
Lovejoy is a British television comedy-drama mystery series, based on the picaresque novels by John Grant under the pen name Jonathan Gash. The series, which ran to 71 episodes over six seasons, was originally broadcast on BBC1 between 10 January 1986 and 4 December 1994, though there was a 5-year gap between the first and second series. It was adapted for television by Ian La Frenais.


  • Lovejoy, played by Ian McShane, a somewhat unscrupulous, yet likeable, rogue antique dealer.
  • Eric Catchpole, played by Chris Jury (series 1-5; guest, series 6), Lovejoy's younger, enthusiastic, slightly dim, assistant.
  • Tinker Dill, played by the late Dudley Sutton, barker and tout who is friends with Lovejoy.
  • Lady Jane Felsham, played by Phyllis Logan (series 1-5; guest, series 6), has a friendly relationship with Lovejoy, often helping him with his deals.
  • Charlie Gimbert, played by the late Malcolm Tierney (series 1, 4-6), Lovejoy's arch-nemesis within the antiques trade.
  • Beth Taylor, played by Diane Parish (series 5-6), Lovejoy's new apprentice following the departure of Eric Catchpole.
  • Charlotte Cavendish, played by Caroline Langrishe (series 5-6), an auctioneer who becomes Lovejoy's love interest.

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