Laihou Jagoi

"Laihou Jagoi" (Meitei: ꯂꯥꯢꯍꯧ ꯖꯒꯣꯢ) (literally,"dance of invitation"[1] or "opening dance"[2]) is a dance form performed by the maibis (priestesses) to lead a way to a pond or river,[2] in the religious festival of Lai Haraoba.[3][2]

During the performance of the dance, the tune of the pena, a traditional musical instrument, is also shrimmed up.[1][2]

With the maibis, the sword bearing youths in two rows, the maidens with the brass vessels, the Lai bearers, the isaiphu bearers, the chong (umbrella) bearers accompany the pibas (men) holding the two pots.[1][3]


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