland; 15Feb71 (in notice: 1970); ArU7l|12. (3rd impression 1971. deposited. )
AF17lt1j. The Golden qondola. By Barbara Cartland. United Kinqdoa. sheets. O Barbdia Cartland; 2Jun58; AFU7m3.
APU7I41H. Canada North now: the great betrayal. By Farley Howat, witn photos, by Shin Suqino. Canada. 191 p. KH: 50» text. O McClelland and Stewart, Ltd.; 160ct76: AFi47am.
AFU7U15. Canada North now: the great betrayal. By Farley Mowat, with photos, by Shin suqino. Canada. 191 p. O on photos.; Shin Suqino: UOct76; AP17al5.
APU71416. Lara in America. By Adrianne Cooper. Great Britain. Ill p. O Adrianne Cooper; 280ct76; AP'47"t16.
AFlt7in7. Indonesia. Honq Konq. 1 v. (Eundt's Economic trends report, no. 1, Aug. 1977) O S. J. Bundt and Associates (Asia) ; 1Sep77; AF«7417.
APU7418. The Obserfer's tourist atlas of Great Britain and Ireland. By John Bartholomew. United Kinqdoa. 121 p. O John Bar- tholoaew and Son, Ltd.; 15Apr76; AF47"118.
AFU7it19. Pierre Boulez: conversations with Celestin Delieqe. Foreword by Bobert aanqeraee. Great Britain. 123 p. ippl. au: Celestin Delieqe. Translation of Par Volonte et par Hasad: Entretiens avcc Celestin Delieqe. O on English tran- slation; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 31Dec76; AP47419.
AF47420. Send for the Saint. By Leslie Charteris. England. 191 p. Appl. au: John Kruse, Peter Bloxsoa 6 Donald Jaaes. NM: 2 stories 6 adaptation. C Leslie charteris; 28l(ov77; AF't7il20.
AFH7i(21. The Greek New Testaaent. Edited by Kurt Aland, Matthew Black, Carlo M. Martini, Bruce B. Metzqer t Allen wikgren, in cooperation with the Institute for New Testament Textual Besearch. 3rd ed. yest Germany. 918 p. O American Bible Society, British and Foreign Bible Society, National Bible Society of Scotland, Netherlands Bible Society, Suerttenberq Bible Society: 8Mar76 (in notice: 1956, 1968, 1975) ; APU7lt21.
AFU7422. Sprinq : an annual of Archetypal psycholoqy and Junqian thought, 1977. Editor: James Billaan, manuscript editor: Patricia Berry. Switzerland. 222 p. Appl. au: Aniela Jaffe 6 Budolf Bitseaa. O Analytical Psycholoqy Club of Hew York, Inc.; 28JU177; AF«7lt22.
AF<l7lt23. The Golfer's 1978 cartoon diary. Cartoons by Paul Murphy, edited by Francei Joseph. Switzerland. 53 p. C on text; Prances Joseph C Paul Murphy; 18Bar77; AFI 71423.
AFU7142'4. A Loving eye. By Janice Elliott. Great Britain. 256 p. O Janice Elliott; 25JU177: AP47l42i(.
AFl47i425. Shop manual, Honda CB500T. Japan. 99 p. Appl. au: Honda Gikeu Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Company, Ltd.) NM: new textual t, pictorial aatter. Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 26Sep7i4 ; AFI47U25.
AFI471426. Shop aanual, Honda CB<450-CL1450 . Japan. 1914 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koyyo Kabushiki Kairha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) KM: new textual C pictorial aatter. Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 26Jun7>4: AF1471426.
AF1I71427. Shop manual, Honda CB500-550. Japan. 152 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) NM: new textual £ pictorial oatter. O Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 1Aug7i4: AF'471427.
AP'47428. Shop aanual, Honda CBSOO. Japan. 118 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapan), Ltd.) hH: new textual 6 pictorial matter. O Honda Motor Coapany. Ltd.; 26Apr73 (in notice: 1972) ; AF'471428.
AH47'429. Shop aanual, Honda 11125. Japan. 7i4 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Koqyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) KH: new textual 6 pictorial matter. C Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 1Jun7i4; AFi47i429.
AF147430. Shop aanual, Honda CB350F Japan. 88 p. Appl. au: Honda Giken Kogyo Kabushiki Kaisha (Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.) HB: new textual £ pictorial aatter. O Honda Motor Coapany, Ltd.; 18Jun73; Afi47i430.
