List of amphibians
This is a list of amphibians by family
Class Amphibia
Total 6771 species
Order Anura – frogs and toads
Total 5966 species
- Suborder Archaeobatrachia
- Family Alytidae - Painted Frogs or Disc-Tongued frogs, 12 species.
- Family Bombinatoridae - Fire Belly toads, 8 species
- Family Leiopelmatidae - New Zealand primitive frogs, 6 species.
- Suborder Mesobatrachia
- Family Megophryidae - Litter frogs or Short Legged toads, 156 species
- Family Pelobatidae - European Spadefoot toads, 4 species
- Family Pelodytidae - Parsley frogs, 3 species
- Family Pipidae - Tongueless frogs or clawed frogs, 33 species
- Family Rhinophrynidae - Mexican Burrowing Toad, 1 species
- Family Scaphiopodidae - American spadefoot toads, 7 species
- Suborder Neobatrachia
- Family Allophrynidae, 1 species
- Family Aromobatidae - 104 species
- Family Arthroleptidae - Screeching frogs or squeakers, 140 species
- Family Brachycephalidae - Saddleback toads, 51 species.
- Family Brevicipitidae - 31 species
- Family Bufonidae - True toads, 558 species
- Family Calyptocephalellidae - 4 species
- Family Centrolenidae - Glass frogs, 146 species
- Family Ceratobatrachidae, 85 species
- Family Ceratophryidae - 86 species
- Family Ceuthomantidae - 4 species, split off from family Brachycephalidae
- Family Craugastoridae - 115 species
- Family Cycloramphidae - 105 species
- Family Dendrobatidae - Poison dart frogs, 179 species
- Family Dicroglossidae, 171 species
- Family Eleutherodactylidae - 201 species
- Family Heleophrynidae - Ghost frogs, 7 species
- Family Hemiphractidae - 94 species
- Family Hemisotidae - Shovelnose frogs, 9 species
- Family Hylidae - Tree frogs, 901 species
- Family Hylodidae - 42 species
- Family Hyperoliidae - Sedge frogs or bush frogs, 209 species
- Family Leiuperidae, 86 species
- Family Leptodactylidae - Southern frogs or tropical frogs, 100 species
- Family Mantellidae, 191 species
- Family Micrixalidae - 11 species
- Family Microhylidae - Narrow-mouthed frogs, 487 species
- Family Myobatrachidae - Australian ground frogs, 85 species
- Family Limnodynastidae, 43 species
- Family Nasikabatrachidae - 1 species, formerly included in family Sooglossidae
- Family Nyctibatrachidae - 17 species
- Family Petropedetidae, 18 species
- Family Phrynobatrachidae - 82 species
- Family Ptychadenidae - 53 species
- Family Pyxicephalidae - 68 species
- Family Ranidae - True frogs, 347 species
- Family Ranixalidae - 10 species
- Family Rhacophoridae - Moss frogs, 321 species
- Family Sooglossidae Seychelles Frog, 4 species.
- Family Strabomantidae 569 species, removed from family Brachycephalidae
Order Caudata – salamanders
Total 619 species
- Suborder Cryptobranchoidea
- Family Cryptobranchidae - Giant salamanders, 3 species
- Family Hynobiidae - Asiatic salamanders, 55 species
- Suborder Salamandroidea
- Family Ambystomatidae - Mole salamanders, 37 species
- Family Amphiumidae - Amphiumas or Congo eels, 3 species
- Family Plethodontidae - Lungless salamanders, 418 species
- Subfamily: Spelerpinae, 36 species
- Family Proteidae - Mudpuppies and Waterdogs, 6 species
- Family Rhyacotritonidae - Torrent salamanders, 4 species
- Family Salamandridae - True salamanders and newts, 89 species
- Suborder Sirenoidea
- Family Sirenidae - Sirens, 4 species
Order Gymnophiona or Caecilia
Total 186 species
- Family Caeciliidae - Common caecilians, 125 species.
- Family Ichthyophiidae - Fish caecilians, 50 species.
- Family Rhinatrematidae - Beaked caecilians, 11 species
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