Federal Ministry of the Interior (Germany)
The Ministry of the Interior of Germany is a ministry of the federal government. It is based in a brand new building in the Moabit area of Berlin-Mitte. The BMI has a second office in Bonn. It is not the same as the United States Department of the Interior.
Bundesministerium des Innern | |
![]() | |
Agency overview | |
Formed | 1879 as the "Reich Office of the Interior" |
Jurisdiction | Government of Germany |
Headquarters | Berlin |
Minister responsible |
Website | www.bmi.bund.de |
The ministry handles affairs about security and police, so it is more like the British Home Office.
Each state also has a ministry of the interior.
The Federal Ministry of the Interior is responsible for the security inside Germany, the protection of the constitution, the public service, the organisation of the public administration, the civil defence, information technology and sports. The BMI also buys motor vehicles for the federal government, and has its own motor vehicle registration office.
Health and Safety Standards
The various State laws about health and safety do not apply to the Federal Government. Instead the BMI is the with health and safe authoirty for all federal bodies. It keeps the federal accident reigster.
The European Union sometimes complains that this is wrong. It says that the Federal health and safety authority should be independent.
Agencies under the authority of the BMI
Bundesausgleichsamt (BAA) Federal Equalization of Burdens Office (helping small states which need to spend a lot of money for some jobs)
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge Federal Office of Migration and Refugees (BAMF)
Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung Federal Academy for Public Administration (BAköV)
Beschaffungsamt Procurement (buying)office (BeschA)
Bundesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfD)
Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV)
Bundespolizei Federal Police (BPol) (formerly: Bundesgrenzschutz Federal Border Guard (BGS))
Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung Federal Institute for Population Research (BIB)
Bundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft Federal Institute for Sports Science BISp)
Bundeskriminalamt Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA)
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie Federal Office of Cartography and Geodesy (BKG)
Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung Federal Office for Civic Education (bpb)
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik Federal Office of Information Technology Security (BSI)
Bundesverwaltungsamt Federal Administration Office (BVA)
Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenhilfe Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)
Schutzkommission beim Bundesminister des Innern Security Commission of the Federal Minister of the Interior
Fachhochschule des Bundes für öffentliche Verwaltung Federal College for Public Administration (FH bund)
Koordinierungs- und Beratungsstelle der Bundesregierung für Informationstechnik in der Bundesverwaltung Coordination and Advice Centre for Information Technology in the Federal Government (KBSt)
Statistisches Bundesamt Federal Statistical Office (destatis)
Technisches Hilfswerk Emergency relief organisation (THW)
Unabhängige Kommission zur Überprüfung des Vermögens der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR Independent Commission for Checking the Property of the Parties and Mass Organisations of the DDR (UKPV)|
Vertreter des Bundesinteresses beim Bundesverwaltungsgericht Federal Interests Representative at the Federal Administrative Court (VBI)
Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für Aussiedlerfragen und nationale Minderheiten Federal Ombudsman for Resettled Persons and National Minorities
Bundesanstalt für den Digitalfunk der Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben Federal Agency for Digital Radio of Security Authorities and Organizations(BDBOS.)
Federal Ministers of the Interior
German Home Secretaries | |||||
No | Name | Life data | Term start | Term end | Party |
1 | Gustav Heinemann | 1899-1976 | 20 September 1949 | 11 October 1950 | CDU |
2 | Robert Lehr | 1883-1956 | 11 October 1950 | 20 October 1953 | CDU |
3 | Gerhard Schröder | 1910-1989 | 20 October 1953 | 13 November 1961 | CDU |
4 | Hermann Höcherl | 1912-1989 | 14 November 1961 | 25 October 1965 | CSU |
5 | Paul Lücke | 1914-1976 | 26 October 1965 | 2 April 1968 | CDU |
6 | Ernst Benda | 1925-2009 | 2 April 1968 | 21 October 1969 | CDU |
7 | Hans-Dietrich Genscher | 1927-2016 | 22 October 1969 | 16 May 1974 | FDP |
8 | Werner Maihofer | 1918-2009 | 16 May 1974 | 8 June 1978 | FDP |
9 | Gerhart Baum | 1932- | 8 June 1978 | 17 September 1982 | FDP |
10 | Jürgen Schmude | 1936- | 17 September 1982 | 1 October 1982 | SPD |
11 | Friedrich Zimmermann | 1925-2012 | 4 October 1982 | 21 April 1989 | CSU |
12 | Wolfgang Schäuble | 1942-2023 | 21 April 1989 | 26 November 1991 | CDU |
13 | Rudolf Seiters | 1937- | 26 November 1991 | 7 July 1993 | CDU |
14 | Manfred Kanther | 1939- | 7 July 1993 | 27 October 1998 | CDU |
15 | Otto Schily | 1932- | 27 October 1998 | 22 November 2005 | SPD |
16 | Wolfgang Schäuble | 1942-2023 | 22 November 2005 | 27 October 2009 | CDU |
17 | Thomas de Maizière | 1954- | 28 October 2009 | 3 March 2011 | CDU |
18 | Hans-Peter Friedrich | 1957- | 3 March 2011 | 17 December 2013 | CSU |
19 | Thomas de Maizière | 1954- | 17 December 2013 | 14 March 2018 | CDU |
20 | Horst Seehofer | 1949- | 14 March 2018 | 8 December 2021 | CSU |
21 | Nancy Faeser | 1970- | 8 December 2021 | Present | SPD |