Longevity claims

Longevity claims are cases of asserted human longevity that have no evidence or have partial evidence. Those asserting lifespans of 110 years or more are generally referred by as supercentenarians. Many have no available evidence or only partial evidence. Cases where longevity has been fully verified, according to modern standards of longevity research, are reflected in an established list of supercentenarians based on the work of organizations such as the Gerontology Research Group or Guinness World Records. This article lists living claims greater than that of the oldest living person whose age has been independently verified, Spanish woman Maria Branyas, aged 115 years, 329 days, and deceased claims greater than that of the oldest person ever whose age has been verified, French woman Jeanne Calment, who died at the age of 122 years and 164 days.


Guinness World Records from its beginning in 1955, had a list of oldest living people. To be in the list, a supercentenarian needs to have at least 3 verified documents.

Verified cases

The oldest person verified by modern standards, and the only person with evidence to have lived to be at least 120 years of age, is French woman Jeanne Calment (21 February 1875 – 4 August 1997), aged 122 years and 164 days. The oldest man verified by modern standards, and the only man with undisputed evidence to have lived to be over 115, is Japanese man Jiroemon Kimura (19 April 1897 – 12 June 2013), aged 116 years and 54 days.

The oldest verified living person is Spanish-American born woman Maria Branyas, born 4 March 1907, aged 115 years, 329 days. Lucy Hannah, previously regarded as having reached age 117, had her verification removed in 2020 following the discovery of additional documents. In numerous editions from the 1960s through the 1980s, Guinness stated that

No single subject is more obscured by vanity, deceit, falsehood, and deliberate fraud than the extremes of human longevity.

Proximate records and late-life claims

Maggie Barnes (1882/1880/1881-1998) claimed to be 117 at her death on January 19 1998. Inconsistent records claim that she was a year younger, 6 March 1882 is the latest, but possibly a year earlier.

Late-life claims

Hanna Barysevich: Barysevich claimed to have been 118. This can be neither verified nor disproven from Belarus records. The claim is demographically possible but incompletely verified.

Possible claims

Pasikhat Dzhukalaeva: In 2004, The Moscow Times reported that Dzhukalayeva, of Chechnya, claimed to have been born in 1881 (age 122). The claim is possible but incompletely verified. Her death has not been reported since that time, so no age above 122 has been verifiably claimed.

Other late-life claims

Susie Brunson: Her obituaries appear in Star-News newspaper and The New York Times. Her family claimed that she was born 25 December 1870 and lived to age 123, dying in late November 1994.

Reports with complete date of birth

These are lists of people whose lifespans remain unverified. The individual's supercentenarian lifespan is not (yet) backed by records sufficient to the standards of modern longevity research are listed as unverified. They may be factually true, even though records do not exist (or have not yet been found), so such lists include these grey-area cases.

NameSexReported birth dateClaimed AgeCountryLatest reportRef
Johanna Mazibuko F 11 May 1894 130 years, 34 days South Africa 15 May 2022 [1]
Sivananda M 8 August 1896 127 years, 311 days India 21 March 2022 [2][3][4]
Maria Gomes dos Reis F 16 June 1900 123 years, 364 days Brazil 3 May 2022 [5]
Teodora Maria de Alcântara F 18 August 1900 123 years, 301 days Brazil 4 February 2022 [6]
Andrelino Vieira da Silva M 3 February 1901 123 years, 132 days Brazil 8 February 2022 [7]
Ratu Ruhaya F 21 February 1901 123 years,

844 days

Indonesia 15 June 2022 [8]
Sebastião Batista dos Santos M 15 March 1902 122 years, 91 days Brazil 17 March 2022 [9]
Maria Vikentyevna Kononovich F 27 May 1904 120 years, 18 days Belarus 5 November 2021 [10]


