MWERU, a large lake of Eastern Central Africa, traversed by the Luapula or upper Congo. It lies about 3000 ft. above the sea; measures about 76 m. in length by some 25 in breadth, and is roughly rectangular, the axis running from S.S.W. to N.N.E. It is cut a little south of its centre by 9° S. and through its N.E. corner passes 29° E. At the south end a shallow bay extends to 9° 31′ S. East of this, and some miles further north, the Luapula enters from a vast marsh inundated at high water; it leaves the lake at the north-west corner, making a sharp bend to the west before assuming a northerly direction. Besides the Luapula, the principal influent is the Kalungwizi, from the east. Near the south end of the lake lies the island of Kilwa, about 8 m. in length, rising into plateaus 600 ft. above the lake. Here the air is cool and balmy, the soil dry, with short turf and clumps of shady trees, affording every requirement for a sanatorium. Mweru was reached by David Livingstone in 1867, but its western shore was first explored in 1890 by Sir Alfred Sharpe, who two years later effected its circumnavigation. The eastern shores from the Luapula entrance to its exit, together with the Kilwa Island, belong to British Central Africa; the western to the Belgian Congo.