
"Mawtini" (Arabic: موطني; "My Homeland") is the national anthem of Iraq.

Lyrics of Mawtini

The song formerly served as an unofficial anthem of Palestinians and other colonized peoples of the Middle East for much of the 20th century.[1]


Arabic original[2][3] Transliteration IPA transcription English translation[4][5]

مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
الجلالُ والجمالُ والسَّنَاءُ والبَهَاءُ
في رُبَاكْ في رُبَاكْ
والحياةُ والنجاةُ والهناءُ والرجاءُ
في هواكْ في هواكْ
هلْ أراكْ هلْ أراكْ
𝄇 سالِماً مُنَعَّماً و غانما مكرما 𝄆
هلْ أراكْ في عُلاكْ
تبلُغُ السِّمَاكْ تبلغُ السِّمَاكْ
مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي

مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
الشبابُ لنْ يكِلَّ هَمُّهُ أنْ يستقلَّ
أو يَبيدْ أو يَبيدْ
نَستقي منَ الرَّدَى ولنْ نكونَ للعِدَى
كالعَبيدْ كالعَبيدْ
لا نُريدْ لا نُريدْ
𝄇 ذُلَّنَا المُؤَبَّدا وعَيشَنَا المُنَكَّدا 𝄆
لا نُريدْ بلْ نُعيدْ
مَجدَنا التّليدْ مَجدَنا التّليدْ
مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي

مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي
الحُسَامُ و اليَرَاعُ لا الكلامُ والنزاعُ
رَمْزُنا رَمْزُنا
مَجدُنا و عهدُنا وواجبٌ منَ الوَفاء
يهُزُّنا يهُزُّنا
عِزُّنا عِزُّنا
𝄇 غايةٌ تُشَرِّفُ و رايةٌ ترَفرِفُ 𝄆
يا هَنَاكْ في عُلاكْ
قاهِراً عِداكْ قاهِراً عِداكْ
مَوطِنِي مَوطِنِي

Mawṭinī mawṭinī
al-Jalālu wa-l-jamālu wa-s-sanāʾu wa-l-bahāʾu
Fī rubāk fī rubāk
Wa-l-ḥayātu wa-n-najātu wal-hanāʾu wa-r-rajāʾu
Fī hawāk fī hawāk
Hal ʾarāk hal ʾarāk
𝄆 Sāliman munaʿʿaman wa-ġāniman mukarraman 𝄇
Hal ʾarāk fī ʿulāk
Tabluġu s-simāk tabluġu s-simāk
Mawṭinī mawṭinī

Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Aš-šabābu lan yakilla hammuhu ʾan yastaqilla
ʾAw yabīd, ʾaw yabīd
Nastaqī mina r-radā wa-lan nakūna li-l-ʿidāʾ
Kā-l-ʿabīd, kā-l-ʿabīd
Lā nurīd lā nurīd
𝄆 Ḏullanā l-muʾabbada wa ʿayšanā l-munakkadā 𝄇
Lā nurīd bal nuʿīd
Majdanā t-talīd majdanā t-talīd
Mawṭinī mawṭinī

Mawṭinī mawṭinī
Al-ḥusāmu wa-l-yarāʿu lā l-kalāmu wa-n-nizāʿu
Ramzunā ramzunā
Majdunā wa ʿahdunā wa-wājibun mina l-wafāʾ
Yahuzzunā yahuzzunā
ʿIzzunā ʿizzunā
𝄆 Ġāyatun tušarrifu wa rāyatun turafrifu 𝄇
Yā hanāk fī ʿulāk
Qāhiran ʿidāk qāhirān ʿidāk
Mawṭinī mawṭinī

[mɑw.tˤɪ.niː mɑw.tˤɪ.niː]
[æl.d͡ʒæ.læː.lʊ wæ‿l.d͡ʒæ.mæː.lʊ wæ‿s.sæ.næː.ʔʊ wæ‿l.bæ.hæː.ʔʊ]
[fɪː rʊ.bæːk fɪː rʊ.bæːk]
[wæ‿l.ħɑ.jæː.tʊ wæ‿n.næ.d͡ʒæː.tʊ wæ‿l.hæ.næː.ʔʊ wɑ‿r.rɑ.d͡ʒæː.ʔʊ]
[fiː hæ.wæːk fiː hæ.wæːk]
[hæl ʔɑ.rɑːk hæl ʔɑ.rɑːk]
𝄆 [sæː.li.mæn mʊ.nɑʕ.ʕɑ.mæn wɑ ɣæː.ni.mæn mʊ.kɑr.rɑ.mæn] 𝄇
[hæl ʔɑ.rɑːk fiː ʕʊ.læːk]
[tæb.lʊ.ɣu‿æːk tæb.lʊ.ɣu‿æːk]
[mɑw.tˤɪ.niː mɑw.tˤɪ.niː]

