Loretta Brown

Loretta Brown is a fictional character from the animated television series Family Guy. The character is voiced by actress Alex Borstein and first appeared in the episode titled "Death is a Bitch," which originally aired on February 26, 2000. Loretta is a supporting character and is known for her role as Cleveland Brown's wife.

Fictional Biography

Loretta is portrayed as a loving and supportive wife to Cleveland Brown, one of the main characters in Family Guy. Her character is defined by her calm demeaner and patience, often serving as a stabilizing force in the chaotic world of the show. Loretta and Cleveland have a son named Cleveland Jr.

Departure from the Show

In the fourth season of Family Guy, Loretta's character underwent a significant development. In the episode titled "Peter's Got Woods" (November 6, 2005), Loretta discovers that Cleveland has been neglecting her emotional needs, leading to the end of their marriage. Subsequently, Loretta divorces Cleveland and leaves Quahog to move to Smethwick, Birmingham.


  • Loretta Brown's departure from Family Guy marked a turning point in the character dynamics of the show, leading to the introduction of the character of Donna Tubbs.
  • Alex Borstein, the voice actress for Loretta, also provides the voice for other prominent characters on Family Guy, including Lois Griffin.


While Loretta Brown is no longer an active character on Family Guy, her presence is still felt through references and flashbacks. The character's departure had a lasting impact on the show's narrative and character relationships.


  • "Death is a Bitch" - Family Guy, Season 2, Episode 6, February 26, 2000.
  • "Peter's Got Woods" - Family Guy, Season 4, Episode 11, November 6, 2005.
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