Northern bluefin tuna

Northern bluefin tuna are the largest kind of tuna fish.[1] They live for 11 to 26 years. It is one of the largest, fastest, and most colorful of all the world’s fishes.


Their name comes from the Latin: Thunnus Thynnus


The normal size is 6.6 ft (2 m) at about 1,100 lb (500 kg). The I.G.F.A. record for a bluefin caught on rod and reel is 1,496 lb.

Feeding habits

Bluefins feed on mackerel, herring, mullet, whiting, squid, eels, and crustaceans. They are very powerful and fast and can swim at speeds up to 50 mph.

Catching areas

The following are percentages of tuna caught in different regions in the world.

  • 40% North-West Pacific
  • 19% North-East Atlantic
  • 6% North-West Atlantic
  • 35% Mediterranean


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