Orange (color)

Orange is a color. It is the combination of red and yellow.

This box shows the color orange.
The landscape for the National Park
Adivasi woman in India adorned with orange
The sky of sunset in Mexico

Orange is the color of an orange fruit, which is where the name of the color comes from. Before the orange fruit was introduced to England in the 1500s, this color was called yellow-red. The first recorded use of orange as a color name in English was in 1512,[1] in the court of King Henry VIII.

Meaning of orange

Oranges growing on a tree
  • To the eye, orange is a very "hot" color, so it gives the sensation of fire. But orange is not as heated a color as red.
  • Though rare in heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.
  • Orange is very easy to see, so people can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of a design. Orange is very effective for promoting food products and toys. On road signs, the color orange means there is construction work ahead. It is used for these signs because it can easily be seen even at night.
  • Dark orange can mean lying or not trusting somebody. Red-orange means desire, sexual passion, pleasure, power, aggression, and thirst for action.

Tones of orange color comparison chart

  • Seashell (web color) (Hex: #FFF5EE) (RGB: 255, 245, 238)
  • Old Lace (web color) (Hex: #FDF5E6) (RGB: 253, 245, 230)
  • Antique White (web color) (Hex: #FAEBD7) (RGB: 250, 235, 215)
  • Papaya Whip (web color) (Hex: #FFEFD5) (RGB: 255, 239, 213)
  • Blanched Almond (web color) (Hex: #FFEBCD) (RGB: 255, 235, 205)
  • Champagne (Hex: #F7E7CE) (RGB: 247, 231, 206)
  • Banana Mania (Crayola) (Hex: #FBE7B2) (RGB: 251, 231, 128)
  • Moccasin (web color) (Hex: #FFE4B5) (RGB: 255, 228, 182)
  • Bisque (web color) (Hex: #FFE4C4) (RGB: 255, 228, 196)
  • Navajo White (web color) (Hex: #FFDEAD) (RGB: 255, 222, 173)
  • Peach Puff (web color) (Hex: #FFDAB9) (RGB: 255, 218, 185)
  • Peach (Hex: #FFE5B4) (RGB: 255, 229, 180)
  • Deep Peach (Crayola Peach) (Hex: #FFCBA4) (RGB: 255, 203, 164)
  • Peach-Orange (Pale Salmon) (Hex: #FFCC99) (RGB: 255, 204, 153)
  • Light Orange (Skin) (Crayola) (Hex: #FED8B1) (RGB: 254, 216, 177)
  • Bright Apricot (Crayola Apricot) (Hex: #FDD5B1) (RGB: 253, 213, 177)
  • Apricot (Hex: #FBCEB1) (RGB: 251, 206, 177)
  • Melon (Crayola) (Hex: #FEBAAD) (RGB: 254, 186, 173)
  • Macaroni and Cheese (Crayola) (Hex: #FFDB88) (RGB: 255, 189, 136)
  • Sandy Brown (web color) (Hex: #F4A460) (RGB: 244, 164, 96)
  • Light Salmon (web color) (Hex: #FFA07A) (RGB: 255, 160, 122)
  • Dark Salmon (web color) (Hex: #E9967A) (RGB: 233, 150, 122)
  • Medium Salmon (Hex: #FF8C69) (RGB: 255, 140, 105)
  • Coral (web color) (Hex: #FF7F50) (RGB: 255, 127, 80)
  • Salmon (web color) (Hex: #FA8072) (RGB: 250, 128, 114)
  • Coral Pink (Hex: #F88379) (RGB: 248, 131, 121)
  • Light Coral (web color) (Hex: #F08080) (RGB: 240, 128, 128)
  • Bittersweet (Crayola) (Hex: #FE6F5E) (RGB: 254, 111, 94)
  • Terracotta (Hex: #E2725B) (RGB: 226, 114, 91)
  • Tea Rose (orange) (Hex: #F88379) (RGB: 248, 131, 121)
  • Vivid Tangerine (Crayola) (Tangerine Sherbet) (Hex: #FF9980) (RGB: 255, 153, 102)
  • Atomic Tangerine (Crayola) (Hex: #FF9966) (RGB: 255, 153, 102)
  • Orange Peel (Hex: #FFA000) (RGB: 255, 160, 0)
  • Orange (X11 color) (Hex: #FFA500) (RGB: 255, 165, 0)
