Logo (programming language)
Logo is a programming language that is easy to learn. It is used to teach students and children to program a computer. It was developed to process lists of words. It was like the language LISP.
- The article about graphical symbols is at Logo

In 1967, the first Logo ran on a mainframe computer, a machine called a teletype was used to type in and printout the results.[1] There was no screen.
In 1969, it was used to control a Floor Turtle. Commands were added to send the turtle forwards and backwards, and to turn the turtle to left or right. This turtle had pen with different colors. When it moved, it left a trail on the floor.
When a new version of Logo was developed to draw graphics on a screen, it used the same commands. This was called Turtle graphics.
There are 170 versions of Logo. Many of them are open source and free. There are three Logo textbooks that can be downloaded free. Logo is usually an interpreted language.
Hello World
Load the Logo program. Type the next line in the command box.
print [Hello World!]
The computer replies.
Hello World!
Example Showing Graphics and Functional Programming
A spiral drawn using recursion. Using the editor, type in this new definition.
to spiral :size if :size > 30 [stop] ; a condition stop fd :size rt 15 ; many lines of action spiral :size *1.02 ; the tailend recursive call end
Type this in the command box.
spiral 10
On the screen you will see.
Other websites
Logo Programs
- MSWLogo For Windows
- FMSLogo For Windows
- Berkeley Logo (UCBLogo)
- Microworlds Microworlds, a commercial Logo for Mac and Windows
- Elica Archived 2011-04-30 at the Wayback Machine a 3D Logo for Windows
- Lhogho a Logo compiler for Linux and Windows
- Surf Your Logo Code A modern web based Logo interpreter using HTML5 and JQuery.
- MaLT (Machine Lab Turtlesphere) A web based 3D Logo application with the feature of dynamic manipulation (developed in HTML5 & three.js).
Online books
- A Logo Tutorial Archived 2007-07-16 at the Wayback Machine for the OLPC project
- The Great Logo Adventure, Jim Muller A book for children.
- Computer Science Logo Style, Brian Harvey, MIT Press (3 volumes) ISBN 0-262-58148-5, ISBN 0-262-58149-3, ISBN 0-262-58150-7. Advanced books.
- http://logothings.wikispaces.com/ Archived 2008-09-14 at the Wayback Machine Early History Wikispace