Occupy Wall Street

Occupy Wall Street was a protest that started in 2011 in New York City and spread into other cities all over the United States. Citizens protested against how poor and wealthy people have lived in different ways and are treated differently by other people, and also against the way corporations used their money. People in New York started protesting in Zuccotti Park on September 17, and some people decided to camp there overnight. It grew to include several thousand people, with many different political views. Protesters included some communists, political moderates, liberals, conservatives, and libertarians.

Many of the Occupy protests in the rest of the country only started as in the middle of October. In some places, like Denver, Oakland, and New York City itself, police acted violently. In some places, including Miami, the protests were peaceful and some police officers supported the protests. After 2011 the numbers of people involved dwindled away.

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