Wasseramt District

Wasseramt is one of the 10 districts of the canton of Solothurn in Switzerland, found in the south of the canton.

The coat of arms of the district Wasseramt

Wasseramt contains these municipalities:

Coat of arms Municipality Population
(Dec 2005)
Area, km²
Aeschi SO Aeschi10343.79
Biberist Biberist789512.24
Bolken Bolken5302.13
Deitingen Deitingen21307.63
Derendingen Derendingen59795.62
Etziken Etziken7773.38
Gerlafingen Gerlafingen48511.91
Halten Halten8431.85
Heinrichswil-Winistorf Heinrichswil-Winistorf5633.10
Hersiwil Hersiwil1731.41
Horriwil Horriwil8332.60
Hüniken Hüniken911.01
Kriegstetten Kriegstetten11481.13
Lohn-Ammannsegg Lohn-Ammannsegg25244.46
Luterbach Luterbach31934.54
Obergerlafingen Obergerlafingen10971.52
Oekingen Oekingen6972.45
Recherswil Recherswil16573.33
Steinhof Steinhof1511.63
Subingen Subingen28336.22
Zuchwil Zuchwil89584.67
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