TYDEUS, in Greek legend, son of Oeneus, king of Calydon, and Periboea. Having slain his uncle (or other relatives) he fled for refuge to Argos, where Adrastus received him hospitably and purified him from the guilt of blood. Tydeus took part in the expedition of the “Seven against Thebes,” in which, although small of stature, he greatly distinguished himself. In the desperate battle under the walls of the city, he was severely wounded by Melanippus, but managed to slay his adversary. Athena, who held Tydeus in special favour, hastened to the field of battle, to heal him of his wound and bestow immortality upon him. But the sight of Tydeus, cleaving open the skull of his dead enemy and sucking out his brains, so disgusted her that she left him to his fate. Tydeus married Deipylē, the daughter of Adrastus, by whom he had a son, the famous Diomedes, frequently called Tydides.
Homer, Iliad, xiv. 114–132; Apollodorus iii. 6, 8; Schol. on Pindar, Nemea, x. 12.