The pint (abbreviated pt) is a unit of volume in imperial units and United States customary units. There are three types of pints used in different countries. An imperial pint and US pint both equal 1⁄2 of a quart and 1⁄8 of a gallon.
An imperial fluid ounce is approximately 4% smaller than a US fluid ounce although an imperial pint has 4 more fluid ounces than a US pint, making an imperial pint approximately 20% larger than a US pint.
Imperial Pint
The imperial pint is the pint used in England, Canada, Ireland, and Burma. The unit may appear in other Commonwealth. Confusion in Canada often arises as liquids are occasionally sold in U.S. pints, near the border, although the official and only pint that is legal in Canada is the imperial pint. The imperial system has no dry pint and volume in dry units, since solid objects are measured by mass. 1 imperial pint equals 568,261.25 mm3.
An imperial fluid ounce is approximately 4% smaller than a US fluid ounce although an imperial pint has 4 more fluid ounces than a US pint, making an imperial pint approximately 20% larger than a US pint.
Units | Gallons | U.S. Fluid Ounces | U.S. Pints | Millilitres |
Pint | 1⁄8 | 19.2152 | 1.20095 | 568.26125 |
US Wet Pint
The US wet pint, or more commonly 'pint', is the unit used to measure volume in the United States. It is more common than the dry pint which is used for non-liquid volume measurements. 1 US pint is exactly equal to 473,176.473 mm3, defined by the international yard and pound agreement.
Units | Fluid ounces | Gills | Cups | Pints | Quarts | Gallons | Imperial pints | Millilitres |
Pint | 16 | 4 | 2 | 1 | 1⁄2 | 1⁄8 | 0.832674 | 473.176473 |
US Dry Pint
The US dry pint was a unit used for measuring the volume of solid objects instead of mass or quantity.
Units | dry quarts | dry gallons | bushels | dry hogshead | US wet pints | imperial pints | millilitres |
Pint | 1⁄2 | 1⁄8 | 1⁄64 | 1⁄512 | ≈1.16 | ≈0.97 | 550.6104713575 |
- The wet U.S. pint is still commonly used in the United States.
- In Canada, it is commonly used for alcohol although a pint can vary from 12 fl oz to 20 fl oz and is sometimes incorrectly given in US fl oz.
- In England and Ireland, only milk and pure ethanol are sold in pints; however, milk must have litres next to pints.
- In England, milk is often sold in metric quantities near to imperial pints.