Pavel Branko

Pavel Branko (April 27, 1921 – August 17, 2020) was an Italian-born Slovak movie critic, movie theorist, translator of fiction and non-fiction literature. He was called "the doyen of Slovak film criticism".[1][2] He was born in Trieste, Italy. Many of his works focused on the impact of the history of Czechoslovakia.

Pavel Branko in 1977

Branko died in August 2020 at the age of 99.[3]


  1. "Nestor slovenskej filmovej publicistiky a kritiky" - See: Mariana Jaremková, "Filmovanie bolo pre mňa zážitkom," (Interview with Pavel Branko), in:, No.11, Nov. 2009, pp.29.(ISSN 1335-8286. The printed version can also be checked online as a pdf.file.) - On the website of the International Film Festival Bratislava, Branko is also referred to as the "Nestor slovenskej filmovej kritiky" (the ‘Nestor’ of Slovak film critics). - Check the ‘external links’ section further below!).
  2. 14th International Film Festival Bratislava: Hrdina našich čias (A Hero of Our Time) Archived 2020-04-23 at the Wayback Machine (Refers to Branko as the "Nestor of Slovak film critics").
  3. Do umeleckého neba sa vo veku 99 rokov dostal filmový kritik Pavel Branko, ktorý mal svoje korene v Hačave
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