Rest (music)

A rest is a musical note that indicates no sound.

Each rest symbol and name corresponds with a particular note value for length of time. The rest shows how long the silence should last.

Normal rests

American EnglishBritish EnglishMultiplierSymbol
LongaLonga rest4A long/longa rest
Double whole restBreve rest2A double-whole/breve rest
Whole restSemibreve rest1A whole/semibreve rest
Half restMinim rest12A half/minim rest
Quarter restCrotchet rest14A quarter/crotchet rest
Eighth restQuaver rest18An eighth/quaver rest
Sixteenth restSemiquaver rest116An sixteenth/semiquaver rest
Thirty-second restDemisemiquaver rest132A thirty-second/demisemiquaver rest
Sixty-fourth restHemidemisemiquaver rest164A sixty-fourth/hemidemisemiquaver rest

Multiple bar rests

Fifteen bars' rest

If a rest should last for multiple bars, it is shown by a thick horizontal line in the middle of the staff, with short vertical lines at each end. The number of bars of the rest is written over the top.

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