Taurus (astrology)

Taurus is an astrological sign, which is with the constellation (a group of stars that make the shape of an animal or person) of the same name. Under the tropical zodiac, Taurus is occupied by the Sun from April 20 to May 20, and under the sidereal zodiac, it is currently from May 14 to June 19.

Taurus the bull
the Zodiac Sign of Taurus


In mythology, Taurus is often with the Greek myth of the bull-form taken by Zeus in order to win Europa. Taurus is also associated with the Greco-Roman goddess Aphrodite/Venus and sometimes also the goddesses Hera/Juno, Ishtar, Isis, Freyja, and Frigg and the gods Pan, Dionysus/Bacchus, Xolotl, and Quetzalcoatl.

Traditional relationships with Taurus

Famous people born in Taurus

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