AF'471431. Eubsea flowline connections in one ataosphere chaabers. Paper no. OE-77.5. SPE 4.66914.1. By D. P. ioodlock. England. 6 p. C Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers. Inc.; l'4Sep77; AF'47i431.
AF1471432. A New approach for log analysis of the TDT- resistivity coDbination. Paper no. SPE6995. By Boberto Aquilera. Canada. 7 p. O American Institute of Bining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc. : 13Dec77; AF47I432.
AFI471433. Subsea pipeline connections completed by welding at ataospheric pressure. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 9.6691. 1. By B. D. Peller. England. 8 p. O American Institute of Bining, Betallur qical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 1 '4Sep77 ; AFI471433.
AFI4714314. Binimua weight concrete platforms. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 9.6690. 1. By T. Ridley £ A. U. Balone. Enqland. 5 p. O Aaerican Institute of Mining, Metal- lurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; 1l4Sep77; AF'4714314.
AF47'435. Platfora construction froa an adjacent seat-submersible vessel. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 6.6688. 1. By g. B. Edwards. Scotland. 10 p. O American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; li4Sep77; AF'47i435.
AF47I436. Application of hydraulic workover units to North Sea operations. Paper no. OE-77.14. SPE 5.6667. 1. By J. 0. Brown. Scotland. 5 p. C Aaerican Institute of Bining, Betallurgical and Petroleua Engineers, Inc.; l'4Sep77; AF1471436.
AF<47«37. Shell/Esso'E experience with acidi AF47437 (con.) sations in the Leman Field. Paper no. OE-77.4. SPE 4.6686. 1. Ey E. H. Pearson. Enqland. 5 p. 6 American Institute of Hininq, Metallurgical and petroleua Enqineers, Inc.: 1i»Sep77; &Fit7'»37.
4Flt7438. Techniques and developaents in underwater structural inspection. Paper no. OE-77.3. SPE 6.6683. 1. By L. G. Buckenham 6 G. Allis. Scotland. 8 p. e American Institute of Hininq, Hetal- lurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc. ; 14Sep77; AF471t38.
AFa7«39. How the computer can aid maintenance. Paper no. OE-77.3. SPE 2.6682. 1. By J. Oouqlas. Enqland. 8 p. 6 American Institute of Hininq, Metallurgical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 1'(Sep77; AP47439.
AF471(40. Maintenance requirements of offshore platform/installation systems. Paper no. OE-77.3. SPE 1.6681. 1. By B. H. Christie. Enqland. 4 p. 6 American Institute of Mining, Metallurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.: 14Sep77; AF47440.
AF47441. Dse of copper-nickel alloy materials for offshore sea water piping. Paper no. OE-77.2. SPE 3.6680. 1. By L. H. lim. Scotland. 3 p. 9 American Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.: 14Sep77; AP47441.
AF47442. The Chemical treatment of offshore oil and qas production. Paper no. OE-77.1. SPE 3.6678. 1. By F. H. Holloway. Enqland. 10 p. O American Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 14Sep77; AF47442.
AF47443. Split phase sampling of hiqh vapour pressure spiked crude oils. Paper no. OE-77.1. SPE 4.6679. 1. By 1. A- Dixon. Enqland. 4 p. 6 American Institute of Hininq, Hetallurqical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.: 14Sep77; AF47443.
AF47444. An Integrated approach to the problems of sea water iniection- Paper no. OE-77.1. SPE 1.6676. 1. By J. Brown, Doctor Bale, Doctor Boron, Doctor Stewart, Doctor Todd, Doctor ialdie, Scarlett E Van Ooort. Scotland. 7 p. 6 American Institute of Hininq, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc.; 14Sep77; AF47444.
AF47445. The Sesame Street riddle book; a pop-up book. 1st American ed. Canada. 1 ». Appl. au: David Sutherland. © children's Television Workshop; 12Jul77: AF47445.
AF47446. Nihoniin no shiseikan. Vol. 2. Authors: Shuichi Kato, Hichael Eeich 6 Hobert J. Lifton, tr.: Htdori Yajima. Japan. 2 58 p. (Iwanami Shinsho series, 16> Japanese. C Shuichi Kato, Hichael Eeich 6 Bobert J. lifton; 310ct77; AF47446.
