< 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica

TIME (O. Eng. tima, cf. Icel. timi, Swed. timme, hour, Dan. time; from the root also seen in “tide,” properly the time of between the flow and ebb of the sea, cf. O. Eng. getidan, to happen, “even-tide,” &c.; it is not directly related to Lat. tempus), the general term for the experience of duration or succession, either in whole or in part. For time in its psychological sense see Space and Time; for time in music, see Rhythm; for the methods of reckoning time see Calendar; Day; Month; and the articles Time, Measurement of, and Time Standard, below. Generally in English law, where any particular time is mentioned in acts of parliament or legal instruments, it is to be defined as meaning, in Great Britain, Greenwich mean time, and in Ireland, Dublin mean time. At common law, where parties enter into legal relations, and specify their intention of being bound by any particular arbitrary system, the courts will, as a rule, give effect to their intentions.

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