United Empire Loyalists

United Empire Loyalists were people living in the 13 colonies in what was British North America in the 1770s who did not agree with the American Revolution.

Many residents of the colonies (possibly a majority) either were not in complete agreement with the Revolution and its leaders, or were against it. Some of them actively worked against it, supporting King George III and the British Government. These people became known as "Tories". In many of the colonies, those who openly expressed being against the Revolution and those who joined militias loyal to King George were declared to be outlaws, and their properties taken away by the people favouring the Revolution.

Some of these people wanted to remain in a place that was still part of the British Empire, so they moved to what is now Canada. In many places there they received a warm welcome and became a valued part of their new home area. Many of them have maintained social groups which are limited to people whose ancestors were some of these people, and they are still called "United Empire Loyalists"

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