
Method may mean:

  • How to do or make something
  • Scientific method, a series of steps taken to get knowledge
  • Method (computer science), a piece of code linked with a class or object to perform a task
  • Method (music), a kind of textbook to help students learning to play a musical instrument
  • Methodology, the collection, the comparative study, and the critique of the individual methods that are used in a given discipline or field of inquiry
  • Software development process, a series of steps taken to build software
  • Method acting, a style of acting in which the actor attempts to replicate the conditions under which the character operates
  • Method (Godhead), the bassist and programmer for the industrial band Godhead
  • Discourse on Method, a philosophical and mathematical treatise by RenĂ© Descartes
  • "The Method of Mechanical Theorems", part of the Archimedes Palimpsest
  • Method, a 2004 film directed by Duncan Roy
  • method, a San Francisco-based corporation which manufactures household products
  • Method ringing, a British style of ringing church bells according to a series of mathematical algorithms
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