
Robosexuality is where a person is sexually attracted to machines, such as robots. The word "robosexuality" comes from combining the words "robot" and "sexual". Robosexuality is different from mechanophilia and technosexuality, but they can still be interconnected. A person who is sexually attracted to robots can be referred to as a robosexual. A person who is robosexual may have different gender preferences than another person who is "Robosexual".

“Fuckzilla”, a robot armed with various sex toys, at Arse Elektronika

Robosexuality can be used an umbrella term to describe the sexual attraction to robots of any kind, whether they are humanlike or not. Many prefer a robot with conscience and emotion, or even the illusion of it.

Robosexuality in the world

Robosexuality in the East

An AI-generated anime robot girl

Roughly 50% of all the robots in the world are in Asia, 32% in Europe, and 16% in North America, 1% in Australia and 1% in Africa.

40% of all robots in the world are found in Japan.[1]

In Japan and South Korea, ideas of future robots have been mainly positive. The number of robots in Japan means more people in Japan are likely to have a love of gadgets. Manga and anime series in both countries often show love or sex between robots and humans. This would mean more robosexuality.

Japanese religious beliefs allow the idea that robots have souls.[2] This also makes the idea of love between humans and robots more acceptable or ordinary.

Robosexuality in the West

The idea of physical sexuality is less accepted in the west than in Japan. Western societies are more likely to be against, or even fear the development of robots. This is because a lot of films and books show robots as replacing humans instead of helping them.

'RealDoll' is a life-size sex-doll sold in America, that can be sold with robotic implants. People who feel sexually attracted, or have sex with these, are robosexual. However, one important thing to notice is that this American machine does not move and think by itself, unlike their Japanese and South Korean counterparts.


  1. Reporting by Watanabe, Hiroaki; Writing and additional reporting by Negishi, Mayumi; Editing by Norton, Jerry;Japan's robots slug it out to be world champ; Reuters; 2007-12-02; retrieved on 2007-01-01
  2. Biglione, Kirk; The Secret To Japan's Robot Dominance Archived 2009-06-21 at the Wayback Machine; Planet Tokyo; 2006-01-24; retrieved on 2007-01-02
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