Jean-Alphonse Turrettini

Jean-Alphonse Turrettini (August 1671 – May 1737) was a theologian from the Republic of Geneva. The son of François Turrettini, he was born at Geneva. ... Here he became pastor of the Italian congregation, and in 1697 professor of church history. During the next forty years of his life he enjoyed great influence in Geneva as the advocate of a more liberal theology than had prevailed under the preceding generation, and it was largely through him that the rule obliging ministers to subscribe to the Helvetic Consensus was abolished in 1706, and the Consensus itself renounced in 1725. He also wrote and labored for the promotion of union between the Reformed and Lutheran Churches.

His most important work was Nubes testium pro moderato et pacifico de rebus theologicis judicio, et instituenda inter Protestantes concordia (Geneva, 1729). Besides this he wrote Cogitationes et dissertationes theologicae, on the principles of natural and revealed religion (2 vols., Geneva, 1737; in French, Traité de la vérité de la religion chrétienne) and commentaries on Thessalonians and Romans.[2]) of theology

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