Otsego Hall
Otsego Hall was a house in Cooperstown, New York. It was the ancestral home of American author James Fenimore Cooper. It was built by his father William Cooper, who also founded the village of Cooperstown. This village was where the Hall was located. Building began in 1796. The Hall was completed in 1799. It was the largest private home in central New York for a long time.

In June 1834 James Fenimore Cooper decided to reopen the Hall. He had lived in other places for almost sixteen years. The Hall had been closed for a long time. It was falling into decay. Repairs were begun at once, and the Hall was quickly restored. At first, James spent his winters in New York City and his summers in Cooperstown. Eventually he made Otsego Hall his forever home. The Hall burned down a few years after he died. The surrounding property was sold. His daughter and secretary, Susan Fenimore Cooper, built her home in Cooperstown with bricks and other materials from the ruins of Otsego Hall.