AF47447. Church education guidebook. Japan. 74 p. Japanese. Appl. au: Norio Otsuki. NH: translation. Bible Club Hoveaent. Inc.: 15May77: AP47447.
AF47448. Extraordinary adventures of an ordinary man. By Thio Chan Bee. Great Britain, Chan Bee; 304ug77;
AF47449. A Grammar of New Testament Greek, by James Hope Moulton. Vol. 4: style. By Nigel Turner. Onited Kingdom. 174 p. e T. and T. Clark, Ltd.; 1Mar76; AF47449.
AF47450. The Doctrine of the word of God. Pt. 1. Editors : G. a. Bromiley & I. f. Torrance. 2nd ed. Onited Kingdom- 503 p. (Church dogmatics, vol. 1) Translation of Die Kirchliche Dogmatik 1: die Lehre vom iort Gottes, 1. T. and T. Clark, ltd.; 10ct75: AF47450.
AF47451. Love roe for ever. By Barbara Cartland. Onited Kingdom. 255 p. NH: revisions E additions, e Barbara Cartland; 1Aug70; AF47451.
4F47452. Electrical power systems. Vol. 1-2. By Alan Elliott Guile £ Villiam Paterson. 2nd ed. Great Britain. 9 A. E. Guile (in notice: A. E. Guile 6 w. Paterson); 12Sep77; AF47452.
AF47453. Edward Lear and his world. By John Lehmann. England. 128 p. Nfl: text & some illus. 9 John Lehmann; 26Sep77; AF47453.
AF47454. Dialoqos con Simeon; poesia. By Victor Villeqas. Dominican Bepublic. 79 p. e Victor Villegas; 28Apr77; AF47454.
AF47455. Honda CB350F-400F; shop mannal. Japan. 112 p. NH: textual 6 pictorial matter. Honda Motor Company, Ltd.; 21Nov74; AF47455.
4P47456. Honda 100-125; model CB100 and others shop manual. Japan. 135 p. NH: textual & pictorial matter. 9 Honda Motor company, Ltd.; 14Jan76 (in notice: 1975) ; 4F47456.
AF47457. Honda XL100; shop manual. Japan. 98 p. HM: textual E pictorial matter. 6 Honda Motor Company, Ltd.; 21Jun77; AF47457.
AF47458. Honda XL125, CT125; shop manoal. Japan. 113 p. NH: textual £ pictorial matter. O Honda Hotor Company, Ltd.; 40ct76; AF47458.
AF47459. Honda CB750; shop manual. Japan. 27; p. NM: textual £ pictorial matter. 9 Honda Hotor Company, Ltd.; 14Apr77: 4F47459.
AF47460. Honda CB250M Elsinore; owner's manual. Japan. 58 p. NM: textual fi pictorial matter. 9 Honda Motor Company, Ltd.; 30Jun75; AF47460.
AF4 7461. Honda XB75; shop manual. Japan. 69 p. HM: textual S pictorial matter. 9 Honda Hotor Company, Ltd.; 17Har77; AF47461.
AP47462. Honda CB350F-400F; shop manual. Japan. 114 p. NH: textual 6 pictorial matter. a Honda Motor Company, Ltd.; 21Jui77; AF47462.
AF47463. Honda XL250-350; shop manual. Japan. 90 p. NM: textual E pictorial matter.
4P47464. Honda CB500-550; shop manual. Japan. 194 p. NM; textual E pictorial matter. 9 Honda Hotor Company, Ltd.; 22Jul77; AF47464.
AF47465. Honda Accord CVCC; shop manual. Japan. 1 V. BH: textual E pictorial matter. 9 Honda Hotor Company, Ltd.; 28Har77; AF47465.
AF47466. Emma and I. By Sheila Bocken. England. 191 p. e Sheila Hocken; 26Sep77; AF47466. (2nd impression, Oct. 1977, deposited.)
AF47467. Selected poems. By Austin Clarke, edited with an introd. by Thomas Kinsella. Ireland. 207 p. Add. ti: Selected poems of Austin Clarke. NM: editing 6 compilation. O Thomas Kinsella E Nora Clarke; 4Hay76; AF47467.
AF47468. IBH System/32 Bedienerhandbuch Geraetemietenabrechnung 579 /-NNA. West Germany. 91 p. 9 IBH Deutschland, G.H. B.H. ; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976); AF47468.
