VOGT, KARL CHRISTOPH (1817–1895), German naturalist and geologist, was born at Giessen on the 5th of July 1817. In 1847 he became professor of zoology at Giessen, and in 1852 professor of geology and afterwards also of zoology at Geneva, where he died on the 5th of May 1895. His earlier publications were on zoology; he dealt with the Amphibia (1839), Reptiles (1840), with Mollusca and Crustacea (1845) and more generally with the invertebrate fauna of the Mediterranean (1854).
His separate works include Im Gebirg und auf den Gletschern (1843); Physiologische Briefe (1845-46); Grundriss der Geologie (1860); and Lehrbuch der Geologie und Petrefactenkunde (2 vols., 1846-47; ed. 4, 1879). An English version of his Lectures on Man: his Place in Creation and in the History of the Earth was published by the Anthropological Society of London in 1864.