Traditional animation
Traditional animation is much harder than today's style of animation.[1] It often uses a stop-motion camera to "liven", or animate, the photos made by the producer.[2] When movie-makers use stop-motion, they need to draw one picture for every scene. However, there are tools to help save time with movie-making. Other types of animation, such as limited or digital animation, can also be used now. FPS is the number of times a movie is shot in one second.
Most movies or cartoons in the 1950's required very hard work of the editors.[9] To make things cheaper, though, people made limited animation[10] that used two to three copies of the same image[11] (so the stop-motion process would be two to three times faster.[12])
Right now movie-makers use digital animation[13] to "liven the movie even more".[14] Movies from the 2000 to 2010 years are usually 1–2 hours long.[15]
Common units
Cels, or celluloids, are tools used to "preserve" scenes.[21] An editor uses a cell to draw a scene then make changes to it on the next drawing.[22] It is useful when a cartoon or movie involves moving figures or objects.
Sometimes a sketch pad is used to draft the scenes the editors think would be good in the movie. A sketchpad at first may contain a comic book that looks like an animation when the editors flip it back and forth.[23]
Live video shower
Often editors preview the animation with a video shower. On the stream of scenes, movie-makers test their animation and fix bugs or problems.[24]
- How Hard Is It? Anime and Animation.
- Producing with Stop-motion. Animation Studio, 2010.
- From A to Z: Producing cartoons and movies in Stop-motion. 2009.
- Winding Up on the "Cutting Floor": Scenes that don't make it. CG Crucher, 2004.
- The Crew of a Movie Maker. 2008, Anime and Animation Press.
- How Movies Were Made. Retrieved 10-04-09.
- Stop-motion filming: Animation Studio, 2008. Accessed 07-07-07.
- Movie Crew in toil of Stop-motion filming. Accessed 4-18-10.
- Toil in the 50's. Anime and Animation, 2007.
- Peoples' idea comes to LA. 2008, CG Press.
- Copying Stop-motion: CG Press. Accessed May 2008.
- Stop-motion speeding-up? Anime Studio, 2009.
- Animation in the present: CG Press and Animation Studio. Accessed April 5, 2003.
- Documents from current directors. Anime and Animation, May 2005.
- Toil coming to a Movie: A to Z Movie-Making Appearance. CG Press and Anime and Animation, June 2006.
- FPS Facts, CG Press. Retrieved July 20, 2008.
- Does FPS Affect Movies? 10-12-10.
- Toil Turning Into Smooth Film.
- Frames per second: "Makes your film go faster." CG Times, June 2009.
- FPS Press: "The FPS --- is between 24-60."
- What are Celluloids? CG Press, 2007.
- Cel Usage.
- Sketch: "Draft for an Animation." CG Cruchter, 2005.
- Live video showing: "A test for broadcast." CG Press, 2006.