AF47469. Grain finder. Canada. Card. Add. ti: Cherche-fil. English E French. Appl. au: Ada Euth Head d.b.a. Hoorehead Haterials. 9 Hoorehead Haterials; 7Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; AF47469.
AF47470. A Marriage of true minds: an intimate portrait of Leonard and Virginia Hoolf. By George Spater £ Ian Parsons. England. 210 p. Appl. au; Quentin Bell. on introd.; Quentin Bell; 270ct77; 4F47470.
AF47471. A Marriage of true mindsi an intimate portrait of Leonard and Virginia Hoolf. By George Spater £ Ian Parsons. England. 210 p. 9 Ian Parsons £ George Spater; 270ct77; AF47471.
AF47472. Bebecca's world: journey to the forbidden planet. By Terry Nation, illustrated by Larry Learoonth. England. 107 p. 9 fi.M.N. and J.S.N. Trust; 9Sep75; AF47472.
AF47473. Der Fteischuetz; opera in 3 acts. Op. 77. By Carl Maria Von Heber, foreword by Stefan De Saan. Great Britain. 360 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 915) Foreword in English E German. NM: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; 4F47473.
AF47474. Die Ideale; symphonic poem, no. 12- By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Eevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 119 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 458) Foreword in English B German. 9 on foreword; Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Hay76; AF47474.
AF47475. Ma vlast; a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 5: Tabor. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 70 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 475) Foreword in English B German. NH: foreword. 9 Ernst Eulenburg. Ltd.; 1Mar76; AF47475.
AF47476. Bernide funebre; symphonic poem, no. 8. »Fi»7i»76 (con.) BT Franz Liszt, forenord by Buaphrey searle. Be»ised »ith corrections, 1975. Great Britain. 56 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 154) Foreword in French, English 6 German. P on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq* Ltd.: 111aT76; »Fi47i476.
Ma vlast; a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 6: Blanik. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Claphas. Great Britain. 84 P. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 476) Foreword in Enqlish & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Mar76; 4FU7U77.
AF«7a78. Ma ylast: a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 3: Sarka. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 84 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 473) Foreword in English & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd. ; 1Jan76: »FU7it78.
»P«7«79. Hunnenschlacht ; symphonic poem. no. 11. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Beyised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 96 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. US7) Foreword in French, English & German. C on foreword: Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.: 1JU176: iP«7l|79.
»F47ll80. Ma vlast: a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 1: Vysehrad. By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 58 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 471) Foreword in Enqlish & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Bar7e; »Fll7480.
iF<t7»81. Ma vlast; a cycle of symphonic poems. No. 1: Z ceskych luhu a haju (From Bohemia's fields and qroves) . By Bedrich Smetana, foreword by John Clapham. Great Britain. 96 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 474) Foreword in Enqlish & German. NM: foreword. C Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Mar76: »Fii7il81.
»F47«82. Piano trio (Irchduke), B flat maior. Op. 97. By Ludwiq Van Beethoven, foreword by Boqec Fiske. Great Britain. 64 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 79) Foreword in Enqlish 6 German. IH: foreword. Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jun76; iF47482.
iF«7483. strinq trio, E flat aa1or. Op. 3. By Ludwiq Van Beethoven, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 46 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 41) Foreword in Enqlish C German. on foreword: Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Hay76: AFU7483.
tF47U84. Le Carnaval romain; ouverture carac- teristique a qrande orchestre. Op. 9. By Hector Berlioz, foreword by John Rarrack. Great Britain. 59 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 620) Add. ti: overture: Le Carnaval romain, opus 9. Foreword in Enqlish, German C French. NH: foreword. Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Har72; AF47484.
AF47485. Tasso, lamento e trionfo; symphonic poem, no. 2. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Beyised with correc- tions, 1976. Great Britain. 92 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 448) Foreword in French, Enqlish 6 German. O on foreword: Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; Ijaa76: AF47485.
AF47485. Hamlet; symphonic poem, no. 10. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 48 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 456) Foreword in English & German. on foreword; Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47486.
AF47487. Brandenburg concerto number 2, F major; BHV 1047. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 36 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 257) Foreword in English £ German. NH; foreword. O Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47487.
&F47488. Hungaria; symphonic poem, no. 9. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 120 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 455) Foreword in Enqlish 6 German. O on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; Iaay76; AP47488.
