
Trokosi is a ritual that is practised in parts of Western Africa, mainly in Ghana, Togo, and Benin, with traditional religions. In these religions, children, aged between 5 and 10 years are given to the priests, to "pay for" sins of the family or to ask for clemency of the gods. Most often, they are girls, boys are given only rarely. These children, who are also called Trokosi, have to serve the priests. They have to do hard work for the priests, and will not get paid for this work. They will also be exploited for sex. If a trokosi-girl dies or manages to flee, the family has to provide another girl.

All the countries affected made Trokosi a crime, which is punishable with up to three years in prison. Despite this, no case of Trokosi ever came to a court in one of these countries.

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