Queer Duck: The Movie

Queer Duck: The Movie is a 2006 American animated movie for adults. The movie is based on the web series Queer Duck. It was produced by Icebox.com for Mishmash Media Inc. It was rated PG-13 in the United States, 15 in the United Kingdom and MA15+ in Australia.

Queer Duck: The Movie
Directed byXeth Feinberg
Release dates
July 16, 2006 (United Kingdom)
July 18, 2006 (DVD)
CountryUnited States

The movie was first broadcast on the gay-themed channel Logo on July 16, 2006. It then had a direct-to-DVD release on July 18, 2006, from Paramount Home Entertainment. On September 16, 2016, it was broadcast on Teletoon's nighttime programming block, Teletoon at Night, Queer Duck: The Movie shows alcohol, smoking and drug use. Profanity is used often in the movie, but Queer Duck: The Movie Is OK For 13 Year Old, but Queer Duck: The Movie Teens Should Be Fine, but Queer Duck: The Movie there lots of alcohol, smoking, and drug references in the film, and there lots of profanity too in the film, but Queer Duck: The Movie is age 13+ for teenagers.

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