Rugrats Go Wild

Rugrats Go Wild is a 2003 animated adventure comedy movie.[1] It is based on the Nickelodeon TV show Rugrats.[2] It was the last movie in the rugrats series.

Rugrats Go Wild (es); Fecsegő tipegők – A vadon szaga (hu); Filem Rugrats Go Wild (ms); Die Rugrats auf Achse (de); Rugrats Go Wild (pt); Rugrats, vacances salvatges (ca); 原野小兵兵 (zh); Rugrats Go Wild (da); Дребосъчетата се развихрят (bg); ラグラッツのGOGOアドベンチャー (ja); Les Razmoket rencontrent les Delajungle (fr); I Rugrats nella giungla (it); Rugrats Go Wild (ceb); Pełzaki szaleją (pl); ראגרטס משתוללים (he); Rugrats Go Wild (nl); 原野奇兵 (zh-hant); Villit Ipanat (fi); Rugrats i vildmarken (sv); 야!러그래츠: 무인도 대모험 (ko); Rugrats Go Wild (en); Rugrats Go Wild (id); Lumpíci v divočině (cs); Клинци у дивљини (sr) film d'animazione del 2003 diretto da Norton Virgien, John Eng (it); film américain de Norton Virgien et John Eng, sorti en 2003 (fr); amerikansk animerad långfilm från 2003 (sv); 2003年的動畫電影 (zh-hant); Trickfilm von John Eng und Norton Virigien (2003) (de); 2003 animated film by John Eng and Norton Virigien (en); pel·lícula de 2003 dirigida per Norton Virigien i John Eng (ca); 2003-as amerikai animációs film (hu); película animada de 2003 (es) Rugrats Go Wild (ca); Razmoket rencontrent les Delajungle (fr); Os Rugrats e os Thornberrys vão aprontar, Rugrats Go Wild! (pt); Rugrats Go Wild (fi); Rugratsy szaleją (pl); 情人節, 原野奇兵 (zh); Vacaciones salvajes (es)
Rugrats Go Wild 
2003 animated film by John Eng and Norton Virigien
Distribution format
  • video on demand
Publication date
  • 12 February 2004 (Germany)
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  1. "Rugrats Go Wild (2003)". AllMovie. Retrieved August 16, 2021.
  2. Lenburg, Jeff (2009). The Encyclopedia of Animated Cartoons (3rd ed.). New York: Checkmark Books. p. 222. ISBN 978-0-8160-6600-1.

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