Nauru Bwiema

"Nauru Bwiema" (Nauruan pronunciation: [n̪ʌ̯ bˠi.ɛ.mʲæ]; "Nauru, Our Homeland") is the national anthem of Nauru.


The lyrics are in the Nauruan language.

Official Nauruan lyrics Old orthography IPA transcription English translation

Naoero bwiema, ngabena ma auwe.
Ma dedaro bwe dogum, mo otata bet egom.
Atsin ngago bwien okor, ama bagadugu
Epoa ngabuna ri nan orre bet imur.
Ama memag ma nan epodan eredu won engiden,
Miyan aema ngeiyin ouge:
Naoero eko dogin!

Naoero bwiema, ñabena ma auwe.
Ma dedaro bwe dogum, mo otata bet egom.
Atsin ñago bwien okor, ama bagadugu
Epoa ñabuna ri nan orre bet imur.
Ama memag ma nan epodan eredu won eñiden,
Miyan aema ñeiyin ouge:
Naoero eko dogin!

[n̪ʌ̯ bˠi.ɛ.mʲæ ŋæ.bʲɛ.n̪ɑ mʲæ æ̯u.wɛ]
[mʲæ d̪ɛ.d̪ɑ.ro bˠɛ d̪ʌ.gɨmˠ mʲæ o.t̪ˢo.t̪ˢɑ bʲɛt̪ ɛ.gʌmˠ]
[æ.sɪn̪ ŋɑ.go bˠi.ɛn̪ ʌ.kʌr æ.mʲæ bˠɑ.gæ.d̪]
[ɛ.pˠo.æ ŋæ.bˠɨ(w).n̪ɑ ri n̪ɑn̪ ʌr.rɛ bɛt̪ i.mˠɨr]
[æ.mʲæ mʲɛ.mʲæg mʲæ n̪ɑn̪ ɛ.pˠo.d̪ɑn̪ ɛ.rɛ.d̪u wʌn̪ ɛ.ŋi.d̪ɛn̪]
[mʲɪ.ʝæn̪ æ.(j)ɛ.mʲæ ŋɛ̯ɪ.ʝɪn̪ ʌ̯u.gɛ]
[n̪ʌ̯ ɛ.ko d̪o.gɪn̪]

Nauru our homeland, the land we dearly love,
We all pray for you and we also praise your name.
Since long ago you have been the home of our great forefathers
And will be for generations yet to come.
We all join in together to honour your flag,
And we shall rejoice together and say:
Nauru for evermore!

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