N A letter which regularly follows M in the alphabet, and,
like it in its early forms has the first limb longer than
the others; thus, written from right to left, . The
Semitic languages gradually diminish the size of the
other two limbs, while the Greek and Latin alphabets tend to
make all three of equal length. The earliest name of the symbol
was Nūn, whence comes the Greek ny (νῦ). The sound of n
varies according to the point at which the contact of the tongue
with the roof of the mouth is made; it may be dental, alveolar,
palatal or guttural. In Sanskrit these four sounds are distinguished
by different symbols; the last two occur in combination
with stops or affricates of the same series. The French
or German n when standing by itself is dental, the English
alveolar, i.e. pronounced like the English t and d against the
sockets of the teeth instead of the teeth themselves. The guttural
nasal is written in English ng as in ring; for the palatal n as
in lynch there is no separate symbol. The sound of n stands in the
same relation to d as m stands to b; both are ordinarily voiced
and the mouth position for both is the same, but in pronouncing
n the nasal passage is left open, so that the sound of n can be
continued while that of d cannot. This is best observed by
pronouncing syllables where the consonant comes last as in and
id. When the nasal passage is closed, as when one has a bad cold,
m and n cannot be pronounced; attempts to pronounce moon
result only in bood. Two important points arise in Connexion
with nasals: (1) sonant nasals, (2) nasalization of vowels. The
discovery of sonant nasals by Dr Karl Brugman in 1876 (Curtius,
Studien, 9, pp. 285-338) explained many facts of language which
had been hitherto obscure and elucidated many difficulties in
the Indo-European vowel system. It had been observed, for example,
that the same original negative prefix was represented in
Sanskrit by a, Greek by α, in Latin by in and in Germanic by un,
and these differences had not been accounted for satisfactorily.
Dr Brugman argued 'that in these and 'similar cases the syllable
was made by the consonant alone, and the nasal so used was
termed a sonant nasal and written zz. In most cases Sanskrit
and Greek lost the nasal sound altogether and replaced it by a
vowel a, a, while in Latin and Germanic a vowel was developed
independently before the nasal. In the accusative singular of
consonant stems Sans. pādam, Gr. πόδα, Lat. pedem, Sanskrit
and Greek did not, as generally, agree, but it was shown that
in such cases there were originally two forms according to the
nature of the sound beginning the next word in the sentence.
Thus an original Indo-European *pedm, would not be treated
precisely in the same way if the next word began with a vowel
as it would when a consonant followed. Sanskrit had adopted
the form used before vowels, Greek the form before consonants
and each had dropped the alternative form. The second point—the
nasalizing of vowels—is difficult for an Englishman to understand
or to produce, as the sounds do not exist in his language.
Thus in learning to pronounce French he tends to replace the
nasalized vowels by the nearest sounds in English, making
the Fr. on a nasalized vowel (ǫ), into Eng. ong, a vowel
followed by a guttural consonant. The nasalized vowels are
produced by drawing forward the uvula, the “ tab ” at the end
of the soft palate, so that the breath escapes through the nose as
well as the mouth. In the French nasalized vowels, however,
many phoneticians hold that, besides the leaving of the nasal
passage open, there is a change in the position of the tongue in
passing from a to ą. The nasalized vowels are generally written
with a hook below, upon the analogy of the transliteration of
such sounds in the Slavonic languages, but as the same symbol is
often used to distinguish an “open” vowel from a “close” one,
the use is not without ambiguity. On the other hand, it is not
admissible to write ᾶ for the nasalized vowel in languages which
have accent signs, e.g. Lithuanian. It is possible to nasalize
some consonants as well as vowels; nasalized spirants play an
important part in the so-called “ Yankee ” pronunciation of
Americans. (P. Gi.)