  • Deep Saffron (Hex: #FF9933) (RGB: 255, 153, 51)
  • Gamboge (Hex: #EF9B0F) (RGB: 228, 155, 18)
  • Carrot Orange (Hex: #ED9121) (RGB: 237, 145, 33)
  • Tangerine (Hex: #F28500) (RGB: 243, 132, 0)
  • Bright Orange (X11 color "Dark Orange") (Hex: #FF8C00) (RGB: 255, 140, 0)
  • Corporate Orange (Hex: #FF8100) (RGB: 255, 129, 0)
  • Orange (Color wheel) (Hex: #FF7F00) (RGB: 255, 127, 0)
  • Automotive Amber (SAE/ECE Amber) (Hex: #FF7E00) (RGB: 255, 126, 0)
  • Medium Orange (Hex: #FF7802) (RGB: 255, 120, 2)
  • Pumpkin (Hex: #FF7518) (RGB: 152, 118, 54)
  • Carrot (Hex: #FF7700) (RGB: 255, 119, 0)
  • Rich Orange (Crayola Orange) (Hex: #FF681F) (RGB: 255, 104, 31)
  • Safety Orange (Blaze Orange) (Hex: #FF6600) (RGB: 255, 102, 0)
  • Autumn Orange (Hex: #FF5B2D) (RGB: 255, 91, 45)
  • Persimmon (Hex: #EC5800) (RGB: 236, 88, 0)
  • Cadmium Orange ( Color List) (Hex: #FF6103) (RGB: 255, 97, 3)
  • Tangelo (Hex: #F94D00) (RGB: 249, 77, 0)
  • International Orange (Hex: #FF4F00) (RGB: 255, 79, 0)
  • Vermisse (Hex: #F34234) (RGB: 227, 66, 52)
  • Red-Orange (Crayola) (Hex: #FF3F34) (RGB: 255, 63, 52)
  • Electric Vermilion (Hex: #FF3F00) (RGB: 255, 63, 0)
  • Orange-Red (web color) (Hex: #FF4500) (RGB: 255, 69, 0)
  • Portland Orange (Hex: #FF5A36) (RGB: 255, 90, 54)
  • Ultra Orange (Crayola) (Outrageous Orange) (Hex: #FF6037) (RGB: 255, 96, 55)
  • Tomato (web color) (Hex: #FF6347) (RGB: 255, 99, 71)
  • Deep Carrot Orange (Hex: #E9692C) (RGB: 255, 150, 0)
  • Neon Carrot (Crayola) (Hex: #FFA343) (RGB: 255, 163, 67)
  • Ochre (Hex: #CC7722) (RGB: 204, 119, 34)
  • Bronze (Hex: #CD7F32) (RGB: 205, 127, 50)
  • Copper (Hex: #B87333) (RGB: 184, 115, 51)
  • Peru (web color) (Hex: #CD5700) (RGB: 205, 133, 63)
  • Antique Brass (Crayola) (Hex: #C88A65) (RGB: 200, 138, 101)
  • CafĂ© au Lait (Coffee and Milk) (Latte) (Hex: #A67B5B) (RGB: 166, 123, 91)
  • Pale Brown (Hex: #987654) (RGB: 152, 118, 54)
  • Orange-gray (Hex: #997857) (RGB: 153, 120, 87)
  • Cocoa Bean (web color Chocolate) (Hex: #D2691E) (RGB: 210, 105, 30)
  • Tenne (Tawny) (Hex: #CD5700) (RGB: 205, 87, 0)
  • Burnt Orange (Hex: #CC5500) (RGB: 204, 85, 0)
  • Mahogany (Hex: #C04000) (RGB: 192, 64, 0)
  • Dark Terra Cotta (Hex: #CC4E3C) (RGB: 204, 78, 92)
  • Dark Coral (Hex: #CD5B45) (RGB: 205, 91, 69)
  • Medium Brown (Crayola Brown) (Hex: #AF593E) (RGB: 175, 89, 67)
  • Sienna (web color) (Hex: #A05220) (RGB: 160, 82, 45)
  • Brown (web color) (Deep Orange) (Hex: #964B00) (RGB: 150, 75, 0)
  • Saddle Brown (web color) (Hex: #8B4513) (RGB: 139, 69, 13)
  • Rust (Hex: #B7410E) (RGB: 183, 65, 14)
  • Russet (Hex: #804618) (RGB: 128, 70, 27)
  • Red-Brown (web color Brown) (Hex: #A52A2A) (RGB: 165, 42, 42)
  • Cognac brown ( Color List) (Hex: #9F381D) (RGB: 159, 56, 29)
  • Burnt Umber (Hex: #8A3324) (RGB: 138, 51, 36)
  • Pullman Brown (UPS Brown) (Hex: #644117) (RGB: 100, 65, 23)
  • Coffee (web color Dark Orange) (Coffee Bean [Unroasted]) (Hex: #6F4E37) (RGB: 111, 78, 55)
  • Dark Brown (Hex: #654321) (RGB: 101, 67, 33)
  • Roast Coffee (Coffee Bean [Roasted]) (Deep Coffee) (Hex: #704241) (RGB: 112, 66, 65)
  • Medium Taupe (Hex: #674C47) (RGB 76, 21,71)
  • Cafe Noir (Black Coffee) (Hex: #4B3621) (RGB: 75, 54, 33)
  • Taupe (Hex: #483C32) (RGB: 72, 60, 50)


  1. Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 200
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