HUNTINGTOWER AND RUTHVENFIELD, a village of Perthshire, Scotland, on the Almond, 3 m. N.W. of Perth, and within 1 m. of Almondbank station on the Caledonian railway. Pop. (1901) 459. Bleaching, the chief industry, dates from 1774, when the bleaching-field was formed. By means of an old aqueduct, said to have been built by the Romans, it was provided with water from the Almond, the properties of which render it specially suited for bleaching. Huntingtower (originally Ruthven) Castle, a once formidable structure, was the scene of the Raid of Ruthven (pron. Rivven), when the Protestant lords, headed by William, 4th Lord Ruthven and 1st earl of Gowrie (1541–1584), kidnapped the boy-king James VI., on the 22nd of August 1582. The earl’s sons were slain in the attempt (known as the Gowrie conspiracy) to capture James VI. (1600), consequent on which the Scots parliament ordered the name of Ruthven to be abolished, and the barony to be known in future as Huntingtower.