Idle No More

Idle No More is a movement in support of Indigenous rights. It was started in 2012 by 4 women, 3 of whom were First Nations.


Indigenous people in Canada (First Nations, Métis, and Inuit) face a lot of issues. A lot of them feel that the government doesn't care about them.

In the First Nation of Attawapiskat, there are many issues with housing and water. Because of those problems, the Chief of Attawapiskat, Theresa Spence, decided to go on a hunger strike so the government could pay attention to what was going on in her community.


In 2012, the government of Stephen Harper introduced Bill C-45. A lot of people felt that this bill didn't protect the environment, specifically waterways. A lot of the unprotected waterways pass through First Nations lands.


There were a lot of mobs doing traditional dancing in shopping malls during the 2012 Christmas shopping season.

Another form of protest that Idle No More does is blocking railroads.

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