Social security

Social Security or social welfare is the name given to programs to provide money for people who need it. Social security systems are often linked to health care.

War pensions are the most ancient type of social security. They are mentioned by Plutarch.

Universal benefits are those where everyone who meets the conditions - such as children under a certain age or people who are ill or disabled - are paid.


In many countries social Security provides support only to people who have paid contributions. Most pension systems are for people who have paid contributions. Contributions are regular payments taken from their pay when they are working. They will be recorded by the government. The right to a pension may include dependent members of the family. Pensions may then be paid to widows and orphans. People may also make regular payments into private pensions.

Means test

Means tested benefits are paid to people who can show that they are poor. There are usually tests both of regular income and of capital. They are usually paid to households. Before government schemes were started in many places charities would help people who were thought to need it.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights law make the "right to an adequate standard of living" one of the human rights.


In France from the beginning of the 20th century employers were made to insure their workers against injury, illness, maternity, and death. After 1946 there was more done by the government. Now there are allowances for children - universal after the first child and Family Complement which is means tested. There are extra payments for adopted and disabled children and orphans. There are both contributory and means tested benefits for people over 65.

Unemployment insurance was started in 1958. It is managed by the employers organization and the trade unions.

There is also a means tested benefit called Revenu de solidarité active for unemployed and underemployed workers.[1]


Otto von Bismarck started social security benefits in 1883. This was part of what was called State Socialism. This was the first country to do so. It included health insurance, accident insurance (workman's compensation), disability insurance and an old-age retirement pension. [2]

Now there is a system of unemployment benefit. People and their employers have to pay when they are working. It lasts for up to 12 months. There is also a welfare system called Hartz IV which is means-tested. This is also for working people on low pay.

There is a state pension. The retirement age will go up to 66 by 2023. It goes by two months each year, until 2031, when the retirement age will be 67. The amount of pension is based on the pay a person had when they were working and the number of years they paid contributions.[3]

United Kingdom

See : Social security in the United Kingdom

United States

In the United States, this refers to a program started in the New Deal. The program first gave money only to a few old people, but is now used by millions of people and is one of the largest and most costly programs in the government. The Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance program covers 94% of workers. State and local government workers have pension plans at the state or local level. Retirement Insurance Benefits are paid to people over the age of 62. The amount is increased if the person delays their claim.

Social Security in the United States is managed by the Social Security Administration, and a person in the program gets a number and has it forever, mainly because of tax reports.

See also: Social Security (United States)

Other websites


  1. "Active Solidarity Income (RSA)". (in French). Retrieved 2023-01-26.
  2. Steinberg, Jonathan. 2011. Bismarck: a life Oxford University Press. p. 8, 424, 444.
  3. "home_node". Deutsche Rentenversicherung. 2022-04-30. Retrieved 2023-01-27.
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