AF47489. Brandenburg concerto number 6, B flat maior; BBV 1051. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 36 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 255) Foreword in English 6 German. NH: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47489.
4F47490. Brandenburg concerto number 5, major; BUV 1050. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Great Britain. 58 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 282) Foreword in Enqlish G German. NH: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Har75; AF47490.
AF47491. Brandenburq concerto number 4, G major; BHV 1049. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Great Britain. 52 p. (Edition Eulenburq, no. 281) Foreword in English & German. NH: foreword. Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47491.
AF47492. Brandenburg concerto number 3, G major; BiV 1048. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 34 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 254) Foreword in English G German. NH: foreword. O Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47492.
AP47493. Cello concerto, B minor. Op. 104. By Antonin Dvorak, foreword by Boqer Fiske. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 104 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 785) Foreword in English 6 German. on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jul76; AF47493.
AF47494. Pestklaenqe; symphonic poem, no. 7. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Bevised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 126 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 453) Foreword in English £ German. on foreword; Ernst Eulenburq, Ltd.; 1Jol76; AF47494.
AF47495. Brandenburq concerto number 1, F major; BUV 1046. By Johann Sebastian Bach, foreword by Boger Fiske. Great Britain. 40 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 260) Foreword in English German. NB: foreword. Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Jan76; AF47495.
AP47496. Ce qu'on en tend sur la montaqne; symphonic poem, no. 1. By Franz Liszt, foreword by Humphrey Searle. Revised with corrections, 1976. Great Britain. 166 p. (Edition Eulenburg, no. 447) Foreword in Frehch, English & German. O on foreword; Ernst Eulenburg, Ltd.; 1Har76; AP47496.
AF47497. Hhite women. By Helmut Newton. Vest Germany. 1 v. Portions prev. pub. in French Vogue 6 others. NH: text 6 illus. Helmut Newton; 26Aug76; AF47497.
AF47498. Hho's who in banking in Europe. British Isles. 521 p. C F. H. Books, Ltd.; 19Jui76; AF47498.
AF47499. FS 3790 Funktionsservice 3790; Lizenzprogranm, Systemhandbuch Programm- Nr. 5788-DJS. France. 61 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsprogramm SAP) 6 IBH Deut- schland, G.B.B.H.; 29Aug77 (in notice: 1976); AF47499.
AF47500. FS 3650 B Funktionsservice 3650 Betail; Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch Programm- Nr. 5788-DJI. France. 101 p. (Spezielles Anwenduagsprogramm SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.B-B.H.; 29Aug77; AF47500.
AF47501. FS 3650 B Funktionsservice 3650 Betail; Lizenzprogramm, Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJI. France. 54 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.H.; 29Aug77; AF47501.
AF47502. Online-Einkauf ; Lizenzprogramm, programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKQ. France. 286 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 240ct77; AF47502.
AF47503. Online-Einkauf: Lizenzprogramm, Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DKQ. 3rd Ausg. France. 214 p. (Spezielles Anwendunqsprogramm SAP) IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 240ct77; AF47503.
AF47 504. VTHP VTAH-Honitor-Programm; Lizen- zprogramm , Programm-/Bedienerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJT. France. 81 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 12Sep77; AF47504.
AF47505. VTHP VTAH-Honitor-Programm; Lizen- zprogramm, Systemhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJT. France. 212 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) O IBH Deut- schland, G.H.B.H.; 12Sep77; AF47505.
AF47506. FS 3790 Funktionsservice 3790; Lizenzprogranm, Programm-/Bedi,enerhandbuch Programm-Nr. 5788-DJll. France. 78 p. (Spezielles Anwendungsprogramm SAP) IBB Deutschland, G.H.B.B.; 29Aug77; AF47506.
AF47307. IBH system/370 high-speed sequential retrieval of IBS data bases: 5787-LAA program logic manual. Denmark. 63 p. (International field program) Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. O International Business Hachines corporation; 3Nov77; AF47507.
AF47 508. IBH system/370 high-speed sequential retrieval of IBS data bases; 5787-LAA program description and operations manual. Denmark. 85 p. (International field program) Appl. au: IBH Netherlands. International Business Hachines Corporation; 3Nov77; AF47508.
