Nome (Egypt)

A Nome (from Greek: Νομός, “district”) was an administrative part of ancient Egypt. Nome is a Greek name, used late in Egypt's history; the Egyptian name was "sepat".

Map of the nomes of lower Egypt
Map of the nomes of upper Egypt

The division of ancient Egypt into nomes happened before 3100 BC. These nomes began as autonomous city-states, but later began to join together. According to ancient tradition, the ruler Menes finally joined all the nomes into a single kingdom.[1]

The nomes remain in place for more than 3,000 years.

Lower Egypt, from the Old Kingdom capital Memphis to the Mediterranean Sea, had 20 nomes. The first was based around Memphis, Saqqara, and Giza, in the area occupied by modern-day Cairo. The nomes were numbered in a more or less orderly fashion south to north through the Nile delta. The numbering started in the west, and continued with the higher numbers in the east. Alexandria was in the Third Nome; Bubastis was in the Eighteenth.

Upper Egypt was divided into 22 nomes. The first of these was centered around Elephantine close to Egypt's border with Nubia at the First Cataract – the area of modern-day Aswan. From there the numbering progressed downriver in an orderly fashion along the narrow fertile strip of land that was the Nile valley. Waset (ancient Thebes or contemporary Luxor) was in the Fourth Nome, Amarna in the Fourteenth, and Meidum in the Twenty-First.

List of nomes

The nomes are listed in separate tables for Upper and Lower Egypt

Lower Egypt

NumberEgyptian NameCapitalModern CapitalTranslation
1Aneb-HetchIneb Hedj / Men-nefer / Menfe (Memphis)Mit RahinaWhite Walls
2KhensuKhem (Letopolis)AusimCow's thigh
3AmentImu (Apis)Kom el-HisnWest
4Sapi-ResPtkhekaTantaSouthern shield
5Sap-MehZau (Sais)Sa el-HagarNorthern shield
6KhasetKhasu (Xois)SakhaMountain bull
7A-ment(Hermopolis Parva, Metelis)DamanhurWest harpoon
8A-btTjeku / Per-Atum (Heroonpolis, Pithom)Tell al-MaskhutaEast harpoon
9AtiDjed (Busiris)Abu Sir BaraAndjeti
10Ka-khemHut-hery-ib (Athribis)Banha (Tell Atrib)Black bull
11Ka-hesebTaremu (Leontopolis)Tell al-UrydamHeseb bull
12Theb-kaTjebnutjer (Sebennytos)SamanudCalf and Cow
13Heq-AtIunu (Heliopolis)Materiya (suburb of Cairo)Prospering Sceptre
14Khent-abtTjaru (Sile, Tanis)Tell Abu SefaEastmost
15TehutBa'h / Weprehwy (Hermopolis Parva)BaqliyaIbis
16KhaDjedet (Mendes)Tell al-RubˁFish
17SemabehdetSemabehdet (Diospolis Inferior)Tell el-BalamunThe throne
18Am-KhentPer-Bastet (Bubastis)Tell Bastah (near Zagazig)Prince of the South
19Am-PehuDja'net (Leontopolis Tanis)Nebesha or San el-HagarPrince of the North
20SopduPer-SopduSaft al-HennaPlumed Falcon

Upper Egypt

NumberEgyptian NameCapitalModern CapitalTranslation
1Ta-KhentitAbu / Yebu (Elephantine)AswanThe frontier or Land of the bow
2Thes-HorDjeba (Apollonopolis Magna)EdfuThrone of Horus
3TenNekhen (Hierakonpolis)al-KabShrine
4WasetNiwt-rst / Waset (Thebes)LuxorSceptre
5HeruiGebtu (Coptos)QiftThe two falcons
6Aa-taLunet / Tantere (Tentyra)DenderaThe crocodile
7SesheshSeshesh (Diospolis Parva)HuSistrum
8AbdjuAbdju (Abydos)al-BirbaGreat land
9MinApu / Khen-min (Panopolis)AkhmimMin
10WadkhetDjew-qa (Aphroditopolis)IftehCobra
11SetShashotep (Hypselis)ShutbThe creature associated with Set
12Tu-phHut-Sekhem-Senusret (Antaeopolis)Qaw al-KebirViper mountain
13Atef-KhentZawty (z3wj-tj, Lycopolis)AsyutUpper Sycamore and Viper
14Atef-PehuQesy (Cusae)al-QusiyaLower Sycamore and Viper
15UnKhemenu (Hermopolis Magna)al-AshmunaynHare
16Meh-MahetchHebenuKom el AhmarOryx
17AnpuSaka (Cynopolis)al-KaisAnubis
18SepTeudjoi / Hutnesut (Alabastronopolis)el-HibaSet
19UabPer-Medjed (Oxyrhynchus)el-BahnasaTwo Sceptres
20Atef-KhentHenen-nesut (Herakleopolis Magna)Ihnasiyyah al-MadinahSouthern Sycamore
21Atef-PehuShenakhen / Semenuhor (Crocodilopolis, Arsinoe)Madinat al-FayyumNorthern Sycamore
22MatenTepihu (Aphroditopolis)AtfihKnife


Alan K. Bowman (1990). Egypt After the Pharaohs. Oxford University Press.

  1. Herodotus, Euterpe, 2.4.1 and 2.99.1ff.

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