XYZ Affair

The XYZ Affair was a political affair in 1797 and 1798 when John Adams was president. The affair involved the United States and the French First Republic. This affair led to the Quasi-War.

A British political cartoon depicting the affair

President John Adams wanted to avoid a war with France, so he sent diplomats to find a solution. The diplomats were approached by three French agents, who insisted a loan and a bribe. The Americans refused the bribe. John Adams called the Frenchmen as X, Y, and Z. This led to its name.

Americans were angry at the bribe. The situation led to the Quasi-War, where war was prepared, but not declared

Reaction in the United States

Americans were angry at France for the XYZ Affair. “Millions for defense, but not one cent for tribute” became a slogan by the Federalists. Because of the XYZ affair, the Federalists gained more power in the House of Representatives.[1]


  1. "XYZ Affair". Monticello. Retrieved 2024-05-30.

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