A nymph is a kind of female nature entity/spirit in Greek mythology. They are often companions of Greek gods and goddesses. Nymphs can be divided into different kinds, such as:
- Dryads (trees)
- Naiads (fresh water)
- Oreads (mountains)
- the Okeanids, the daughters of Okeanos, and the Nereids, the daughters of Nereus (seas)
- the Pleiades (stars)

Aura, a wind nymph

A 19th Century French School painting tentatively identified as "Hylas and a Nymph" -the encounter of one male and one female suggests the mythological story of the nymph Salmacis seducing the youth Hermaphroditus
They are not immortal, like Greek gods or the titans from Greek mythology, but were said to live a long time.
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