List of phobias

Phobias are irrational fears of things and situations which can be a danger but most are not harmful. There are many kinds of phobias. Here are listed more than 200 of them. Phobias are most known to cause panic attacks and shock and epileptic fits, with phobias that have loneliness, spiders, fumes, and maybe heights.





  • Decidophobia - fear of making a decision
  • Demophobia, Enochlophobia - fear of crowds
  • Dendrophobia - fear of trees
  • Dentophobia - fear of dentists
  • Dermatosiophobia, Dermatophobia - fear of skin disease
  • Dextrophobia - fear of objects at the right side of the body
  • Diabetophobia - fear of diabetes
  • Dipsophobia - fear of drinking



  • Febriphobia, Fibriphobia, Pyrexiophobia - fear of fevers
  • Ferrumphobia - fear of iron, objects of iron
  • Friggatriskaidekaphobia, Paraskavedekatriaphobia - fear of Friday the 13th


  • Gamophobia - fear of marriage, commitment
  • Galeophobia - fear of sharks
  • Geliophobia - fear of laughter
  • Gerontophobia - fear of old people
  • Gymnophobia - fear of nudity
  • Gynophobia, Gynephobia - fear of women
  • Gingerphobia - fear of Gingers





  • Kainolophobia - fear of novelty
  • Kainophobia - fear of anything new, novelty
  • Kakorrhaphiophobia - fear of failure or defeat
  • Katagelophobia - fear of ridicule
  • Kathisophobia - fear of sitting down
  • Kenophobia - fear of voids or empty spaces
  • Keraunophobia - fear of thunder and lightning
  • Kinemortophobia - fear of zombies
  • Kinetophobia or Kinesophobia - fear of movement or motion
  • Kleptophobia - fear of stealing
  • Koinoniphobia - fear of rooms
  • Kolpophobia - fear of genitals, particularly female
  • Koniophobia - fear of dust. (Amathophobia)
  • Kopophobia - fear of fatigue
  • Kosmikophobia - fear of cosmic phenomenon
  • Kymophobia - fear of waves
  • Kynophobia - fear of rabies
  • Kyphophobia - fear of stooping



  • Macrophobia - fear of long waits
  • Mageirocophobia - fear of cooking
  • Maieusiophobia - fear of childbirth
  • Malaxophobia - fear of love play, (Sarmassophobia)
  • Maniaphobia - fear of insanity
  • Mastigophobia - fear of punishment
  • Mechanophobia - fear of machines
  • Medomalacuphobia - fear of losing an erection
  • Medorthophobia - fear of an erect penis
  • Megalophobia - fear of large things
  • Melanophobia - fear of the color black
  • Melissophobia - fear of bees
  • Melophobia - fear of hatred of music
  • Meningitophobia - fear of brain disease
  • Menophobia - fear of menstruation
  • Merinthophobia - fear of being bound or tied up
  • Metallophobia - fear of metal
  • Metathesiophobia - fear of changes
  • Meteorophobia - fear of meteors
  • Methyphobia - fear of alcohol
  • Metrophobia - fear of hatred of poetry
  • Microbiophobia - fear of microbes, (Bacillophobia)
  • Microphobia - fear of small things
  • Misophobia - fear of being contaminated
  • Mnemophobia - fear of memories
  • Molysmophobia or Molysomophobia - fear of dirt or being contaminated
  • Monopathophobia - fear of disease
  • Monophobia - fear of isolation
  • Motorphobia - fear of automobiles
  • Mottephobia - fear of moths
  • Musophobia or Murophobia - fear of mice
  • Mycophobia - fear of mushrooms
  • Myrmecophobia - fear of ants
  • Mythophobia - fear of myths, stories, or false statements
  • Myxophobia - fear of slime,(Blennophobia)





  • Radiophobia - fear of radiation
  • Ranidaphobia - fear of frogs
  • Rectophobia - fear of rectum or rectal diseases
  • Rhabdophobia - fear of being beaten or criticized; fear of magic
  • Rhypophobia - fear of defecation
  • Rhytiphobia - fear of getting wrinkles
  • Rupophobia - fear of dirt
  • Russophobia - fear of Russians



  • Thalassophobia - fear of deep bodies of water
  • Trypophobia - fear of clustered holes
  • Turophobia - fear of cheese
  • Transphobia - fear of transgender and transsexual people
  • Trypanophobia - fear of needles/ injections
  • Trudoculphobia - fear of a sharp object piercing the eye
  • Triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13


  • Unnamed - fear of siezures
  • Uranophobia - fear of heaven


  • Vaccinophobia - fear of vaccination
  • Verbophobia - fear of words
  • Verminophobia - fear of germs
  • Vestiphobia - fear of clothing
  • Virginitiphobia - fear of rape
  • Vitricophobia - fear of step-father




Funny and fictional phobias

  • Anatidaephobia - fear that a duck, somewhere, is watching you
  • Arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter stuck to the roof of the mouth
  • Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia - fear of long words
  • Uranophobia - fear of heaven
  • Venustraphobia - fear of pretty women


  1. Ronald Manual Doctor, Ada P. Kahn, Christine A. Adamec (2009). The Encyclopedia of Phobias, Fears, and Anxieties (third ed.). Infobase Publishing. p. 383. ISBN 9781438120980.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)

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