AF47509. 4979 display station and attachment feature: maintenance information Denmark. 1 V. (IBB series/1: 4979 display maintenance) Add. ti: IBH series/1: 4979 AFit7509 (con.) display station and feature maintenance information. Appl. au: IBM Italia, S.F. A. Q International Business Uachines corporation: 17No»77; &FM7509.
&Flt7510. VS personal computinq for DCS: conversion quide for users. Denmark. 43 p. (Systems) ippl. au: IBM United Kinqdom, Ltd. 6 International Business Machines Corporation: tllov77; SFi»7510.
Ar47511. IBB structured COBOL preprocessor (SCOBOL) proqram: description and operations manual. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical neusletter, no. 51(19-6318) Appl. au; IBM Sweden. NM: revisions. e International Business Machines corporation: l6Nov77: Ay<)7Sl1.
AFIt7512. IBM system/370 online editorial system: Svstemhandbuch Proqramm-Nr. 5785-DAE. Denmark. 1(60 p. (International field proqram) ippl. au: IBM Netherlands. e International Business Machines corporation: 17Nov77; AFit7512.
AF147513. IBM systea/3 — hardware multiply and divide unit for inteqer and floatinq- point: system reference and proqram io manual. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technics neMsletter, no. SN19-6317) Appl, au: IBM Canada, Ltd. NM: revisions. O Inter- national Business Machines Corporation alternate desiqcatiou: XB1 Corporation: 16NOV77: APIt7513.
AF147511I. IBM system/370 planninq, control and decision evaluation system/interactive (Plancode/I) : OS/VS operations quide; proqram no. 57i)0-XX8. 3rd ed. Denmark. 51 p. (Proqram product) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. International Business Machines Corporation: 17Nov77; AF"t75la.
AF47S15. IBM 3750 switchinq system: supervisor's reference manual. Denmark. 1 v. (IBM technical newsletter, no. GN 11-8238) Appl. au: IBM France. NM: revisions. © International Business Machines Corporation alternate desiqnation: IBM Corporation: 9Nov77: AP47515.
AFU7516. IBM svstem/370 online editorial system: Proqramm-/Bedienerhandbuch Proqramm-Nr. 5785-DiE. Denmark. H5H p. (Inter- national field proqram) Appl. au: IBM Netherlands. 6 International Business Machines Corporation: 17Nov77: AF17516.
AF47517. Napoleon and the restoration of the Bourbons; the completed portion of Macaulay's proiected History of France, from the restoration of the Bourbons to the accession of Louis Philippe. By Thomas Babinqton Macaulay, edited by Joseph Hamburqer. Enqland. 117 p. Appl. au: Lonqman Group, Ltd. NM; pref . , introd. , notes, compilation, editinq 6 qlossary. Q Lonqman Group, Ltd. ; 1ltNov77: AF'17517.
AFlt7518. Conditional' simulations; a new Monte-Carlo approach to probabilistic evaluation of hydrocarbon in place. By P. Delfiner 6 J. P. Chiles. France. 29 p. e American Institute of Mininq. Metal- lurqical and Petroleum Enqineers, Inc.; 90ct77; AFlt7518.
&FI17519. Directory of financial directories; a world quide. Compiled by Malcolm J. Campbell. Guernsey, British Isles. 333 p. Appl. au: Francis Hodgson (F.H. Books, Ltd) e Francis Hodqson, F.H. Books, Ltd.; 15JIOV76; AFI17519.
AF«7520. J. R- B. TolKj'^n; a biography. By Humphrey Carpenter. Britain. 287 p. e Georqe Allen and Onwin, Ltd. (in notice: Georqe Allen and Dnwin (Pub- lishers) , Ltd.); 5May77; AF<17520.
AFt7521. Duke: a portrait of Duke Ellington. By Derek Jewell- Great Britain. 192 p. e Derek Jewell: 31Mar77; APU7521.
4Fa7522. The New estate. By Ciaran Carson. Ireland. 42 p. e Ciaran Carson; 7Mar76; AF't7522.
AFlt752J. A Hazard of hearts. By Barbara Cartland. United Kingdom. 255 p. NM: abridqements, re-paragraphing, revisions & other new matter. Barbara Cartland: 1May67; AF147523. (Reprint ed., 1975, deposited)
AF<l752lt. Crusader's Toby. By Joan Aiken. Great Britain. (In young winter's tales, 6, p. 9-24) Joan Aiken; 1Nov75: Ar47524.