[mɑw.tˤɪ.niː mɑw.tˤɪ.niː]
[æʃ.ʃæ.bæː.bʊ læn jæ.kɪl.læ hæm.mʊ.hu ʔæn jæs.tɑ.qɪl.læ]
[ʔɑw jæ.biːd ʔɑw jæ.biːd]
[næs.tɑ.qɪː mi.næ‿r.rɑ.dæː wɑ læn næ.kuː.næ lɪ‿l.ʕɪ.dæːʔ]
[kæː‿l.ʕɑ.biːd kæː‿l.ʕɑ.biːd]
[læː nʊ.riːd læː nʊ.riːd]
𝄆 [ðʊl.læ.næː‿ʔæb.bæ.dæ wɑ ʕɑj.ʃæ.næː‿l.mʊ.næk.kæ.dæː] 𝄇
[læː nʊ.riːd bæːl nʊ.ʕiːd]
[mæd͡ʒ.dæ.næː‿t.tæ.liːd mæd͡ʒ.dæ.næː‿t.tæ.liːd]
[mɑw.tˤɪ.niː mɑw.tˤɪ.niː]

[mɑw.tˤɪ.niː mɑw.tˤɪ.niː]
[æl.ħʊ.sæː.mʊ wæ‿l.jɑ.rɑː.ʕʊ læː‿l.kæ.læː.mʊ wæ‿ɑː.ʕʊ]
[rɑm.zʊ.næː rɑm.zʊ.næː]
[mæd͡ʒ.dʊ.næː wɑ ʕɑh.dʊ.næː wɑ wæː.d͡ʒi.bʊn mi.næ‿l.wɑ.fæːʔ]
[jæ.hʊz.zʊ.næː jæ.hʊz.zʊ.næː]
[ʕɪz.zʊn.næː ʕɪz.zʊn.næː]
𝄆 [ɣɑː.jæ.tʊn tʊ.ʃɑr.rɪ.fu wɑ rɑː.jæ.tʊn tʊ.rɑf.rɪ.fʊ] 𝄇
[jæː hæ.næːk fiː ʕʊ.læːk]
[qɑː.hɪ.rɑn ʕɪ.dæːk qɑː.hɪ.rɑn ʕɪ.dæːk]
[mɑw.tˤɪ.niː mɑw.tˤɪ.niː]

My homeland, my homeland,
Glory and beauty, sublimity and splendour
Are in your hills, are in your hills.
Life and deliverance, pleasure and hope
Are in your air, are in your air.
Will I see you, will I see you?
𝄆 Safely comforted and victoriously honoired. 𝄇
Will I see you in your eminence?
Reaching to the stars, reaching to the stars
My homeland, my homeland.

My homeland, my homeland,
The youth will not tire, their goal is your independence
Or they die, or they die.
We will drink from death, and will not be to our enemies
Like slaves, like slaves.
We do not want, we do not want
𝄆 An eternal humiliation, nor a miserable life. 𝄇
We do not want, but we will bring back
Our storied glory, our storied glory.
My homeland, my homeland.

My homeland, my homeland,
The sword and the pen, not the talk nor the quarrel
Are our symbols, are our symbols.
Our glory and our covenant, and a faithful duty
Moves us, moves us.
Our glory, our glory,
𝄆 Is an honourable cause, and a waving flag. 𝄇
O, behold you, in your eminence,
Victorious over your enemies, victorious over your enemies.
My homeland, my homeland!


  1. "Palestinian Journeys | The song that inspired the arab world". Archived from the original on 2019-08-29.
  2. نشيد مَوطِني. المدرسة العربية الالكترونية. April 2003.
  3. سمير الرسام - النشيد الوطني العراقي - موطني بحلته الجديدة - الحوار المتمدن. Ahewar. December 18, 2016.
  4. "Maw6ini" (PDF). Xpace Cultural Centre. June 29, 2018.
  5. "My Homeland: "The Youth will not tire, 'till your independence!"". Bethlehem Bible College. November 28, 2015.
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