These are deceased

Name Sex Reported birth date Death date / latest report Reported age Country
Ali Ben Mohamed El Amri[11][12] M 5 October 1880 30 September 2010 129 years, 360 days Tunisia
Koku Istambulova[13] F 1 June 1889 27 January 2019 129 years, 240 days Russia
José Aguinelo dos Santos[14] M 7 July 1888 20 December 2017 129 years, 166 days Brazil
Maria do Carmo Gerônimo[15] F 5 March 1871 14 June 2000 129 years, 101 days Brazil
Jean Causeur[16] M 3 March 1645 30 April 1774 129 years, 58 days France
Mary Ewen[17] F 5 May 1878 10 April 2007 128 years, 340 days Jamaica
Cruz Hernández[15] F 3 May 1878 8 March 2007 128 years, 309 days El Salvador
Elizabeth Israel[15] F 27 January 1875 14 October 2003 128 years, 260 days Dominica
Safiah Ujang[18] F 11 February 1889 26 October 2017 128 years, 257 days Malaysia
José Rosario Serrano Arencas[19] M 5 March 1881 24 April 2009 128 years, 50 days Colombia
Swami Kalyandev[15] M 21 June 1876 14 July 2004 128 years, 23 days India
William Johnson[20] M 8 May 1881 15 May 2009 128 years, 7 days United States
José Paulino Gomes M 4 August 1895 28 July 2023 127 years, 358 days Brazil
Ajiben Chandravadia[21][22] F 1 January 1891 13 December 2018 127 years, 346 days India
Luo Meizhen[23][24] F 9 July 1885 9 June 2013 127 years, 335 days China
Juana Bautista de la Candelaria Rodríguez[25] F 2 February 1885 24 December 2012 127 years, 326 days Cuba
Luang Pu Chant Siri[26][27] M 10 April 1849 23 February 1977 127 years, 319 days Thailand
Halim Solmaz[28] F 1 July 1884 29 March 2012 127 years, 272 days Turkey
Tshinyelo Dora Muzila[29] F 4 May 1880 14 January 2008 127 years, 255 days South Africa
Leandra Becerra Lumbreras F 31 August 1887 19 March 2015 127 years, 200 days Mexico
Tian Longyu[30][31][32] F 9 June 1893 28 September 2020 127 years, 111 days China
Nicolas Savin[33] M 17 April 1768 29 November 1894 126 years, 226 days Russia
Maria Gonçalves dos Santos[34] F 24 June 1890 15 December 2016 126 years, 174 days Brazil
Benito Martínez Abrogán[15] M 19 June 1880 11 October 2006 126 years, 114 days Cuba
Margarita Lacsi[35][36][37] F 30 March 1878 27 May 2004 126 years, 58 days Argentina
Jackson Pollard[15] M 25 December 1869 7 September 1995 125 years, 304 days United States
Nuri Öztunç[38] M 1 July 1885 6 March 2011 125 years, 248 days Turkey
Juan Ramos[15] M 24 June 1880 24 January 2006 125 years, 214 days United States
Aberewa Grace[15] F 16 August 1878 18 January 2004 125 years, 155 days Ghana
Anna Visser[15] F 25 December 1878 8 January 2004 125 years, 14 days Namibia
Maria Etelvina dos Santos[15] F 15 July 1878 8 March 2003 124 years, 236 days Brazil
Hu Yeh-mei[39] F 10 February 1885 24 August 2009 124 years, 195 days Taiwan
Mariam Amash[40][41][42] F 1 July 1888 22 December 2012 124 years, 171 days Israel
Socorro Medrano Guevara[43] F 17 June 1894 13 September 2018 124 years, 88 days Mexico
Francisca Susano[44][45] F 11 September 1897 22 November 2021 124 years, 72 days Philippines
Armando Frid[15][46] M 24 May 1866 28 July 1990 124 years, 65 days Argentina
Maria Verissimo de Matos[47][48] F 5 June 1888 17 June 2012 124 years, 12 days Brazil
Ana Martinha da Silva[15] F 25 August 1880 27 July 2004 123 years, 337 days Brazil
Carmelo Flores Laura[49] M 16 July 1890 9 June 2014 123 years, 328 days Bolivia
Deolinda Soares Rodrigues[50] F 24 June 1898 1 May 2022 123 years, 311 days Brazil
Juana Chox Yac[51][52][53][54] F 29 November 1893 27 September 2017 123 years, 302 days Guatemala
Arthur Reed[15] M 28 June 1860 15 April 1984 123 years, 292 days United States
Tanzilya Bisembeyeva[55][56] F 14 March 1896 25 October 2019 123 years, 225 days. Russia
Daw Mya Kyi[57][58][59][60] F 9 October 1892 fl. 17 May 2016 123 years, 221 days Myanmar
Hava Rexha[15] F 14 August 1880 8 November 2003 123 years, 86 days Albania
Appaz Iliev[61] M March 1, 1896 May 10, 2019 123 years, 70 days Russia
Nguyễn Thị Trù[62][63] F 4 May 1893 12 July 2016 123 years, 69 days Vietnam
Turupu Aimaiti[64][65] M 5 February 1892 fl. 26 February 2015 123 years, 21 days China
Live Larsdatter[66] F 6 August 1575 9 July 1698 122 years, 337 days Denmark
Shukhrat Aliyeva[67] F 1 January 1887 1 December 2009 122 years, 334 days Brazil
Oberia Coffin[15] F 1 December 1883 18 October 2006 122 years, 321 days url=https://web.archive.org/web/20200227100035/https://www.thehindu
Sudhakar Chaturvedi[68][69] M 20 April 1897 27 February 2020 122 years, 313 days India
Nehemiah Ndur[70] M 25 February 1890 10 December 2012 122 years, 289 days Nigeria
Dora Jacobs[15] F 6 May 1880 19 January 2003 122 years, 258 days South Africa
Mamie Evans[15] F 2 July 1872 15 January 1995 122 years, 197 days United States
David Peterson[15] M 22 November 1850 31 May 1973 122 years, 190 days United States
Sarah Hoover[15] F 25 June 1874 15 December 1996 122 years, 173 days United States
Salma Abdulqadir[71] F 1 July 1897 18 December 2019 122 years, 170 days Syria

