< 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica

STILPO [Stilpon], Greek philosopher of the Megarian school (q.v.), was a contemporary of Theophrastus and Crates. Intellectually in agreement with the Megarian dialectic, he followed the practical ethics of the Cynics both in theory and in practice. He extolled the Cynic ἀπαθεία (loosely, self-control) as the principal virtue. Cicero (De fato, 5) describes him as a man of the highest character. Suïdas attributes twenty dialogues to him, but of these no fragments remain. Among his followers were Menedemus and Asclepiades, the leaders of the Eretrian school of philosophy. Seneca (Epistle 9) shows how closely allied Stilpo was to the Stoics (q.v.).

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