
The Slovaks or Slovakians are a western Slavic people that mainly live in Slovakia and speak the Slovak language, which is closely related to the Czech language.

Anton Bernolák, Ľudovít Štúr, Andrej Hlinka, Štefan Banič, Jozef Miloslav Hurban, Aurel Stodola, Adam František Kollár, Milan Hodža, Pavol Országh Hviezdoslav, Milan Rastislav Štefánik, Gustáv Husák, Alexander Dubček
Total population
~7 million
Regions with significant populations
 Slovakia:    4,614,854

 United States:    1,200,000
 Czech Republic:    200,000
 Canada:    100,000
 Serbia:    59,021
 Ireland:    30,000
 Austria:    25,000
 Germany:    20,200
 Hungary:    17,693
 Belgium:    4,000
Latin America:   300,000 (est.)

Other:    120,000 (est.)
Roman Catholic 68.9%, Byzantine Rite Catholic 4.1%, Protestant 10.8%, Eastern Orthodox, other or unspecified 3.2%, no denomination, agnostic or non-religious 13% (2001 census within Slovakia, extrapolated to outside Slovaks)
Related ethnic groups
Other West Slavs
Ľudovít Štúr - epitome of the Slovak Revival - politician, poet, journalist, publisher, teacher, philosopher and linguist
Pribina, ruler of Principality of Nitra
Area of Czech and Slovakian languages in the Austrian monarchy in the 19th century
The language spread of Slovak in the United States according to U. S. Census 2000 and other resources interpreted by research of U. S. ENGLISH Foundation, percentage of home speakers


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