Justice Documentary Festival Paris

The Justice Documentary Festival Paris is one of the oldest French judicial festivals which brings together a selection of documentaries on the theme of Justice. It awards a Jury Grand Prize and a Public Grand Prize.[1]

First editions

The Documentary Festival on Justice or Judicial Film Festival of the Paris Bar is a national film festival created in 1997 by President Bernard Vatier.[2] Its head office is in Paris at the Musée du Barreau de Paris. In 2013, the President Christiane Féral-Schuhl titled it “Film and justice”. Film festivals take place every year in the auditorium of the Maison du Barreau.


Année Dates Lieu Président
1997 21-27 mars Paris Bertrand Tavernier
1998 20-24 mars Paris Claude Miller
1999 19-23 mars Paris Pierre Granier-Deferre
2000 6-10 octobre Paris Costa Gavras
2015 26-28 mars Paris Pierre Haski
2017 13-15 septembre Paris Isabelle Giordano

New Edition

Laurel of the festival in edition 2023

In 2023, the new edition of the Paris Bar Judicial Film Festival is called the Justice Documentary Festival. It is organized by the Maison du Barreau de Paris. It puts in competition 11 films on the judicial theme judged by a prestigious jury made up of personalities from the legal world, journalists and intellectuals[3] in order to award 2 prizes including that of the Jury and that of the Public, it takes place from 18 to September 21, 2023 at the auditorium of the Paris Bar.[4] It is considered by the press as "one of the oldest and most prestigious festivals on the theme of justice".[5] Dylan Besseau and Guillaume Gevart were the two youngest directors in the selection,[1] the festival was chaired by Serge Moati.

Jury 2023[1]

Jury 2023

Official Selections[6]


Notes and references

  1. Eric Hancock. The oldest film festival on French Justice was relaunched this year on NewsBreak.com
  2. "Historique du festival". museedubarreaudeparis.com (in French).
  3. "Festival du documentaire sur la Justice". avocatparis.org (in French). Archived from the original on 2023-10-10. Retrieved 2023-10-09.
  4. "Le festival du documentaire sur la Justice". festivaldocumentaire.eventmaker.io (in French).
  5. Jakinboaz. "Le festival du documentaire sur la justice aura lieu du 18 au 21 septembre 2023". JustFocus.fr (in French).
  6. Festival Programmation on avocatparis.org
  7. avocatparis. "Festival du documentaire sur la Justice : un grand succès pour la première édition à la maison du barreau". avocatparis.org (in French).

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