Impractical Jokers

Impractical Jokers is an American hidden-camera reality comedy show which premiered on truTV on December 15, 2011. The show is about four lifelong friends (known as "jokers"): James "Murr" Murray, Brian "Q" Quinn, Sal Vulcano, and Joe Gatto, who compete in a series of hilarious public challenges in (almost) every episode while being secretly filmed with hidden cameras. At the end of most episodes, the joker(s) who lost the most challenges (known as the "Big Loser[s]") have to face an uncomfortable punishment, and if they refuse, they're kicked off the show. Joe left the show in the middle of season 9 to focus on parenting his children after divorcing his wife. Starting with its tenth season, the show is airing on TBS. Impractical Jokers has gotten mostly good reviews from most critics, and has become a popular show.

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