English numerals
Here are some words for small numbers. Words in bold are irregular.
When writing other numbers between 21 and 99, you must use a hyphen, like a minus sign (-).
- 21: twenty-one
- 22: twenty-two
- 23: twenty-three
- 24: twenty-four
- 25: twenty-five
- 26: twenty-six
- 27: twenty-seven
- 28: twenty-eight
- 29: twenty-nine
- 30: thirty
- 31: thirty-one
- 64: sixty-four
- 65: sixty-five
- 66: sixty-six
- 67: sixty-seven
- 98: ninety-eight
- 99: ninety-nine
The number 100 is written as "one hundred", but in general, sometimes people can say "a hundred".
The way numbers are written and spoken differs between American English and other forms of English, such as British English and Australian English, as follows.
American English
To write a whole number from 100 to 999 in American English:
- First write how many hundreds.
- Then write the word "hundred".
- Then write the name of the two-digit number after the digit in the hundreds place.
In standard, written, American English, the word "and" is not in the word-name of any whole number even though many speakers insert it.
- 101: one hundred one
- 102: one hundred two
- 175: one hundred seventy-five
- 200: two hundred
- 300: three hundred
- 400: four hundred
- 512: five hundred twelve
- 513: five hundred thirteen
- 600: six hundred
- 987: nine hundred eighty-seven
British and Commonwealth English
To write a whole number from 100 to 999 in British and Commonwealth English:
- First write how many hundreds.
- Then write the words "hundred and".
- Then write the name of the two-digit number after the digit in the hundreds place.
In standard, written, British English (and the English spoken in many other places), the word "and" is in the word-name of many whole numbers.
- 101: one hundred and one (NOT: one hundred one)
- 102: one hundred and two (NOT: one hundred two)
- 175: one hundred and seventy-five (NOT: one hundred seventy-five)
- 200: two hundred
- 300: three hundred
- 400: four hundred
- 500: five hundred
- 512: five hundred and twelve (NOT: five hundred twelve)
- 900: nine hundred
- 987: nine hundred and eighty-seven (NOT: nine hundred eighty-seven)
Related pages
- Names of ordinal numbers in English
- Names for large numbers
- Names for small numbers