Metalocalypse is an animated comedy television series directed by Jon Schnepp. It is a part of Cartoon Network's Adult Swim. It is about a heavy metal group called Dethklok, who are the most famous and richest band in the world. The band is a very dangerous force to the people who like it and to world governments. Even though their fans often die or are hurt in the series, they still remain very popular. There is also a secret group of people who work for the U.S. Government who secretly spy on the band and plan to kill them.
People in Dethklok
- Nathan Explosion: The group's singer and leader, he is based on Glenn Danzig from The Misfits and Cannibal Corpse's George Fisher. He has long black hair, and is very large.
- Skwisgaar Skwigelf: Lead guitarist, who is from Sweden. He has long blonde hair, has blue eyes, and is skinny.
- Toki Wartooth: Plays rhythm guitar and is from Norway. He is very gullible and childlike. He has long brown hair and a "fu manchu" moustache.
- William Murderface: The bass guitar player, who is slightly overweight, very angry, and likes gross things including a new found love of "free-balling". He is partly based on Geezer Butler from Black Sabbath. He has triangular brown hair, and a mustache.
- Pickles-plays the drums, used to be leader of a band called "Snakes n' Barrels", a parody of Guns N' Roses. He is originally from Wisconsin. He has red cornrows.
CD & DVD Release
Cartoon Network released a DVD of the first season of Metalocalypse and an album of Dethklok's songs in the summer of 2007. The album has songs that are played during the series.
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