Longevity myths

Longevity myths are traditions about long-lived people (generally supercentenarians), either as individuals or groups of people, and practices that have been believed to confer longevity, but which current scientific evidence does not support, nor the reasons for the claims. While literal interpretations of such myths may appear to indicate extraordinarily long lifespans, many scholars believe such figures may be the result of incorrect translations of number systems through various languages, coupled along with the cultural and symbolic significance of certain numbers.

Some scientists estimate that in case of the most ideal conditions people can live up to 127 years.


Name Sex Born- died Age at death Country of residence
Anonymous M 2989 BC - living 5000 (still alive) Egypt
Mahavatar Babaji M 30 / 11/ 203 AD-living 1,820 India
Anna Persdotter F 665-1689 1024 Sweden
Billafunda Sayadaw U. Kowida M 908- living 1115 Myanmar
Ignacy Lewski M 1231-1913 682 Poland
cOLESTEIN vEGLIN M 1261-1876 615 USA
LP Suwang M 1551-1995 443-444 Thailand
Anonymous F 1622-living 400+ ?
Zuo Ci M 20 BC-280 AD 300 China
Trailanga M 27 November 1607-26 December 1887 280 India
Li-Ching Yuen M 1637-6 May 1933 256 China
Zaro Aga M February 16 1764-June 29 1934 170 Turkiye
Shirali Muslimov M 1805-September 2 1973 168 Azerbaijan
Chesten Marchant M 1511-1676 164-165 England
Tom Parr M 1482-November 13 1635 153 England
Mahmud Eyvazov M 1808-1960 152 Azerbaijan
Ravidas M 1377-1528 151 India
Maftei Pop M June 12 1804-March 15 1952 147 Romania
Mbah Gotho M December 31 1870-April 2017 146 Indonesia
Emperor Keikō M 14 BC - 143 AD 142-144 Japan
Jackson Pollard M 1869-1995 125 USA

Incomplete longevity myths and claims

Name Born-died Age Country Reason
Anonymous (surnamed Rahman ) ?-? 125 Bangladesh Born-died/ status year unknown.
Johnny Gatsu 1902-2022 119-120 Bangladesh Verified by TV channel showing his burial, estimated age 120 years 0 month 12 days, claim not independently verified.
Anonymous (surnamed Rahman) 1902-2018 116 Bangladesh Claim not verified by any independent source or record-tracking body or anyone.


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