Szeged is a city in Hungary. It is the fourth-largest city of the country by population.

Votive Church of Szeged

Water tower

Telephone tower
Szeged and the surrounding area have been inhabited since ancient times. The University of Szeged is one of the most renowned universities in Hungary.[1]
The town center is recognizable by two important landmarks:
- Fogadalmi templom (Votive Church), a twin-spired church whose construction began in 1913, but due to the outbreak of World War I, it was not completed until 1930;
- Víztorony (Water Tower), a water tower built in 1904 and one of the symbols of reinforced concrete construction in Hungary.
Other landmarks in Szeged:
- Telefontorony (Telephone tower), a TV-tower in Rókus that is the tallest building in Szeged
- Kiskundorozsmai szélmalom (Windmill of Kiskundorozsma), a windmill in the suburban region of Szeged
Two motorways and two national roads are connected with Szeged:
- Functional urban areas in OECD countries: Hungary Accessed 6 August 2018
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