ḤARIZI, JUDAH BEN SOLOMON (13th cent.), called also al-Ḥarizi, a Spanish Hebrew poet and traveller. He translated from the Arabic to Hebrew some of the works of Maimonides (q.v.) and also of the Arab poet Ḥariri. His own most considerable work was the Taḥkemoni, composed between 1218 and 1220. This is written in Hebrew in unmetrical rhymes, in what is commonly termed “rhymed prose.” It is a series of humorous episodes, witty verses, and quaint applications of Scriptural texts. The episodes are bound together by the presence of the hero and of the narrator, who is also the author. Ḥarizi not only brought to perfection the art of applying Hebrew to secular satire, but he was also a brilliant literary critic and his makame on the Andalusian Hebrew poets is a fruitful source of information.
See, on the Taḥkemoni, Kaempf, Nicht-andalusische Poesie andalusischer Dichter (Prague, 1858). In that work a considerable section of the Taḥkemoni is translated into German. (I. A.)